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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55778673 No.55778673 [Reply] [Original]

hi i have learning disability but get payed lot. How do i to buy gold and silvir. I try to read article but so sorry my brain is not understand. I have robinhood account with abot 300 thousing but am not fun with stock buying. Can i buy golds and silvirs on this app or is there another. Please dont make fun of me I understand my think is lower than most. Thank you for your time and help

>> No.55778690

buy a ticker called SLVP

also, watch this, it is tard-friendly:

>> No.55778740

all in harry poter

>> No.55778762
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hmm the SLVP doesnt have the same return as Gold. I don't understand. Is way to buy real golding and silvir or not good to do? Does sell metal to bury or have to be computer.

>> No.55778797

if you actually have a learning disability, please don’t take the advice of the people here as they are actually retarded. i would know as i’m one of them

>> No.55778817

Hey anon don't listen to the first couple of retards replying to you. If you want to buy precious metals you need to make sure they're physical, and not related to anything that is considered "accredited". That means you should NOT buy anything pertaining to PMs that isn't the actual physical thing that you can hold in your hand. /biz/ has a precious metals general you can go into the catalog, and search up on the top right field. They have an in depth guide on where to find the best markets for said thing. Anyone suggesting anything else to you is brown/black darkie indians from New Dehli trying to prey on you, because of your cognitive disability. Good luck fren you GMI.

>> No.55778826

here you go fren
https://libertycoin.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
https://www.luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)
more at: https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE
ignore the rest of the indian pump and dump begging, and use these links

>> No.55778857
File: 26 KB, 528x484, hat2154(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok this is very good than computer. I will work on read that thread and understand. Thank for links! that will help so much. I buy safe and bury on acrige excuse my type i sound slight less dum when talkink. will hav to learning sell the gold but i have the time after the buying. Thank again!

>> No.55778913
File: 582 KB, 1080x1371, 1 point 3mil per share.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thesis behind PMs anon is that banks have purposely distorted the perception of them being worth anything due to a fabricated belief that we have an abundance of them in our markets. The truth is we do not, and due to PMs being used for a plethora of productions by manufacturers, buying these assets is betting against said banks. Buy what you can afford do not dump all of your money into them it's going to be a while, before shit really hits the fan like that, but we're pretty close if that makes sense. I am waiting for pic related to blow up first, before I dip my toes into PMs. Pic related is Gamestop which has been overtly shorted, and the price is showing dark pool trades of non-synthetics which they 100% need, so market makers will abuse other market makers for real shares, and too boost their own capital.

>> No.55778963
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I do understood some of that and will being careful for the gold. MIght be to average my cost for a bit on it. Is GME a buy still? I been out of loop for a bit of time, trying to catch up but it's slow going for me. I know some people on here help me making money before but i do need careful for scamming. Thank again

>> No.55779007

Bullfrogs are savages they eat anything alive including their own

>> No.55779033
File: 26 KB, 1024x546, hat629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but frog cute. Could say frog eat frog world hahaha especially with money XD every person want it even if hurting other

>> No.55779061
File: 452 KB, 950x610, GETTING SICK OF THESE GLITCHES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah GME is a buy right now. It's cheap on public markets(20ish dollardoos), and darkpool prices, and RSI(what is a measurement for trade momentum) hasn't reached sub 30.0 yet meaning no reason to audit, or push for a share buy-back yet. It's probably one of the smartest investments you could make OP. PMs are also a great investment, because the only thing affecting "volatility" are market makers, and kikes trying to distort the actual worth of said PMs. Pic very related for GME. I'd buy a stack of GME like 20-50, or 50-100 shares, and then just keep passively investing in PMs if I were you, especially if I were in your position accruing NEET-bucks. Don't go buying alt-coins right now, especially if they're being shilled on /biz/.

>> No.55779191
File: 28 KB, 386x289, hat1482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool cool i buy 50 gme with order for execute in morning!! I buying 20 thousing in gold to begining and then will buy to each week! i am excite for different type of money buying its so fun! thank you much. think gold on facebook okay to buy or too possible fake?