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55815559 No.55815559 [Reply] [Original]

Marriage can be an excellent financial decision

It all depends on selection bias
If you choose poorly it may ruin you
If you choose wisely you will make it in every conceivable dimension; financially, spiritually, mentally

Don't let the MGTOW and other anti-marriage social contagions prevent you from turbo-charging your life in all capacities. A good woman is hard to find but nothing in life worth having is easy to obtain. Find an ambitious and maternal woman as early as possible and before you acquire wealth. Thank me later.

>> No.55815569

nice blog faggot, where can i subscribe?

>> No.55815594

if you have to justify your own marriage to an anonymous forum, i give it a year tops

>> No.55815603

Umm..what? That quote is by Michel Houllebecq, not some ufc fighter.

>> No.55816083

This is wrong because unlike finance, where it is desirable to make more and more money, many find that monogamous sex with one trusted life partner (e.g. within a stable marriage) is the best. It's not a rule that more partners = better.

>> No.55816093
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90%+ of marriages end in divorce lmao

>> No.55816098

cyril gane couldn't even write his name without doing a mistake

>> No.55816108


>> No.55816171

The statistic is skewed by repeat offenders.

>> No.55816355

>If you choose wisely
Listen, anon. Women change and they also deceive. The word you are looking for is gamble.
If you gamble and get lucky you will be happy. There are no "wise" "choices".

>> No.55816387

-jamal layvontius

>> No.55816395

>A good woman is hard to find but nothing in life worth having is easy to obtain
Logically, it's then impossible for 100%, or even 30%, of the male population, to find those "good women". If 70% of women were "good women", then they wouldn't be hard to find, yet such percentages are required for an institution like marriage to work at scale.
And everyone else is struggling just as hard to find those "good women", what, do you think, are your chances really?

>> No.55816399

Thats very interesting, but:

Let's see what happens when you apply basic math to the holocaust...

Jews now claim 900,000 jews were gassed AND cremated at Treblinka 2... down from the multi-million claim of the Nuremberg Trial.


Treblinka was open from July 23, 1942, to October 19, 1943.

That's 453 days... that's 10,872 hours.

900,000/453 = 2,000 jews were gassed AND cremated PER DAY if it was magically running 24 hours a day 7 days a week while Germany was fighting for it's life in a 3-front world war.

4,000 gassings AND cremations if running 12 hours a day, 7 days a week.

It takes 2-3 hours to cremate a body with ultra-modern crematoriums.


2.5 hours X 900,000 = 2,250,000 hours

A body leaves behind around 7 pounds of ash, the size of a shoe box.

900,000 x 7 pounds = 6,300,000 pounds or 3,150 tons


Roughly the size and weight of 40 Blue Whales

All buried in this tiny corner of the 33 ACRE CAMP.

28,800,000 teeth.

243,000,000 bones to leave ash and fragments.

Never to be found again.

For reference, New York's central Park is 843 acres. The Mall of America is 67 acres.

>people can't afford to have children
>people can't afford to buy a home
>people can't afford to buy a car
>people can't afford to buy groceries

>> No.55816403

Why this nigger stealing Houellbeq

>> No.55816409

Whites should not marry and have kids, STOP THIS ANTISEMITISM OP!

>> No.55816412
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You’re better off divorced than single.

>> No.55816420
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>Logically, it's then impossible for 100%, or even 30%, of the male population, to find those "good women".

Uhm maybe it's because 30%- 50% of the male population aren't chasing those good women, instead they chase busted up whores ??????

You have to be selective which you are not and that is your mistake from a financial stand point.

>> No.55817193

How to know if she’s really a “good girl”?

>> No.55817336

Now show the stats broken down by gender.
Men happy after divorcing some whore? Women happy after divorce raping their husband? Big shock.

>> No.55817360
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>white males from 2010
>2 years after the 2008 crash
White people where unhappy at that period since they got robbed and scammed by the subprime crisis ,weak shill that smells of circumcised foreskin , nice try moshe.

>> No.55817413

>It all depends on selection bias
>If you choose poorly it may ruin you
>If you choose wisely you will make it in every conceivable dimension; financially, spiritually, mentally
>bUt u sHoUlD HaVe pIcKed bEtTeR
Seriously go fuck yourself. I'm sick to death of this non stop gas lighting. 70%+ of new marriages end in divorce. Women with more than 5 sexual partners have a 50% divorce rate and women with 10+ partners have a near 1.0 correlation with divorce after 7 years in the United States. The entire legal system and family court are structured in a way that incentivizes women to leave marriages whenever they are no longer interested. Then when you point out how abysmal the odds were in the first place, you get called an incel. Do not play this game

>> No.55817435

God bless you, anon.

>> No.55817439

Is it wise to marry a broken woman who's turned religious and won't leave you?

>> No.55817454
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>Is it wise to marry a broken woman who's turned religious and won't leave you?
>won't leave you
No it's extremely risky and those are the first to leech out of you , be wiser when choosing a wife.

>> No.55817456

what if I get along with her? Am I making a big mistake?

>> No.55817458

Fear and guilt are excellent qualities to have in a partner

>> No.55817601

Marriage would imply that I want a positive outcome for the woman that I am with.

I do not. I want women to suffer. I do not want them to have a loving caring partner. I do not want them to have children. I do not want them to have happy families. I do not want them to have a support network. I want them to suffer and end life in their worst possible state. If my quality of life has to go down for this to happen, I will accept it.

>> No.55817636

Is it wise to date a femanon?

>> No.55817734
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Based. Don't get married or have kids, anons. They're just gonna slow cook your kids until they're broke, dumb, and slightly charred slaves

>> No.55817778


literally easier to become a millionaire than to get a gf.

>> No.55817779

Based OP encouraging White people to marry and reproduce

>> No.55817813

Please don't breed anymore white people.
If its a boy he will be under 24/7 social and media attack.
If its a girl she will spread her legs to the first nastiest nigger she comes across.


>> No.55817868

Plus it's not 90% lol wtf.

>> No.55817897

That too

>> No.55817905

Lmao. Yes. Imagine believing that shit. I had a "born again" woman try to lead me on for a few months. She was still fucking around as frequently as possible and I only found out when I met her daughter. The kid liked me but accidentally let it slip that her mom has a lot of boyfriends who always come over but never take them out. Her mom immediately tried to clarify but I just stayed silent for the rest of the date and blocked her number.

>> No.55817941

I assume that you don't say that 100% of women are "good women". Let's say that, maybe, 30% conform to the ideal. That means that AT LEAST 2 out of every 3 men will not get one of these. Clearly, it's not a feasible system for there to be some blood-sport over a small "good women"-population, because you get the same situation as in employment, where 2K people apply per job, and all that that pressure has accomplished is that the majority of those 2K people also PhDs and 100K of student debt. Numerically, and due to no other factor, such a system cannot work. It's also unrealistic to think that any given man will manage to beat the odds, just like those PhDs are not beating the odds. You're essentially telling people to bet on 0 in roulette and present that as a good strategy.

>> No.55817969

Post heems

>> No.55818035
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>I only found out when I met her daughter.
Fact that she was a single mom should have been the obvious signal not the ''born again'' part dummy

>> No.55818088

correlation does not equal causation. Its a social norm to marry, most people who don't have something significantly wrong with them thats probably bringing them their unhappiness.

>> No.55818403


>> No.55818454

Is marriage worth it if you can't get a 18 year old tradwife when you're 30? It's almost impossible when it was the norm for all of humanity

>> No.55818477

Whatever the cause is, those are the results.

>> No.55818501
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>> No.55819109

Why you Ganeposting on biz nigga

>> No.55819125

based nooticer
i know 3 people who've been married and stayed that way
i know one guy who's been married four times
there's your fucking statistics

>> No.55819204

>words words words
Conservatives can't meme

>> No.55819372

>before you acquire wealth.


Psyop thread confirmed.

>> No.55819411

I'm sitting on the toilet crapping
In the room over my 14 month old son is dancing with his mom to Elmo songs.
Life is good

>> No.55819422

Buying a boat can be an excelent financial decision if you buy a 50 year old sailboat decide to live on it.
How many people are doing that? Is that what you think of when your friend says "I just bought a boat?"

>> No.55820474

absolutely based

>> No.55820487

You know the "turned religious or enlightened" shit is part of the roastie routine, right? Every woman I have met, especially 30+ claims to be wiser/virtuous.

The only women who are what they are, are those in their prime and not pretending to be someone else so they don't end up alone.

>> No.55820525

>wife could end up near an explosion on the day of the wedding shoot (Beirut video)
>all sorts of other terrible and all too soon ends to a marriage
>the horrors that can befall your children even with top-notch security
With all that said I think about 2 of my ex's, a best friend I turned down and someone I've known for ages. Not a "who's the best" matter, I can just see myself getting along with all of them even better now that we're all more mature.
I think it's perfectly possibly to have a good relationship and keep it that way. But with the terrible things that can happen, including me being injured or dying, I think I'll pass on asking anyone out.
Add in preparing for hard times, I don't want to be thinking back on money I spent on romance, wishing I had more resources for those coming times. But that's as far as me asking someone to take all that risk (whether they realize it's there or not).
If I were to be asked out, perhaps I would say yes. But I'd need to see that they understand the potential heartache that they're in for.

>> No.55820591
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>Uhm maybe it's because 30%- 50% of the male population aren't chasing those good women, instead they chase busted up whores ??????
I play tarkov all day and lay in bed when I'm not.
I'm not having sex in this country.

>> No.55820606

>what if I get along with her
Honeymoon phase, start telling her no.

>> No.55820616

Yeah sadly.

>> No.55822061

>Every woman I have met, especially 30+ claims to be wiser/virtuous.
This is what no longer being pretry makes them think

>> No.55822118

While yours is a coherent argument: brutal.
I wish your kind of thinking wasn't necessary, but we are where we are.

>> No.55822212

Sexual partner count. Anything above 3-4 is dangerous.

>> No.55822221

what about female sexual partners?

>> No.55822231

Zero. If she's sexually adventurous enough to give into bisexuality she's never gonna be happy "settling down." Same goes for men really.

>> No.55822334

thanks m8

>> No.55822390
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nah imma fuck aardvark hookers instead
aardvussy is goated fr fr

>> No.55822399

0-2 max

>> No.55822402
File: 128 KB, 680x922, 0xd0e94bf2466979b81d738c34058d4a6559c4d8be aardvark tard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is an aardvark

>> No.55822478

what is it?

>> No.55822495
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a medium sized, burrowing, nocturnal mmammal native to africa which produces the highest protein content milk known to man by eating ze bugs for you
in the protein-scarce schwabtopia, an earth pig is the gentlemens pet