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File: 271 KB, 1221x931, IQ tiers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55851086 No.55851086 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw introvert hell
What cryptos are more suited for each tier?

and other retarded shitcoins.
A new token still not on the market that will 200x in 2025.

>> No.55851103

>A new token still not on the market that will 200x in 2025.
What about a token on the market that will 200x in 2024?

>> No.55851120


>> No.55851222

>another let’s shit on link thread
you love to see it

>> No.55851373

>suffering is based on perception
nah doesn't work that way L image

>> No.55851682

On what else, if not perception? For the toddler, the fallen ice cream is the end of the world.

>> No.55851743

look at that fucking meme
whoever made it, kys

>> No.55851770

Retard or normie, fren?

>> No.55851787
File: 157 KB, 491x454, fgh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not based on anything, suffering is just a part of being alive

>> No.55851827

Alright but its intensity can increase or decrease.

>> No.55851999

yeah but the things people suffer from aren't a matter of perspective, you aren't somehow immune from suffering by being dumb

>> No.55852101

I personally know a guy who works a soul crushing 9-5 where he has to perform monotone tasks all day and gets constantly mocked by customers and coworkers, all for a miserable wage. He has never had a gf, probably never will, lives with his parents at 46 and will never live alone. But he has down syndrome, an IQ of about 55, so he doesn't even notice any of that. He's constantly happy and smiling, and a single cookie is enough to make him positively overjoyed.

Would you be as happy as him, in his position?

>> No.55852741

Take the Goatis pill
Invest in his Telegram videos you can evcen pay him with crypto including xmr

>> No.55852967

>retard and smug are the ones making gains
Sounds about right

>> No.55853029
File: 10 KB, 300x168, spongebored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xlm has nothing to offer anyone and will fail.
XRP has nothing to offer anyone and will fail.
HBAR has nothing to offer anyone and will fail.
Avax is losing to Poly, OP and the Base hype.
The only tokens that matter are tokens with an actual fucking function. ETH, BTC, USDC, USDT, MATIC, OP, ARBITRUM, USDbC, DAI and their wrapped counterparts that keep Defi churning.
It does nothing? Another L1? Then it's unnecessary.

>> No.55853736

based asf

>> No.55854517
File: 90 KB, 1200x630, Ted K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This meme is frustrating. We need more autistic geniuses who actually give a damn. Please save us. The elites can't silence or arrest all of you.

>> No.55854902
File: 24 KB, 259x262, IMG_3958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s it, going to ask for ECT or a Lobotomy. 136 IQ is Hell and I want out. Fucking nuke me back down to just smart enough to read and write.

>> No.55855044

This is why I drink and smoke. I wish I was a retarded nigger so I could be happy with average achievements. I'm also a hbaggie since the last bull. End me

>> No.55855209

this is false the autist hyperboreans literally end up in asylums or killing themselves

>> No.55855242

> A new token still not on the market that will 200x in 2025.
So, Taiko?

>> No.55855868
File: 140 KB, 1201x648, Xrabbit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.55855919
File: 61 KB, 907x1360, 51P3NlbkUZL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or their obsession(s) becomes their asylum (both definitions being possible).

>> No.55856150
File: 1.52 MB, 1276x790, 0219742955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard, normie and smug are spot on. Introver tier should be more like
Since LINK and Fantom are literal vaporware at this point. At least my opinion, of course.
Both Kaspa and XRP were top tier autism in my eyes and those who invested won the game in my eyes.

>> No.55856183

Being autistic isn't a superpower nor does it magically give you "corporate insight" that will multiply your wealth just because you invested in crypto. If anything, you're actively putting yourself at a major disadvantage compared to normies when it comes to opportunities because guess what. Turns out that having social skills is excruciatingly vital for survival.

>> No.55856184

>Tfw INTP 4000+ Avax maxi
Between yesterday and today i bought another €1k worth but i am suffering. It fucking hurts so much being smart in a dumb as fuck world. It should be a top 3 coin FFS

>> No.55856189

you're absolutely obsessed and seeing fudders everywhere because that's not what op even attempted to imply here

>> No.55856196

savants are an extremely tiny minority and the idea that all autists are magically super smart savants that "laser focus" on things must end.

>t. autist.

>> No.55856226
File: 115 KB, 647x646, 1651779386630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based KDAbro

>> No.55856239
File: 131 KB, 897x723, 1671224649769140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaspa and XPR were extreme strokes of luck... XRP for example could have been wiped off the face of this Earth if the United States didn't bend the knee.

>> No.55856247

Pretty much what I'm telling you. Being autistic means you have to specifically train yourself so you can fit in within normalfag society without standing out negatively. It honestly sucks ass because normalfags aren't particularly interesting to talk to since all they care is the latest drama/gossip/retarded trivia I have zero interest in but you still have to put on an act just to not look like the "weirdo". It's a particular kind of hell very few except other autists would be able to fully understand.

>> No.55856251

Show us your huge dildo and buttplug collection bro!

This is the ultimate gigacope. Anyone that kept tabs with the lawsuit knew XRP would win and that the SEC was on its last legs. It was joever before it was finished.

>> No.55856255

It would've just continued to crab and be forgotten soon after.

It doesn't really require a genius level IQ to realize that

>> No.55856264

Didn't Kava get fucked by the whole multichain stuff just like FTM though. I'm sure that's the reason why they'd need so much liquidity.

>> No.55856268
File: 1.98 MB, 1357x941, 16152763712751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw moved from terra to kava after luna died and the multichain hack was confirmed not to fuck with kava's reserves
still waiting on me profit. if their ecent efforts don't get it past ath idk i might start doing heroine to cope

>> No.55856272

Prepare to hold for another two years bro.

>Still no devs competing for Rise muni

>> No.55856274
File: 163 KB, 1209x925, 1691303039070908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was literally me. RIP Uncle Ted. You'll be missed.

>> No.55856287

based choice, been following some of them pretty closely kinetix relly feels like a real deal

>> No.55856320
File: 8 KB, 259x195, 1408288936373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard larping?

retard larping!

>> No.55856406
File: 23 KB, 588x349, Blackswan_iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55856443

This image relates too me too much. Guess which range I fall within?

>> No.55856469


>> No.55856813

Terence Tao, Stephen Hawking and countless others didn't.

>> No.55856841


>> No.55856856

Introvert hell. Like everyone on this godfucked website.

>> No.55857145

Autist is 1000% pure bitcoin and if you didn't know it's because you're not one

>> No.55857254

XX link
X link
XXX link
XXXXX link

>> No.55857313

>tfw in smug heaven
My biggest bag is link. Bought it in 2017. It's still gonna rip.

>> No.55857315

ChudCoin will easily 1000x in next 3 months
t. pajeet dev

>> No.55858383
File: 120 KB, 1170x853, 1692234103906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dam bros I have 145 icq! Gonna go play Mario cya all l8r

>> No.55858435

>tfw I got 129 on the iq test
I made it lads

>> No.55858522

It's funny that a ~110-120 IQ person likely made this yet thinks they are 145+ so they project their ideas onto what being 145+ would be like. In fact, pretending like you have any insight into the experiences of others, even making sweeping generalizations is wild. How would you be able to comprehend the thoughts/feelings of a literal GENIUS tier person and write it down succinctly like this, it's just like pretending that you know what it feels like to be retarded or a dog. I just think it's funny that all these bell curve memes exist when statistically speaking most everybody who makes them is probably slightly above average intelligence lmao. Don't pretend like you know what genius is

>> No.55859080
File: 322 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most geniuses I've come across are basically the oracles of our time. Having the opportunity to ask them the right questions is a life-changing experience. That's why I feel so fortunate to have read Ted Kaczynski's essay (Industrial Society and Its Future). It changed my life in one night.

>> No.55859106

lmao what a stupid chart. embarassing

>> No.55859188
File: 22 KB, 609x504, apukill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw introvert hell but probably not actually high IQ
It's a special kind of hell

>> No.55859212

These both belong in the based tier not retard

>> No.55859241

Start being present minded and meditate.

>> No.55860673

I scored big with XRP, held tight through the legal battles. Now eyeing another win with KREST, with the bonus of PEAQ airdrop rewards.

>> No.55860685

Yes I would and my IQ is in purgatory zone. L2 enjoy life faggot no one likes a depressed loser.

>> No.55861677

>149 stuck in introvert hell

>> No.55861708

link is literally a normie coin alongside all the memecoins
it has no group left to tap into, the top was the top.

>> No.55861759

Whoever made this picture is actually a midwit

>> No.55862509

if you are upset about the unfairness of the world you were never smart and are living in a children's movie

>> No.55862530


this. it's just midwit lib progressive to even talk about "advancing mankind". you can discover all the knowledge you want but people won't remember or care. what occupies people's minds is primarily a product of marketing even in academic circles

>> No.55862591

This fucker is so obviously spreading false information at this point. But going on a limb here, you are Goatist and now you are shilling bullshit on /biz to support your shitty lifestyle
>It's only a matter of time before your are taken out back and put out you white welfare tiered ni

>> No.55862628

>Xlm has nothing to offer anyone and will fail.
>XRP has nothing to offer anyone and will fail.
>HBAR has nothing to offer anyone and will fail.
You mean cross border payments, the end goal for the elite to level the playing field across nations while co-existing with a dying dollar will fail. Gee, you are the most intelligent person on this board, absolutely will I take i to consideration what you are saying.

>> No.55862671

i feel the same way but about ari juels and sergey nazarov

>> No.55862762

Sorry for this personal argument but you hold xrp and telling me Goatis is shit?
Goatis is based.

>> No.55863208

I'm sorry but you're a midwit, too
You're right.
OP was made by a "smug heaven" guy that believes he's secretly a hyperborean autist.
He doesn't understand that the "introvert hell" doesn't exist, and neither does the hyperborean autist.

>> No.55864420

I saw this when it was on AllianceBlock Fundrs and its been on the spotlight ever since.