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File: 55 KB, 645x773, 1318199516002[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5567122 No.5567122 [Reply] [Original]

This isn't fucking fair bros. It wasn't supposed to end up like this.

A few weeks ago when bitcoin hit it big I was mad about the fucking NEETs who never had a job in their life getting rich basically for nothing just because of some stupid fucking internet meme monopoly money. I couldn't deal with how stupid it was that I had worked so hard my whole life, sacrificing everything for my job, including my marriage and my relationship with my kids, just to get the "american dream" of a house and a nice car and all that shit. And then you shits just sit in your parents basement and cash in your government autism money and become a millionaire.

So I said fuck it. I decided I deserved to get rich too, so I put a second mortgage on my house, cashed out my 401k, and used up my life savings to buy as much bitcoin as I could.

And now it's fucking dropping. This is it. My life is over. Why must everything go wrong for me? I've already lost so much in just the last week. I don't even know what the point of going on is. I'm afraid that when my girlfriend finds out what I did she'll leave me like my wife did. What do I do bros?

>> No.5567165

I hope people aren't actually doing shit like this.

>> No.5567215


>> No.5567216

Thank you for providing liquidity.
God speed anon.

>> No.5567233

1. noone is actually doing shit like this
2. show me the market that closes on an ath on new years eve. everything drops towards 31.12

>> No.5567268

Thanks for buying my Bitcoin! Somebody has to lose, thank God it's not me, I made 13,000% profit this year. Seriously mate, I feel bad for you, but thanks for this.

I'm going to turn your house and 401k into a new house (for me, I'll never have even a first mortgage because I can buy it with cash), a car, and a medical degree.

My first piece of advice for you is to find Jesus or just in general figure out what you've done wrong in life to make the creator of the universe so angry at you.

My second piece of advice for you is to stop sticking things up your ass, posting on Reddit, and going to see Star Wars movies.

>> No.5567271

Prove it by screenshotting your transactions.

>> No.5567310
File: 44 KB, 576x497, ku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, listen.
Cash out.
It's all you can do.
We've all lost shit, but things get better.

>> No.5567323

Why the fuck are you gonna invest everything in BTC? It's so vital. A simple 1,000 is cool. or 100. I was able to flip 100 into 10k in 3 months.

>> No.5567324
File: 25 KB, 600x455, 1507118634414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why didn't you buy when BTC was $1000, are you retarded OP?

We're all retired in our 20's and basically you're a slave for the rest of your life, pic related.

>> No.5567350

Go buy some fucking BNTY and DENT.


Thank me in the future OP

>> No.5567399

How the fuck was I supposed to know people would actually fall for this stupid fucking ponzi scheme. It seemed obvious to me at first sight that it would crash and burn back when I first heard about it a few years ago.

I thought that now that it was a legitimate thing, getting news coverage, it would see another big surge in popularity. But it just went to shit, like everything I touch

>> No.5567413

Why do people larp as pathetic retards so much here, you couldn't have actually been that stupid

>> No.5567438

I miss the days when larps were actually believable.

>> No.5567447

>Ponzi scheme

Gr8 b8 m8

>> No.5567501

have you try trading before?

>> No.5567522

I already got scammed out of a big chunk of my lifes works asshole. This shit is rigged.

I think I'll just take this guys advice

Cut my loses, put my money back into the 401k. Maybe go to Las Vegas next time I feel like gambling in a setting where I'm probably going to lose.

>> No.5567537

You better believe there are. Never underestimate FOMO.
And some of them are getting fucked over. They see the price dropping, they hear and read all the FUD, and decide to better take a severe loss than to potentially lose it all.
Like it or not, it's these poor bastards who fuel the money machine, here and on Wall Street.

>> No.5567566

Not sure why you're complaining. Maybe if it was a couple years ago, and you would of invested at the right time, you'd be rich.

As for now, stop losing money and move some to ETH. I'm trying to help you make your money back.

Go buy some SKY, KNC, BNTY, REQ, ENG, BNT, XRP, and DENT, they're going to drop but wait a couple days, and if you're gonna worry that they'll drop hard, make a sell limit.

>> No.5567614


great stuff bro, by the sounds of ur attitude it doesn't matter what you do you're going to fail, just give me your cash while your ahead brainlet

>> No.5567631

Classic really, people buying volatile currency at ATH and expecting it to somehow just grow immediately.

>> No.5567642

Just hodl, you dumb nigger, and to be fair, you're either retarded or larping as one, why the fuck would you go deep balls into something you clearly have no idea about? Don't worry, we'll probably reach at 20k< sometime next year, you seriously gotta be a retard to fall into red numbers at this.

>> No.5567643

... all that, then you plan on wasting 10% of your life getting a medical degree? Why the hell would anyone want a medical degree, much less someone who's supposedly already made it?

You're either underage or I'm getting too old to recognize trolls. I mean I know your post was troll, but you seriously pickled my peppers with the medical degree of all degrees.

>> No.5567659

Fool me once...

Like hell I'm going to buy more of your pyramid scheme meme tokens. I'm sure the second I invest in any of that shit it will turn to shit

>> No.5567699

>just hold!!!1

So I can lose it all and be back to where I was as a penniless teenager? Fuck that.

>> No.5567709


anon, I'll give you very a very good piece of advice: instead of buying internet meme money invest in real things, like stocks. that's how you become rich. for example amazon or apple stocks, these are big companies that make good profits. you will not regret it.

>> No.5567747

I'm doing the same that him, but I'm doing it because I love the career. Not everyone is in love with neet idea, anon.

>> No.5567781
File: 54 KB, 633x758, 318271da980706f7a18a811c3456a77d--protective-dogs-friendship[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Investing in stable, reliable stocks was what I was already doing with my 401k

It was YOU fucking assholes that memed me into investing in this bitcoin bullshit

I bought this stuff based partially on the recommendations from /biz/. You fucking assholes ruined my life

>> No.5567798
File: 383 KB, 558x568, 1514119225004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, yeah, also buy Tesla and Netflix and you can't lose buddy :)

>> No.5567802

You think I'm trolling that I want to be a doctor? What the fuck is wrong with you, anon?

>some guy on the internet wants to be a doctor, must be a troll, i can't understand this

>> No.5567817

OP please stop being mad. You clearly bought at all time high. If you looked at stocks, that's how they work, go up and down.

I know you're mad but I'm just trying to help. I can't force you to buy them, but just take a look and read. i promise you, you will see gains.

XRP is gonna be listed in coinbase and that means people are going to buy them since it's cheap. Take a look at litecoin, it sky rocketed after people discovered coinbase.

>> No.5567829

So you prefer to lose a big chunk of that money because you're retared? Well gl, you dumb piece of shit and ty for giving me money. Btw, just think about how many retards like yourself are doing this kind of dumb shit, just hodl or keep crying.

>> No.5567853


Actually, you ruined your own life. Nobody on here bought those coins for you at that certain price.

>> No.5567862

very good advice. pure value right here
housing market is also a good investment, especially canada and australia as well as london and hong kong

>> No.5567907
File: 20 KB, 600x600, hodl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come back in a year

>> No.5567942

that tends to happen when you're stupid and follow trends instead of doing researching beforehand. a fool and his money are soon parted.

>> No.5567950
File: 237 KB, 600x300, 11111111111222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does something incredibly stupid and risky
>why must everything go wrong for me?

>> No.5567958

>just lose massive amounts of money and incur huge opportunity cost for the next year in the hopes you might have as much next year as you had yesterday


>sell now, invest in profitable things for a year, come back with more money

>> No.5567979

I cant make my own decisions and blame others for my own faults and bad decisions. Fuck off kid im making money and thats all that matters. Im in my 18th bitflur cashout i just been buying 1080s and mining ETH.

>> No.5567999
File: 386 KB, 667x670, 1310497836236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NEETS cashing out and getting rich

we aren't

>> No.5568049

Bitcoin may be shit but the thing it does have going for it is namebrand recognition, holidays are over, people are going to spend that holiday money, and it's going to rebound to 30k. please take your 13% profit to another thread :^)

>> No.5568121

Also this. We aren't cashing out. We are neck-deep into the shitcoin.

>> No.5568129
File: 59 KB, 770x698, h9redjt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Faggots who came from /pol/ in the last 3 months need not apply, NEET here since Jan 17, we're all balling homie.

Still get the living allowance + free money from family

>> No.5568157

*13,000% profit

i made 13,000% -- you won't. This thing is over.

>> No.5568171

hold it you fucking faggot. drops like this happen all the time

>> No.5568193

You made 13 cents at most, actually you're probably in the negative at 13%. stop larping

>> No.5568198

>I love the career

You've never fucking worked as a doctor, you have no clue what it's like.

Enjoy getting sued for malpractice and dealing with hundreds of insurance companies and idiots pissing you off 24/7.

>> No.5568224

You are a stupid fuck

>> No.5568231


>> No.5568249

Only morons want to become doctors. Primary care doctors are being automated out with software that diagnoses better than them. Surgeons are being replaced by robots. Just get a real degree like computer science.

>> No.5568252


>> No.5568259

You don't loose until you sell.

>> No.5568262


>> No.5568270

Dump the wife and kids. Sell house to pay the mortgage. Sell the cars, except the cheapest a to b. That was your only mistake. Put it all in bitcoin it will reach $100k by 2019. Move to another county if they want alimony or some shit. Thank me in 2019 when you're a millionaire.

>> No.5568418

>dump the wife and kids
She already left me and my kids hate me
>Sell house to pay the mortgage
My house is worth less than the mortgages
>Sell the cars
I need one to get to work and my girlfriend uses the other one
>move to another country
And just quit my job? I'd be even more fucked then
>put it all in bitcoin
Why do you want me to suffer?

>> No.5568481

sell everything, put it all in monero and file for private bankruptcy

>> No.5568500

Oh it's our fault. Gotcha.

>> No.5568543

Unironically kill yourself

>> No.5568563

How would I go about ironically killing myself?

>> No.5568570

All in bitbean OP.

>> No.5568644

join this discord, follow the pumps, then jump off building when you inevitably do it wrong

>> No.5568659
File: 2.80 MB, 1440x1426, Screenshot_2017-12-28-15-55-38-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Borrow your ma's whip.

Crash the whip.

We buy the dip.

>> No.5568691

literally everyone in bitcoin will tell you not to invest what you can't afford to lose

fomo, greed, and risk taking. all of this is your fault. should have entered the market slowly and calmly. maybe just a grand or a few to get started and practice.

but also this isnt real, total larp troll

>> No.5568741

Double down, except now you should understand that buy high sell low is just a meme, you should actually buy low and sell high

>> No.5568802

>double down

How? I already put everything I own into fucking bitcoin. Shall I sell my kidneys for ETH?

>> No.5568832

Shut the fuck up, dont let the goyim know!

>> No.5568853

Take out a salt loan using your btc as collateral, and overdraw your credit cards

>> No.5568868

move it into ETH and hold for all of 2018. Steady gains.

>> No.5568869

I sincerely hope you're trolling, OP. This is just... sad.

>> No.5568892

>1. noone is actually doing shit like this

>> No.5568907


Just fucking hold retard.
Sit on it for a month or so and see where it goes.

>> No.5568927

I’m thinking the same. The LARP threads have been increasing lately

>> No.5569014

You have a GF, don't you?
Pimp her using craiglist, motherfucker, and accept crypto for the ride.
Are you a man enough to get tougher when times get tough?


>> No.5569157

You should put it all on margin and short it anon! You'll be rich!!!

>> No.5569217

This, he is so sure it's over

>> No.5569376

your only option is to hold

>> No.5569491

>What do I do bros?
Stop crying and buy the dip at 8k.

>> No.5569664

So day traders can turn unrealized losses into realized losses for tax purposes. Taxable gains = realized gains - realized losses. Its just a way to offset what they owe, then they buy back in January 1st.

>> No.5569781

>in the future we won't have doctors just use an app if you have cancer or a heart attack

have fun writing Java until you gracelessly expire

I'm switching from software to medicine, fyi, already have a computer science degree and I'm tired of being surrounded by clueless spergs (like yourself)