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File: 423 KB, 1404x880, camper life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55779226 No.55779226 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/

Since the markets are crabbing, let's talk about something more interesting.

22.y.o virgin here and my parents will kick me out in a few months, basically i just don't want to pay rent in my city (2 bedroom flat is like 1800$-2500$ a month) and i really don't want to live in a ghetto neighborhood just to save on rent.

>I have a portfolio of about 180'000$ in LINK, SOL and Pepe... (So i can afford an expensive Van)

I want to buy a comfy van and just fuck off from society, a big plus is that i can leave my residency "on paper" and dodge basically ALL TAXES - not paying for any welfare or single moms.... sorry, ugh i know, not going to

-> Never paying rent again
-> Probably not paying a single dime in income / capital gain taxes
-> Can hide by a friend who has a lot of land
-> Dodge the mandatory fine if you don't go to the military (will be 25'000$ i owe to the state in the next 8 years)

-> Van will be expensive (80'000$)
-> Not living at home anymore

ANYBODY here doing the /VANLIFE/ or any tips on how i should proceed?

>> No.55779237
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Thats the front interior

Camper is 80'000$ and pre-owned, but previous owner is a fat boomer and never used it

>> No.55779245
File: 462 KB, 1400x935, camper life 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am probably taking my gaming pc and all my monitor's with me, will be tough but i wanna set up my own office

I work in IT and can get a WFH full time or part time WFH job

>> No.55779367
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Looks comfy.

>> No.55779371

>third worlder thread

>> No.55779409


I want to make it as comfy as possible


Nigga as if a third worlder would even come close to afford such an RV

>> No.55779438

Ghetto liver here.
I'm pretty sure the towns population has dwindled to nothing because I rarely if ever see anyone.
Ghetto life is great.

>> No.55779446

>Cry baby white boy derailing the thread.
Why even make a post? Just stop clicking threads you don't like shorty.

>> No.55779576

I think you would be better off buying a van and paying someone to fit it out

>> No.55779583

>knowing a V8 van is going to be on overnight in the winter for a good two months for heat.
Enjoy that mechanic bill in two years.

>> No.55779597

I cant imagine living in a camper that small, would need to be double size for me to live a comfortable life, but that would make it big as a truck.
Campers are for people who only need them to sleep/shower/cook and spend the rest of the day outside, otherwise you are living in a pod but with wheels.

>> No.55779616

Maybe you can go to China to live, where the rent and prices can completely allow you to live for half your life

>> No.55779626

Have you ever stayed in a camper before? It's horrible. I'd rather live in the ghetto

>> No.55779636

I met a woman doing this that said she paid 65k for a van not as nice as that one with 30k miles or so. She had taken it to mexico twice and seemed happy enough but she was a boomer that owned a rental property and her plan was to just kick out her tenants the minute her van life got dull. I'm thinking of doing it too but costs seem too high.

>> No.55779823

I wish I could do this. I can't afford a van though. I'm 35 and only get paid £368.74 a month.

>> No.55779921

You can buy a modest van for much cheaper and not one of those sprinters.

>> No.55779935

You’d have a vastly better quality of life moving to a cheap country and renting a nice house, instead of spending all that money on a van

>> No.55779958

why not just buy a beach hut in some central american shithole?
you can live on 200$ a month, weather is great and food is organic, just dick around by the sea, surf every day, live like a troglodyte.
Your plan just sounds like homelessness with extra steps and sounds miserable.

>> No.55780149


Like i said, i have a farmer friend who is willing to provide me with electricity and water in the winter.


I get the "live jn a pod" meme but my goal is dodging all income taxes and living outside of the system.

Camper is pretty big for one person but i know, not suitable for everybody.

Yeah multiple times, but not more than one month

Thought about this too, maybe i will downgrade this a bit

My goal is literally dodging all income/capital gains taxes and the fine of my shitty government who charges you thousands of $$$ if you dodge the military draft

>> No.55780163

You will hate it before too long.
Living in a mobile is a meme.

>> No.55780186

>Probably not paying a single dime in income / capital gain taxes

>I work in IT and can get a WFH full time or part time WFH job

How are you planning to get an IT job and not pay tax?

>> No.55780321

You have a dead portfolio midwit. But you can still slurp into CryptMi app to help you save some bucks while making your payments...

>> No.55780614


If i manage to get a full WFH job then i can abuse a certain rule which a lot of "digital nomads" use, basically you have no point of residency and not a certain place where you work.

I checked this throughly


Get out ranjeesh, nobody cares about your shitcoins

>> No.55780665

If you go the van route look at local campgrounds and KOA campgrounds. Most of them offer a year round rate which is only a few grand. That will give you water and electric. Much better than parking at Walmart and we'll worth the money.

>> No.55780675

Most of them don't require the engine to run for electric. They either have a diesel or propane generator.

>> No.55781559 [DELETED] 

it amazes me how many dont seem to be aware you can just rent a room on craigslist. ive paid $500/mo for rent by just having roommates for like 15 years.

although vanlife is probably very comfy once you have a nice van and everything set up properly.

>> No.55781607

dont do it unless you commit to a small property to make your home base

have you ever actually encountered a vanfag in real life? i dont even want to sound mean, but they legitimately seem miserable - the type to wayyy overextend their welcome everywhere they go - because they dont want to return to their cuckshed

>> No.55781617

If you're living on your friends property just buy a trailer and connect it to the water and septic. Sprinter vans cost thousands of dollars for the smallest repairs because there is a shortage of diesel mechanics. Shitting, showering and cooking in a van is a chore unless you have electric, water and septic hook ups, so you'll either be less mobile than you think or you'll end up paying >$500 for lot rent at campgrounds. Also you're not out of the tax system if you have a vehicle, you still have to be licensed and have your vehicle registered, registering an $80k vehicle will put you on a database.

>> No.55781623

I’ve always wondered what was up with the people who looked like they’ve been at the KOA long term this makes a lot of sense now

>> No.55781656
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can you not just move out to the boonies? land is cheap and you can have some country retard park a new trailer on your property for that price. anyways, post tits. only instagram roasties live in vans.

>> No.55782724
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imagine the smell

>> No.55783890

Even products turns shitcoins for ignorant globohobos

Green energy is what the globe needs now, no room for carbon fiber energy again... Else global warming will roast us all.

>> No.55785430

I don't think you understand that subjecting yourself to the constant drudgery of maintain le heckin van life because you think it owns the feds is actually a massive self own.
>Live in a fucking car like a homeless schizo
>For your entire life
I bet you have almost no experience outside your parents house. No one wants to live like this for more than a few months. You're no different than a Stacie who tries out van life before going back to a proper home.

>> No.55787369

try it. LARP thread.

>> No.55787851

Bumping incase I don't make it next bull run

>> No.55787859

Don't worry dude, if you stacked Solana, Chainlink, Bitcoin or Ethereum you are going to make it

I never planned on staying inside this RV for life dude, maximum until i reach 30 years because then i won't have to pay the military fine

The world needs fucking nuclear energy not your useless wind or solar energy

>> No.55788136

>Van will be expensive (80'000$)
Bullshit you could have a sweet set up for like 50-60. Don't buy a brand new one. I drive cargo vans like these for my job, the mercedes-benz sucks ass.

>> No.55788207

> The world needs fucking nuclear energy not your useless wind or solar energy

I'm a VP in renewables development for an oil supermajor and used to work in nuclear financing in China. I've worked on closing over 4GW of renewable energy deals in the middle east, south east asia, africa and south america, in solar PV, OFW, OSW, and green H2.
Trust me, you don't want these guys to have nuclear energy. You give them the simplest tech like solar PV plants, which are as dumb as you can get, no BESS, no turbines, no cooling, no weird chemicals. Just let the racks orient themselves and clean the modules once a week.
These motherfuckers still manage to fuck it up.

You really want muhammad, ngubu and juanito to have nuclear power plants? You're delusional.
Nuclear in Europe, China and North America? Sure, go ahead. The french, americans, finns, chinese and russians are already world leaders in nuclear. Get Japan and Germany to stop sperging out, get other European countries to build reactors (which is what the french are doing with EPR 2). Although nuclear has one disadvantage of being very complex and very exepensive. Sure, the price of energy is cheap once the reactor is built (around 30$/MWh, which is only rivalled by solar in the Saudi desert), but your minimum capacity is like 1.5GW. You can't build a small 150MW nuclear reactor, whereas I routinely work on 200-800MW deals, and we have some teams dedicated to <50MW projects.

So yeah go nuclear...but not for everyone or every situation.

>> No.55788707

>i live in the back of a $2000 pickup truck
>have to work to afford gas and food
>see this thread

Better to be a hard motherfucker than an avoidant motherfucker

>> No.55788880

This. OP is a fucking parasite loser. Too afraid to disappear in tropical country.

>> No.55788918

You go to a homeless shelter, you give them a sob story, they test you for crack, and if you come up negative they put you in anything from a bunkbed to a college dorm depending on how charitable they feel

>> No.55789556


Honestly i didn't expect such a well mannered answer, respect to you dude!

You are right, all these third world shit countries shouldn't have access to nuclear energy - that's not what i meant. These guys can go live in huts without power

But for the more developed countries and especially my country nuclear energy is the way

Cheers dude