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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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55764521 No.55764521 [Reply] [Original]

There's never going to be a housing bubble crash, is there?

>> No.55764531

no. tragedy of the nigger cattle commons. prices go up and normies chomp at the bit to enslave themselves with higher and higher debt to income ratios on a 30 year loan to mr. shekelberg, to the extent that they engage in waived contingencies and bidding wars with borrowed money.

>> No.55764658

There will. The best part about bubbles is they pop when everyone is least expecting it. There were maybe a handful of obscure financial analysts who predicted 2008.

>> No.55764666

Its happening right now.
Not true. Everyone saw the dot com coming but no one had any idea when it was going to happen.

>> No.55764671

The market is probably fairly hollowed out at this point, with a significant portion of liquidity being fake. That's why BlackRock has to come in and pump the housing market (thus causing huge losses for their "sophisticated investors" down the line, because it's pumping the housing market with THEIR money).

>> No.55764685
File: 29 KB, 432x306, 18EB57E8-1AB6-4BDE-9CD2-2A0C8278EDAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes sir very soon. Keep paying that rent until the housing bubble crashes. You're so very smart for waiting to buy a house. Renting is the best financial decision right now

>> No.55764688

Bro.... why would you ever think there would be?

Im a rentoid, but im not delusional.

Here in Australia we're getting 200,000 to 400,000 Indians and Chinese per year, to a country with a population of 25,000,000

But its not poorfag Indians or Chinese, we only get those who have money, so they can always buy homes here.

So my country has a pool of a few billion people to trickle in year after year to keep property values increasing, the prices will never go down.
But even if the people were poor it doesn't matter, because for example the Indians, they're willing to live with multiple families in 1 McMansion, so they pool resources together and outbid you anyway.

The reality is you shouldn't be waiting for a housing crash, what you should be doing is finding a way to try and make enough money where they insane house prices aren't an issue for you to buy

>> No.55764690

I live in a toyota corolla

>> No.55764712

US housing is pretty cheap on a global scale, it doesn't necessarily need a crash.

>> No.55764741

It'll come to a head over Q4 2023 into Q1 2024. New construction hasn't stopped. New mortgages are low. The biggest driver is available inventory. Nobody wants to sell their 3% mortgage for a 7% one for elevated prices. It's literally a waiting game.

Also, there was a small memestorm of "the next drop-shipping" which was effectively becoming a landlord or doing airbnb during Covid. Those people are holding on. But when everyone is renting and doing airbnb, by supply and demand, the prices go down, making the investment far less profitable. That bubble will pop as soon as prices drop just the smallest bit as everyone who isn't in it for the long haul goes "shit shit shit" and sells their "investment" due to FOMO.

That will have a cascade effect on everyone else who was waiting to sell as boomers see their 4 cruises in a year slip between their greedy fingers, and houses will begin to normalize Spring 2024. Interest rates will still suck ass, but at least the prices won't be inflated to shit. Source: my ass.

>> No.55764770
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>Yes sir very soon. Keep paying that rent until the housing bubble crashes. You're so very smart for waiting to buy a house. Renting is the best financial decision right now

>> No.55764773
File: 121 KB, 1420x715, MSPUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.55764814

>high price houses aren't selling
>only bottom of the barrel garbage is being sold
You don't know what the graph means kid.

>> No.55764815

>Here in Australia we're getting 200,000 to 400,000 Indians and Chinese per year
I'm against mass immigration into white countries, but source? How are 200,000~400,000 people getting to an island a year? What's the math on flights+boats full of poos nonstop for a year? That doesn't add up.