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55670806 No.55670806 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55670838
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>> No.55670854
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Holy shit that's actually kind of sad

>> No.55670860

Someone from this website wrote that post but it still made me chuckle lmao

>> No.55670866

imagine reading psyop demoralization slop off 4trans

>> No.55670871

Yes just make sure you have a good prenup. I was MGTOW but later was convinced to marry and it's been a very good economic decision.

>> No.55670885
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sometimes i pity poojets. its not their fault they are born indian

>> No.55670895

>no matter how much I diet I just stay fat

>> No.55670907
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4chan is fucking based

>> No.55670950
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Which one of you is Josh?

>> No.55670960

in 1950 yes

>> No.55670976
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want kid
>> choose only one

>> No.55670995
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>> No.55671004
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this one is a good one too.
Seriously. if you invest time/money in women you re just wasting it

>> No.55671092
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>> No.55671137

This has got to be a shitpost for someone here

>> No.55671269

>Admittedly he was opposed to it initially, but I managed to convince him
Dumb bitch completely BTFO. I hope that guy has a line of femboys waiting for him every night while his wife rages in the corner.

>> No.55671290

No it isnt lmao

>> No.55671304

Have you paid for her to get a lawyer to look it over? And have you given her at least 3 months or more to do it, with a lawyer?

If not, congrats, your prenup means shit, lol

>> No.55671347
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Marriage is completely useless, the only thing I married were my bags and I'm trapped in this with pond forever now

>> No.55671350

I married a trad girl and that was the best decision I've ever made

>> No.55671378

>Marriage is completely useless
>Believes in layer 0
You've never touched a pussy nor a tit in your entire life

>> No.55671389

Most likely, I'd do that just to piss my wife up, a line of femboys and tomboys also so she seethes harder

>> No.55671420

You have no right to give your opinion on that regard faggot

>> No.55671981
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No: absolutely not in today's "progressive society;" next question, please... yes, you in the back:
>is op gay?
Yes: OP is an absolute faggot; alright, that's all the time we have for questions. Thank you all for coming. This concludes our press conference.

>> No.55672063

Fucking kek. He's hate fucking them to pwn her tiny mind

>> No.55672332
File: 33 KB, 330x442, 4ae2c2d6242a04e48d19064f6b863796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The poorest demographic in the United States are unmarried elderly people with no children.
>source: US Dept. Of Labor or the Treasury I don't exactly remember.

>> No.55672368

absolute chad king

>> No.55672558

Then marry someone that has money and connections? Or at least is driven and has a crazy work ethic. No idea why men marry women that offers them basically nothing and is just a negative on some if not all aspects of their life.

>> No.55672978

This lol shes getting what she deserves freaking entitled. And shes fat to boot, what is she offering me by getting married to her? A warm body to sleep next to and a hole Id probably be disgusted by because its attached to her?

>> No.55672995

LOLOLOLOL she wants to whore around and gets fucked by her husband being a bigger freak

>> No.55673003

>i am not transphobic
Lol still with that npc mindset even though deep down it offends her deeply.

>> No.55673030

>our children
Lol all these plea's for sympathy when she was the one to freaking force it! Love from kazakstan. I should've read it all before even posting once to this poster lel

>> No.55673062
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there's some based replies in the original thread

>> No.55673234

ranjesh in tatters

>> No.55673309

sers pls delete now sers

>> No.55673335

Bro needs to go on a two week bender in Thailand, sending pics to the hole the entire time
>but honey this what you said you wanted?
Absolutely rekt

>> No.55673356

It’s only demoralizing to Indians like you who are here solely to scam wypipo

>> No.55673505

I’m sure that kind of comment would get you an instant ban these days

>> No.55673541

Lol end food stamps and section 8. Sir back and watch women lick your feet no matter what you look like because you can feed her and shelter her. Those who go overseas to marry will find same quality of desperate women if you did that one thing

>> No.55673572

ive fucked two married women off this website, no its not a good investment

>> No.55673602
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I remember when I was 18 I thought I would meet a serious girl who wanted to seriously get married on campus. Boy, was I naive. Instead they all wanted to find themselves and then ended up on the wrong side of the wall. Hahahahahaha.

>> No.55673609

It's absolutely not. The guys she wants to date are 'improovers' and nerds with high paying jobs, the people she would have rejected 10-15 years ago to chase chad. Now that she's ruined for life she realizes there's no beta bux for busted hos.

>> No.55673630
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>I fucked a lot of other guys WHICH I DON'T REGRET
>but I'm a female loser with no future
Kek every time.

>> No.55673644

>500k is middle class in nyc
This is like how women think 6 foot and ten inches is average kek.

>> No.55673758

It's always sad to see someone ruin their life and waste their potential.
On top of wasting her youth and thus her best dating prospects, she has ruined her health and is probably going to be demoralized by the fact that the two, three or more years she needs to rigorously work on losing her weight, the only reward she will get is being a thinner old woman with saggy skin and probably won't even try.

>> No.55673799

Marriage makes sense for two poor people. The worse off you are the better it is because you're pooling in time and resources to increase security for the both of you.
If neither of you are poor, struggling or otherwise find no convenience in a marriage, it's not ging to be sensible.

>> No.55673860
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Inconceivably based

>> No.55674003

>Now that she's ruined for life she realizes there's no beta bux for busted hos.
Women are too stupid to understand that when men start to make money and become financially independent they don't need to tolerate ham-beasts who are just looking to settle down. Sex is easy and accessible and women who don't have anything significant to offer are just a waste of time and resources. Only a retard and/or simp looking for some womenly emotional conection would trade his freedom for some sloppy seconds.

>> No.55674066


>> No.55674127

>october 2007
I hope banker chad made it out alright

>> No.55674704

Anyone who read that is a massive faggot
Post tits next time dipshit

>> No.55674807

Lel. Good now they live with their actions. They refuse to take responsibility until it forces it way to them and they cant simply throw it away

>> No.55676103


>> No.55676163

But please don't down vote me

>> No.55676689
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This sounds almost too accurate to be real, reads like some incel wrote it for a dopamine rush and reddit (You)s

>> No.55676826

Kek wrekt.

>noooooo when I said open relationship I meant you playing Nintendo whilst I get BBC, noooooo!

>> No.55676863

>i am physically repulsed by indians
>my crush from a decade and a half ago married someone prettier than me
>i wanted an open relationship and now my husband sucks cocks of men prettier than me
>why is someone less pretty than me married to someone rich?
I thought reddit was le based and heckin inclusive?
This is word for word incel and chudposting.
Bunch of vapid fucking whores.

>> No.55676892

Finally a husband that cucked his whore "muh open relationship" whore wife instead the opposite. Based as fuck.

>> No.55677645

I don't understand how men don't burn all their money on hookers the moment those cunts bring that to the table. Fuck paying shit (minus stuff for the kids) and not just whoring every single week with tons of pussy.

>> No.55677712

he probably jumped from a building in 2009. There were a lot of them doing that.

>> No.55678610

Yes but only if you consider it a sacrament are are both virgins. Too many people are heathens these days and wonder why misery entered their life.

>> No.55678665

well at least the fat whore has no regrets

>> No.55679117

I think it's probably satire. The line about her feeling ugly because the dude dare think he had a chance with her was golden but kind of gave the game away.

>> No.55679516
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>> No.55679650
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Funny. Fuck women though

>> No.55679722

Good. Hope she kills herself.

>> No.55680276

Men have it harsh
Femoids do not

This is hilarious. This is Karma

>> No.55680338

Kek, props to the anon who wrote that

>> No.55680366

I bet the Indian dude is a high payed tech bro and would shower her with love and affection but noooo she's an entitled white wamen and wants a 6 ft Chad

>> No.55680377

>women are entitled if they dont fuck little ugly annoying evil uncultured street sheeting pajeets
you people dont get it do you

>> No.55680418


Ya, other than their nasty diets, there really isn't anything wrong with them. People seem to really hate Indian skin-color for some reason.

>> No.55680420

All relationships are contractual. You give something and you receive something. What does this woman have to give? She's old and fat and probably an unbearable cat mom. Why would an alpha dog (that she wants) settle for her when there's younger and prettier women on the market?

Women need to learn quick that their good looks are fleeting and if they don't bag a quality mate in their youth their options quickly dwindle.

>> No.55680430

and yet you can't even get an old fat one who's been divorced 3 times, ramshallow

>> No.55680439


I'm so glad this bitch failed. Josh dodged a bullet.

>> No.55680455
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Try again, nigger.

>> No.55680475
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and have you ever actually met or had to work with an indian you love so much?

>> No.55680498



>> No.55680515

I fucking hate jeets but I'm also not a fat desperate roastie

>> No.55680525
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>indian skin color
>zomg le indian defending white man is so le hecking based

>> No.55680527

You forgot drinking cow piss and eating from the floor.

>> No.55680539
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sure bro I get it but think about what you said for a second. these people have literal fecal matter on their left hand 24/7 because they haven't learn what soap is yet

>> No.55680559
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>> No.55680631

This woman is fat and ugly and she's probably insufferable or mentally unstable since she's almost 40 years old with NO FAMILY. She should settle with pajeet and hope he has lots of money to take care of her. Maybe he can smack her a few times when she complains about the patriarchy and put her in her place. It's the best she can hope for.

Pajeets are bad. White women like this are worse. They are genetic dead ends and a plague upon the White race.

>> No.55680875
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well I really don't get how you came to that conclusion but let's say I respect it so we can just stop arguing, fellow cultured man

>> No.55680910

>gang raped
More like ganges raped lol

>> No.55680993

Mother nature is cruel to men and father time is cruel to women.

>> No.55680996
