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55654498 No.55654498 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is wrong with boomers

>> No.55654534

So niggers are sending their money to sand-niggers? I live in England and I don’t care

>> No.55654549

just dont pay

>> No.55654741

Avarice. Undiagnosed ADHD.

>> No.55654820

>city of chicongo sells their own ability to collect parking payments to jp Morgan for $1b (literally nothing)
>A month later they sell a 50% stake to abi Dhabi and a 50% stake to an anonymous shell company in Luxembourg (it's just also Abu Dhabi)
>They make back their investment entirely within 10% of the lease term
>Chicago parking cops are working for a foreign government
Honestly more governments should just operate like this, western cuckdom being hollowed out on all sides

>> No.55655201

it's a facade
we are all golem
don't fight it

>> No.55655605

>be retard boomer
>Someone offers you a wad of cash on the spot, but you have to sign a contract stating that you must give the cash giver 10 wads of cash at a later date
>Entranced by all the yummy restaurant foods and holidays they could buy with wad of cash right now, the boomer takes the deal

This scenario explains almost everything in the western world for the past century or two

>> No.55655624

You don't understand if you take half the wad of cash and put it into carefully-managed funds it'll be worth 15 wads of cash by that later date.

>> No.55655788


>> No.55655857

foreign government uses your local police to extract wealth from you, and jews made it happen

>> No.55657936

I wish someone would put it in so many words on a national news program.

>> No.55658007

Yes, the city of chicago put all that money...away...in...safely managed funds. I guess I want to believe.

In reality, the citizens are now paying foreign nationals for the privilege of parking on streets the citizens paid to build, city officials get a fat wad of cash for the machine to fritter away on hookers and blow, and city operations makes up the lost cash by fining YOU $50 for what might have been a $1.50 parking fee should you decide to tell the sheik of araby to suck his camel via not paying for parking.

>> No.55658469
File: 2.64 MB, 3781x2700, American media elites.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a reason you will never see on any national news program anything like this.
Unironically read this /x/ thread you might learn something.

>> No.55658491

>double your money in 10 years
that's not actually that fantastic of an investment

>> No.55658528

Private equity fuckery

>> No.55658542

its (((deomocracy))), politicians just need short term gains for their good goy points so they do shit like this

>> No.55658546
File: 7 KB, 231x228, Lucky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>living in a major city
NPC vibes.

>> No.55658566

Semites of the Hebrew or Arabic variety.

>> No.55660440

How is this allowed what gives the city the right to sell/rent amrican soil/parking spaces.

>> No.55660557

>foreigner offers retarted gov't boomer a wad of cash in exchange for x-years of a convoluted scheme.
>boomer can't comprehend numbers/implications, blissfully signs away future.
many such cases

>> No.55660583

>early life

>> No.55660591


Absolutely this. Plus aspergers. The boomer generation has a huge undiagnosed aspie population and it goes unnoticed because we assume all boomers are entitled and angry when really theyre just retarded.

>> No.55660649

Parking should cost money, but related to the cost of car infrastructure, not rent-seeking from people with no skin in the game. So fucked.
I wonder what it would take to make it illegal.
I wish conservatives supported trustbusting.

>> No.55660672

They support each other, this is why social connections are so important to them. They can't navigate a fair system of economic distribution and default to feelings of unfairness when they don't follow the written, explicit rules and lose out.

>> No.55660693

Also, note that this is different from Millennials who most protest to have the rules changed in a principled way. Millennials want a fair system. Boomers wanted and got a system where the rules don't apply to you if you're ruthless enough.