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55868260 No.55868260 [Reply] [Original]

How do confident idiots like pic related become presidents?

>> No.55868280

imagine your country economy getting rekt overnight because Elon sold his coins

>> No.55868282

The CIA plants them dumbass.

>> No.55868284

Connections? You see his dad?

>> No.55868285

Being a populist and having a plan to curb crime
Also >>>/pol/

>> No.55868292

Are you aware of the average IQ of an El Salvador citizen?

>> No.55868301

He is doing the opposite of Mexico, which is ACKing criminals. Also, his country investment is barely 1% of their funds

>> No.55868319


his country is literally getting paid to use bitcoin bro

>> No.55868332

Salvador is THE shithole of Latin America, land of the Celsius Room temp IQ turdlets

Sincerely, T. WFH Mexibro

>> No.55868428

Google El Salvador homicide rate
He is a good president, or at least what the country needed

>> No.55868464

Your brother's never getting out of megaprison, Eduardo

>> No.55868576

>How do confident idiots
that's how.

also the guy is not an idiot and has balls of steel. he decided to face the most dangerous gangs on the planet and actually won. guy is a fucking legend and the crypto adoption make central banks seethe.
>you will use my green monopoly money
>noooooo you can't use made up internet money!!!

>> No.55868618

There's nothing wrong with this guy. Benevolent dictator a la Tito.

>> No.55868640

cleaned up his country in record time
any western country would be immediately improved if the brown animals were rounded up the exact same way.

he won.

>> No.55868646

He stopped bringing up Bitcoin a while ago. I think he knows he fucked up with that. He also thinks he can just turn his country into Dubai which is retarded. El Salvador should be on its kneecaps begging the us to bring manufacturing. He will realize this and come around.

>> No.55868667

talking about bitcoin as a core component of your country is retarded because most people don't care and don't have the iq to think on the timescales necessary. he just got caught up in the hype, but so did blackrock.

>> No.55868745

If Bitcoin kept going up there'd be no problem ff the thing is this is garbage and he shouldn't even have taken that gamble.

>> No.55868886

long term it isn't a gamble, he bet 2%, that's like you putting 1k in bitcoin.

>> No.55869189

cope chud, el presidente is a G. thats my president, LOCK UP ALL GANG BANGERS NOW!

>> No.55869221

>Salvador is THE shithole of Latin America,
its turning around tho. literally plummeting crime rate, went from the highest murder rate in the world, to one of the lowest. its almost unheard of how succesfull his anti-gang push has been

>> No.55869249
File: 6 KB, 116x180, PFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A familiar resemblance

>> No.55869272

Violence works.
We should kill killers.
Fuck gay anime tropes "If you do that you become like them!" bullshit.
Murder every single murderer. Kill all killers. Kill all gang members. Fucking scum pieces of shit. Kill anyone who ever did business with them too. Return the world to the righteous.
Verification not required.

>> No.55869293

I have some other categories for your list.

>> No.55870684

if country is so based, then why are people fleeing the country? Homecides have "dropped", But people gone "missing" have gone up.

There is still poor education and opportunity for natives - hard for them to invest in themselves.
but at least they got a few carnival rides and surf beaches and a potential volcanic powerplant.

I just see foreigners raiding the country and taking advantage of the natives. Similar to Cuba under Fulgencio Batista regime.

I'm not saying all is bad, I just hate when people dick ride this guy.

>> No.55870685
File: 189 KB, 1200x839, elsalvador_bukele2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigga served his people well. Was a great small town mayor first...who actually DID SHIT for his citizens.

Not a difficult concept:
1) Have great ideas to support people
2) Plan
3) Implement


>> No.55870711
File: 86 KB, 1240x979, elsalvador homicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard not to ride when you see pic rel.
Every fucking city in the US and country in Latin America should be studying this shit. I am.

>> No.55870749
File: 939 KB, 2000x1333, superjail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even an idiot can take all the criminal gangs and lock them up if he ignores human rights

Just do that and most people will be happy

>> No.55870759

As they should. Those gang members are not human.

>> No.55870770

he started to play it straight and cut his hair, working out almost every day

>> No.55870861

he's only put like less than 5% of his countries budget into bitcoins you dummies
they'll be fine as fine as spics can be

>> No.55870995

>lock them up
why should we spend money on them at all? Just execute and be done with it.

>> No.55871090

>dangerous gangs
Legitimately couldn’t tell if you were talking about the drug lords / traffickers or the CIA / the fed

>> No.55871133

nah he's based.
he did what had to be done.
great example as to why shitholes need an authoritarian leader to be able to develop.

>> No.55871521

99% of the time, it is just appearance. You never actually have to be competent at anything, just look presentable.

>> No.55872516

If we go by the graoh then it was alresyd considerablyly going downward before he came in

>> No.55872523

It's a shithole, 3rd world country that anyone with half a brain could rule. If there were ever a single white male in that country, he would automatically become president.

>> No.55873154
File: 60 KB, 509x720, 1652166344756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you faggots would get turned into stew by ms13, stfu and stay in your suburbs.

>> No.55875201

Their crime rate is now lower than yours Sanchez. Time to up your game

>> No.55875330

>How do confident idiots like pic related become presidents?
this thread demonstrates the absolute fogbrained discourse level on biz, amplified by people having strong opinions on things they know nothing about. I'm making a thread on /int/ to see if it's any more insightful

>> No.55875372

In 2025 when BTC creates a new ATH, he will be seen as the greatest world leader and my NXRA, RIO, and GLMR bags would have made me rich

>> No.55875465

Its really nice of the gang members to identify themselves with all those stupid ass tattoos. Probably made rounding them up so much easier.

>> No.55875485

Pretty sure the CIA is the drug trafficker at this point, working with Mexican gangs.

>> No.55875720

I'm just buying NXRA so WAGMI

>> No.55875721

this. gang affiliated tattoo should be death sentence on the spot no questions asked.

>> No.55875829


>> No.55877880

update: nevermind they're droolers over there too