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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55810074 No.55810074 [Reply] [Original]

Bros how does this end inflation is killing me

>> No.55810153

$30/hr is the new $20/hr, the bare minimum to survive and have even a slight sort of life.

$40/hr is the new $30/hr, the minimum to own even a starter home and build something.

If you’re under these thresholds something is terribly wrong and you need to get an education or skill right now. even these figures are minimums too, if you don’t have a clear path to $50-$75/hr you’re not doing much more than treading water.

it well take years for this inflation to slow. maybe the rest of the decade, people have no idea how much printing occurred during the coof. it was beyond reckless.

>> No.55810262

Its true. I make $35 trudeau tokens an hour doing skilled labour with a decade experience (im not easy to replace) and my manager was humming and hawing about a 3% gesture inflation raise. Considering quitting at the start of the busiest time of the year to go to a competitor. I own a home and have no kids and my even with the wife's pogey on top of my income our debt is growing and not shrinking.

>> No.55810308
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surely the income tax brackets will increase to take this inflation into account :)

>> No.55810316

>starter home

>> No.55810335

Tired of these lame attempts at baiting in OP.

Retards how many times do you all have to be told:

Managers make the price shown up to, wagies make the 12$ up to 17$ if very lucky.
McDonalds and other dead end jobs do the same advertising of wages.

>> No.55810348

Ok but even $17/hr to flip pizzas is like a 100% raise from what it paid in 2016. there is no doubt the currency is catastrophically devalued, I’m not sure these places won’t be paying $25/hr by 2026.

>> No.55810382

How do these companies keep up with the labor costs? I know the cost of pizza is going up, but there is going to be a point at which people aren't willing to pay the $20/pizza that it costs for the wagies and other overhead. The Fed is so concerned with a soft landing that they're dragging their feet and I'm afraid it's going to make things much worse.

>> No.55810436

UP TO $22 an hour...

>> No.55810455

shrinkflation and sourcing even worse quality ingredients for the most part

>> No.55810492

Drop in commercial real estate demand due to economic stagnation and WFH. their rents aren’t going up that much but they can still raise prices. the fly in the ointment is labor, but $22/hr still isn’t really a living wage so at the end of the day they’ll pay it if it means staying open more.

the party ends when WFH gets cut off (already started) amps the demand and rezoning occurs which dwindles the supply of commercial real estate. that’s when we start getting into stagflation territory, which is when this whole thing gets really bad and the “soft landing” feels like a distant memory.

>> No.55810548

You in a pod eating bugs and being happy to do so

>> No.55810582

Even if I hold Chainlink?

>> No.55810614

Especially if you have chainlink.

>> No.55810626

The cost of cheap dining/fast food/whatever has gone absolutely ballistic in the last decade and I've noticed some hilarious amounts of shrinkflation. A BLT at the diner nearest me used to be $6.99 and come with a cup of soup and fries. Now it's $10, 25% smaller (roughly) and comes with no sides. Fries are $3. Soup is $3. $16 for less sandwich. Getting a fucking casual lunch with a cup of coffee is $20+tip now. Who the fuck is paying this?

>> No.55810628

>Bros how does this end

“Weimar problems eventually lead to Weimar solutions.”

>> No.55810638

Oy vey

>> No.55810673

I guarantee you have to practically run the place yourself 24/7 and fudge your time clock for them just to get $22.

>> No.55810779

Dining out took the place of big tobacco as the economically impervious sin industry. people can’t cook because they are deliberately not taught how (did you go to public school? Was cooking part of your cut HS curriculum? Why wasn’t it if it was going to be this thing you were going to need to do almost every day?) and more so they are just addicted to chemically perfected junk sold at 400% markup. they can’t stop, and since it comes out at these $15-20 increments they never grasp the reality the same way they would if they paid an annual $13,000 bill all at once (that’s $35/day for 365 days, if you count alcohol that figure can easily double or even triple).

>> No.55812018


Well put. Psychologically, it's gone from something I can enjoy on a regular basis to something I have to justify.

It's not like revenue has changed all too much. People are going less often. I know I basically only go when I feel like I really need that nostalgia trip back to better economic times. There definitely aren't nearly as many pack a day smokers as there used to be either. I can't remember the last time I heard someone use the phrase "pack a day". There always used to be a circle of people outside the bars smoking, you see almost none of it now.

On the Google ngram viewer the term has fallen off hard, and then if you look at the actual books referenced recently they're all talking about the past. They talk about how people used to be pack a day smokers. Smoking a pack a day just sounds like an alien concept with how much that shit costs now.

>> No.55812111
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An opportunity to lose some weight chuddy

>> No.55812185

I should be able to work at a warehouse stacking boxes and live a normal life

When the world is wrong you do not double down on the wrongness to save yourself

>> No.55812193

They are paying $20.50 starting wage to stock shelves at my local walmart. Money is worthless and you are being priced out of surviving.

>> No.55812242
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Getting more education isn't the solution to the problem.

Companies actually have to be serious about hiring someone at a livable wage.

You can have all the degrees, certifications, and even offer a blow job to the execs. Companies can, will and ARE doing whatever the fuck they feel like because who's going to stop them?

>> No.55812430

This is either for management or uses Jewish math which includes best case scenario estimated tips.
Little Caesar’s isn’t paying $22/hr to make goyslop.
That would actually be worth it though.
I have a job posting out for a super easy job @ $18/hr basically just stand around but it’s not easy to find people for that unless they’re like 15-16 years old and the upper management refuses to acknowledge this.
Gotta pay those investors bro.

>> No.55812515


More like buy as many calories as possible for as cheap as possible.

>> No.55813054

>up to

Normies are so easy to swindle

>> No.55813105

>it was beyond reckless.
It was straight up malicious

>> No.55813435

>implying a place like little caesars is EVER going to have someone with full time hours at that pay range
These places genuinely fuck people over with hours so the companies do not have to pay into bennies, you are smoking some serious crack if you think for a second anyone is working there full time for over $22 an hour.
Personally I never really was one for it since the idea of some total random handling my food without me seeing any of it messes with me to no end, but nowadays you have to be a genuine slop addict to willingly put up with the prices of things now. If only for the principle of the matter, even if such concepts mean absolutely nothing to such people.
>I do enjoy a nice cigar though
lol I knew people who would travel entire states just to stock up on those big Marlboro boxes. Addicts are wild, man.

>> No.55813759


>> No.55813810

Dude we're getting fast tracked to pod life. The only silver lining we have vs non-link holders is we get to own nothing and be happy first.

>> No.55813835

>little caesars
>full time
whatever jew/poo is running the shop will put you in there by yourself during rush and have you running deliveries too. anybody retarded enough to pay a franchising fee for a fucking little caesars cannot be trusted to run a business

>> No.55813936

Wagies are wagies. The franchisee just needs you there to do the mindless task to which you’ve been assigned

>> No.55813995

We just vape now and are more addicted to nicotine than ever

>> No.55814083
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They could remove some of it from the economy by taxing rich people and using the proceeds to pay off debt.
Stop laughing.

>> No.55814273


No way that's true. I never see it in the open world. Used to always be people getting a quick smoke in between rounds at magic tournaments. I don't know if juul is still dominant, but they only made 2 billion in revenue last year.

It's hard to overstate just how much more money people could afford to blow on shit just 20 years ago.

>> No.55814340

The truly rich hold offshore assets and corporations that protect them from tax. The "rich" that pay domestic taxes are just the upper middle class.

>> No.55815828

We drone strike American citizens overseas, we can serve them tax bills too. Start sanctioning banks that help them.

>> No.55815873
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I get €9 an hour, Americans are way too overpaid. I can't even imagine what I'd do with $75

>> No.55815909
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Only the FICA cutoffs will increase, goy

>> No.55815930

i live in an area where rents are $1500-1700/month for a 1 bedroom and single family homes start at $350-400k. i still see full time wagie job postings for $15-18/hour, sometimes as low was $12-14/hour. i have no idea who is doing these jobs. they aren't college student jobs, they're full time 40 hours a week. you couldn't even afford to be homeless on that kind of money.

>> No.55816138

Tbf there are (insane) college students who work a 40 hour job and go to school. It used to be viable because the jobs were low-stress and braindead, so you could Lincoln it up, but now all of those jobs expect 100% out of you at all times, doing the work of 3 or 4 people from 20 years ago (still for shit pay).

>> No.55816224

>realize inflation is coming
>investments are also worth nothing
cant win

>> No.55816241

> i have no idea who is doing these jobs

>> No.55816275

Inflation? Whats that. Ohhh inflation?? Like from fiat? Yeah they fixed that, look up BITCOIN. Get the fuck out of fiat lol

>> No.55816279

I wouldn't even work if I was making less than $20 an hour desu. You'd be destitute anyway, it would probably work against you for gibs too. This is going to be a catastrophic collapse.

>> No.55816322

What is up with all these pre tax cope numbers

How much should you get after tax per month to live ?

>> No.55816342

>median household income is 70k
That's only 35k for two people, people are still poor.

>> No.55816343


Leftists are funny, you're never seeing any rich being held to account in your lifetime. In the same vein that corporations will more or less end up being the governments by the end of the century.

>> No.55816348

Kill yourself unironically, spending 120k on a piece of paper doesn't do anything for anyone outside of a handful of fields KILL YOURSELF UNI PUSHING NIGGER

>> No.55816938

"I don't understand. I did eat breakfast yesterday."

>> No.55816961

You get $17 if you do the work of two $12 people.

>> No.55816967

This, and they are also on gibs and get paid under the table by their employer so they can stay on gibs

>> No.55816974

Little Caesar’s is great (as long as you get a fresh one/made to order) and im tired of people pretending it’s not.

>> No.55817071

>If I just say things they're true
Um no sweatie the guillotines are coming out.

>> No.55817084

This, they must have reformulated the goyslop but tastes better than I remember it a few years ago, probably one of the best choices you have for a pizza under $10
They're also not bad as leftovers as long as you reheat the pizza the right way (in a pan on the stove with a lid, so the bottom gets crispy again and the trapped heat melts the cheese

>> No.55817100

> you are in LE POD
> * spends all day every day alone in front of a screen *

>> No.55817144

>Make $16.50/H
>US Median Income last updated in 2019 was 31k
So fucked

>> No.55817181

Our cost of living is not dissimilar at all

>> No.55817995

>obesity is strongly correlated with poverty
>"inflation is good because people will become poorer and therefore healthier"

>> No.55818003

trying to move out
all entry level jobs 15 dollars or 20
apartments are all fucked in rent prices
You cant move out till you make 40+ an hour

>> No.55818026

Every single restaurant around me is putting up signs for "Up to x/hr" and then everyone says that when they go in that they are offered a ridiculous $10/hr and it can go up to $15-$20 after six months, which means it will never happen. It's just a scam to get people to apply.

>> No.55818057

>i live in an area where rents are $1500-1700/month for a 1 bedroom

Meanwhile a 2BR is probably $2k/mo, split that with another person and your portion of the rent is down to only $1k. Or live in a 1BR with your girlfriend and pay $750/mo. Having roommates is the only way to make ends meet when you're waging. If it were me I'd use it as motivation to make more money and get a place of my own.

>> No.55818113

Pretty okay for 2019 though.

>> No.55818168

You are coping hard my guy. And deep down even you know it.

>> No.55818466

Inflation isn't the problem you faggots spend too much money.

>> No.55818487

>people can’t cook because they are deliberately not taught how (did you go to public school?
Americans and Canadians are such little niggers.
I see Chinese kids cooking food at a street vendor for a job..what kinda white trash family did you have? I was raised by a single mother and I know how to cook.

>> No.55818493

>real inflation +30%
>tax bracket adjustments 3%
best they can do goyim

>> No.55818500

I started fasting because my job pays like ass, down three pant sizes.

>> No.55818506

Imma just immigrant out of the west.
Just gotta get more money and find passive income.

>> No.55818507

that there financial repression

>> No.55818522

>Leftists are funny, you're never seeing any rich being held to account in your lifetime.
The fuck are you trying to type?

>> No.55818533

See definitions in:
(of a person) deal effectively with something difficult.
"his ability to cope with stress"
Learn what words mean, hick.

>> No.55818551

I got my degree in math and economics without paying and left college with less than 10k in debt. First job out of college started me at 80k with a 30% bonus and in my 2nd year I was close to 200k by job hopping.

>> No.55818573
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>I'd make more money working at a fucking pizza chain than I would at my current job designing equipment for the military
How does this make sense?

>> No.55818692

>How does this make sense?
Meet in the middle and design equipment for pizza places

>> No.55818730

Do they still sell $5 hot and readys?

>> No.55818819

>He didn't invent the pizza delivery JDAM

>> No.55818869
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To be honest I don't understand Americans, they get stuff like this and their country is huge, I'm quite sure you could be able to work min wage under your mom for like 5 years and get a 150k home with decent land a bit isolated and be able to do fine. Distance to job shouldn't be that bad since the entire country is car based. I don't know I think I'd be fine if I moved there, though may be a bit lonely and get a cat/dog or a partner or something.

>> No.55818878 [DELETED] 

Like every other person on 4chan claims kek. Show me your fucking Ferrari or fuck off, retard.

>> No.55818888

They're trying to price out neets! They want to make you work! This is terrible!

>> No.55818906

American parents kick their kids out.

>> No.55818911

>WFH gets cut off (already started) amps the demand and rezoning occurs which dwindles the supply of commercial real estate
I don't think they can artificially pump the commercial real estate market like that. are you thinking existing commercial land will be zoned for something else, making the supply smaller?

>> No.55818915

>150k home

>> No.55818918

Just break the rules. If you want a job, just show up and start working. You'll get hired.

>> No.55818927

>Little Caesar’s isn’t paying $22/hr to make goyslop.
which part of "UP TO" are people missing?

>> No.55818930

6.79 in my town
it's never been this over

>> No.55818950

McDonalds by me is 18 an hour to start, a pizza place across the street in 22.

>> No.55818951

I know a few who don't really do that, but yeah the whole kicking their kids out is wild to me. I'd probably play into their game and try to barter with them to pay rent or do house chores to be able to save more than if I'd ever got kicked out (which would be none unless doing a side gig after work).

I've seen some places for 60k though probably in bad neighbourhoods or something. I'd say I wouldn't mind living in some place like Appalachia or Alaska in the low income zones. Buying a scuffed house is better than a land + trailer due to skipping paperwork but I think in less well off places noone would care about building homes to standard. I know my parents couldn't afford a house so they bought land and built their homes half way so that they could live and save up eventually to finish it in time.

>> No.55819075

If you read those words on a Now Hiring sign, be prepared to be offered FAR LESS than the UP TO pay.

>> No.55819120
File: 639 KB, 768x1024, Blackswan Roadmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can make it with Blackswan. Its an AI powered instant trading bot. That opens futures on your behalf on CEXs. More info at blackswan dot biz

>> No.55819208

>eat more refined heavily processed grain products
>cut back on whole meats
>get healthier

>> No.55819446

>inflation is killing me
This shouldn't be happening in 2023 if you have little crypto knowledge. There are pools to leverage your assets on that could give you a good hedge over rising inflation rates.

>> No.55819644

Pools with APRs high enough to achieve this turn out to be rug pulls. Next!!

>> No.55819657

>pizza delivery JDAM
fucking kek

>> No.55819694

Americans disgust me. Their complaint is essentially they can't have one parent work and support am opulent lifestyle of giant trucks, 2 story houses, regular junk food delivery, work from home and leftover for holidays and a jetski. All of which they can actually fucking get if they just study hard.

>> No.55819718

definitley part of the problem but housing costs are outrageous and its only a matter of time until energy is too

>> No.55819734

literally nothing you said is remotely true

>> No.55819769
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>rice and beans
>pull yourself up by your bootstraps kiddo

>> No.55819771

Read this thread:

I could not even fathom making 170k. Average house price in my country is a million NZD. Food costs twice.

>> No.55819782

is that a decent wage in that area code

>> No.55819790

I already read that thread. It's literally trolls and possibly bots. No one thinks like this outside of /biz/.

>> No.55819801
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What inflation, OP?
Now quit bitching and pay your damn taxes: Zelenskyy needs more fighter jets!

>> No.55819833
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I could go for some pizza right now.

>> No.55819874

OK I'm a retard that barely finished with a GED at 16 to start waging so my mom didn't lose the house, but I have a lot of experience at my job and lead a team in a pet drug manufacturing warehouse. I put tickets in for solutions needed to buy the materials a few weeks in advance, schedule mixing processes to meet due dates for packaging, mix just as much as the rest of the team, coordinate team fairly, first in last out etc

I make $25. What should I be earning? If Walmart and fry cooks make almost as much as me after years of experience to be this productive that's just fucked.

>> No.55820016

>but there is going to be a point at which people aren't willing to pay the $20/pizza
you might be completely and utterly incorrect right there
have people stopped eating pizza when it went from $5 to $10?

>> No.55820023

>shrinkflation and sourcing even worse quality ingredients for the most part
at one point in time, only the "idea of a pizza" is going to be sold at the counter.

imagine the taste.

>> No.55820035

stopped reading right there.
WFH reversal is in progress right now and they will drag the people back into the offices.
and no, people won't quit over losing their WFH privileges. just as people didn't quit and eventually caved to the needlecraft.

>> No.55820062

>I put tickets in for solutions needed to buy the materials a few weeks in advance, schedule mixing processes to meet due dates for packaging, mix just as much as the rest of the team, coordinate team fairly, first in last out etc
you do a job any person who is literate in english can do. the cost of replacing you isn't nearly zero the same way it is for the lowest of wagie jobs, but somebody could probably learn to do your job independently in about 8 hours.

honestly you should be earning less. the fact that you're at $25 despite being a totally replaceable wagie means you're doing something right. if you are diligent worker who can pass a drug test you should start getting certifications and actual skills. if you took this same attitude to something as trivial as CDL work (1 month course) you could be pushing $40 in about eighteen months. UPS is going to be paying their drivers $170k a year now. I would do that, you have maxed out at this current place.

pizza is a delicious, easy to eat food where the only clean up is throwing away the napkins and box. you can eat it standing up and its always a hit with other people. and you can't really cook it at home on a conventional oven, at least not properly.

its a bulletproof business. there's a reason pizza joints have been around way before the dining out craze and why there are so many pizza chains that have existed for many decades. the margins are outrageous.

>> No.55820063
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>but no one is getting hired
debunked, picrelated.

>> No.55820093

>I was raised by a single mother and I know how to cook.
...in Vietnam?

>> No.55820106

I see your flattery and counter with, "Don't repeat me, imbecile."

>> No.55820122
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The issue isn't merely the circumstances but the fact that they've changed so drastically. ...For poor people. Rich people have never had it better.

It's almost as if they're exploiting workers or something.

>> No.55820171

They're finally starting to reflect the soul-deadening reality of working those jobs. Though, McDonald's is better than Wendy's. I still don't understand what happened to Wendy's, but walking into one is like shifting into an alternate reality where the economic apocalypse has already happened (overtly).

>> No.55820196
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You know what? I'll grow my own food and I'll build my own shelter. Fuck you and fuck your Monsanto glyphosate cheese slop corporatehomos. And you know what? I'll sell it in monerochans cause I don't need your toilet paper money.

>> No.55820252

>beans and rice
>less meat
fat bitch is suggesting all carbs no protein, same shit the poor retards get now in their goyslop

>> No.55820282
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If our government could stop printing fucking money a nd get inflation under control this wouldn't be a fucking problem.
Wages deserve more than 7.50 an hour and the labor market is currently reflecting this demand. People who blame inflation on wages are fucking retarded. Hopefully wages get more and more organized so we do an make larger and larger demands in the future.

>> No.55820292

>They're finally starting to reflect the soul-deadening reality of working those jobs.
No, they are not.
The higher hourly pay is merely adjusted for inflation.
McBurgerFlippers make as little as they did years ago. (purchasing power)

>> No.55820298

>UP TO $22 an hour
Yeah, they mean if you're a delivery driver or something you can make up to that. Base pay for working the register/pizzas is probably $10.

>> No.55820305
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Are you fucking stupid? That IS inflation you retard. It's a negative feed back loop: Prices go up so people have to spend more money causing prices to go up so people have to spend more money causing....

>> No.55820332

>The truly rich hold offshore assets and corporations that protect them from tax.
Trump promised to close these loopholes but of course he didn't.

>> No.55820338


I don't know man, I feel like in major cities at least people always had to have roommates to survive. Unless they were nogs in Section 8 or other subsidized housing. It seems to be a more recent phenomenon where zoomies and millennials think they should be able to afford to live in a place on their own because they're too socially awkward and stunted to be around other people.

>> No.55820348

Unironically yeah, even adjusting for inflation. People that worked before 2021 were getting fucked. I was a chemist at a pharmaceutical company making like $20/hr, gas wasn't much different than it is today, rent wasn't much cheaper. I eventually left the field, but I did get a call from someone that was my application online and offered literally double that to do the same job. I declined (NPNW), but that should give you anons an idea on how much better things are today for the modern worker.

>> No.55820349

The competent people doing WFH are effectively FI between being able to afford real estate when interest rates were cheap and the enormous amount of money you can shove into tax advantaged retirement accounts at those pay grades.

You think the places that were attracting these people by hiring full time chefs are going to be dragging them into violent cities now?

>> No.55820351

Most people on S8 are white. And no, it's a new phenomenon. You had to get roommates to live in nice areas, but you could always find an efficiency for a 1-person budget, either in a more rundown area or for a premium. But the premium was a stretch, not impossible.

>> No.55820370

Most people in the US are White. Unless the niggers are over represented ~10x there are going to be more Whites than niggers even if there's an extreme concentration of them.

>> No.55820385

Yeah, in the 80s/early 90s. From the late 90s through the 2010s, it wasn't keeping up with inflation. There was a small bump in the mid-2000s when the minimum wage was increased, but after Democrats took Congress, there was no political will to do that again, and I get the feeling that McD's purposely suppressed wages once the $15 movement started.

>> No.55820394

They arguably make much less in terms of things people actually want (financial security, self improvement, women.)
If you calculate it in terms of fuel, bigmacs, and ipads it's probably the same though.

>> No.55820424

Clears thrive on the invisibility of their overwhelming use of gibs. They rely on tan hands such as yours type-typing away to keep the lie alive.

>> No.55820519
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>You're uneducated and that's why you're poor, please stop ignoring the fact that you could buy a new car with cash in the 2000's with a job that paid minimum wage with a high school diploma post 9/11 before the 2008 crash, it's always been like this stop being a revisionist you're spreading misinformation It's literally so easy to break the matrix and make 100$ an hour what's your problem
Just remember, when you're trying to gaslight us on a boat in the middle of the ocean because no country will accept you, your stores of food WILL run dry and your fuel limited. Every goddamn economics youtuber is sounding the alarm bells that all hell is about to break loose and /biz/ is filled with bad actors like yourself who wait for threads like this to pop up just to leave your little comment in a last attempt to appear organic.
You can't stop what's about to happen. Cityside minimum wage shooting from 15 to 22 dollars an hour in under a decade is inorganic and severely unnatural. I can't say when things are going to go to shit, but we are at a point now where it is not if, but when. Fucking cope.

>> No.55820539

Why don't third worlders understand cost of living and taxes?

>> No.55820618

Because they are brown

>> No.55821985

Not when the pools are for stable coin yields on a Defi yield aggregator like SpoolFi. The high yield pools are well incentivized, so there's no need having a headache trying to figure out where the yields are coming from.

>> No.55822042

Such a racist post

How high can the yields get? Stable yields are usually negligible.

>> No.55822151

>I've seen some places for 60k though probably in bad neighbourhoods or something
Not everyone wants to be killed and eaten by the local ferals.

>> No.55822155

The stable yields themselves are not so high but when the incentives are factored in, the yields can get as high as 50%. These high yield pools are basically for users with a high risk appetite.

>> No.55822159
File: 28 KB, 500x500, photo_2023-08-13_10-20-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aardvarks raped my grandpa

>> No.55822194
File: 301 KB, 960x1280, 0xd0e94bf2466979b81d738c34058d4a6559c4d8be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>such a racist post
kek do you even know where you are?

the aardvark giveth and the aardvark taketh away

>> No.55822199

aardvark pussy is best

>> No.55822247

dubs confirm ardvussy is best pussy

>> No.55822678

I live in the UK, just with my family so no I don't know about bills and taxes much. Though I don't spend much on myself so cost of living shouldn't be that bad since I can cut corners.

Yeah but atleast there is a choice/chance. I don't care about all the doomposting.

>> No.55822716

Honestly it just sounds like you are feeling the effects of downward pressure of being in a field biology majors might take jobs in. The amount of failed aspirant doctors and phds drives down anything biological labs relating

>> No.55822721

Interestingly enough Walmart pushed up the price of minimum wage during covid to try to hurt the competition