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55781778 No.55781778 [Reply] [Original]

>Microsoft architect
It's fucking over. I should have majored in a STEM field when I was in my 20's. Even switching to IT in my 30's hasn't saved me.

>> No.55781786

adhd is a fake illness

>> No.55781849
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>TFW switched from sales to Data Analyst in my late 30s

>> No.55781858

>chugs coffee
>i have le mental illness
You have retardation

>> No.55781859

it's real if you can't change your environment though

>> No.55781905

120 as an architect? Where do you work, New Delhi? That salary sounds like shit for the title. What are you actually doing day to day?

>> No.55781964

It's definitely an over blown title. I'm more of a senior sysadmin. I manage our Microsoft 365 environment so I'm not necessarily building or architecting apps or tools, which is why the price is fairly low, plus Microsoft 365 is more business support instead of revenue generating, so that's why an AWS or azure architect would be making $20-$30k more.

>> No.55782018

its not that hard, learn aws or azure. 120 is low you should be able to move to around 140 or 150 easily.

>> No.55782051

>you should be able to move to around 140 or 150 easily.
as a sysadmin?
naw man, $120k pretty damn good for that job.

>> No.55782055

you can change your environment 99.9999% of the time albeit

>> No.55782119

Depends where you live. In NYC 120k is what you make taking out garbage. In midwest 120k is good money.

>> No.55782312

Oh yeah definitely, this job is stepping stone to get into "enterprise" environments while I work on some solutions architect certs and then I plan to move into that realm. Kind of hard to jump in without that enterprise experience.

>> No.55782331

You're paid $120K USD for IT work. What more do you want? 38 year old zoomers are so entitled.

>> No.55782344

better than MCDs

>> No.55782348

Yeah it's dependent on where you are
In NYC and LA you can make 6 figures mowing some lawn lol, but yeah that $100k basically takes you nowhere. Salaries for tech jobs in those places are the ones that push $200k-$350k, because that money goes as far as $100k does in Appalachia.
A lot of people in tech are also very dishonest about this, many advertising that they took pay cuts over the past few years when the reality is that they took a job transfer in Boise Idaho from LA, of course you don't need $300k in Idaho, I mean have you ever been there? There isn't enough things there to spend that money on lmao

>> No.55782435

don't you guys see how 120 and 150 essentially is the same? it doesn't MATTER

>> No.55782463
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I know noone cares but an addendum to that ADHD pic is a sense of dread and fear over a something that genuinely makes zero sense. I got a bill for a semester of grad school at 14k and for some reason extrapolated it in my mind that I was paying 60k out of pocket over the course of a year and ruined my mood for a whole day. I woke up the next morning confused as to how the hell I made that correlation. Not the first time I find something to get panicky over.

>> No.55782503

It hurts anon. I see people make mistakes, act like assholes, fuck things up, do stupid shit, and never once are they phased for more than a few minutes. Meanwhile every god damn action I do causes me to agonize for days. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.55782512

Dude literally start doing email migrations to o365 on the side. I used to charge $600 per mailbox.

>> No.55782525

This is a humble bragging thread right? $120k a year good God, I barely make $600 a month, OP KILL YOURSELF NOW

>> No.55782606
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I have to write 4 emails today, that in total constitute maybe 500 words. But it's so difficult for no reason. I try to just shut off my mind and not care - it's worked to a degree in the recent history - but constant agonizing over everything is a very hard pattern to break. I wish you the best anon.

>> No.55782689

I've considered it! I'm amazed at how many people literally cannot handle this on their own.

>> No.55782710

kek 'data entry' is now 'data ops engineer'

job title inflation is insane in "tech"

>> No.55782927

In a sane world I'd just be a sr sysadmin. I'm not "building" anything.

>> No.55783028

if you have money then youo can.

>> No.55783136

I think you’re just autistic

>> No.55783292

>I have to write 4 emails today, that in total constitute maybe 500 words.
Use ChatGPT for this.

>> No.55783589

need more info as I'm trying something similar. What did you major in? did you do any formal studies to become data analyst?

>> No.55783897
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i agonize over every little decision, even if it cost me $10-20. i'm constantly filled with regret, whether i do something or not. if i don't do it i regret it, and if i do it i also regret it. if i do nothing i feel like ending it all. so i have to do something, feel regret and just deal with it. look into jap principles of wabi-sabi, imperfection, etc. if you are interested in using that to correct this perfectionist retard way of thinking and panicking.

i also get pissed if i don't perfectly buy the bottom or sell the top, so i don't invest at all anymore.

>> No.55783912
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i'm currently Director of Internal Stimulation and Reproducitve Asset Management at my own company.

>> No.55783926

I have a bachelor's degree in marketing, did sales for 3 years, liked it but not something I can for 25-30 years so I did a certificate program at one of my local unis for data analytics. Company had a opening for a category analyst, so I applied

>> No.55783958

thank you

>> No.55783966

I make 140k annual at 33 and feel like a failure, can't afford shit so damn OP I feel for you. Do you have a family? If not, why bother with the rat race at that point. You ain't gonna win it. Just go live cheaply and chilly somewhere cheaper. That's what I'd do but I'm tied down.

>> No.55783985

Unfortunately I chose to have kids. Love them to death but honestly regret having them. Not because of them, but because of this world. I can't even imagine how much worse it will be for them.
>McDonald's job requires $250k MBA and pays $20/hr and apartments cost $6000 a month for 1 toilet in a room with no fridge shared with 6 strangers.

>> No.55783996

It's not an illness you fuck wit.

>> No.55783997

You think that's bad? One day walking around campus I got my calculator out and determine how much my tuition cost for every waking minute I spent on grounds. I nearly broke down on a bench because I was three years deep and no one told me I had made a mistake. Graduated in 2020 and my degree has not helped me in any conceivable way besides bringing me additional anxiety.

>> No.55784001
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Nah he's just keyed up and his brain is overwhelmed.

>> No.55784039
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I'm 36 and a nocoiner, nojober, sickfaggot with nothing to his name but my shit teeth are getting extrated tomorrow so I'm happy about that and it's paid for except the painkillers won't be but my brother could probably pay for it.

>everyone ITT with jobs
You have no idea how much I want to work, watching all these opportunities slip by me wrecks my heart but I do wish the best for the good anons here, you guys have put up with a lot of bullshit so you deserve something nice.

I know nobody really cares but I do, it's my biggest fault my heart cares so damn much I can't hurt people, lie, do anything to benefit myself so I'm always stuck in a rut.

But I still can't change my nature, I'm sorry if anyone responds and it takes awhile my internet is going to shit this last week.

>> No.55784045

How does someone reach their 30s with no job?

>> No.55784076

Autism, worked odd jobs here and there my entire life but never for long and eventually my health failed was a slow failing because I didn't have health insurance and being naive to the healthcare community let my body run down and my mind followed suit.

I'm lucky I have family but it's a tiring life, I'm trying to rebuild again but waiting for disability determination based off my neuroforminal stenosis but they are making me do a mental eval on the 30th as well before they decide, I just pray I get it so I can use the medicaid,ebt and income to prop myself back into a normal position.

I really do want to live/work and get back into what a sense of normalcy is.
Also likely having a few surgeries on my back in october so I can't work and still running labs and ultrasounds on other issues I'm dealing with.

>> No.55784157

Just focus on improving your physical and mental health for now. You shouldn't torture yourself with a job if your body can't take it.
If you live in a major city, there is probably some sort of program that helps autistic people with jobs and life skills. But you should make health and hygiene (dental, sleep, mental, physical) your top priority for now.

>> No.55784264
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That's pretty much what I'm trying to do luckily I paid all my bills with what I had but the world doesn't stop assuming I get approved for autism/physical disability it should pay my bills as well.

Going through all this shit while sick is torture, I feel jealous of people who are fine are just fake their symptoms to get this shit while I'm bedridden most days.

Hoping the teeth removed will help my physical pain and infections go down for now.

I just hate watching the world go by while mine slowly crumbles.

>> No.55784681
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I'm sorry you have to deal with that anon. Hopefully as the medicle issues subside, the lack of pain will improve each day bit by bit. From there maybe you can find some work to do, something small to carve out in your life that you can do for your pleasure. Enjoy the process as best you can. I'm rooting for you

>> No.55784758

I get paid just over £200k/year and I do about 10-15 hours work a week.

>> No.55784783
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Based picture, thanks buddy I'll be glad to get these teeth removed probably be pretty sick I just hope they give me painkillers, been in pain awhile so would be a nice reprieve even just for a few days.
I hope I can turn things around and get to work by next year, this shit is a battle though and I hate it more than words could describe.

>> No.55784825

What does the environment have to do with any of this Gretta?

>> No.55785051

Why do people respond without saying anything.

>> No.55785166

STEM is overcrowded and a an engi (mech or comstruction) makes less than 100k. EE is the exception

>> No.55785689 [DELETED] 

You're being senseless. You need to be more in touch with your senses. Let the right decision come to you. Its called wu Wei. When you try to think too hard about something you lose touch with the true nature of perception. You need to trust your senses more, they have evolved over the course of thousands if not millions of years of surviving harsh conditions

>> No.55785712 [DELETED] 

Stop trying so hard to control everything, realize there is only so much you can do. Practice just sitting, focusing on your breath, and being aware of what comes to you (meditating)

>> No.55785789

>STEM is overcrowded


>> No.55785931

Nah brah
You can detect the dopamine and norepinephrine abnormalities in even platelet count and structure

ADHD women bruise super fucking easy

>> No.55786868

The two people who I met that had it, based on the symptoms not a diagnosis, were completely intolerable attention seeking faggots who deserve to be put down like the animals they are.

>> No.55786901

>watches a video on mute while listening to another, all while distracted by his own thoughts

alright this got me, although I suspect everyone is like this these days due to shitty diets and constant screen time

>> No.55786983

Wow, now this one is literally me
I got diagnosed with adhd as an adult, but it's nice to have this all written down in one place so I can remember to do the opposite of this stuff

>> No.55786996

You sound like a very kind soul

>> No.55787011

Thanks but being kind in this world doesn't get you too far
>ID changed cause they were working on my lines.