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55711026 No.55711026 [Reply] [Original]

Should I move to the United States for money? It would mean leaving behind all my family and friends (I have no friends)

>> No.55711028

Basically I could make twice the salary I make in my home country in the US and have a better quality of life. The plan is to just go there on a student visa, marry literally anyone and eventually divorce/start my new life.

>> No.55711109
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>eventually divorce/start my new life
it works if women. if men you will loose

>> No.55711120

You'll spend all your income on rent due to so many other immigrants having the same idea. All economicly valued land is built on and nimby'd.

>> No.55711131

Depends on where you come from anon. Remember, you're a king in their country until you cost them anything. They are two-faced individualist assholes. You better have the money to back you up if anything happens to you.

>Get bitten by a snake
>150k dollaridoo treatment fees.

>> No.55711266

>All economicly valued land is built on and nimby'd.
bullshit, that's a meaningless statement. all land, even fucking wasteland is "economicly [sic] valued". if you mean it's all expensive then that's bullshit as well. In fact there are lots of shitty previously shrinking towns that are now seeing growth because immigrants move there because it's cheap and suddenly the economy starts growing because people move there.

If you want to immediately move to NYC because that's where the jobs are then you'll be sharing a room or even living on the street. Go somewhere else that needs people and you can live well, even if you're illegal.

>marry literally anyone and eventually divorce/start my new life.
you certainly aren't the first with this plan, it's how the game works. who knows, you might even find someone you like.

>> No.55711293

>You better have the money to back you up if anything happens to you.
they've invented something called "insurance". look it up.

>> No.55711359

>If you want to immediately move to NYC because that's where the jobs are then you'll be sharing a room or even living on the street. Go somewhere else that needs people and you can live well, even if you're illegal.

I have a cousin that lives in NY. I might be able to live with him rent free. NYC is a good place to go I assume?

>> No.55711437

>NYC is a good place to go I assume?
anywhere you can live for free is a good place to go, but NYC or any big city is super expensive and they're getting consumed by crime. Cities go in cycles and eventually NYC will again be a good cheap place for immigrants to go to but not now. Go to a mid-size city in the south and there are not only a lot of jobs but you can afford to live there too.

>> No.55711449

only come if you intend to buy guns lots of guns
otherwise stay out its too dangerous right now

>> No.55711485

Depends: where are you from?

>> No.55711608


My brother lived in USA and return to my country with 400k USD and semi-retired at 35. I plan to do the same.

USA isn't expensive. What is expensive is first world living. Rent a room and eat rice and beans. Just imagine that you can return to your country with all that USD. Don't spend a dime.

Actually USA is cheap to live. Iphones cost 1750 USD my country.

Don't listen to then. Rent is a non-issue. It is cheap. Mentally strength yourself that you are only going there to make money. You will live and be a human being in your country. In USA you will be a machine.

>> No.55711710

> make twice the money.

Have you worked out the health insurance, AC costs, the fact your roof only lasts a few years, hail writes off your house, you gotta' drive 40 miles to go shopping etc etc.

Yanks make loads on paper and have 3 times the debt of anyone else.

>> No.55711915

Smart friend I will do this rent closert in Florida Grandma condo and sell her antiques on Craig's list as she goes senile.