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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55669070 No.55669070 [Reply] [Original]

The Simpsons were realistic when they came out, a dude on a single income could support a relatively big house in the suburbs, a family and constant vacations on a single shitty income source, nowadays it would be unthinkable.

>> No.55669077
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Today I will remind them.

>> No.55669093

Ahhh no I'm so demoralized because of le simpsons! Life is truly hopeless fellow zoomers, what will we do?

>> No.55669100
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The last thread got deleted so it got instantly remade, lololololololol.


>> No.55669140

The boomers had the thread deleted

>> No.55669143

Complaining about how this board is moderated is against the rules so I guess we'll never be able to talk about why things get removed even when there's a decent on-topic (FINANCE, INCOME AND RETIREMENT AND DEMOGRAPHICS ARE FINANCE YOU FUCKING KEKS) conversation happening. Thank God we can rest assured though that we'll always have nine threads of the same WEBM of some random roastie buying Halal food from a cart.

>> No.55669154

Dont blame the boomers, blame those who made it worse

>> No.55669155

So the boomers?

>> No.55669165

I'm not complaining about anything, you hear me jannies, nothing.

>> No.55669174

retirement is not finance, retirement is sacrificing beauty and youth so you can become a disgusting boomer fresh blood sucker who should have killed themselves happily so as to not be a burden on society

>> No.55669175

>simpsons were the ideal family
>stupid poor and fat dad
>idiot son
>feminist daughter

>> No.55669223
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Holy shit someone looked beyond rate to principal. Incredible.

>> No.55669258
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I am also not complaining our jannies are great. They do their work selflessly and for the greater benefit of this collective! No ulterior motives!

>> No.55669275

We're a based country, I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.55669280

They were also considered lower middle class.

>> No.55669292
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The Australia episode was pretty good too.

>> No.55669337

how much do you think homer paid for his house?

>> No.55669361

50k max

>> No.55669366

That's the only stereotype about Australia that's not true, we don't drink Fosters, I've never seen someone drinking one, I don't even think I've seen any in the bottle-o.

>> No.55669369

Grandpa Simpson bought it for him and then he put him in a retirement home.

>> No.55669377
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What about the boot?

>> No.55669394

I received a few kicks up the arse from my dad when I was younger so I'd say it's true.

>> No.55669416

I'm going to UPS. I've been buck broken. At $49/hr I'll almost make as much as my father adjusted for inflation. The Jews have won anons. Wish me luck in the warehouse.

>> No.55669458

The simpsons was LITERALLY created as a response to the 80s saturation of family sitcoms where they all lived upper class suburbs and was supposed to be satire. the frank grimes episode was then created because that satire went over everyones heads to they tried to bash it in extra hard saying that the simpsons were not a reflection at all but people just went "lol that guys mad" and now we have threads like this today thinking the simpsons was based on reality.

>> No.55669470

>be boomer born in 1955
>graduate college in 1978
>first job out of college pays 15k/year
>homes are 50k (3.3x salary)
>have to borrow at 10% interest rates
>s&p is $100
>10 years later s&p is $270 (+270%)
>give birth to millennial

>be millennial born in 1990 to boomer parents
>graduate college in 2012
>starting salary out of college is 45k
>housing price is 230k (5.1x salary)
>get to borrow at 3.5% interest rates
>S&P is 1350
>10 years later S&P is 4200 (+311%)
>also have the crypto boom
>complains about how much worse they had it

Millennials have been more spoiled than Boomers

>> No.55669497

Also "also have the crypto boom" is a laughably bad point.

>> No.55669508

No shit. Deal with it. Whining ain’t gonna change anything. Bills still gotta get paid

>> No.55669534

Isn't it unfortunate that they're getting harder and harder to pay? Also, the "Doesn't matter that I fucked it up, that's just the way it is now, no complaining" excuse is so bad.

>> No.55669656

Wronh. Even in the 90's, people were noting that all these sitcom and cartoon characters with working class jobs would never be able to afford a house as big as they had.

>> No.55669669


>> No.55669702

Again I'll reiterate:

Boomers claim that they are responsible for the best times in the US economy but that claim is a load of bullshit. Boomers grew up off the backs of their fathers and grandfathers who shaped the country into the most powerful economy on earth after the industrial revolution with blood sweat and tears.

Boomers grew up at the very begging of reaping the rewards of that labor. They grew up in the best economy in history and now they ignorantly shit in everyone complaining about social and economic change that is desperately needed and even go as far as working against that change because they are a bunch of crabs in the bucket who want to see everyone else go down with the ship.

>> No.55669736

I find that funny because Fosters is like my go-to cheapo swill. I think I just like the giant fucking diesel can, it makes me feel like a hobbit drinking his first human sized ale.

>> No.55669797

>their fathers and grandfathers who shaped the country into the most powerful economy on earth after the industrial revolution with blood sweat and tears.
Even this is just a meme. The US became a uniquely powerful country because every other country in the world blew itself up beyond repair. The result was you either bought something made in America or you just didn't have it.
>98% of Japanese infrastructure gone by 1945
>Almost all of London burnt to the ground during the blitz
>France is fucked
>Germany is fucked
>Half the Russian male population is dead
>China is starving
>Italy is Italy
We weren't winning the game, just nobody else was allowed to play.

>> No.55669849
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Fair point. Never considered this.

>> No.55669892


Still seems pretty realistic to me. Median pay for a nuclear technician is like $100k, you can own a home and support a family on that. Especially in a Midwestern flyover state suburb.

>> No.55669923

>Everyone in the country should just be a nuclear technician

>> No.55669960

>>graduate college in 2012
>>starting salary out of college is 45k
I thought it was near impossible to find a job in 2012. I had a hell of a time getting my first real job in 2016

>> No.55669974


>Married with children, same people with similar ideologies

>> No.55669991
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this is a cartoon

>> No.55670000
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I prefer the challenges and potentialities of this epoch.

>> No.55670202

It's everyone's fault except mine
- millenials

>> No.55670303

It never predicted I'd end up buying POND, fucking piece of shit show

>> No.55670341

i like how you cherrypicked the year of the lowest point of the housing crash. but of course i didnt expect honesty from a boomer subhuman

>> No.55670366

No you retard
Lets say elites, but you know what i mean you do

>> No.55670385

>Baby Boomers
>1946 to 1964
>(1946 + 1964) / 2 = 1955

>1981 to 1996
>(1981 + 1996) / 2 = 1988.5

>"you cherry picked!"

you're right, should have moved millennials down a year, but then i would have been accused of doing it at the "housing bottom"

>> No.55670401


Yes. I was in high school during the 2008 housing crash, faggot kike

>> No.55670406

>allowed women to work
>double the labor supply
>surprised that wage stagnant
What do you expect anon?

>> No.55670412

There was no way for them to know about your retardation

>> No.55670425

The boomers and zoomers are two peas in a pod, that's why they are so fucking obsessed with each other
They used to blame us millennials, but it felt half assed, but they REALLY hate the zoomers, like REALLY hate them. And the zoomers, they REALLY hate the boomers, like REALLY hate them.
And the reason is because they are exactly alike. They were kids during financial turmoil, too young to understand, and came into adulthood during a magic bullrun that they believe they worked really hard for. They are crying the same things that boomers cried about. They are just as self absorbed and selfish as the boomers. They lack empathy but fake it in public for social brownie points.
The only differences emerge due to societal progress, if you took phones back to 1980 I promise these boomers would be face in hand and would have absolutely invented a way to strap it in front of their eyes so they could continue living in their bubble at all times of the day. If social media existed in 1980 they absolutely would have been circlefapping online about who has more money or who lives the most lavish life (they still did this via magazines) and would have told gen Xers to "just work harder bro"
And even socially their fucking discovery and taste in music is exactly the fucking same, they listen to music like background noise and listen to whatever the fuck the corporations put in front of them. They don't ask where it came from, who liked it, or what the lyrics are about they just listen along like a good little consumer. You know like how boomers sing along to Piano Man but more than half have no idea what the song is even about. Just some keywords here and there they like "....AHH YEAH BETTER THAN DRINKIN ALONE!!!!" the same way zoomers listen to a song but only recite bits and pieces of it like some ADHD spaz who can't focus on something for more than 30 seconds.

>b....bu...but I'm a zoomer and I'm not like that!!!1!!1
Stop it, look at your peers

>> No.55670431
File: 380 KB, 800x585, 1632767138549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Son, do not disrespect the greatest piece of western art The Simpsons is

>> No.55670455

Well some of them have realistic features, not all of em are fantasy-oriented

>> No.55670460

Fuck right off baggie KEK

>> No.55670461

lol what? Which warehouse is paying you $49 an hr?

>> No.55670473

dumb retard old man nigger
starting salary hasn't been 45K USD equivalent since your generation and your retard nigger parents' generation
also fucking hilarious that in your timeline - your $15K starting salary is equivalent to $49k in 2012 you fuggen ass burger retard
you also have houses completely wrong but whatever, you won't reply anyways so I can just say leave it at you're a dumb stinky gorilla nigger retard boomer
>>also had the crypto boom
yeah you also had the dot com boom / tech boom and the i fuck your mother boom boom

>> No.55670485

All this also applies to millennials. We're basically all corporate whores.
t. self-hating millennial

>> No.55670510


The &S&P 500 is not a good reflection of the real state of the economy. That is econ basics here

>> No.55670622

We came into adulthood during a recession and when we were kids our role models were snoop dogg and Steve Jobs
So of course we either went one way or the other. Some of us became filthy rich and some of us died because we wanted to party forever or had no hope.
You (first anon) underestimate the hopelessness of turning 18 in a world that doesn't want to hire you. Whichever "other" generation you are from you were able to work at 16. Not us. It was a struggle to just get a job at a grocery store. Nobody was hiring. Nobody. I had to have a multi phase interview to work in the meat department at 17 in 2008. None of you faggots even remotely understand how demoralizing it was to be blooming adult during those years. It either made you or broke you and if you other faggots have watched the news lately or seen the "homeless crisis" you'd see that most of us got ass raped and just flat out gave up on society. If I was a betting man I'd be willing to bet most homeless on the streets are millennials.

And for music let's put it this way, there's a reason the dark, alt rock, emo goth phase extended from the late 90s to the late 2000s and was actually popular, even to the point where you heard frat bros jamming out to Seether, almost was "mainstream" music. Because we were very sad and very angry and had no idea why and the music we were raised on was the only outlet for our pent up rage we had at the time (pre smartphone) so we kept that outlet going. At no other time in the music industry has a "second genre" following been so big as it was when we were teenagers. That stuff was a niche with the boomers and it's a niche with the zoomers, because of my previous post, they are exactly the same.

>> No.55670825
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Looks right to me


>> No.55670862
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>TFW it made you a grizzled survivor

>> No.55671002


>> No.55671207

>i dont understand inflation

we know

>> No.55671289
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>he doubles down
>acknowledges literally nothing else
incredible that I have to post this twice and even after a thorough explanation of how you're retarded you still won't understand
In your bias retard scenario the boomer was earning more "out of college" than the millennial is "starting salary 45k"
it seems there's only mongoloid niggers left browsing this board

>> No.55671939
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I've gotten so used to rugpulls and disappointment now that I'm basically immune to them emotionally. My hope is that some day my stoicism in the face of failure will help me ape my way into a 1000x investment and I'll just enjoy my gains but until then I'm just not taking life seriously.

>> No.55671973

>also have the crypto boom
This has benefitted a grand total of maybe 100 people what kind of rainbow colored cotton candy flavored crack are you smoking that you think this means anything you absolute mudperson

>> No.55672056

You forgot the most important part, as part of the post WW2 rebuild plan Europe had to hand over ALL of their patents and tech

>> No.55672298

>proves even further he doesn't understand inflation


>> No.55672943

Underground is popular but still underground with zoomers. Look at suicide boys.

>> No.55673119
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My boomer parents and putting my grandmother in a retirement home and making her sell her house. I am sure they will get most of the money and they won't give me shit.

can someone explain why boomer greed is a thing? All boomers will drop dead in like 20 years. Why are they so against sharing wealth? how do I ask for gibs from parents or its pointless and waste of time?

>> No.55673679
File: 25 KB, 400x323, IMG_3917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

source: Federal Housing Finance Agency
>median home value USA 1974: $28,789.00
>median home value USA 2023: $379,068.00

source: US Department of Labor
>federal minimum wage USA 1974: $2.00/hour
>federal minimum wage USA 2023: $7.25/hour

>hours of work at federal minimum wage required to earn the median home value in 1974: 14,394.5 hours (6.5 years working 43 hours/week, 50 weeks / year)
>hours of work at federal minimum wage required to earn the median home value in 2023: 52,285.24 hours (24.32 years working 43 hours/week, 50 weeks / year)
>What the federal minimum wage SHOULD BE to earn the median home value in 14,394.5 hours: $26.33/hour

But nobody actually earns min-wage, so here are some Stats what people were actually earning.

source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics
>Data for production workers / nonsupervisory employees in various industries
>Total, gross hourly earnings (1974) by Industry:
>Manufracturing: $4.41/hour
>Mining: $5.21/hour
>Contract construction: $6.75/hour
>Transportation and public utilities: $5.43/hour
>Wholesale trade: $4.49/hour

Using the previous metric we can calculate what those people should be earning today:
>Manufracturing: $58.06/hour
>Mining: $68.59/hour
>Contract construction: $88.86/hour
>Transportation and public utilities: $71.49/hour
>Wholesale trade: $59.11/hour

Keep in mind we are talking about NON-SUPERVISORY employees here, e.g. for Construction sites it's the Mexican worker-grunts, not the guy giving orders.
So tell me, can some random lad who didn't even finish his highschool diploma go to a random construction site, give the Boss-man a firm handshake and start working the next day for $88.86/hour?
No? Because that was the reality boomers were living in 1974

>> No.55673730

You are not owed anything.

>> No.55674369
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>> No.55674404

If picrel is you then you can get many things so stop complaining.

>> No.55674683

Homer is making close to $3,380 in todays wages for 1 month of work. He’s a literal retard and sleeps at work all day.

Why did boomers doom us all? We’re they really so contempt with the greatest generation?

>> No.55674696

based as I said upthread when I ran the numbers as late as 1990 the median wage was $75/hr for the average person on the street. These days you have to suck many dicks to make that much money and the kneepad expenses.

>> No.55674706

1990s was the civilisational peak for Western Civ.

Now we're in the late Roman Empire stage.

>> No.55674710

Doesn't he run the nuclear power plant or something?

>> No.55674711

I hate old people so fucking much, including bootlicking Gen Xers who defend this.

>> No.55674719

He’s the safety inspector, so he does nothing all day like most safety inspectors lol

>> No.55674769

you also need to consider
>in 19XX, what % of the workforce was in each decile (or whatever) of income
>in 202x, what % of the workfroce is in each decile (or whatever) of income

and geographical distribution of jobs of different income levels vs geographical distribution of housing at different price levels

>> No.55674821

So? I graduated college in 2007. It's your own fault that your a low life. Seethe and cry

>> No.55674834

Open Bob

>> No.55674966

Yeah my dad was a factory wagie in the 90s and we had and 3 bedroom house and two car garage. Shit is fucked now

>> No.55675071
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These people are allowed to vote.

>> No.55675167

The average income is australia is $70k NOT $90k
It's worse than he says

>> No.55675359
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The real redpill is not that homer could support his family or whatever, but that he was considered lower middle class at the time but housing prices were not inflated horribly so even the average retard making the modern equivalent of 40k could afford one of the 'less good' houses. Nowadays you got townhomes in spic infested areas going for 300k.

>> No.55675385

>The Simpsons were realistic when they came out, a dude on a single income could support a relatively big house in the suburbs
Still can, but not on the coasts

>> No.55675405


>> No.55675449


only place in the US that matters

>> No.55675476
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This is now a grunge thread

>> No.55675517
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>Inflation 10xed in 20 years
Holy fuck

>> No.55675522

$100 to $270 is 170%.

I stopped reading the rest of your post at this point because you can’t do basic math. Stay poor and seethe

>> No.55675554


>> No.55675565


>> No.55675569


>> No.55675583


>> No.55676688

>Lets say elites
Look at you thinking you've figured it out, look at you thinking you've got all the secret information, look at you thinking your smart, special and not a sheep.

>> No.55676695

And their parents are?

>> No.55677946

yeah because millenials caused the gfc and covid, yeah totally! they also started the forever wars! its their own fault everything is double the price now vs two years ago. haha, such retards!

>> No.55678506

Just found out my parents are spending $1600 every week on something. I overheard the amount but they're outright refusing to tell me what this is going towards. I wish I was poor, unironically.

>> No.55678753

Millennials also voted to send all us patents and entire manufacturing base over seas

Millennials also decided to launch pointless “wars” just to find a dude in a hole.

Millennials voted for Reagan. Heck credit scores weren’t really a thing until the 90s

Did you know those stupid millennials children could buy a house in 2004 just for breathing?

>> No.55678937

when I was in my 20s my parents were spending at least $1k a week on food
while renting a house at around $2k/month
while paying for 2 financed (crappy, not nice) cars
while paying down my oldest siblings' college debts (half a million roughly)
while taking idk at least $20k worth of vacations per year
and talking about how they were barely getting by
and neither had a job that required a bachelor's, or had any other credentials, and they weren't supervisory or white collar positions, and they had full benefits packages for life

also iirc that they were spending like $800/month on Amazon shit

>> No.55678950


>> No.55678967

Yeah I confronted both of them about our financial situation and they just looked the other way ignoring me. No desire to change.