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55899045 No.55899045 [Reply] [Original]

Almost two decades later and most western countries are poorer now than in 2008, why?

>> No.55899055

jewish nonsense. roof over your head, food in your stomach, clean water and electricity, women to fuck, no blacks. that's all that matters.

>> No.55899069

The only things Bulgarians make are scams.

>> No.55899073

>Goyim Diversity Points
no thank you

>> No.55899075

Wtf happened in Turkey?

>> No.55899079

Only Europe failed to recover, America's GDP in the meantime overtook the entire continent's despite being significantly smaller than the EU's economy alone when the crisis began.
>But America problems!
Yup, and Europe problems too. Deal with it.

>> No.55899086

american standard of living has declined relative to the early/mid 2000s, yet GDP is up. really makes you think.

>> No.55899093

america imported 10s of millions of spics and printed trillions of dollars you dumb jew kike spic

>> No.55899101


>All eastern european nations going tits up
>Western countries invest billions in them so we don't end up like ohio

How could Europe fail so miserably?
Oh no the horror of human comradery.

>> No.55899104

Americans have the money printing so they print their GDP
Europeans can't print their GDP

>> No.55899109

>But America problems!
Already addressed that lmao, it's like you fags didn't even read my post. America has problems that I'd never deny and you're directly addressing those same problems I openly admit to America having, American GDP per Capita is up and overall GDP is up though, which is what OP is directly referring to. This literally isn't an argument.

>> No.55899171
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Didn't immigration fix western economies yet?
Guess they need more immigration.

>> No.55899178

>America no longer exists but muh GDP goyim!!!!!!!!

>> No.55899202
File: 64 KB, 960x720, Guards, this woman has lost her composure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP asks question about GDP
>Address OP's question about GDP
>You get mad at me for talking about GDP
Yeah America's getting fucked in the ass six ways to Sunday, it's irrelevant to OP's question and the topic of the thread. I'm terribly sorry this upsets you, maybe twitter or reddit would be more your speed.

>> No.55899314

>the horror of human comradery.
5 IQ take. Comradery. Lol. I'm surprised you can read.

>> No.55899324

they're not unemployed they're working the shadow economy

>> No.55899486
File: 33 KB, 600x602, fucken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I wonder why

>> No.55899513

Wild how closer to the equator you get the worse the effects. Really makes me think.

>> No.55899525

B.b.b.b.b....... the brain surgeons and space ship engineers!?

>> No.55899526

Babysitting niggers is the downfall of a society.

>> No.55899559
File: 84 KB, 400x294, c2f00f5e-5201-487d-a84b-50b14152dc3e_text.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're not unemployed they're working the shadow economy
Ah, the tax free economy. Of course of course.

>> No.55899611


Impressive … very nice. Now if only they said no to niggerboats and pushed hard for high native fertility.

>> No.55899894

Ireland's economy is boosted by tech companies moving their headquarters there.
It has nothing to do with being neo nazi

>> No.55899975


>> No.55899993

Another graph showing white countries absolutely MOGGING nonwhite countries.

>> No.55900003

>graph about dollar exchange rate

lmao even

>> No.55900333

>Thread about european problems
>europeans pretend the problem doesn't exist and proceed to seethe about americans (regardless if they're mentioned or not) for absolutely no reason
every fucking time.
Forgive me for not knowing the historical background behind this (t. australian) but why do europeans have this massive inferiority complex and obesession with americans?

>> No.55900440

no they're not. maybe 5% of them are drug dealers if you wanna count that as a "job"
the rest are just freeloading faggots

>> No.55900479

Loyalty to the globohomo is ingrained at a very early age in here. Most schoolteachers are reinforcing the idea how anything to do with self sufficiency is bad.
>You'll own nothing and be happy
Basically this. While at the same time constantly seething at people who own things.
That, coupled with the constant climate doomsday propaganda, has made out America to be practically the enemy (even though most technology they use on a daily basis originated in the US).

t. German

>> No.55900560

>even though most technology they use on a daily basis originated in the US
They "borrowed" some significant bits from North Europe around the 40s and 50s; e.g. large scale press forging, the space program, nuclear processes.

>> No.55900615

Sure they did but so what
It's not like this knowledge was forever perished or somehow inaccessible because now Americans use it.
And we killed our own nuclear program btw