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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55753604 No.55753604 [Reply] [Original]

I'm sitting on $3m of Berkshire Hathaway stock and my dumbass wife wants me to sell 1/3 of it to buy us a house when we are perfectly content renting a house of considerable quality. Why the fuck are women so bad with finance?

>> No.55753659

I'd check with reddit faggot

>> No.55753675

Sell 10% of it and buy a modest, but solid house.

>> No.55753688

how did you end up with that much Berkshire stock?

>> No.55754010

The cheapest house is $1,000,000 anywhere near a city with jobs.

>> No.55754024

Parents were big buffet fans in the 80s and 90s.

>> No.55754088

it will easier for her to get part of it when she divorces you i guess

>> No.55754159

>Buy house when the economy is about to hit the shit.
Maybe sell some shares, but I'd wait with buying to see how things go in the next 6-12 months.

>> No.55754184

she will divorce you and take even more if you don't capitulate to her demands

>> No.55754189

No she's not dumb. She wants house because she can steal it from you during the inevitable divorce

>> No.55754221

>he told his hole he has money
>anno domino current year plus eight

>> No.55754225

>Why the fuck are women so bad with finance?
There's no simple answer that can accurately summarize why women are so poor with finances. Part of it is their reduced ability to delay gratification. Part of it is their reduced ability to conceptualize abstract ideas and formations. Part of it is their natural drive to 'nest'. What matters most is that you make her feel like she's being heard and make her feel like she has a say in decisions. The final say on major purchases should be on your shoulders, assuming you're the one who brought the 3 mil in equity into the equation, and assuming you're the major breadwinner in the relationship. You didn't marry a career woman, did you anon?

>> No.55754248

that's not true. There are plenty of women who are good with finances due to years of being frugal and grinding.

They choose the safest investments and diversify well, leading them to miss some exciting volatile gain opportunities but they also don't lose either.

>> No.55754260

The only way to get a girl in 2023 is to be a multi-millionaire.

If a girl doesn't think you have money, she won't want you.

>> No.55754305

>be handsome
>be attractive
>don't be unattractive
Sounds to me like it's NEGOTIATING TIME, Anon. She wants something big from you; you should receive something big from her in return.

>> No.55754318

>muh outliers
We're talking about averages, tranny.

>> No.55754338

>anno domino current year plus eight

>> No.55754400


>> No.55754404

Welcome to the fourth channel! We're so pleased you could join us here on the world's favorite Malaysian baseball waxing forum and hope you'll enjoy your stay.

>> No.55754435

I already do, she bangs me everyday.

>> No.55754487

Sell 300k worth and get a mortgage, the monthly repayments will be considerably less than your rent and a big chunk of the mortgage is eaten up by inflation over time.. you could even buy a place with a granny flat u could rent out.. she seems smart and your question is dumb, I resent stupid people having a lot of money.. so I don't know why i am helping you.. mainly for the sake of your wife.

>> No.55754751

Sell it all now. When Buffet dies this shit is going to tank like a shitcoin.

>> No.55754877

You should try slapping her

>> No.55754891

If you have a woman telling you what to do, that's not a wife

>> No.55754899

>good with finances due to years of being frugal
that's an oxymoron

>> No.55754914

Bro... 2011 was 12 years ago, not 8..

>> No.55754964

No it won't, what does Buffet have to do with Berkshire cashflows?

>> No.55754976

Except it's true, if you're not frugal you're bad with money.

300k is not enough for a mortgage, you need 600k in current year.

And no, mortgage payments are A LOT higher than rent.

>t and a big chunk of the mortgage is eaten up by inflation over time.

And this is why you're poor, our society is designed to keep stupid people like you from having money because you don't know shit about money or finances.

>> No.55755060
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no u

>> No.55755094

that's just the coasts. average house price is like 400k.
and if you're renting a million dollar house and not working instead of just moving and buying one of these cheaper ones you're the one that's bad at finance. If you work on coasts and aren't getting a huge inflated salary you're the one that's bad at finance. etc.
if you're one of those people that just HAS to live in an expensive place you're a faggot and your wife is cheating on you.

>> No.55755122

Exposing yourself as a 2015/2016 newfaggot, the current year meme goes back to costanzaposting in the early 2010s. Retard.

>> No.55755162

>average house price is 400k

The average house is $1.5 million, the cheapest property is 950k.

>"Toronto Housing Market Report. The average home sold price in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) increased 4.1% year-over-year to $1,118,374 for July 2023. GTA home prices fell sharply after two rate hikes in June and July 2023. Detached home average price increased by 4.7% year-over-year to $1.43M."

>and if you're renting a million dollar house and not working instead of just moving and buying one of these cheaper ones you're the one that's bad at finance. If you work on coasts and aren't getting a huge inflated salary you're the one that's bad at finance. etc.

You clearly know jack shit about finance.

I make a TON of money because I work downtown Toronto, but i understand buying a house is something only stupid people do.

>> No.55755163

No, use that money to have a happier life, women like excentric stuff:
Chocolate from Peru or Mexico, Coffee from Colombia or Bolivia, vanilla from Mexico, lingzhi from China or any asian countries, Italian wine and cheese, eastern europe liquors or just vodka, help people to make her feel you have a heart
200000 wasted in a happier life during 20 years or more

>> No.55755173

I don't recall ISHYGDDT and current year overlapping.

>> No.55755174

>t. Trust Fund Babby
fuck you.

>> No.55755230

>No, use that money to have a happier life, women like excentric stuff:

Once you have money you'll realize the only way to truly be happy, and the only thing that truly makes a human happy, is to grow and compound wealth

>Chocolate from Peru or Mexico, Coffee from Colombia or Bolivia, vanilla from Mexico, lingzhi from China or any asian countries, Italian wine and cheese, eastern europe liquors or just vodka, help people to make her feel you have a heart

If you do this your life will be a living hell, worse than hell. There's no worse feeling for a man than feeling like his wealth and livelihood is draining from him and his future descendants.

>> No.55755338

>toronto is the entire universe
my house costs 400k and i'm fine with it. would i make 2x as much money if I worked in toronto? actually i would not.
from my field the salary vs cost of living there is retarded and I can only imagine the same is for you so if you don't move you are the one that doesn't "know jack shit abooooooot finance"
we know all about making translucent glaze from maple syrup and guzzling it as simulated cum homo i've seen the threads.

>> No.55755354
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forgot pic

>> No.55755365

>my house costs 400k and i'm fine with it.

Well i don't have the privilege of living where you do.

>from my field the salary vs cost of living there is retarded and I can only imagine the same is for you so if you don't move you are the one that doesn't "know jack shit abooooooot finance"

You know absolute jack about finance. The only jobs someone with a finance degree could get in bumfuck hickville where houses are 400k are minimum wage jobs.

My salary/COL is actually very very good because im paid so disgustingly high, higher than i ever would working minimum wage in a bumfuck town.

>> No.55755391


She's fucking other guys and trying to find a way to get a good portion of what you have before divorcing you.

>> No.55755393

You want to go to jail? That's how you get your ass in jail

>> No.55755398

idc. if you are complaining about the costs of housing and you're not a poor fag it's because you have not minmaxed salary vs cost of living.
othewise how do I easily afford a house and you do not lol
just admit that you cannot move because your wife is cheating on you with a local there lmao

>> No.55755416


Zoomer incel mindset. Being good and interesting matters a lot more than money to plenty of girls. In fact, the money hungry ones are probably the worst women to be with because they are just using you for financial security and have an extremely vain personality.

>> No.55755422

>idc. if you are complaining about the costs of housing and you're not a poor fag it's because you have not minmaxed salary vs cost of living.

I never once complained about cost of housing ever. I'm complaining about my wife wanting to make a shitty investment for no reason.

Even if houses were dirt cheap and I could buy one for $100k, if they were a trash investment, I'd rather that $100k be in Berkshire Hathaway.

>othewise how do I easily afford a house and you do not lol

Because you have political connections that I never had that allow you to make money living in bumfuck nowhere lol, look up the word "privilege"

>just admit that you cannot move because your wife is cheating on you with a local there lmao

Where else in Canada are they going to hire financial analysts other than Vancouver or Toronto?

>> No.55755473
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if by political connections you mean born in the USA.

>> No.55755513

That is what I meant. Being born in the U.S is basically a politically connection.

>> No.55755554
File: 731 KB, 1000x1173, 1684295716826468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's nothing political about it, it's violence my paternal line is involved in going back to before the revolutionary war

>> No.55755560

My ancestors were violent too, they were involved in the Canadian-Indian wars.

>> No.55755573
File: 1.19 MB, 1917x1080, 1688853483277023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess they should have done more violence

>> No.55755622

They did more than anyone else in history.

>> No.55755644

dude there weren't even as many indians to kill up there.

>> No.55755659

Things that outperformed your boomer cuck stock over the past twenty years:

>real estate
>S&P 500 index funds
>lean hogs

Congrats for having a wife smarter than you.

>> No.55755661

Doesn't mean he couldn't have killed more as a person.

If there's 1,000,000 indians in canada, and 10,000,000 in the U.S, it doesn't mean that per-capita, my Canadian ancestors killed more. Your ancestors shared their kills over a larger quantity of men, thus the kills/capita is lower.

>> No.55755672

>real estate

So it's in a bubble? Congrats, you're a dummy


You mean the bubble coin? Sure


Only investment i respect other than Berkshire

>lean hogs

Ok you're trolling.

>> No.55755676

share a photo of your wifes pucci

>> No.55755731

we also went around the world killing people before the world wars even started

>> No.55755742


>> No.55755788

fuck her in the pussy at same time, that will set her straight.

>> No.55755836

>>t and a big chunk of the mortgage is eaten up by inflation over time.
how is this not true though?

>> No.55755844

It's assuming that house prices will continue to rise and that will wipe away the debt.

If house prices crash, it will be as if deflation occured. You could buy a house for $1,000,000 and it drops to $600k. You're now paying for a $1m mortgage on a 600k property.

>> No.55755861

but you're talking about buying in a big city where prices are likely to rise over the years. as long as you don't buy and sell at a shit time then you're unlikely to lose money buying real estate. might be a good idea for you to do once rates fall

>> No.55755862

Low t poster, spending his parents money to get a girl. No shame

>> No.55755881

Prices are going to fall. Housing is currently very overvalued.

>> No.55755911

not sure about in US, but where I am prices have already fallen quite a bit due to the high rates leading to less people buying. (I recently bought an 800k property for 760k)

>> No.55755952

In Canada, specifically the GTA, the average property yields 1%.

If you rented for 99 years, it would still be cheaper than buying at current rates.

>> No.55755979

Are you talking abt yield or price growth? If you mean price growth is it really only 1%? I read Toronto price growth is closer to 4% (which is still very low for a popular city) but if rates drop to 2020 levels then maybe it would be worth it

>> No.55756001

Why are parrotheads like this?

>> No.55756019

>wife wants
so your wife is telling you what to do with your money?
You could threaten divorce but you already fucked up by getting married

>> No.55756497

I don't speculate on future prices, I look at cash flow.

>> No.55756525

You don't get cash flow from a house you're living in though, unless you don't mind renting out a room or something

>> No.55756537

You forego the cash flow of renting, that foregoing of an expense can be seen as an incoming cash flow.

But even when you look at it this way, it's still a shitty investment.

>> No.55756575

>everything is in a bubble
>except for my investment and the S&P500
>doesn't undeestand commodities
and yet you go around telling people they don't understand finance lol

>> No.55756685

Yes because i ran the valuations.

You don't understand economics or finance.

>> No.55756712

You sound dumb and conceited.
Lol Torontofag. Literally move retard. If you’re not capable of getting a decent job outside Toronto you’re a cuck.

>> No.55756722
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>> No.55756842

There are no jobs outside Toronto you fucking dummy

>> No.55756895

is the 3m in berkshire you have in CAD or USD? if it's in USD why do you even need a job

>> No.55757096

Because I don't want to become depressed.

>> No.55757102

Also 3m in CAD earning 5% a year is more than enough to live off of forever.

>> No.55757283

lmao dumbass even neets are pulling roasties

>> No.55757327

Even doctors and investment bankers are incels in todays society. Girls want guys who can take them on boats and jets.

>> No.55757335

In 2014 it did

>> No.55757400

Who cares. Play by your own rules

>> No.55757440

That's how you end up in prison

>> No.55757488

hehe not me. 20 years? tell em they're dreamin. I'll be out in a month. Judge dont know nuthin

>> No.55757500

You fucked up, kiddo

>> No.55757505

Based. OP is gay and must go back

>> No.55758374

dude just be flat toned when you say this but say this word for word unequivocally and then dont respond to whatever she does in reaction except with the silent treatment

No. We'll get a financial consultant to explain why to you if you can't get over it, but this isn't up for debate.