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File: 99 KB, 634x633, pimp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55867500 No.55867500 [Reply] [Original]

>more incels globally than ever
>number of single men on the rise
>girls only fuck chads
>young girls sell their bodies on OF instead real life, finding decent escorts is getting harder.
>shy incels dont mind fucking a static doll, whereas they might get shy fucking a real hooker.

Tell me a single reason why I should not start a sex doll brothel.

Imagine it
>discreet reservation system
>private room
>pick exactly the type of girl you like - ranging from tiny asians to fat fucks
>in the range of 50-80euro/hour
>offer delivery to your home (for multiple hours/days)
>sex doll rental (for parties, etc.)

The thing is I see a big opportunity here. I can start small (rent out some small commercial space with 2-3 dolls and grow from there).

I know exactly how to do marketing with this. I see a massive potential.

Or am I not seeing something ?

Tell me your thoughts.

>> No.55867939

You can find a couple of businesses like that by googling. Check if there are already some in your area.
Also you'll find an older article about Portuguese prostitutes complaining about competition to the police and the business running away because of that.

>> No.55868020

Yeah I have done a bit of research, there seems to be only 1 of these in my country, but have seen some of these businesses in other countries.

>Portuguese prostitutes complaining about competition
Realistically, what are the chances I get rekt by some of the local pimps/brothel competitors ?

>> No.55868163

how tf do people even clean these dolls, its fucking filthy and horrific to think about

>> No.55868212

>cleaning sex dolls in between use
the humiliation

>> No.55868278

Ooooooh waaaaagiieeeee

>> No.55868358

I’d rather be a janitor at McDonald’s than work as a sex doll cleaner. Sounds like OP would enjoy it though. I never could understand how people “clean” their dolls properly. I’d never be able to cum inside because of the work. Self cleaning please

>> No.55868516

I wonder if you can get STDs from used dolls.

>> No.55868952

Sex doll cleaners make a lot of money you know.

>> No.55869044

this is the perfect task to soulcrush the wagie.
make sure you hire someone with some bullshit studies like gender related stuff.
tell you customers that scat is allowed, this way you can achieve extra humiliation of the wagie.

>> No.55869115

You bet. Don't share sex toys. That being said, you can sanitize a lump of silicone in a much more thorough way than a real woman.

>> No.55869141

How do you sanitize a real life woman?

>> No.55869223

legit sex dollas have removable vagines. can also make it much like a brothel by insisting that patrons wear condoms, because although the ladies are tested one cannot guarantee safety

>> No.55869257

What is more likely, VR/AR simulation or realistic Sex Doll robots?

Nobody wants to fuck stationary ones btw. We want shit that mimics the hottest women irl but without the trash personality or having to jump through hoops.

>> No.55869269

The dolls break down and you need to keep replacing them which is pretty costly.

>> No.55869280
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Oddly I think you could monetize this part of it too. There's totally gonna be incels with fucked up kinks who will pay to wash out the vagine that five other guys before him have been pumping their love juice into

>> No.55869290

Dumb business Idea.

It's cheaper for a person to just buy on with their own money, discreetly.

You would have to do market research to see if you would even have a strong customer base.

>more incels globally than ever

Okay how many? How many are Incel NEETs?

>number of single men on the rise

So what, Many single men still fuck women? You need to know the amount of Incels with money and not some fag guess.

>>shy incels dont mind fucking a static doll, whereas they might get shy fucking a real hooker.

You expect them to give you money even when they are shy?

>The thing is I see a big opportunity here.

Maybe for the bank that will take your shit when you don't make any money.

>> No.55869297
File: 442 KB, 910x2720, TIMESAND___X_sticky_basement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's obviously Helene's thumbnail

>> No.55869315
File: 1.69 MB, 1391x1138, TIMESAND___Helen+is+evil9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55869323

>fucking rubber with rubber on
Who would pay for this? Anyone interested would just buy a fleshlight, OP is retarded.
Yes, there’s a name for them specifically, homosexuals. The only “patrons” of this place would be actual fags who want to fuck other men’s cum. It’ll turn into a gay sex club.

>> No.55869343

> gay sex club
if only you were that lucky. don't you like money or do you thrive in being a failure?

>> No.55869447

Hookers are relatively inexpensive. Just start a regular brothel

>> No.55869624

Through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

>> No.55869812

Antibiotics and anti-fungals. There are oral drugs, creams and suppositories.
Not much can be done about stuff like herpes. You catch it and you have it for life, best thing you can do is hope the breakouts are rare and brief.

>> No.55870440

How well do you think realReal dolls clean themselves?

>> No.55870459

>Self cleaning please
how hard could that be? in theory you just need a port, soapy water and a pump (external is fine)

>> No.55871815

VR/AR for poors, sexbots for middle class and rich.

>> No.55871991
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They can tear somewhat easily, you need to know how to fix them and they do have a limited lifespan.

>>offer delivery to your home (for multiple hours/days)
A lot heavier and harder to move than people realize.

>Or am I not seeing something ?
You need to know how to do makeup for it (yes really)
Also hair / wig care.

>legit sex dollas have removable vagines.
Some have removable, some have fixed in place / fused. On quite a few models I think you can chose between.
However the bigger thing might be mouth / anal. Not sure about those.

Basically a water wand hooked up to a faucet, insert wand to end of cavity with water on, move in and out. Insert towel / moisture soaking rod, follow up with some sort of anti-fungal / anti biotic.

>> No.55872710

>Or am I not seeing something ?
cleaning incel cum for a living?

>> No.55872731

Imagine catching fucking AIDs not even from a hooker but from a sex doll. That's like hitting rock bottom and then drilling down.

>> No.55872767
File: 1.32 MB, 640x480, Silver hair beauty 158cm C cup TPE sex doll.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're about to find out the hard way that the reason a ton of sex stuff that men like is illegal, not because it hurts people, but because women hate you and the law cares what they want.

>> No.55872781


>cleaning incel cum for a living?
I will compensate the employees properly, it is a truly shit job and am aware of it.

>> No.55872801

>Nobody wants to fuck stationary ones btw

currently the realistic ones only seem to be static. Have seen some robotic ones, but they look creepy and their movements are weird af.

VR might be an option. Have seen some BJ machines which is basically a fleshlight moving up/down while you wear a headset. Might be worth a try.

>> No.55872940

>in the range of 50-80euro/hour
Last week i fucked a whore and she swallowed my nutt for the equivalent of 30 euros.
If some faggot is not willing to go fuck a hooker because hes shy, like the hooker will even care, he will also not go to fuck a doll. Instead he will buy a doll and fuck it in his home.

>> No.55873111

Is there truly a market for this? I'm pretty degenerate myself (or used to be) and I would never do anything with a public sex toy. Some hookers charge 50 orso.

So then you would have to be super cheap or something? But that would mean even messier dolls.

>> No.55873212
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>> No.55873224

Why buy an expensive doll when you can just have a hole in the wall that heads straight to your asshole?

>> No.55873237

What >>55869280
What is this fetish

>> No.55873238

>>>55867500 (OP)
Damn boy 30 euros, where are you?

>> No.55873313
File: 896 KB, 1512x2016, 1689783231176296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget the unpleasant task of deep cleaning the dolls between bookings

>> No.55873343

Why wouldnt you just buy a sexdoll vs go to a sexdoll brothel? Paying $1.5k for a doll vs $100 for an hour seems much more appealing.

I would be much more interested in producing sex-dolls. Basically most sexdolls are now done out of China which suck at doing western faces. And the Western producers (Realdoll) only produce dolls that look like 25 y/o+ for fear of producing "cp" like dolls. There is a proper untapped market for doing hot prime aged female sex dolls that look Western, or maybe even with the possibility to customize their face/body according to picture.

>> No.55873348

>Last week i fucked a whore and she swallowed my nutt for the equivalent of 30 euros.
For research purposes, which country is that?

>> No.55873518

>inb4 gipsy
You can find anything for your taste and the prices range between 30 and 50 euros.
We also have a forum specifically made to review whores. Whores also post there what their offering.

>> No.55873561
File: 39 KB, 500x332, avGDYxZ_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what am I looking at

>> No.55873590

Why not just go the Andrew Tate route and seduce women then convince them to be your camwhores? You know in Europe you can fuck a regular hooker for less than 80 Euros an hour right? And most guys don't fuck that long. Most guys need 15 min or less

>> No.55875927
File: 61 KB, 800x539, bhm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have monthly themed doll discounts;
Feb- Black Chicks
Oct- Scary chicks
Nov- Pilgrim chicks
Dec-Christian/Jewish chicks, etc

>> No.55876093

It is simply not profitable. Do you really believe that you're the first person to think of the idea?

Sex dolls require far more care and maintenance than you might think. This is especially true if you are whoring them out to paying customers. You will also need to invest in expensive, high end dolls to even have a chance of attracting people. Unfortunately, these dolls are also the most fragile. They can and will break if you twist something incorrectly or if they fall onto the floor. It's very easy for something like this to occur because they often weigh up to and over 110lbs. Most are not even designed for fucking, rather as glorified dress up doll companions or photography subjects. So a customer fucks one of your brand new $5000 dolls a bit too hard and tears its vagina. Now it's virtually worthless to other customers even after repair because it looks ugly and will never be 100% effective. What did you get for that? 80 euro? Now you can try to sell the used, damaged doll on the secondary market but you would be very lucky to get a lowball offer for even 25% of the purchase price.