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55824351 No.55824351 [Reply] [Original]

My Uncle has a pension that pays him $60,000 per year to do nothing. He was a cop. I work everyday and make $36,000 per year.

>> No.55824357

Yeah the boomers inherited an economic anomaly that will never be created again. Your last chance is crypto unironically

>> No.55824360


>> No.55824362

He had to work full time as a zog bot until age 65 to get that

>> No.55824366

Im 35 on autismbux and i get $25500 per year

>> No.55824372

Become a cop then.

>> No.55824388

Boomers set up some amazing grifts where they get paid fat stacks via the taxation of the rest of us and we’ll never get the same thing.

Try and do something about it? Boomers will oust any politician who tries to stop the grift. Shit sucks

>> No.55824399

Cops are scum they are the enforcers of zog

>> No.55824403

i wanted to be a federal employee until i saw that the boomerniggers gimped the FERS pension.

hired before 2013: 0.8% of your pay
hired in the year 2013: 3.1% of your pay
hired in 2014 and beyond: 4.4% of your pay

new employees literally pay 5.5x the contribution as old boomernigger employees while collecting the same benefit.

>> No.55824414
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> he didn't fall for the cop meme

>> No.55824416

also my old insane bipolar roastie neighbor was medically retired from some sort of office job with the new jersey state government. she had some sort of "hearing disability" which prevented her from working in an office setting. she was sucking up a pension from her late 50s.

>> No.55824517

This is a lie, we can have more and work less if we euthanize the rentier

>> No.55824597

you basically make $12/hour without doing anything.. how?

>> No.55824632

could always work for an oil and gas company. Exxon still gives a pension

>> No.55824646

Based NEET

>> No.55824682
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>> No.55824691

>Try and do something about it? Boomers will oust any politician who tries to stop the grift. Shit sucks
"The year is 2043 and the big issue is 90yo boomers being beaten to death in ghetto rat infested old folks homes- who would EVER hate lovely old people? News at 11"

>> No.55824704

Government doesn't hire white men to do low tier roastie jobs anyway, you'd need to get a useful degree and become like a statistician or software engineer for the pentagon and they pay you half as much as the private sector would. Literally not worth it, at all.
Is worthless.

>> No.55824707

>Yeah the boomers inherited an economic anomaly that will never be created again.
why do the Feds keep posting this phrase here. The boomers didn't live in an economic anomaly they just lived in an overwhelmingly white industrialized country without 30-40% of the population leeching resources

>> No.55824708
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I am 34 and have never worked a day in my life, besides mandatory military service for 11 months. (was in airforce medical, so pretty chill)
my networth is just over 1 million usd in crypto.

>> No.55824714

There are a huge number of faggots who actively shill for boomers being 'in the right' to keep their stolen wealth. Any millennial or zoomer who shills for boomers can join them on the day of the pillow.

>> No.55824766

i had an offer to work for the IRS (my degree is in accounting.)

>> No.55824774

my grandma collected my dead grandpas pension for like 50 years after he passed

>> No.55824806

It's dollarydoos. I remember this guy.

>> No.55824865

just come to california. and get medical, unemplyment and food stamps. free phone. live with someone

what i do is i work 6 months a year. then i wquit and get unemployment,

last year i got lucky got a job paying 80,000 a year. so i worked 6 months. then i quit now im getting 500 every friday...

hopefully in 6 months my 10,000 link stack does a little something, if not ill be a truck driver.

>> No.55824876

What the fuck kind of pension is that? I was looking to work for the VA as a physician for that ""cushy"" pension. The pension is 1% per year over the average of the best three years of earnings. Even at 20 years service it's not as good as your uncle's unless you're a fuckin cardiologist.

So instead I'll be job jumping constantly for the highest value return on reimbursement

>> No.55824877

you don't get unemployment for quitting, retard. very low IQ LARP.

>> No.55824902

And I do feel bad for my patients but hospital systems do not fairly pay their physicians after their first cushy contract. If I leave I can get a sign on bonus and moving expenses covered which at a total is like 40k

>> No.55824929

There has to be a way to rob him and take that away from him, idk, put it into arkham maybe

>> No.55824931
File: 77 KB, 1254x392, Screenshot 2023-08-13 at 10.06.41 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the trick in californa is to make less than 24,000 a year so i wored a couple months in 2022 and thenb a couple months in 2023. with my high paying job, quit the job, (automatically can get unemployment) ignore the losers who say you cant quit....

now i wont work until 2024...

im living i high middle class lifestyle. i have not worked since march of this year. i finished my claim i submitted last year. so these past months i was getting unemplyment from a claim i submitted last year. so i just submitted a new claim,to collect unemployment from the job i just quit in march of this year. so i have been on unemplouyment since may.... with two claims. it feels liek a damn cheat code.

it feels great to be at home having all the time to myself i eat grass fed steak and grass fed organs, with organic fruit. i sun bathe in the sun. i have no stress, im 33 and the other day a cute little 12 year old told me she thought i was 24 or 25. its seriously crazy how at my age little girls still develop crushes on me, im very cute.

fcuk working and paying taxes... why make over 30,000 a year and be single and pay all that tax? might as well game the system. seriously yall doing it wrong. and if youre embarreasaed about food stamps just go to markets with self checkout.

certifying is easy too. you dont even need to pretend to be looking for work these days, just a simple answer yes to the question "did you look for work "

also there is no interview that they give you... you get a notice that says they will have to call you but they never do they just automatically give you benefits

>> No.55824962

These thoughts are dangerous to our democracy anon

>> No.55824974

Kek imagine how based

>> No.55824975

The one that allows you to scratch your balls and do nothing

>> No.55824979

No, perhaps in things like ETH, but never into crap like that

>> No.55824988
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>My Uncle has a pension
For Now

>> No.55825015
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>> No.55825074
File: 22 KB, 635x328, Screenshot 2023-08-13 at 10.15.44 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea you do

pic is proof. just say you got laid off dude to transpotation issue.

>> No.55825115
File: 639 KB, 768x1024, Blackswan Roadmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could pick up 25k blackswan and use the bot for a lifetime. Make some degen plays with it, like x1000 long on the BTC ETF news. etc. And with phase 4 almost out you can make an easy x10 if you buy now. more info at blackswan dot biz

>> No.55825325
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Crypto's our ticket to a brighter future, as long as we play our cards right. OP don't need to be envious; with that pension tied up for 50 years of work. As for me, I'm piling up Krest, all snug in Talisman wallet for that juicy Peaq airdrop. Getting smarter as always.

>> No.55825342

Kek you're gonna get challeneged by the employer and hit for fraud dumbass, all that money will be reversed easily by your employer which will fight it, costs them money not to.

Enjoy while you got it, cause soon as you get appealed you're looking at serious questions now, dumb dumb dumb, should have told the truth and hoped the employer didn't challenge it now you're gonna be facing state fraud charges.

>> No.55826071

Because that's retarded Anon.
Corporations have ran away with the system.
We could have had it just as good.
You unironic bootlicker. Can't even see it.

>> No.55826122

A creation of governments
So say governments instead

>> No.55826131

Thís, except a couple generations down are gonna say the same shit about us.

>”all they had to do was buy 5k of crypto and now they’re set for life, lazy entitled millennials!”

>” my grandpa bought 5k worth of (insert coin that lives for that long here) when he was young and now he makes $300,000 a year doing nothing, life isn’t fair!!”