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55905102 No.55905102 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on moving to the Midwest? I’m from northern ca and it looks so cheap there. Thinking about the circle area, any pros and cons? My jobs is transferable and I’d make around 75k anywhere I move

>> No.55905109

Fuck off we’re full

>> No.55905132

Paige Hill lives in the circled area
nesrby bohemian grove
with all her free mason cronies

>> No.55905152

So much for Ohio nice ya jerk. Don’t worry, I’m not liberal and just want land and to be left alone

>> No.55905170

>So much for Ohio nice ya jerk
Ohio isn't circled in your picture you fucking mong

>> No.55905185

My bad I meant Iowa. Also if I don’t circle Iowa imagine I did, I mix up the middle states

>> No.55905915

don't move to the midwest it's full here. move to texas like every other califag and fuck that up first

>> No.55905941

I'm eyeing a move to North or South Dakota. As a real estate investment you're better off avoiding the cities in your circles. Land values in White areas are going to go way up like they did in Idaho, Montana, Wyoming...if you know what I mean.

>> No.55905951

If you're a stuck up asshole like most californians I've met, then fuck off.

>> No.55905952
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75k is not a lot, it's 350k+ for a house in a good area that isn't 50+ years old and not 10 feet from your neighbors.

The weather sucks from November-April. It's not so much the cold, but the continuous gray skies, flat land with nothing to look at, and non-stop road construction. I was without power for 3 days in the winter because of an ice storm. It's fun for the first snowfall that doesn't stick in November. December is even comfy when you have a white Christmas. But it's the January-April stretch of winter that fucking sucks.

The best thing about the Midwest other than not being surrounded by goblins everywhere are the lakes. Get a lakefront home if you move here. Although good luck with that - the good lakes are well over a million and homes tend to never hit the market.

Also, don't do the corn belt. Northern Minnesota, Wisconsin, or Michigan is the way to go. Just have to do your research. The only people here are Gen X raising kids so if you're under the age of 45 I'd recommend moving elsewhere.

>> No.55905981
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Land in Iowa will never be desired by anyone other than farmers.

>> No.55906009

I'm in Milwaukee, its still cheap compared to most places. There are plenty ritzy suburbs to raise a family. City has most of what major cities have and you're only an hour or so way to Chicago. Most of what I said goes for most of the northern midwestern cities to varying degrees.

The winters are rough if you're not used to the cold but the summers are super pleasant. Take the savings and vacation somewhere warm in the winter.

You see people say move to North Dakota or other super rural areas. If you are fine with that than cool but the great lakes region has lots of cheap over built cities that are just starting to rebound after bottoming out 50 years ago.

>> No.55906065

so you've identified your target market. or do you think farmland won't be valuable in the near term?

>> No.55906961

My wife is from Illinois, she said the northern areas are too cold for her. We have over 100k saved so we were shooting for a 250-350k place with 20 percent down. She isn’t guaranteed a job like I am. But once settled she should be able to find something for at least 40-60k. I mainly want to live in trees/ forest area with 5 plus acres. Don’t care too much about the house, in ca we are living in a shoe box for 2k plus.

Also some things I feel like I’m severely underestimating is the weather and racism. Im a mutt, half Mexican half white while she is full white. Will that be an issue? Im third generation and don’t speak Spanish but still I am brown skinned. Weather wise 20-30 degrees is freezing to me. I feel like cold weather isn’t a problem but I’ve never had to actually deal with it.

My plan is work in city with population 20k plus and live on farm 30-40 minutes away. I really don’t care where, I’m tired of being no home in cali. If possible I would also like to shoot my guns without someone actually caring.

>> No.55907002

The winter does indeed suck and it doesn't help that there's nothing to do here during winter. Skiing here is a meme because there's no mountains and the places there are charge the same prices as in the alps...and ice fishing is fun a few times when it's not bitter cold only. Unfortunately the cost of living is deceptive in some ways - you can get a house for $200k but all you'll be near is a rundown soulless small city. It's like $450k for a house where I live to be near white people and good schools and even then this area has nothing to do. I'd like to move to New Hampshire or somewhere else with good nature and less ugly suburban sprawl.

>> No.55907014

I really doubt anyone here would care if you're Mexican of any %. Midwesterners generally have the "immigration is good but they gotta come legally" mentality. As long as you're not black you'll fit in.

>> No.55907188


Not true, the midwest is racist as fuck. But they're very polite about it. You will only be welcomed so far. Especially as a californian, you will be seen as cancer. The brown skin does make it worse. Good luck, but maybe stay in cali tho

>> No.55907204

>ohio nice
When the fuck other cultureless midwestern states start groping our shit? I'm hearing Wisconsin Nice, Canadian Nice, Dakotan Nice, and now fucking Ohio nice?
You cunts aren't nice, you're all a bunch of testy sour assholes. Fuck off

>> No.55907392

It’s kind of funny that being from ca is the worse of the two. Maybe I’ll just say I’m from Nevada or something.

>> No.55908439

Try Gary, Indiana. Sounds like everything you're looking for

>> No.55908478

Reddit tier

>> No.55908774

your circle is so very near one of the most underrated places in this country and I would know because I live there but sorry, we're full

>> No.55909077
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Midwesterners want nothing to do with diversity, and it's been this way for a century.

>> No.55909885


Land in Iowa is pretty expensive. Land surrounding Des Moines has been bid up and land to the north is very good for farming so it's high as well ($10K+ an acre). if you go southern Iowa approaching Missouri you can find cheaper land, it's rockier (though you can still grow) but their is really only small towns down their. There is cheap land in northern Missouri but again, it's not the greatest farm land and you won't be near major cities.

I'm actually hoping to pick up some land if my bags moon but I'll inherit some land once my pop passes in the next 10-15 years.

t. Iowan

>> No.55911934
File: 465 KB, 940x481, land price per acre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's farmland. It's not worth anywhere near as much as land near jobs and amenities.

>> No.55911960

stay in california, juan

>> No.55913500

Don't live in some bumfuck rural town. Live near a mid size city and you'll be fine. Our rural towns are dying and full of townies who've never seen anything else. You'll experience racism everywhere but hispanic people who aren't poor or fresh off the boat do well here.

>> No.55913512

seethe brown savage

>> No.55913547

also you have buy high sell low mindset

the boomers dying in our rural towns is a great opportunity

>> No.55913563

people mind their own business here, if you're brown and not obnoxious and stay on your land and don't fuck everything up, then nobody fucking cares

>> No.55913611

Ex northern Cali fag moved to Houston at the end of the day you’re. Trading one thing for another they give Californians a lot of shit but every other state is just as fuckin stupid and more ugly than cakifornia

>> No.55913620

not even close you faggot

>> No.55913653

Sounds like an idea, but shame theyr'e full.

>> No.55913746

>the boomers dying in our rural towns is a great opportunity
Good thinking, this would be doubly beneficial for someone in the trades or with needed skills like doctors. They aren't tethered to as many corporate or bureaucratic networks and can even escape from many of them. You might be more employable and needed in a smaller town where you can also live for cheaper. Just don't be a shithead to the locals.

One big problem I see is the huge number of immigrants colonizing these small towns, they could very well become barrios within a decade. Not many opportunities to get out either if your wealth is tied up in your house. People are in denial about how important this issue in particular is and no one wants to fix it except Trump.

>> No.55913910


I'm white bread af just like everyone else born here.

Also the reason the rural towns are dying is because there aren't jobs. Local small farmers are a dying breed, they either got bought out or joined in on the large scale operations and use migrant labor to run it. All the local shops are being pushed out by Dollar Generals. Maybe remote work will help revitalize some of the towns but without jobs, the kids move away and all you're left with are their parents who live on disability or what few jobs are left.

There are handfuls of small towns that are still thriving but they aren't much less expensive than living near a city and they're usually tourist traps or are one plant closure away from being wiped like the rest of them.

If you can find a job or work remote or find any other way to pay bills then go for it, these towns need new people coming in. Was thinking of moving to central Illinois myself before I bought near Milwaukee.

>> No.55913926

From Humboldt? Eureka is absolutely aids and I don't blame you.

>> No.55914054

the dollar is collapsing and you're worrying about jobs

worker drone npc mindset, survival and life in general is the best in those sparsely populated areas

>> No.55914065

Northern Missouri would be a good choice although better off southern closer to Arkansas, it gets ways colder north.

>> No.55914085
File: 260 KB, 1200x800, 63eb9d6018b45.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lake of the Ozarks dam is pretty fun.
Reminds me of the 50s

>> No.55914089

We're absolutely full and closed to all Californians
Every time I see a CA plate I tell them to go back where they came from
I'm only 24 but every Californian who has moved here has this fucking fake ass attitude I could punch them in the teeth it's so cringe and obvious
Such a passive pussy people literally all of them

>> No.55914749


Lol Milwaukee is a shithole dude don't kid yourself. It was barely tolerable 5 years ago and way worse now.

>> No.55915444

>subjected to the biggest swings in weather including tornados
>nothin to do
>everyone is retarded
sure go out there if you never plan to leave your house. for the rest of us we have bigger fish to fry

>> No.55915449

It's horrible leave us alone fuck off we're full. We have niggers and such you'd hate it.

>> No.55915698

You can live good here on 75k (good as in rent out a nice apartment in a happening area , have active social life, save a significant amount, etc). As others have said it’s not enough for home ownership unless you live in truly desolate dog shit areas like Decatur

But Madison, Ann Arbor, Grand Rapids, Iowa City, hell even Cincinnati are all pretty fucking clutch places to live