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55651879 No.55651879 [Reply] [Original]

I work in a bank. I have bachelor's and master's in Economics. I always took capitalism as the obvious answer for an economic system, not recognizing the fact that the successes in such systems were thanks to heavy socialist policies took place in the West to compare with the Soviet Union.

With that competition gone there is no reason for capitalism to even try appearing as a benevolent system. People can't even afford basic necessities such as housing, food and transportation. The existence of humankind is degraded to a system in which you rent everything from a global elite that controls everything.

Dare I say that Marx was right?

>> No.55651915
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Even people with PhDs in Econ are midwit retards, I'd never let someone with a bachelors or masters tell me anything. Imagine thinking capitalism still exsists after 1913.

>> No.55651973

>not recognizing the fact that the successes in such systems were thanks to heavy socialist policies took place in the West

what do you mean? example?

>> No.55651999

The welfare system, universal healthcare, social housing, labor laws and regulations.

>> No.55652010
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I just dont understand why anyone would take marx seriously a century after his arguments had any sort of relevance to reality. It's like you got some book written by a horse breeder and used it to argue about our highway system being poorly designed

>> No.55652014

The startup ceos of the early to mid 1800s were very excited that that they didn't have to pay a wagie enough so he could have basic necessities. Whereas imagine having a slave or serf workforce which you must directly house and feed and to the extreme manage their entire social life too. Imagine the cost of any corporation doing that today, even though some corporate housing does exist.
However there is no working class of 10s of thousands which control major critical industries and the biggest cities.

>> No.55652030

Econ fags are the absolute worst. They are beneath English majors in social value.

>> No.55652049

so you refer to these things as "successes"? eh. The singular issue with the capitalist system in the West is that it's not real capitalism. Look no further than the bailouts of wall st. that's not supposed to happen.

>> No.55652050


Those drove no success whatsoever. Those were financed with the fruits of capitalist successes.



>> No.55652051

>People can't even afford basic necessities such as housing, food and transportation. The existence of humankind is degraded to a system in which you rent everything from a global elite that controls everything.
The ''elite'' bogeyman that controls everything and abuses people lives rent free in your head

>> No.55652064


Not to mention

>oh no unaccountable elite entities are making my life miserable
>the solution is to combine them all into one megasupergigaelite entity, that will fix it

>> No.55652073

>be from country with socialist medicine
>get stomachache
>goes away but now every time you eat you have stomach pain
>damn heartburn
>continues for a week and you go see a doctor
>6 months pass because stomach aches are on the bottom of the list of importance
>can't afford to go to a private practice because all your money is being taken by the government to pay for socialized medicine
>finally see doctor only to get told to stop drinking, do more excercise, and eat less acidic foods
>doesn't go away and eventually pass out while driving
>car is totaled and legs are broken
>finally be qualified to get bumped up to the front of the line to see a doctor
>2 weeks later see a doctor and get ctscan referral
>2 more weeks later get the actual ctscan
>stage 4 stomach cancer
>too far along to treat and has spread to just about every organ including the brain which is what caused the crash a month ago
>doctors say it was easily treatable if they caught it earlier
>try to get treatment anyways but get put on a list because of your low chance of survival
>feel yourself dying alone at home as you get a notification that you can finally go get treatment
>as you slip into the void you chuckle and laugh to yourself "at least I didn't have to pay for this"

>> No.55652101

which is why industries delocalized elsewere, healthcare is shit and bankers are bailed out according to how many friends they have in the government, how do you look at the current mixed system and say "yes, this is fine"? a centralized entity could fuck up the economy (central banking) at will.

>> No.55652110

Marx was smart but Keynes and Piketty are more accurate in describing current system

>> No.55652117
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Without those things there is no money paid, and it's ridiculous you wagecucks are still defending your masters.

>> No.55652135

Krugmans full line is the Internet would be useless for communication since most people have nothing to say to each other. Which turned out to be true as nowadays 4chan is the only major wild west of discourse on the Internet left. >>55651999
The only good one of these is social housing and the state absolutely should just distribute apartments. However in most western states it's now just another weapon against you to import third worlders and prolongate the mistakes of feckless single mothers and losers and generate polital constituents who rely on some arm of the state government. Social policy without some kind of moral direction is pointless, which even the communist bloc actually had in some regard.

>> No.55652178

The most pathetic thing about some of these people that are so fond of communism is that from the beginning they'd call eachother out on being rich and have a deep hate towards them, it comes down to how distant you are from being rich or else your opinion doesn't matter.
As if there's something wrong with being successful in today's time where it can be said to actually be somewhat fair and equal as opposed to the times where there used to be an actual massive difference between the classes which doesn't even exist anymore.
But nevermind any of that, OP clearly knows what he's talking about.

>> No.55652179

>''I have a bachelors in made up nonsense to excuse politicians when they rape the population with taxes''
get a real degree

>> No.55652196

people who can't think for themselves and need someone to tell them what to think are the worst

>> No.55652217

>Krugmans full line is the Internet would be useless for communication since most people have nothing to say to each other
People who listened to him missed out on the foundation of biggest transfer of wealth and fundamental economic shift in human history. Pretty fucking stupid to try to cover Krugman in general especially on something like this.

>> No.55652286

The meme you posted came to relevance somewhere around 2015, plenty of people hopped on the dot com boom and got burned which is the era the quote is from. Fagman as we know it today only really took shape in the 2010s.
Krugman IS an idiot but his actual economics work from back in the day is perfectly fine for an academic. Punditry makes a fool of most people.

>> No.55652304

Oh yeah they would have bought them good Dotcom funds if it wasn't for him. Their miss I guess.

>> No.55652317

>Those were financed with the fruits of capitalist successes.
OP thinks that a fair and equal society has no relation to any type of progress that takes place over the course of a long time and provides for people only after a specific period of internal development.

>> No.55652471
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>I have bachelor's and master's in Economics
>successes in such systems were thanks to heavy socialist policies
>welfare system, universal healthcare, social housing, labor laws and regulations
You exclusively picked the worst failures of the West. Not only are they profoundly inefficient, but worse, if you're using America as an example, those things are state capitalism; American government contracts all of those things out save regulations to private enterprises working (barely) on their behalf.

It feels like I'm replying to a copypasta. Can you define success metrics for any of those things? Malpractice rates per doctor per demographic, nursing outcomes, ability to exit the aforementioned welfare system, etc.?

>> No.55652625
File: 59 KB, 720x692, 1642508613310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an increasingly ideologically motivated conflict, the war quickly
degenerated into a total war. Everywhere, the entire national economy was militarized (war socialism) and the time-honored distinction between combatants and noncombatants and military and civilian life fell by the wayside. For this reason, World War I resulted in many more civilian casualties-victims of starvation and disease-than of soldiers killed on the battlefields. Moreover, due to the ideological character of the war, at its end no compromise peace but only total surrender, humiliation,and punishment was possible.

>> No.55652706
File: 67 KB, 500x500, Know_More.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a result of an ever-expanding list of nondiscrimination-"affirmative action" -laws and nondiscriminatory, multicultural, egalitarian immigration policies, every nook and cranny of American society is affected by government management and forced integration; accordingly, social strife and racial, ethnic, and moral-cultural tension and hostility have increased dramatically.

What is consumed now cannot be consumed again in the future. If the price of a good is lowered, either the same quantity or more will be bought than otherwise. Prices fixed below market clearing prices will lead to lasting shortages. Without private property in factors of production there can be no factor prices, and without factor prices cost-accounting is impossible. Taxes are an imposition on producers and/ or wealth owners and reduce production and/ or wealth below what it otherwise would have been. Interpersonal conflict is possible only if and insofar as things are scarce. No thing or part of a thing can be owned exclusively by more than one person at a time. Democracy (majority rule) is incompatible with private property (individual ownership and rule).

>> No.55652709

Yes he was right about many things. And he will be proven to be a genius in the coming decades

>> No.55652716

econ is something you will never have full knowledge of and nor does that information actually exist because a lot of it is trying to learn what happened because it shocked you

having a masters/phd in it just means you can do research

>> No.55652783
File: 166 KB, 940x1024, 1689638701136558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Capitalism is only capitalism when it does good things that make me feel good about my.own ideological beliefs.

Midwit take.

>> No.55652845

Let me guess, real communism hasn't been tried yet.

>> No.55652863

Yes, Capitalism is poison. It is a snowballsystem.

>> No.55652952

Isn't that what you are saying about capitalism?

>> No.55652984

>fill country with niggers
>things fall apart
>I know! Let's give the niggers free money!

You're the nigger.

>> No.55653051
File: 48 KB, 828x828, POWERCOCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And there he stood, a chicken, with abs, immaculate and pure. The scourge of the lumpenproletariat ― Karl Marx, Das Kapital

What did marx mean by predicting CHIKUN?

>> No.55653133
File: 200 KB, 1200x550, 1674759199969658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try harder

>> No.55653229

You fags and your fetishes with isms is so fucking tiring. Oh it's socialisms fault, no wait its capitalisms fault.... The one commonality between all the isms, which I might add all look very good on paper, is the cause of all the isms downfall.... Human nature. We're the problem. Fix us and the isms will work as intended.

>> No.55653262

>Lol but some you're talented and stuff so capitalism is ok

>> No.55653270

This is literally the biggest mid wit take imaginable

>> No.55653317


>> No.55653447

no he wasnt. communism works only if everyone works together in unison and theres no exploits nor malice. which is obviously completely impossible.

a new system must be created

>> No.55654865

>communism works only if everyone works together in unison and theres no exploits nor malice
False. It works if private property of the means of production is abolished. Doesn't need malice to stop. Malicious people would still exist, but they couldn't do a fucking thing except annoy others.
>a new system must be created
Yes communism.