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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 13 KB, 254x229, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55796058 No.55796058 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't pic related ever kick off? It's clear that corpos will be able to evade millions in taxes by accepting and using crypto as a payment, exchanging pic related for other coins and mixing in dirty money sourced through Monero, No ledger no proof.

But looking at the charts, Monero just never kicks off and never has a bullrun. It seems to eternally crab around the mark it's at now.

I'm salty I'm down 9k by buying a 30k stack near it's peak, but I honestly thought people in the crypto-space would've mass adopted it.

>> No.55796074

the feds control crypto and the feds don't like Monero

>> No.55796077

>Why can't pic related ever kick off?
what are you expecting from a currency? i think you might not be into monero for the right reasons

>> No.55796138
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>i think you might not be into monero for the right reasons
this larp and social acceptancy is absolutely exhausting. More than half the people own it to make money and the other half is making money by using it. Gatekeeping is gay. Go fuck off and watch Mr Robot faggot

>> No.55796232
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>Monero just never kicks off and never has a bullrun.
I expect at least -23x against BTC within the next 10 months.

>> No.55796241
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>> No.55796260

Because liquidity is king and Monero holders refuse to accept this basic fact.
>just buy Monero with cash through the mail bro

>> No.55796274

This is what you get for listening to the chuds of /biz/. It should have been obvious, they crosspost with /pol/ daily

>> No.55796296

Also why on earth would corpos want to evade taxes? They have the legal ability to defer or write off all of it indefinitely, so long as they declare. Evading would just cost them those sweet tax breaks and have the IRS up their ass besides.

>> No.55796305

no man i don't think you get it at all. monero is highly successful already as a currency. it is not an investment. use it as a conduit for private transactions, but if you're trying to get rich off it you're a fucking retard

>> No.55796368

Explain why you wouldn't want to invest?

>> No.55796410

hypothetically, if i were to invest, it would be with a very long-term mindset. if monero's value increases, there are much better plays to make along the way. i've held some monero the past several years and it usually pumps the least in bull markets and dumps the least in bear markets.

>I honestly thought people in the crypto-space would've mass adopted it.
the thing is, the vast majority of people "in the crypto-space" are not into crypto. they are into making money and are incredibly stupid, attracted to the flashy gains of shitcoins. the people who are actually into cryptocurrency(and using as such) have mass adopted monero. for what it does, there is nothing better. at this point it should be considered "safe", and low risk, low reward. over time you might see nice gains though

>> No.55796450

Well market cap wise Monero is only 3b, it has and can grow a lot from where it is now.

>> No.55796462

monero will never kick off because you can never verify how much an exchange is actually holding and nobody wants to be associated with that uncertainty as far as supply goes

>> No.55796472

it absolutely can, but i think it will be slow-going. it's very useful for what it does and you can always jump in and out to make gains elsewhere while you wait

>> No.55796621
File: 117 KB, 900x1200, Taylor_Swift_TayTay_(5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monero is going to fucking explode in price one day and everyone not holding will be blown the fuck out. That goes scam token retards and "in it for the tech" faggots.

>> No.55796782

>Corpos will avoid taxes
Corpos are aligned with the government to control the goycattle. There are power struggles at times but they both have an united front against you. It's not artificial, it's not a "shadow government" like some believe, it's just good business; people doing transactions individually to fuck the average Joe over.
>Expecting the crypto space to adopt monero because it's the sensible choice

There's your problem. It took years before BTC got anywhere, and there is an endless torrent of shitcoins now. For monero to kick off, the average normie would have to finally disavow coins like cuckdano, Ethereum and the whole ether foundation, Turkish delight (avalanche) and a bunch of other normie-wef approved shitcoins. That's on top of the average normie not realizing that the government is their enemy, which is what Monero is supposed to do. They only like BTC because they believe it's decentralized, but they don't even know that decentralization isn't possible without it being literally anti-government. They see monero as anti-government more so than decentralized, which is why they don't buy it. Monero's whole wager is: do people notice this before they are unable to buy anything outside of the system or not? Because if they do, monero skyrockets. If they don't, we are all doomed anyway.

>> No.55796822

>Why can't pic related ever kick off?
Because we don't want it to. Fuck the moonbros and their idiotic ideas of economics. All I want is a fucking currency I can use on the internet. I don't fucking want an "investment" or a "store of value" or "deflationary token". There are literally ten million other shitcoins for you to fuck around with if that's what you desire. Go away. Leave Monero alone. It doesn't need your stupidity nor your delusions. It is working 100% the way it is supposed to. No one is buying Monero to "get rich" or to "make it". If you have no actual use for Monero I highly encourage you to sell it immediately. You are not the intended audience. Please find somewhere else, you do not belong here.

>> No.55796867 [DELETED] 
File: 220 KB, 608x888, Monero.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>55796058 >>55796074 >>55796077 >>55796138 >>55796232 >>55796241 >>55796260 >>55796274 >>55796296 >>55796305 >>55796368 >>55796410 >>55796450 >>55796462 >>55796472 >>55796621 >>55796782 >>55796822

>> No.55796908

>is on /biz/
>leaves a retarded comment like this

>> No.55798262
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>> No.55798285

it's based on such ancient technology that it needs a code upgrade as large as bitcoin would to introduce modern privacy guarantees
and the developer quality doesn't exude confidence they can even pull it. off

>> No.55798604

Just because you get paid a minimum wage equivalent in monero for selling shitty weed online doesn't make you the arbiter of Monero, faggot.

>> No.55798672

Monero will probably never moon. But it is relatively stable so I make sure to keep a stack in cold storage just in case I need it.

>> No.55798713

a Freudian slip

>> No.55798726

it already mooned in 2018, alts don't get a second chance

>> No.55798809
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There's no need to hodl it.. just use it to buy your dn stuff

>> No.55799624
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You clearly don't get it.

>> No.55799654
File: 3.09 MB, 2997x3919, 1690457546498437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because we don't want it to. Fuck the moonbros and their idiotic ideas of economics. All I want is a fucking currency I can use on the internet. I don't fucking want an "investment" or a "store of value" or "deflationary token". There are literally ten million other shitcoins for you to fuck around with if that's what you desire. Go away. Leave Monero alone. It doesn't need your stupidity nor your delusions. It is working 100% the way it is supposed to. No one is buying Monero to "get rich" or to "make it". If you have no actual use for Monero I highly encourage you to sell it immediately. You are not the intended audience. Please find somewhere else, you do not belong here.

Incalculably based and agoristpilled. Moonfags will learn the hard way.

>> No.55799769

By the way the guy making these posts is a permabobo spammer he's been doing this to every single coin here for years, he believes if he fuds the coin enough he can get a large stack, he did this with chainlink and hbar as well and now whines and cries that he lost money.
Kill yourself the only reason people don't want investments to go up are accumulation which kill yourself you don't need to spam shit to get that done or shorting also kill yourself spamming to 10 people won't change the price.
>t. nocoiner observer

>> No.55799793
File: 130 KB, 818x877, bobofaggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm so devilish!
If I saw you in person I'd make you forcefully eat my shit, you've unironically been directly involved in the suicides of anons here.

>> No.55799798

He's the Monero thread OP though, as much as his brain has been fried by /pol/ I don't think he bothers with other coins, other than to cope about Bitcoin. But maybe I'm wrong.

>> No.55799810

No it's you you fag, you've been the one getting threads wiped out, you trying to "save" the board is just making it worse

>> No.55799823

>It's you fag
Fuck off schizo I don't do anything but clip and point out consistent bullshit behavior, if you think I make threads here you're clearly a retard.
>monero thread OP
Kill yourself faggot, best case you're a sub 55 IQ retard, worst case it's you
>He only does this with monero
No he literally does it with every single coin shilled here period.

>> No.55799850

You're the tranny gaywad who has admitted to wiping out threads for the last three years, even normal shit that ends up performing well, under the pretense it's all a scam, but really so you can gatekeep the entire board.

>> No.55799853

He's done it with HBAR, Jasmy, Link, BTC, Dot, ADA, XMR, XRP, XLM, BCH, LTC
Literally every coin shilled here, there he will be telling everyone they are moonfaggots and repeating the same rhetoric over and over and samefagging, I've got clips of him from Jan 2021 doing this till now including multiple times he slipped up using namefagging and proxyfagging when he was a newfag.

>> No.55799861

>calls people chuds
>accuses me of being 5 different people
Okay sorry I didn't see your other posts now I know who I'm talking to.

>> No.55799887

He is a massive fag (and the Monero thread OP), but so are you, you always post that impossible to read devil pepe image before sperging out on a thread.

>> No.55799900

>gatekeeping, spamming chud, spamming fud.
The only faggot here is you samefaggot now post pictures of your asshole so we can see how many dicks you've taken over the years.

>> No.55799941

Because it isn't particularly secure, it's constantly being changed and "innovated" by a community of neckbeards (for the worse), it's permanently associated with pedos and other criminals, and privacy isn't even that much of a concern when a government can't do anything about your transactions anyway.

>> No.55799952

I admit that >>55799654 is a massive permabobo fag, but at least he stays in his lane and sticks to Monero threads. You spend years going from thread to thread, report spamming them and shitting everywhere, inventing new spammers in the process, and killing biz by your own admission. Go hang out on x or r9k instead.

>> No.55799970

If you're buying Monero hoping it will bull run and make you money then you're a retard. Monero is literally there as a way to buy drugs, CP, and other shit that's illegal. It's never going to drastically change in price.

>> No.55799973

>killing /biz/ by your own admission
If you think me posting and calling out spammers is what killed this board... what about you spamming chud and being a thorn in everyone side a contrarian dipshit who enjoys arguing for no reason with everyone?
Ever think THAT might have played a role into making people not want to post here faggot?

>> No.55800013

As least you don't deny it. But you have me mistaken with someone else, or with >>55799654
You are the most insane person here though, spending three years dredging every single post on biz and constantly reeing about spammers like it's your life's work.

>> No.55800033

>Screeching shitting and kicking and screaming
I don't even read the words you type anymore faggot I know what you're doing and who you are, you're shit attempt at gaslighting only highlights to any real anons here why there's still no point in posting while you're here.

>> No.55800059

It will when cbdcs are forced onto us

>> No.55800150

>the people who are actually into cryptocurrency(and using as such) have mass adopted monero.
No, what you mean is that people who are into buying drugs online use Monero because their vendors tell them to. That's still far from being any sort of "mass adoption". It's one specific niche use case where the added privacy is worth the inconvenience of using monero. The truth is that privacy just doesn't matter that much when you're not doing illegal shit. This isn't /g/ and we don't need daily threads gushing about a technology which is useless for making money even by your own admission.

>> No.55800539
File: 236 KB, 1102x1592, 2In01jt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because their vendors tell them to

And why do they feel the need to do that?

>The truth is that privacy just doesn't matter that much when you're not doing illegal shit.

Frictionless e-commerce requires fungibility. Fungibility requires privacy.

>useless for making money

as opposed to memecoins lol

>> No.55800809

So what coins do you actually like? Considering you try to get every thread on this board banned.

>> No.55800826

works on my machine

>> No.55800831

>Every thread on this board banned
Only someone who's spamming 40-50 threads a day would feel like they are being targeted, don't post spam and you won't have to change IP's 50x a day moron.

>> No.55800836

It will eventually

>> No.55801307

I don't spam threads you mongoloid. I post 1-2 OPs a day tops. But I see you in threads all over the place.
Monero for example isn't a scam, works perfectly fine, but here you are reeing about scammers, and posting pedo shit in the XMR general too, please stop it.

>> No.55801882

>hurr durr let me speculate on the exchange rate
You're just doing Forex, but infinitely worse.

Spend things meant to be spent, speculate on things meant to be speculated on.

>> No.55801928
File: 452 KB, 512x1024, decentralized_dispute_resolution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no thanks just buy PNK if you wanna make it lol

>> No.55803227

I'd never associate myself with LINK or HBAR retard

>> No.55803238

File.png means that you pressed Windows + Shift + S to take a screencap and then copied it in.

Oh I don't save photos of monero on my PC I'm such a huge faggot bros!

Also not the person you are saying I am schizo nigger but oh well