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File: 279 KB, 800x304, ICON-Listing-On-OkEx-CoinCalendar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5572927 No.5572927 [Reply] [Original]

I'm seriously considering ~90% in on ICX. I have 1 BTC value portfolio, ~16000 about ~2000 is locked up in a shared masternode on BWK, so I can't pull that out.

Am I insane to do this, please don't shitpost, real discussions. I'll post my blockfolio in the next post.

>> No.5572971

I wouldn't go 90% in but go 50% and put the rest into other coins.

ICX is solid, but never go ALL all in OP

>> No.5573016


no matter how much you believe in a coin, never go all in. ICX is a solid project though

>> No.5573018
File: 344 KB, 710x1230, Blockfol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5573127
File: 773 KB, 930x525, 1498544664147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with those choices, i can almost hear your lambo revving

>> No.5573211

literally one of the best things to get into for 2018, all in on this then take out half once wanchain is released

>> No.5573236

y..y..you too

Yea that's what my cautious diversify sense tells me, but all the fundamentals of ICX are screaming this is the one true moon.

>> No.5573301
File: 51 KB, 201x138, pHeElzn[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I highly recommend you do not do this.

ICON as the 'eth of korean' seems to be a massive meme. Eth is a global computer, to have an Eth of Korea is a stupid idea.

Once Ethereum itself starts allowing staking, and making 12% a year, the koreans themselves will dump their ICO and just buy Ethereum. Money >>> National Pride.. especially to such a shallow and vapid country as Korea.

I get that you want to get in because the price is going up today.

Delet this feeling.

Best way to invest is allowing your wallet to behave 180 out of sync with the market, while your head IS in sync with the market.

So if you read good news, AND the price goes down. Buy. If your read good news, and the price goes up, don't buy.

We read bad news yesterday with korean regulation, and the price is going UP today.. and you want to buy? No wonder you guys lose money.

>> No.5573383


If ICON can handle something like Cryptokitties, Ethereum is done for. kek

>> No.5573431
File: 129 KB, 1263x754, lelicx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh korea regulation

>> No.5573445

If the TRX open source does nothing for tron i'll drop my bags and put it into ICX :)

>> No.5573450
File: 192 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171228-181931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really believe in ICX as a long term hold. But with the SK crypto niggers, and the mainnet pushed to Jan. 24th I think it's going to be a bumpy ride for the next month.
Pic related, it's not much, but at least you know I'm not larping. I can't afford to day trade so i only go for long holds. Hopefully in 90 days I'll have enough to push to other promising coins.

>> No.5573570
File: 44 KB, 2816x190, T50qfj7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all in, anon. Fully believe in ICX, the Koreans are some smart motherfuckers and they're pretty much 5-10 years ahead of us. ICX is dubbed the national blockchain of Korea, it's a big fucking deal. They've had a working product for two years already.

>> No.5573612

I am also a greedy fuck who is all in. God speed anon

>> No.5573615




>> No.5573737
File: 270 KB, 1027x676, 1514495409331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out ZCL. It follows the chad-step pattern. Holders will get the upcoming Bitcoin Private fork. Projected to be around $200-300.

>> No.5573751

Thing is
>no concrete demo or proof of the product
>no github
>no white paper, only a yellow paper called white paper
>crappy communication
>mainnet FOMO, "buy before it hits korean exchanges" FOMO, neither happen
This thing stinks. I'd never put a large part of my portfolio into it right now

>> No.5573787

>all in on ICX
>not waiting patiently for WANCHAIN

>> No.5573809
File: 133 KB, 900x1200, checkem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5573847

This photo is hardly convincing enough to make anybody with several brain cells invest thens of thousands of dillaridoos into something

>> No.5573849

>paying $5 to put a poster on the side of a vending machine
>worth $2 billion

>> No.5573910

Holy shit this is truly the new paradigm of cryptocurrency!

Any minute now there should be whales dumping their wealth into that vending machine...

>> No.5573968
File: 20 KB, 543x373, 17884641_1872756156339857_1225209341884609863_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit. the FUD is real.
stay poor anon. we don't need you where we are going.

>> No.5574003

>that broken lamp

>> No.5574008

At least make a fucking effort like >>5573809, brainlet. Criticism is NOT the same thing as FUD if it can't be proven false

>> No.5574050

Orchestrated FUD from fearful ETH holders. It will only increase as ICON starts to deliver and grow.

>> No.5574084

If you go in 90% and Korea decides to pull the plug on ANYTHING related to crypto you will be so fucked. Conisider 20%. 50% and up is a serious risk.

>> No.5574145


Block chain revolutionises interpersonal finance.

These is NO point putting a company's operations on the block chain.

This lends into the 'why not just use the current systems' idea.

Give me one good example what a COMPANY has to gain from moving it's operations to the block chain? trust? They already trust each other it's a company, backed by firings if someone lies.

>> No.5574154

>koreans don't use fucking github, they have their own thing like for everything internet related
>is this even a point? their twitter is legit lowkey and they don't shill too much on telegram cause they know their shit and don't wanna hype
>mainnet is fucking happening, they have so much backing that is ridiculous if you think they won't deliver after working for 2 years.

>> No.5574162

Yea, but it seems like Korea is setting up institutional acceptance more than bringing down the hammer now?

>> No.5574196

>what is cyber security


>> No.5574216

I hold ICX too OP but don't go all in. Try cover all of the market with your portfolio.

three biggest trends for 2018

1. Smart Contract block chains , stuff like NEO and ICX . ICX is a way better deal at the moment , accumulate on it.

2. Privacy and encryption , Eng coin meets the demand for scalable privacy for every block chain.

3. Tokens similiar to Ripple , Stellar Lumens is heavily undervalued and should be easily 50 billion especially since they have a fiat conversion option which is huge.

4. Hash graph coins , could make BTC obsolete and become the premier for store of value.

>> No.5574317


Are there any hash graph coins exist?

>> No.5574354

Nice that you put the effort in

>>koreans don't use fucking github, they have their own thing like for everything internet related
Then where is it?
Not a technical paper expected from a product at this level. Take a look at a proper white paper https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf
>>is this even a point? their twitter is legit lowkey and they don't shill too much on telegram cause they know their shit and don't wanna hype
Figured they might wanna be more open on their issues yesterday
>>mainnet is fucking happening, they have so much backing that is ridiculous if you think they won't deliver after working for 2 years.
How can you be sure about this?

>> No.5574663

The bitcoin paper is seminal and technical because it was a relatively simple solution to the double spend. The bitcoin blockchain is not a complex structure.

How technical is Ethereum's white paper?

>> No.5574744

>The bitcoin paper is seminal and technical because it was a relatively simple solution to the double spend. The bitcoin blockchain is not a complex structure.
They should at the very least have explained how LFT actually works.
>How technical is Ethereum's white paper?
Pretty detailed desu

>> No.5574805

they are launching their shit in the tallest building in entire mf korea

>if you are one of those niggas that stresses their telegram with pointless questions you don't even know shit about then i pity you

>bitcoin whitepaper, i hope you are memeing

>> No.5574857

fucking weeb,
you are the mf that always puts desu in his sentences, go jerk to some 2d girl anon, i'm done

>> No.5574927

>they are launching their shit in the tallest building in entire mf korea
ACCORDING TO THEM. How can you be absolutely sure about this?

It's a word filter, newfag

>> No.5575103

i dont give a fuck, i got in this boy as soon as it launched on binance so i'm 120% comfy for 2018

also even if it's a filter it's gay af

>> No.5575171

I'm 60% ICX
20% ENG
20% XRP

Going to knock ICX to 40%

What should I spend the other 20% on?

>> No.5575524

ZCL, it's climbing up a new step as we speak. >>5573737

>> No.5576174


>> No.5576311

Any rumors on when ICX will come to Korean exchanges? Before or after mainnet?

>> No.5576857

I had heard a rumor that Jan 2nd was a possibility for Coinone, but that is unverified

>> No.5577542

Korean here, also all in, god speed

>> No.5577676

How's ICX being perceived in SK?

>> No.5577711

Korean here aswell.

i guess the most accurate equivalence is how you guys view link

>> No.5578204

Korean here, can confirm that this is the general opinion.

>> No.5578264

korean here. the koreans here are perceiving ICX as the samsung of blockchains, here in korea.

>> No.5578322

Why did it go up again? I heard people were bout to dump because of the "announcement" that SK was going to ban cryptos and I wanted to buy the dip

>> No.5578417


the three of you can form a human centipede and shit in each others mouths you fucking unfunny motherUFCKERS

>> No.5578448

>tfw bought ICN instead by accident

>> No.5578503

yea picking coins that have already mooned will do that...

>> No.5578525

That fake news was yesterday. It was almost $5 most of the day too. Might dip again but who knows.

>> No.5578537

you made it funny

>> No.5578565

Korean here.
Ching chong ching chong nigga, need to buy more Supreme and Adidas

>> No.5578636


>> No.5578759

word filters.
t b h = desu

>> No.5578783

"On January 31, 2018, ICON team will host our 1st ICON Annual Summit titled “The Genesis”, appropriately at one of the most iconic, tallest skyscrapers in the world—Lotte World Tower. Also appropriately, this event is timed just before the Lunar New Year.

We have invited blockchain experts, entrepreneurs, influencers, and other key decision-makers from around the globe to showcase our latest technical development including Mainnet, 2018 roadmap, and introduce a number of DApps that will run on top of the ICON network. ICON team has strived to “Hyperconnect the World”, and this day will mark the beginning of a new era, the birth of the ICON Network ecosystem.

Event Details (Invitation-only)
- Date: January 31, 2018
- Venue: SIGNIEL Seoul Grand Ballroom (Lotte World Tower)

Key Agenda
- Mainnet demo
- DApps on ICON network
- Business and technical roadmap for 2018
- Interoperability initiatives: Creating standards"

>> No.5578964

you're a faggot desu

>> No.5579344

I like this guy. BULLISH