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55817206 No.55817206 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55817314

Jesus Christ burger brains really got broken by the cold war, huh?

>> No.55817411

Well all this decentralised talk seems communist. Why not let the best companies run the network?

>> No.55817421

Like most good things it is infested with leftist faggots

>> No.55817426

>Well all this decentralised talk seems communist. Why not let the best companies run the network?
Decentralianism is actually libertarian. Communism is full centralized economy. The whole USSR was ruled from a single office in Moscow.

>> No.55817428

Yes, that's why they hate hyper-capitalist super-men like SN.

>> No.55817527

hm but letting anyone operate a node for the blockchain regardless of their competitive fitness is what then? sounds communist where everyone gets the same wage despite being differently able

>> No.55817541

>Is Crypto basically full of Austro-Libertarians?


>> No.55817680


If you think its communism then leave crypto.

>> No.55817697

No, it just seems that way because both Communists and cryptobros are equally retarded.

>> No.55819404

>Well all this decentralised talk seems communist. Why not let the best companies run the network?
Collectivism is at the heart of socialism/communism you stupid nigger

Decentralization (individualism) is quite literally where fascism comes from (Hegelian dialectics + Nietszchean 'Ubermensch' Idealism)

Shut the fuck up you retarded nigger

>> No.55819472

Communists and liberals hate crypto.

>> No.55819473
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I'm full ANCAP over here.

>> No.55819479
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>Well all this decentralised talk seems communist. Why not let the best companies run the network?
Christ in a hand basket, you're a fucking failure.

>> No.55819494
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>Decentralization (individualism) is quite literally where fascism comes from.
Fascism is NOT individualism you fucking moron.

Fascism sees in the world not only those superficial, material aspects in which man appears as an individual, standing by himself, self-centered, subject to natural law, which instinctively urges him toward a life of selfish momentary pleasure; it sees not only the individual but the nation and the country; individuals and generations bound together by a moral law, with common traditions and a mission which suppressing the instinct for life closed in a brief circle of pleasure, builds up a higher life, founded on duty, a life free from the limitations of time and space, in which the individual, by self-sacrifice, the renunciation of self-interest, by death itself, can achieve that purely spiritual existence in which his value as a man consists.
Literally the first paragraph explains fascism is more than the individual.

>> No.55819505

Fun fact: The communists had a central bank.

>> No.55819510

Joe McCarthy was fucking right.

>> No.55819513
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I dont have time to spoon feed you assholes.
Fascism is the polar opposite of individualism.
You wanna be an loner go full anarcho capitalism.

>> No.55819594

Work AND starve comrade!

>> No.55819607
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crypto is ultra capitalism
bitcoin is total freedom

central banks (that are owned by private banks) are NOT capitalism

>> No.55819664

>Shut the fuck up you retarded nigger
You're the retard sice you didnt even get my point lmao

>> No.55819667

most of the ideology in crypto is pro free market

>> No.55819708

>Decentralianism is actually libertarian
it has its roots in anarchism. many anarcho-leftists are pro-decentralianism.
>crypto is ultra capitalism
>central banks create CBDCs thanks to cryptos
you got it wrong

>> No.55820892

Yes since 2016.

>> No.55820898

>Wanting freedom for corporations to rule the planet like cyberpunk 2077 because you are to braindead to understand how capitalism functions in the real world.

>> No.55820901

Thats an oxymoron. Bakunin, proudon and the rest of the syndicalists are no anarchists, they are just socialists that want to scam on the regional level

>> No.55820904

Crypto is more or less the same crowd of open source techies in general - a spectrum that goes from libertarian to anarchism to communism without ever really touching any mainstream or balanced political or economic philosophy.

>> No.55820914

Na. Real anarchists and libertarian are out. Commutards are holding the bags, like always

>> No.55820930

not really thank god thatd be tradfi

>> No.55820934

They were the original actual socialists because they understood that corporate domination and domination by a marginal group of owners is not freedom or anarchy. Keep believing the bullshit though.

>> No.55820965

You don't understand what Socialism means. It's just the redistribution of capital risk onto somebody else that isn't the redistributor or beneficiary.. it's just a scam

>> No.55821116

The space spans a wide range of ideologies, extending from libertarian ideals emphasizing personal freedoms and limited government intervention to anarchism advocating for decentralized systems and minimal hierarchical control. This is among the reasons some users shy away from using PayPal to revolut and tap fintech when it comes to fintech.

>> No.55821135

Na. The only demand still in crapto comes from commutard ponzi retards. Anarchists and libertarian understood that the jews from the private sector want to use crypto as a collateralization and monetization scam to save their own dying scams. We pulled out, no bid from our side. Keep holding the bags baggies and keep producing crap that has no demand except from you scammers expecting bigger fools to give you more dollars than you paid

>> No.55821137
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ETH is communist blockchain that’s literally tied to WEF agenda

>> No.55821139
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Not in all cases. I think it is most likely going to change in the real sense when regulation starts pitching in.

>> No.55821145
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Chainlink (LINK) is communist oracle that seeks to dominate the space and push any coins that can’t afford their oracle out of service/ exploited by hack for communist blockchain (ETH) that is directly tied to WEF agenda

>> No.55821157
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USDC popular $1 erc20 stablecoin is directly tied in with the WEF agenda

>> No.55821175

They already pitched in in Europe, demand was never so low in the 15 years this pyramid scheme run. And in the US same picture. The commutards and their private sector jew allies managed to chase away the only innovators and are now going to hold bags, stupidly thinking they can create demand with marketing, lol. Collectivists never learn and everything they touch is deterministically destined to die

>> No.55821187

I disagree with that perspective. While there may be instances of misuse or speculative behavior in the space, it's crucial to distinguish between the actions of a few and the potential of the tech itself.
It seems your perception is streamlined, dismissing the benefit. It is vital to consider the broader context and the potential benefits of innovation rather than focusing solely on the negatives.

>> No.55821206

Crypto has no value. It was ponzified and ended as a grey market fund raising scam for software companies and ponzis build on pyramid schemes. in 15 years of existence, it was never widely used for what it was meant to be used. It's only use has been ponzis

>> No.55821255

>all this decentralised talk seems communist.
It's the exact opposite of communism you complete goon

>> No.55821257

Just to ad to this, what is the private jew sectors goal getting into crapto? Obviously the hope that they can exploit what they deem a base demand to use the ponzi tokens as collateral with the real estate scam collateralization coming to an end due to natural demographic evolution. That base demand is gone

>> No.55821258

Although they're challenges faced by many in Europe and the US, esp with CEX, it's important to remember that Web3 is still evolving. Not all projects and fintech are the same, and some have indeed shown promise and potential to address real-world issues in payment, IoT connectivity, b2b, and many with a distinct edge.

>demand with marketing
Which web2 ain't involved in this shit?

>demand was never so low in the 15 years this pyramid scheme run

If asset managers and institutions are expressing interest in this, it's a strong indicator that there's potential for significant demand and growth

>> No.55821305

Is the stock market far from this? Hell no

>in 15 years of existence, it was never widely used for what it was meant to be used

Cause It was deemed a threat to national monetary sovereignty. The perception that we're a communitard is due to emphasis on ownership, privacy, and security.

>> No.55821310

Go fuck yourself scammer

>> No.55821324

I know the pitches and I know that they are all crap. They were never a danger to "national monetary sovereignty" because no one except for an extremely tiny minority of druggies and pedophiles used xmr to buy their ssnctioned goods. This doesn't justify a trillion dollar market cap and 10000 ponzi tokens. Crypto failed to find a demand and it's an outlook to how cbdcs are going to fail.

>> No.55821356

You sound so pathetic now, pleb. Gary Gay Gensler must brainwash you, schmuck. Keep believing in sh*t why we make the most of the so-called Ponzi scheme you label it as.

>> No.55821386

Web 3 is just yet another scam attempt that just combines html, JavaScript and a data base. There is nothing innovative in it, except maybe the attempt to make users pay for every crap and ease them into commutard (((digital identity)))
Go fuck yourself commutard scammer

>> No.55821620

Socialism means whatever I say it means because that is how language works you braindead troglodyte.

>> No.55821656

You didn't understood deconstructivism mongoloid.
Socialism comes from socialization, the socialization of capital risk; at the benefit of somebody that isn't the one paying the bill.

>> No.55822081

If there were truly no threat, why would the SEC be behaving in a manner that appears detrimental to the overall market perspective? They classified XRP as a security, but the judge cleared it from that label based on the evidence at hand. I can't fathom the idea of residing in a society where privacy holds no importance, even extending to conventional payment systems in which the governing authority takes on a communist stance. PayPal serves as a prime example of this. Everything is practically censored, down to financial transactions and expenditures. This is the reason why I don't use PayPal, aside from the high fee. This applies to other areas of finance.

>> No.55822104
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The true suppressor of your actions is Web2, where every aspect is censored. What we truly require is absolute control, oversight, and possession over our actions, data, and info, rather than being dictated and overseen by a collection of organizations that profit from selling your information and prying into every facet of your existence.

>> No.55822114
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No you retard you don't understand why semantics is fucking stupid. "Oh yeah but how many angles dance on the head of a pin?"

Who gives a shit because it has nothing to do with the substance of the point I am making. Many different people (especially back in the industrial revolution) had many different understandings and arguments about what was the correct methodology of socialism to follow and lots of other things for that matter.

You are a sub iq nigger retard argue the actual point and stop hiding behind semantics like a pussy.

>> No.55822126

>Communism is when the state controls nothing
Holy shit Americans actually think everything except eating McDonald's is communism

>> No.55822172

Communism IS when there is no state you retard.

>> No.55822259

Bolshevism is State Capitalism. You believe a lie if you think it was communism.

>> No.55822267

So it's proof they weren't communist.

>> No.55822271
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reject communism
reject capitalism
embrace aardvarkism

>> No.55822277

Socialism is not communism. Socialism is tweaking Capitalism to make it seem less "bad".

>> No.55822283

There is no State in Marx's vision. Read a book for once.

>> No.55822312

Learn2read anon.
That's what I said

>> No.55822346

>decentralised talk seems communist
holy fuck you cannot be this fucking retarded

>> No.55822439

You niggers are fucking brain washes.

>> No.55822441

Brain WASHED* I wanna make sure I give clarification.

>> No.55823165

It's one and the same.
Doesn't matter how capital risk redistributor scammers call themselves or what colors they slap on each other, all deserve to be killed same as the receiver of the profits from the risk redistribution onto somebody else. The only remedy for collectivism is the removal of the head

>> No.55823187
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Crypto is anarchist, in the same vein federated social media like mastodon and lemmy are, or Linux is.

>> No.55823226

No. There is nothing anarchist in a public ledger with the majority kycd. It's just another commutard surveillance tool in their foolish quest for perfect information and trying to solve the capital optimization problem that can't be solved

>> No.55823276

>Be afraid goy
>Please give me your capital
Go fuck yourself scammer
Every form of socialism can be broken down to one statement
Redistribution of risk on somebody else that isn't the redistributor or the beneficiary
And that's the definition of a scam

>> No.55823310

>Marx's vision
what, dude just rambled on about shit cause he was mad about having a job.

>> No.55823313

>A public ledger
My name is Steve Shitkins, I live in IL. Please post my Metamask wallet address if it's so easy to find.

>> No.55823322

And wait a fucking minute, a public, transparent, open ledger is inherently anarchist. All of the information for everyone. That's open.

>> No.55823383

No. 19th century (((anarchism))) is just another form of socialization of risk for the benefit of somebody not taking the risk and pocketing the profits
Go kill yourself Socialist scum and never call a surveillance tool or a scam like public transport anarchist again

>> No.55823556

>Socialism is tweaking Capitalism to make it seem less "bad".
That would be social capitalism

>> No.55823624

Something like that doesn't exist. If anything catches the cancer of socialism it is socialist and can be considered a lost case that is deterministically going to fail like every pyramid scheme

>> No.55824898

Well, pure capitalism does not currently exist on earth then, as they all bail out failing companies and control things like immigration instead of letting the market decide these things

>> No.55825205

>pure capitalism does not currently exist on earth then

Capitalism, as in protecting your capital investments such as corporations and such even at the cost of the the common person's wealth, is philosophically consistent with capitalism.

>> No.55825589

Capitalism is a philosophical idea around the notion that individual resources are capital, not a "societal" or "state" organization. what you describe is again pure stateism and socialism - centralized redistribution of risk. You retards really got brainwashed by the (((education))) system. Your brains are worthless slave brains