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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 220 KB, 960x780, 1655134677731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55688313 No.55688313 [Reply] [Original]

They had it so good. What's with the self destruction why did they have to do that

>> No.55688352 [DELETED] 

I think when the 60's hit, they had good intentions but bad execution. Instead of allowing civil rights, they should have dedicated a medium sized state to them (mandatory) or sent them back to africa. I dream about what America would be like if this happened. (No, I don't think TND is the answer or moral)

>> No.55688355

1pbtid bot thread

>> No.55688369


>> No.55688413

if you aren't a bot then why are you reposting this low IQ garbage.

>> No.55688416 [DELETED] 

(((self destruction)))

>> No.55688418

>they had good intentions

>> No.55688431 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 932x203, 20230728_103458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao they had the same number of black people back then you idiot. number of blacks and whites in america hasn't changed for decades. the only thing changing is massive jeet and chink immigration. look at the census im not making this shit up. wahh its the black people you say. no its actually the spics and jeets.

>> No.55688433


>> No.55688448 [DELETED] 

You're not White you can't understand.

>> No.55688505

i have blond hair. judging by your low IQ inquiries, i can almost guarantee that you're a swarthy muttoid.

>> No.55688521

It was simply unsustainable. Eventually a black male specimen arrives in one of these white neighborhoods and the white wymyn cant help themselves but drool like dogs.

>> No.55688534
File: 112 KB, 858x562, 20230728_104610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only a matter of time before a jeet shows up to push his porn fantasy of black dicks around white women

>> No.55688536

kids are usually rebellious and stupid.

>> No.55688559
File: 28 KB, 400x215, The_Autism_Community_in_Action_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>studied hard
>Had a shit office job but make good money
>Have a son with wife
>He is sever autist
>He is 9yo
>Can't talk only makes weird noises
>Only play with baby toys
>He have to wear diapers because somedays he refuses to go to the bath
>Some days he becomes agresive amd destroys the house
>He only sleeps 3-4h
>No sex with wife (sex drive goes to 0 when you don't sleep a full night for years)
>Only fun thing of my life is playing some vidya in the bus to work
>Regret not being a comfy happy neet.

>> No.55688569

I love how chuds keep saying women were pure back then, and somehow it's the evil society who corrupted them LOL

The truth is that women are innately whores. The only difference between back then and now is that women say in public how much they love being whores.

>> No.55688794

Ok calm down Ahmed

>> No.55688820

they still don't realize that indians have tad(tiny asian dicks)

>> No.55688866

not true at all you faggot

>> No.55688888
File: 108 KB, 1080x623, 20230728_112648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55688892

>win WW2
>the rest of the developed world has literally been destroyed
>dominate everything by being the last one standing
>decades later rest of the world has more than caught up
>grandkids go on chinese cartoon website and post "WTF how could this happen?! why no money for me?!"

>> No.55688935

Once women were allowed to vote and leave the house everything went to shit

>> No.55688937

stop pretending blacks ruined white's america.
Americans are fucking dumb, lack ALL values that make men great, they just live in fear, ignorance and anger, as they should, because they culture is mediocre.
You tards are just declining, on your own

>> No.55688965

Good times create weak men

>> No.55688979

this basically, but double it

>> No.55689007

all that 50s stuff was already insanely decadent, unsustainable and bought on loan

>> No.55689020 [DELETED] 

Is, indians are asiatic. All non-african browns aren't eligible for bbc status, they are all asiatic or a mix of caucasian/asian. It's big black cock for a reason, not big brown cock.
And even then, bbc is a meme and everybody knows it. Small black coccks don't ever get posted onlnie for two reasons; the culture and porn industry shames them out of it because it is depicted as their sole redeeming virtue, it's not even black people posting them it's brown asians. Hence the BMAF memes too, and always with pale asians. Brown asians have been opressed by white asians more than any african ever was. They revolted against this more times than you can count, historically speaking. Just look at based ghengis.
Like other anons are saying ITT black people were never the problem. It's always been others causing problems. It's always been others pushing the bbc/white girl meme. Black men do not want white or mixed babies, the majority don't want any babies and especially not the expensive kind.
>tl;dr tiny asian dicklets are the bbc posters

>> No.55689036

They aren't bots, they just have a list of topics that generally end with retards arguing with each other for 200 posts with clickbait tier responses

>> No.55689807

The end of the Germanic world was in the 1940s ala Valhalla. Semitic leadership steers toward destroying Edom and seeks to fulfill the creation of a new land that will house the chosen messiah of the chosen.

>> No.55689872

the next generation was bored with how easy life was and had to ruin it.

>> No.55689892

> Self destruction
They destroyed the future for us
They're fine

>> No.55689900

As small hat Milton Friedman said, and as it was repeated to me innumerable times in business school:

>Businesses have a legal and economic obligation to maximize the profits and returns for their shareholders, who are the owners of the business.

There are only so few "real" opportunities to increase profits, such as new product lines, new technologies, innovation to decrease marginal costs, etc. In fact, if a product is too well made, there is little opportunity for ongoing profits. If a company is too stable, there is no opportunity to "squeeze the stone." That's why a firm, following the above concept, ironically has a responsibility to: buyback shares rather than invest in R&D; outsource and offshore key parts of their organization; move to unsafe practices like Just In Time manufacturing and sourcing from a single supplier; hide cash flows in offshore accounts; destroy their own long term capability to function through layoffs and shutting down facilities; make low quality products that don't last; and so on.

>> No.55689925

quints of truth
Indian males BTFO

>> No.55689949

refugee camps (suburbs) are not the ideal. you need to go back to the 1930s.

>> No.55690022

the country was already poisoned by then (federal reserve, fdr's new deal, ww1 and ww2 money expansion)
but where boomers lost it was on the social front
had they done better, we could've tolerated the bad policies much better
but by embracing cultural destruction, there's just nothing left holding up the facade

>> No.55690039

It's the natural course of a country purchased with injustice

>> No.55690096 [DELETED] 

Jews promised them riches and emotionally manipulated them. Modern America is what you get when you ignore the consensus of all the great men that came before and instead trust the Jews.

>> No.55691936 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 768x1024, Blackswan Official Make it Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can still make this dream a reality with AI called Blackswan. Buy 25k to use the bot for a lifetime. The trading bot uses AI to execute instant trades based on news releases. It helps you to enter positions before the market reacts, whether it's bullish or bearish news. You can specify the events you want to trade on. Their twitter/website has more info on it

website: blackswan dot biz

>> No.55691957 [DELETED] 

those whites were doing cool shit
today's whites are whining about democrats

>> No.55692001 [DELETED] 
File: 295 KB, 976x634, Pepe_family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blame women in the workplace for ruining everything

>> No.55692009 [DELETED] 

tell more on why you call them that
i've had the same thought that that is what they are

>> No.55692312


My brother's kid is like that. I'd like to start a family, but that shit's terrifying.

>> No.55692336

If I correctly guess what project you did before what do I get.
Nothing its k. Youre from BOG.

>> No.55692354

thats a huge part of why things are as bad as they are but if you say that simp npc's will run program defend-mlady.exe

>> No.55692364
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>> No.55692382 [DELETED] 

It wasn't their choice. Nobody voted to send Kissinger to China to open up labor markets to slave wages, nobody voted to let the volcker shocks fuck domestic production in the ass, and both parties and all candidates are in bipartisan agreement that trillions must flow into wars to fund the military industrial complex

also the jews or something idk

>> No.55692400

once the washing machine and the vacuum were invented that was it. Women had lots of free time and our entire society exists to turn free time into labor hours

>> No.55692403

That is literally an ad

>> No.55692416

>buy X amount of Bog to use our sniper and limit orders/stop losses
>rugpull twice
>new cycle coming around
>shit we need another scam
>hold X amount of black swan to Y
Anyone who buys this is a newfag and also deserves it. Good luck to you, but I wont be your sucker.

>> No.55692424

true but from the 40s to the 70s american manufacturing was at its nadir. It was objectively the best era in American history

>> No.55692428
File: 131 KB, 512x335, demographic change.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stops at 2000 when it starts ramping up, youre somewhat right. 13% doesnt account for the mixed race ones who are really black. Mixed race is just black until youre like Talcum X and then youre just a mutt.

>> No.55692431 [DELETED] 

Don't get me wrong, I dislike Boomers just as much as the next guy, but they can't be blamed for everything.
My mom and dad were both Boomers: the two of them were elementary school kids during Vietnam when Nixon took us off the gold standard.
Hell, both of my parents were barely out of diapers during the 1965 Immigration Act: how can they possibly be responsible?
Ergo they're hardly to blame for this fuckery.
Yes, my parents voted for Reagan both times in the 1980s, but I'm pretty damn sure Ronnie's official political campaigns didn't flat out promise to import hordes of Mexicans and shutdown factories.
Yes, elections have consequences, but the average American voter chooses for their candidates based on honestly assuming they'll bring forth positive change, and not completely fuck everything up.

>> No.55692439

Boomers are to blame because in 1967 they were 22 years old and thats the age you fight the government for selling your race out.

>> No.55692449


>> No.55692452

> when Nixon took us off the gold standard
Funny thing about that is not even Nixon wanted to do it. Our economy was basically entirely predicated on being the only advanced manufacturing sector on the planet not bombed out by ww2, during the 70s the OPEC oil embargo triggered a massive commodities boom that caused inflation to skyrocket; this in turn led France to begin a scheme wherein they exchanged dollars for gold over and over again to pay off their own debts at basically zero cost. Had Nixon not gone off the gold standard fort knox would have been empty anyway.

>> No.55692461

The Baby Boom Generation was approximately 1946-1964: not all Boomers were the same, and also a lot of young people don't vote as often as seniors.
Even the oldest voting age Boomers in the '60s (who would have been college-age at the time) didn't vote in as large numbers as people from the Silent and G.I. Generations.
See >>55692431: my parents were both Boomers, but were in kindergarten in 1967 when the voting age was still 21.

>> No.55692468

Yall crackas better hurry up with the reparations payments, you been dragging and trying to avoid this subject for far too long. Black voters aren’t falling for the “banana in the tailpipe” bullshit anymore. Yall aren’t about to scare us into that vote blue no matter who crap again.

>> No.55692476

Thing is race isn't really a political category capable of meaningful political action. There is a veneer of racialized politics nowadays but ultimately it's just kayfabe for what flavor of neoliberal do you want, woke or based. A business owner who is white will still employ mexicans 9 times out of 10 if it means lower wages paid in cash under the table and they'll even try to keep them coming in (enshrined via farmer work visas or just quietly pumping the brakes on border controls)

>> No.55692480
File: 977 KB, 1059x831, white genocide bayonets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomers start in 45/46 yes, when the soldiers came home they all fucked and had babies. Yes the generation is beyond that but the initial big boom was 46 and that means mid 60s stuff is their fault. When the government started putting bayonets in their womens backs it was time to fight. Pic related, shoulda gone home and grabbed their rifles.

>> No.55692483

Fair enough. But just because something is similar in structure doesn't mean they are related. T B H I've never even heard of this BOG.

>> No.55692484

first of all
fake and gay
>Black voters
it literally doesn't matter how anyone votes at this point

>> No.55692486

The anon you're replying to is a FUD pasta poster. This is some of his most successful content as it never fails to get replies. He also posts other autism related pastas.
It's all fake and gay.
While there is an issue with increasing autism, and other disorders, it's a non-issue if you are a good parent and most of it is socially induced(especially in america where the phenomenon of munchausen is more common). And by "good" i don't mean spoil your kid or helicopter them. Parenting was never going to be easy anyway unless you're a shit parent.
If your kid isn't speaking, you need to speak to them more and especially on their level. You don't even need to get a reply, just constantly talk about shit. Sometimes what you enjoy so they can see genuine happiness/interest but mostly stuff they enjoy. Always be asking questions too, answer them yourself if you get no reply.
There is also a shit ton of support for these kinds of things too so you and your kid don't have limited social circles but actually greater if you choose to engage and seek them out. You can get them in special schools(and i don't mean retarded, i mean top quality) and other educational programs tailored to their needs which no neurotypical has access to without funds.
t. two relatives, both autistic, one deaf and one mute(so far)

>> No.55692503

But still, when people point the finger at Boomers, their immediate knee-jerk reaction is to go back to the early '70s and automatically assume every person on the planet born between 1946-1964 was personally responsible for Nixon's removal of gold.
The forced integration in that photo was from the '50s.
Even my oldest Boomer relatives were still drinking milk from a baby bottle when Eisenhower deployed troops to force blacks into schools.

>> No.55692518

Yeah but my point is this was a decision that went beyond politics; the gold standard was mathematically impossible to maintain considering the global political and economic situation at the time. Some times things just happen and the government has no choice but to just react to stimuli over which it has no control, and in my opinion that includes nixon's decision

>> No.55692528

Why the fuck do you obsess about penis size so much. I'm white and am larger than most porn stars. It doesn't fucking matter retard

>> No.55692538

My disdain for Boomers is more of the fact that exist in a bubble where inflation doesn't exist, houses are cheap, minimum wage is high, and that you can walk into the offices of the Facebooks and demand a job.
It's less of what they did, but how out of touch they are.
My mom and dad met as teenagers and hooked immediately, got married, owned two cars, and paid $150 a month for rent on minimum wage incomes.
I'm pushing 40 and can barely afford rent for my studio apartment on a six-figure salary.

>> No.55692550

Not to derail the thread since it's already being brigaded by pajeets and /b/tards talking about muh BBC, the general consensus I've heard from most women is that any dick between 4-6 inches feels the same regardless, and that anything larger than 7'' is actually painful.
The key isn't the size, but the fact that a lot of men suck at foreplay, can't last long, don't know where the clit is, can only achieve erection from anime cat girls, and watch too much porn where they assume they can just immediately do anal without lube.
But I digress.

>> No.55692551

Again this was the product of a time when America was literally the only functioning economy on the planet. Obviously this is an unsustainable pretext for an economy outside of oceanic amounts of blood (not that the government hasn't tried, see: libya syria afghanistan iraq yemen and now ukraine, and that's just recently); the outside world was simply going to develop as any economy naturally does and cause import costs to rise

>> No.55692555 [DELETED] 

can you guys answer my earlier question?
do you think the suburbs were just glorified refugee camps?

>> No.55692562 [DELETED] 
File: 129 KB, 1280x717, 3552PFI6G5AQZGCBWIELM6UFSU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The west has unironically fallen, when people say billions must die it's not a joke, billions will die in the coming wars. When the government starts to take away more and more of people's freedoms we will have to rise up after the slaughter has passed. Protect yourself bros, hide your information and personal data, in the coming days it will be a source of value to have your information protected. If you trade, use an ETH mixer like MIKUSU to trade on XMR. Be smart

>> No.55692569

suburbs were really enshrined with the GI bill, which was the very last extension of the great American tradition of resolving social ills with free real estate

>> No.55692579

After the failed counteroffensive NATO is already pointing fingers and turning its gaze to China. the worse things get the more unhinged leadership will become until someone fingers the big red button

>> No.55692652 [DELETED] 

Its called the victory disease; complacency after WWII and disassociation with the "muh evil nahtzees" meant jews were rehabilitated. They continued their jewy ways leading to the civil rights movement and eventual destruction of the family and promotion of evil, satanic subversions and inversions of accepted norms - the worship of the gay, the worship of the nigger, the worship of the weak, the failure, the degradation and humiliation of the strong - the masculine, the white man, religion etc. Amazing really that no one saw it coming and decided to stop it before it became too entrenched.

>> No.55692709

Yes. Women also have varying sized genitalia. What works for two people. Won't work for others. What matters is that the two of you actually want to have sex with one another.

>> No.55692730
File: 33 KB, 680x763, Chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed. based.
>no homo

>> No.55692779

White women crave the pain tho. That one bitch who got gaped by bbc later said she preferred bbc.

>> No.55692892 [DELETED] 

Because Jews guilt tripped them into thinking pic rel is evil and destroying the planet and that we need to bring on a trillion niggers and destroy the nuclear family to save the world

>> No.55692935
File: 14 KB, 594x496, 1689568645705853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The political corruption of Money is the cause of our current problems.

1) Hard money forces positive sum activity as everything has to balance.
2) Hard money fell out of favor for transactional not economic reasons during the industrial revolution.
3) Politics always favors soft money because it enables easy and opaque theft.

Social spending acts as a supply-side subsidy for labor, a worker CAN'T sell their labor for less than subsistence, but what happens if we give them food stamps, subsided housing, Medicare etc? Well now they can sell their labor for less than it costs to produce!

But wait! How were those social programs paid for? Deficit spending? Exactly. Deficit spending is an expansion of the money supply (simple dilution), it robs ALL income earners and gives to asset holders (as an increase in money supply will naturally inflate assets), a HUGE and on going parasitic transfer of resources from income earners to oligarchs, THIS is the driving force of the wage/productivity divergence seen since the 60s.

Notice that this also suppresses incomes of higher paid workers by convincing them the nominal gains on house value is wealth instead of inflation, why boomer dominated fields (mechanical engineers etc) get paid so poorly, $60k seems like a lot if you bought 30 or 40 years ago, but you haven't gotten wealthy, your real terms income has just drilled through the mantle.

Even illegal immigration, seen as a driver of wage stagnation, is merely a justification for further debasement, or do you think the goblins come here for our magic clay and not our social welfare spending?

There are no political solutions, and not in the poltard "violence is the answer" as violence is of course wholly political, there are no political solutions because politics is a memetic parasite that never fixes anything. There are only technical and economic solutions, and BTC is just that, a technical fix for the political corruption of Money.

>> No.55692952
File: 23 KB, 318x375, Bastiat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh broken window

>> No.55692977

race is self reported and the numbers are fudged. light skinned lationos, negroes and asians are often counted as white to keep the illusion of steady numbers up.

>> No.55693008

Something about 1950s America makes me uneasy. It's projecting itself as all happy and shit but there's a sense of something unnatural or sinister under the surface. The Mario 64 of time periods.

>> No.55693027
File: 1.00 MB, 1870x1401, 1690042211552683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally retarded. Check money stock, we went off the gold standard because France called us on our counterfeiting bullshit in '71, inflation is always and only a monetary phenomenon

1970: $0.5T
1980: $1.5T
2000: $4.5T
2020: $15T
2023 $20.8T

-MSPUS (median sales price of US houses sold)-
1970: $24k
1980: $64k
2000: $165k
2020: $329k
2023: $436k

r2: 0.98 (!!!!!!)

You are blinded by political theater. The world is bottom up not top down, emergent, organic, the State a dying memetic parasite, feebly grasping for relevancy after technology obsolesced it's function (propagation & memetic convergence) within the meme complex. "Nothing ever happens" "everything is fake and gay" why? Because the State is dying, if not already dead, a bloated memetic corpse puppeted by grifters.

The last meaningful lever the Statists have is fiat, from which their influence over Economy rests, but this influence is perverse and inefficient, while Economy is naturally positive sum, fiat allows the manipulation of Economy to favor zero and even negative sum economic transactions! Blasphemy! Economy will not abide -- "The market ahh finds a way" -- and a way it found. You know the path, you just need to follow it.

>> No.55693029

>is that a happy white family?
>ahh, I'm going insane save me POCs

>> No.55693052


>> No.55693153
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>> No.55693459

>the world produces more
>therefore you have less
Best goy.

>> No.55695210
File: 371 KB, 2048x1364, licensed-image (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55695216

My family is literally this but we have a son instead.
If I can do it why can’t you

>> No.55695239

Good post anon. I must say it’s a fear of mine too but you make good points. Idk if the other anon is a fudder but I feel like in general the amount of demoralization fags has increased quite a bit lately

>> No.55695303 [DELETED] 

The western elite (made up primarily of Judaic financiers and their corporate Anglo worshippers) decided to transition from a nation-state system to a full financial zone system.

All the classic institutions that promoted quality of life and success were repeatedly destroyed (nuclear family, functional gender roles, high quality genetic selection, positive cultural reinforcement, etc).

Stop blaming boomers or silents. The masses don't have a say in anything and never have. And they are responsive to the current meta.

>> No.55695314

Western women love big cock but you have to be a genuine brainwashed retard to think they care about the color of a cock.

>> No.55695321 [DELETED] 

>what if women all worked? Then we could have double the labor force productivity! Think of the downward pressure on wages! What if we allowed more immigrants from poor countries here? THINK OF THE PROFITS

America is just a zogged economic zone. They just changed the game when they saw an opening for more profit.

>> No.55695325

lol imagine failing in all aspect of interpersonal relations but still blaming international finance for the lack of positive reinforcement you receive

>> No.55695346

Yes, the fact that modern life is largely not compatible with human mammalian reproductive success has long been obvious. Women (on average) simply cannot dedicate their best years of life to academia and work.

All the so called advanced nations are suffering catastrophic declines in fertility. It started with America and Europe until regions like Asia caught up (and are now significantly worse off in terms of fertility).

The third world brown/black barbarian populations have risen in the past 30 years or so to dominate via youth popular culture and fertility.

So at the end of the day we go back to the original question - is it really worth trading your soul in exchange for being a materialistic slave to global finance? Do you accept constant social conditioning and manipulation of base instincts just so someone at the top of the hierarchy can have a larger yacht? Do you forego love and a family? Do you really want to constantly live in a war between men and women?

As asians and europeans have discovered by now, its largely not.

The first world experiment is coming to an end for its sickness and materialism.

>> No.55695364

>just ignore the mechanics of reality eks dee
Yeah, no.

>> No.55695372

>Why the fuck do you obsess about penis size so much
I don't, my post was actually about the posters themselves if you cared to read but i understand i've said nothing new (to you). These cunts are fucking spammers who should've been kicked off every board besides /b/ a long fucking time ago but that won't happen because they contribute to the demoralization of the low-esteem, wizards, and younger anons.
>tl;dr i just posted counterfud anon

>> No.55695379
File: 347 KB, 1600x900, 1688613026280393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keynsianism, keynsianism is the cancer in the west.

These retards got tired of keynsianism and elected a right wing keynesian (Nixon) and he moved to a fiat standard with neoliberal characteristics to cut spending.

That was the final cut to the west, and as he cucked on the industrial, capitalistic and military power of the west by letting neolibs do shit like abolishing drafts, he had to bribe the commies with the trade deal with china to finally break the soviet chinese alliance forever.

Basically they bought 50 years of peace and prosperity for themselves by selling the civilization that rise of the dark ages and put it in a path to return to those dark ages.

>> No.55695413

The post WW2 boom only came about because America was the one major country that wasn’t completely bombed to shit, beyond exhausted in resources, or had a good chunk of its population killed. The boomers in these years grew up as the single most coddled generation in all of human history, made even worse with all the lead and chemical shit everywhere that fucked with their brains, which is why you see so many who are beyond mental and either dumber than a sack of dogshit or crazy and irrational as hell. The 60’s onward were all just a bunch of short sighted decisions to collectively keep kicking the can down the road because lolnotmyproblem, and now everyone is pissed that the house is a complete goddamn mess since nobody bothered to clean up and take care of it in decades. Thing is the ones that caused all this don’t care because they’re either a foot in the grave already or are just sucking up whatever is left like a braindead parasite. America is not a country, and really looking at its entire history its debatable if it ever even was; what it is is an economic zone purposely made to be one giant pyramid scheme from hell.

>> No.55695419 [DELETED] 

You guys have your OWN BOARD. Is it simply because it's slow? If I wanted to be depressed I would go on /pol/. sage this thread and jannies not doing their job of clearing the pol tier bot glowie threads that liter this board

>> No.55695432

this doomer stuff is getting out of hand
can't wait for the "2025" bullrun (KEK 2025 everyone and their friend saying this) and for the board to then turn into fomo central.

>> No.55695435

they still live in the fantasy world that female humans (european races) want anything to do with niggers despite decades of dating statistics, real world birth rates, and evolutionary biology.
it's just your average tranny delusion.

>> No.55695684

They had literally just went through a world war and were trying to pretend that it had just never happened and that every family wasn't just manipulated into sending millions of young men to die at war.

A bit similar to how people now globally act like they weren't just caged in their houses for a year like rats and force injected with mystery juice multiple times, but on a much larger scale. It was bound to lead to neuroticism in the form of the looney tunes ideas in the 60s.

>> No.55695740


Just a friendly reminder that Democrats were in charge during every major war and ruined this country throughout the 1900's

>WW1, creation of Federal Reserve, Income Tax = Woodrow Wilson

>WW2, Social Security = FDR

>Vietnam War, Medicare, opened the United States to 3rd world immigration = Lyndon Johnson

>> No.55695760

Good times create weak men.

>> No.55695957

And they'll fall for it a third time too, kek.

>> No.55696112

The rest of the world developing cured the economic imbalance that gave America its huge advantage, yes. "A rising tide lifts all boats" doesn't apply when your entire economic model (bretton woods) is based on being the only economic power on the planet

>> No.55696141

>Literally retarded. Check money stock, we went off the gold standard because France called us on our counterfeiting bullshit in '71, inflation is always and only a monetary phenomenon
>proceeds to post a bunch of data post-crisis and post-bretton woods

Monetarists are retarded and their failures continue to compound with every passing day. Funny thing is you can only scream and cry that we're not being monetarists hard enough, which only digs the hole deeper.

After the collapse of bretton woods we grafted the dollar onto global trade by military force, this both allowed and forced the US economy to function on a massive trade deficit for decades, and it is mathematically impossible to maintain a trade deficit without brrrrrrrrrrring because we essentially just trade sheets of paper for material goods. The only reason this is allowed to continue and other countries don't just dump the dollar altogether is because of our military dominance. YOU HAVE IT BACKWARDS - OUR ECONOMY IS INHERENTLY TOP DOWN AND YOU INTENTIONALLY IGNORE THIS BECAUSE IT CONFLICTS WITH YOUR MONETARIST OUTLOOK

>> No.55696175

social programs were popular at the time because our productive economy could produce enough surplus to do pretty much whatever we wanted to. Nowadays our economy is so fake and hollowed out that it's just an unsustainable drag on our house of cards

>> No.55696325


Yes. That's because the average person is a retard. Short-term gibs will always out-vote the long-term thinkers.

>> No.55696351

i literally live in that neighborhood

>> No.55696432

People do whatever is in their own best interests, and the average joe is not gonna go "hmm maybe this is a bad idea because one day henry kissinger is going to cause the complete collapse of the american industrial sector by opening up to china"

>> No.55696454 [DELETED] 


I always expect the worst from politicians. Always assume their intentions are self-serving and most likely lead to your detriment. Of course, this is a fairly contemporary mindset. If you ask most people born in the early 1900's what they thought of the government, they would say it was honest. Which is fucking hilarious, since most of their parents fled Europe because of corruption, property seizures and civil war.

>> No.55696478

It's all part of the adaptive cycle. boom and bust. same pattern repeats all throughout history. Rome Russia, France, American revolution. etc etc etc. boom and bust. over and over and over. right now we are on the cusp of another bust.