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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55857667 No.55857667 [Reply] [Original]

It's about to happen..

>> No.55857690

What does it mean?

>> No.55857703

what is that wallet?

>> No.55857709

it means shit is about to get real for once

>> No.55857720

Lmao you don't even know it means

>> No.55857735

Learn english

>> No.55857763

Fucking kek you genuinely don't know?

>> No.55857792

No, I just felt like posting a precise transaction between two wallets

>> No.55857814

Meh...the AVI pump completely fizzled.

>> No.55857837

Bitcoin started rugging just when it started pumping

>> No.55857859

Sounds like the perfect time to DCA then.

>> No.55857875

Yes. We can tell. But you clearly don't know what it means. Most likely it got posted in the telegram, someone said "THIS IS BULLISH!" and you posted it without any independent thought.

>> No.55858866

Since OP is a dumbass it just confirms that AVI received funding form the shibaswap treasury. The tx is also from 2022 so this has been in the works for a long time. Full conspiracy mode I would say that there may be plans, to slowly let shib bleed out and migrate over to avi when avi is more established, apparently there are more ex shib team members that are waiting to reveal themselves as part of the avi team. But this full skizo mode though so take it with a huge bag of salt.

>> No.55858998

Dbi bag holding fingers typed this.

>> No.55859623
File: 1.08 MB, 828x1792, D9D1A069-86DC-453E-AB06-224C64A9C803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m going to enlighten you since you can’t do a little research on your own. I don’t care if you call me a jeet or a bot or whatever, and I’m sorry if this thread gets nuked because of this and not that many see it. The AVI devs are ex shib team members and one or more are OG shib devs, see picrel. Stixil, Kraken, and UB are in the aviator TG and have been active. There may be more ex shib employees involved as well which has been hinted. I know it doesn’t give you the whole picture but literally stop being a lazy fuck and just google “shiba Inu kraken Stixil UB” or a combination of. At some point they left shib to start Aviator because shytoshi was being a dick. This token will be the next shib, and you are being spoon fed everything yet you’d rather fud this solid team and invest in something like toad which is an actual jeet scam. Have you noticed the scambarium tokens that paid to get their logo on a screen at the Toronto convention are all jeet scams? Scambarium is one big fud and isn’t even ran by most of the OG team. Once word truly gets out and people can easily google all of this, and when real marketing kicks off you’ll be sorry you didn’t buy in. Do with the info what you will.

>> No.55859640

OP of the shill at 300k, 600k, and 900k AVI mcap here.

This anon has figured it out. Anyone buying anything related to shibarium and shytoshi is fucked.

>> No.55859722

>we're the real shitskins that copy and pasted the erc 20 contract, made an angry dog logo, and named it shiba inu!
>NO WE ARE!!!!!!!!
please don't compare dbi to either of these shitbags, at least dbi is trying to do something new

>> No.55859763

Do you think part of the Shibarium fiasco that happened today is due to them having internal issues as well as losing the devs that went to AVI? The tokenomics and distribution of value coupled with setup of the utility wallets of AVI seem really well thought out and professional. They really have built something else here, it could go nuclear any day now.

>> No.55859779

>professional team members get kicked because they figured our shytoshi's grift
>AVI having professional tokenomics and structure

My brother in christ, this is not a smoke and mirrors crypto cryptic answer.

>> No.55859800

Yes sir! Unreal why people can’t do a simple google search. It makes more sense to me as they didn’t leave shib that long ago. I have been it IT project where lead devs split and leave the project in shambles. Why wouldn’t shy want to listen to the people actually building the product. At this point don’t even tell people to buy, just DYOR.

>> No.55859814

I have been on Biz since 2015 and I am trying my damnedest to help the anons here. Someone shilled me XMR incessantly here and I will be forever grateful. Just trying to pass it forward.

>> No.55859847

Same here man, haven’t really chatted in biz that much until recently when I saw your post and did some d&d and got me into AVI well over a week ago. I myself want it to go back to people helping eachother instead of all the back and forth. I had a feeling toad was going to pump but the 10x surprised me, it’s too bad it was based on false pretenses and I was trying to get people out before it crashed. Problem is every post gets buried by all the nonsense here.

>> No.55859884

Biz used to be chock full of information on potential financial gain, but now it's just who can rug who the quickest.

>> No.55859914
File: 127 KB, 1200x1200, ExShibDevSer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Og this Og that. Every Shib team, ex-Shib team, this or that, or whatnot is a pump and dump SCAM.

EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. And you nigger jeets are even more conspicuous than Toad niggers, if you ESL niggers even know what the word conspicuous means.

>> No.55859923

Yeah, Kaal ain't on this team. Cool pepe though, I'm keeping this one.

>> No.55859929

this trash can't hold 2 million market cap, fml last time i buy from /biz/

>> No.55859964

Is suspicious how every one of these avi threads has the same posts
>guys, is it true the devs are og shib?
Some variation of that.
Sounds like they’re reading from script, desu

>> No.55859971
File: 91 KB, 1024x1242, 1689582795344176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Escape the Shiba Inu plantation and Shiba Inu dev farmers who don't let anyone make money but themselves. The coin that lived is going to at least 1B

>> No.55859979

I think it will take off immediately if the arcade has half decent games since the bar is set so low. How good is the team at making games? That's literally the only obstacle. Even bank reports have web3 games on their radar, the ceiling is enormous

>> No.55859982

Ok, now show me on the doll where the toad hurt you.

>> No.55860030
File: 447 KB, 629x454, pajeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh yes sirs only chads buy my bags
Fuckin Mumbai: The Thread up in here

>> No.55860062

It’s suspicious how you are all spamming the AVI threads, and to gain what? All you do is say it is a “jeet scam”. All you have to do is 2 minutes of research to find that it is not in fact a jeet scam. Even if this coin was a pure meme shitcoin it would still hold water because of the team behind it.

>> No.55860071

>the team behind it
There’s that script again