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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55688181 No.55688181 [Reply] [Original]

I am in complete and utter disbelief
What the fuck is "muh economics muh free market captalism"


>> No.55688203

>50%+ taxes
>20% inflation
>82948297489732897489 regulations
>central banking

>free market capitalism

>> No.55688275

I get it...
I'm just in shock. I can't even process what I'm reading right now.

Whats worse I guarantee you this will be done and no one will bat an eye.

People care more about the fact that theirs just one flavor of banana than how everyone short of the mega wealthy are being raked over the coals.

>> No.55688285

Communists will cry about us being in capitalism despite everything having taxes and markets having subsidies and bail outs existing then claim communism has never been tried.

>> No.55688376

Do you seriously believe the FED will remain inactive as the very foundation of our economy crumbles? It's almost as if you might be someone with affiliations to Russia or China, actively working against American interests.

>> No.55688419

Your so fucking stupid its retarded.
& i don't even know what your trying to say>>55688285

>> No.55688557

this comes as a surprise to absolutely no one
instead of seething over it you should have positioned yourself to profit of it
dont tell me you fell for the biggest crash in your lifetime in just 2 more weeks grift
the fate of the normies has never and shall never concern us nor the people that make the actual decisions

>> No.55688574

also for added jilarious effect check out the index that tracks smaller regional banks aka the bagholders of this shit
this bailout info was known to insiders and they played it beautifully

>> No.55688588

So basically socialism. Its everywhere now, states will own everything.

>> No.55688781

How does USA even afford all this shot, while being 32 trillions in the hole?

>> No.55688819

They're in debt for USD, which they can print so it matters less than nations who can't print USD (who also owe debt in USD)
Maybe learn words before using them if you don't understand what they mean. We aren't in "real" capitalism as long as there's anything I mentioned.

>> No.55688825

Can someone summarize the document for brainlets? My takeaway is that the FED is demanding that banks not collect on commercial real estate debt. Is my understanding incorrect?
>working constructively with commercial real estate (CRE) borrowers who are experiencing financial difficulty.

>> No.55688861
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Join the revolution anon it you haven’t yet.

>> No.55688950

Okay, no. I asked a bot to read the document more thoroughly and provide an example scenario. What's really going on is this as an example:
>Suppose a commercial real estate (CRE) borrower has a loan for a shopping mall. Due to unforeseen circumstances such as a downturn in the economy or a pandemic, the mall's tenants are unable to pay their rents, leading to a significant decrease in the mall's operating cash flows. As a result, the borrower is unable to meet their loan repayment obligations.
>In a typical scenario, the financial institution might choose to restructure the loan to help the borrower. This could involve actions such as extending the loan term, reducing the interest rate, or even deferring payments for a certain period. However, such restructuring could lead to the loan being classified as a "troubled debt restructuring" (TDR), which can have regulatory implications. For instance, TDRs often require increased loan loss reserves, which can impact the financial institution's profitability and capital ratios. This could potentially lead to regulatory penalties or increased scrutiny from regulatory bodies.
>However, under the guidance provided in this document, if the financial institution performs a comprehensive review of the borrower's financial condition and determines that the borrower is still creditworthy (i.e., they have the willingness and ability to repay the debt under the restructured terms), the institution can proceed with the loan restructuring without fear of regulatory criticism or penalties. The restructured loan will not be subject to adverse classification solely because the value of the underlying collateral (the shopping mall, in this case) has declined to an amount less than the outstanding loan balance.
>This guidance encourages financial institutions to work constructively with borrowers experiencing financial difficulties, without the fear of regulatory penalties, as long as the restructuring is done prudently.

>> No.55688984

>The statement includes a section on short-term loan accommodations that was not included in the previous guidance. An accommodation includes an agreement to defer one or more payments, make a partial payment, or provide other assistance or relief to a borrower who is experiencing a financial challenge. Additionally, the statement addresses recent accounting changes for estimating loan losses and provides examples of how to classify and account for loans affected by workout activity.

fucking kek. remember when homer"""owners""" were losing their shit because jew banks wouldn't defer residential mortgage payments during COIVD shutdowns?

>> No.55689067

communists existing is a good thing, it gives man a target to mercilessly murder with zero negative impact on their soul in gods eyes.

>> No.55689094

It's 90 pages long. What's shocking in particular?

>> No.55689162

So "look, guys, just try to restructure the loans somehow"?

>> No.55689179


They are using some of what was done in 2009. Essentially preventing commercial real estate from defaulting.

You basically get to have your loan changed

A) extend the time for repayment
B) reduce the interest rate, down to 0 in some cases
C) forgive parts of the loan
D) get an entirely new loan that works for you

>> No.55689237

The ultimate issue with this seems to be sweeping the inherent risk of the underwater commercial real-estate asset under the rug.

>> No.55689265

It reinforces the idea that debt maxxing is a legitimate and sound strategy because you literally can't fail.
>Debt your way into wealth.

A hand out will be always be given.

>> No.55689268
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>> No.55689272

Yes, and now who exactly is paying for all of this? Jeff Bezos?

>> No.55689288

At the moment, the banking industry appears to be paying for it. They'll find a way to shift costs somewhere else in time.

>> No.55689295

they're already working on it. why do you think there's a (((concerted effort))) to (((return to the office)))?

>> No.55689336

Yeah, that's likely part of the plan.

>> No.55689423

Figures, really. The fair value of a large portion of these office buildings is below zero, since they not just stand empty, but also take up land in the middle of the city. Telling people to de facto write off the loans like back in the Asian financial crisis is the best they could do in a situation like this.

>> No.55689677

If anyone in crypto is smart, they'd understand the rules of the game has been set and they literally cannot fail

>> No.55689720
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price discovery has been banned.