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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 789 KB, 1491x1582, oracle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55660613 No.55660613 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.55660636

kek. oracleless summer bros

>> No.55660906

how tf is link not printing massive red dildos right now?

>> No.55660922

Baggies gonna baghold

>> No.55660929


>> No.55660934
File: 31 KB, 925x490, bagholderbingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nobody cares except bagholding jeets who spam /biz/ 24/7

>> No.55660942

because era lend did not use chainlink oracles

>> No.55660991

they didnt use any oracle lol

>> No.55661011

Its over

>> No.55661041


>> No.55661046
File: 149 KB, 656x156, thug life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55661075

Because this is a troll. The protocol was hacked because it didn't use oracles lol

>> No.55661460
File: 1.10 MB, 1080x1080, 1690312647325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chain shit
>Link submarines
>Down 90%
>Token not needed
>1x in 3 years
>65% premine
>Sergey dumps
>700k binance
>2 more weeks
>HR roasties
>Pumps the least dumps the most
>Kek baggies
>Fake partnerships
>Pump and dump
>Pay up paypigs
>Fat Sergey
>You will never make it
>Down vs btc
>Down vs eth
>Nft gaming
>I can't perform
>African wfh devs
>WEF globohomo
>Cult members
>Saturn worshippers
>Chainlinkgod incel
>Klaus Schwab
>Women in crypto
>Refugees welcome woke
>Missed the entire bullrun
>Outperformed by dog coins
>ERC 19 downgrade
>No adoption
>Ccip flop
>Staking flop
>14% inflation
>Token not needed
>Cuck cage link marines
>$50 Top buyers
>Fell for lpl rug
>Fell for bancor
>Fell for Celsius
>Got btfo by bulgarians
>Nexo won
>Shorted by Simeon
>Zeus capital
>Bagheld for 7 years
>No link holder made it
>Fell from rank 5
>Subsidized by dumping on baggies
>Sergey cult antichrist
>Ccip tranny
>Chainlink shill team 6
>Paid community advocates
>Bagholder support group
>All smart OGs left
>Gm based king clg
>Eric Schmidt yacht payment
>Nft partnerships
>Team owe you nothing
>Cayman islands shell company
>Link is an unregistered security
>Chris barret running
>Chris barret flexing
>Francisco smartcon threat
>Russian scammer
>Smart Con
>Chainlink FTX endorsement
>90% of baggies in negative profits
>Link shorted by everyone
>Rorys wife's black son
>Swift announcement dump
>Shadow fork
>Stockholm syndrome
>Missed the 2021 bullrun
>Dead 2017 shitcoin
>Every narrative failed
>Bulgarians -> VCs
>Token not needed
>Down 90%
>Kek baggies.

>> No.55661489

is fucking anyone else actually looking at the image???

>> No.55661503

oh no no dan elitzer bros

>> No.55661591

Maybe they assumed OP was fudding link but really he was posting that they didnt use an oracle kek

>> No.55661609

This is nightmare fuel for linkers like me. Lick my butthole and do better research before becoming the town crier next time.

>> No.55661612

>"This makes Eralend low risk and independent of oracles."
What could possibly go wrong!

>> No.55661640

>he can't keep getting away with it!!

>> No.55661650

Get some help man

>> No.55661684
File: 171 KB, 1000x1000, ACK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55661690


>> No.55661703

This is why we neee shibarium!

>> No.55661713
File: 57 KB, 1879x907, 1667472470950314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like oracle-free summer is coming along nicely, boys!
Who needs Chainlink, amirite?

>> No.55661747

i dont understad why linkfaggots continue to suffer, bro just cut your loses already you retards, tons of opportunities out there still.

why continue to suffer watching LINK go to 0?

>> No.55661768


This is not about money.

>> No.55661786

Also with 1 oz of Au and 6 kg of Ag you will make it.

>> No.55661850

Linkniggers btfo

>> No.55662122
File: 664 KB, 734x737, 1667082351666755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The scam, the uselessness, it's all true

>> No.55662143

t. 1 oz of gold and 6 kg of silver owner (aka poorfag)

>> No.55662199

we call this getting jeweled
its occurrence is as guaranteed as the sun setting in the evening

>> No.55662213

Marines should have invested in Xrp.

>> No.55662217


>> No.55662260

that about covers it... upvoted

>> No.55662270

Anons we can really make history and meme globohomos shitcoin to 0. Inhale deeply and visualize the chainlink price rugging to 0. Do this as often as you can. Together we can destroy klaus schwab and his WEF globohomo 2030 agenda. We have the chance to become saviours of humanity.

>> No.55662293

How do I get in on the loan without governance grift??????????? PLEASE

>> No.55662428

This (check'em)

>> No.55662441
File: 81 KB, 750x998, 1679494160606619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55662448
File: 353 KB, 1277x1592, 1673899671961973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the communist ari juels must be stopped, paradigmbros

>> No.55662449


>> No.55662493

>frontrunning your transactions is just a healthy sign of a free market (((capitalist))) system, goy. You have to take our rent-seeking up the ass or you're a commie!

>> No.55662814

Incredibly based

>> No.55662867

> doesn't even respect the CHECK-EFFECTS-INTERACTION code pattern, now completely the norm since 2020...
fuck them

>> No.55662878

GM based kings

>> No.55663370

>the surprising thing is these sandwich attacks actually help the welfare of the system
Lmao wow, the audacity of these “people”

>> No.55663442

When will these retards actually learn? And why is it that the most retarded people on crypto has the most money?

>> No.55663450

They also want to control sequencing to protect users and encourage a vibrant community of VCs to invest for china style wash trade usage

>> No.55663475

Oracleless exploit scenario
>Any asset can be depegged via flash loans or severe volatility
Oracle meltdown scenarios
>Luna ponzi collapse
>Usdc depeg due to a massive bank collapse
Don't worry the former is clearly superior that's why it happens every week

>> No.55663477

desu by the way I think it is great that the xeeter above can community with optimism on their level by using cool uptodate neologisms like jedi mind tricks and wordcel manifesto otherwise who would coomm?