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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55648904 No.55648904 [Reply] [Original]

rug it to 0

>> No.55648976

S....signatasisters....is it over?

>> No.55649433
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kek OP you retard, you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.55649539
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everest died a long time ago embrace the new

buy kilt before Deloitte starts buying on the market for their KYC platform

>> No.55649599

literal medieval porn

Many semen were spilled to this statue

>> No.55649648
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>Everest lost
>rug it to 0

>> No.55649679


>> No.55649697

I would also like to know his name

>> No.55649762

Sparksisters we are feasting tonight

>> No.55649788

like anybody cares about this

>> No.55649847

based jeetcel traversing time and space for the sake of coomies

>> No.55649870

You know with 100% certainty a project is a scam when they have a cherry-picked comparison table with ticks and crosses.

>> No.55649894
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>> No.55649896

Yes anon, 1:1 backed, programmable, tokenized real world assets are a scam. Congratulations on being such a highly perceptive individual.

>> No.55649934
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>In the coming few weeks, we are launching "tokenized crypto" on our chain. What does that mean, and why does it matter? First, it means that we can deliver BTC, XRP, SOL, Matic, XLM and others that typically ride on their own chain to EverWallets. All native BTC, XRP, SOL, etc will be held by Everest, and backed 1:1 as we always do. Delivering these effectively wrapped tokens also solves security issues that plague bridges (I believe the industry is well over $1B in bridges getting exploited), and users don't need to get a separate BTC or XRP wallets. Second, this means gas fees are $0.0001/txn, all consuming $ID......so, users of the fiat-in/out widget will be offered nearly free transactions compared with, for example $3-7/txn on Ethereum mainnet.

>On the regulatory front, we continue to prepare for the MiCA transition, and DESU I couldn't be happier about it. If we do nothing, we will receive our license. To give you a sense of value, estimates for a traditional financial institution to build themselves and get licensed is close to $20M. https://lnkd.in/e7sGTzb7.. Everest plans to go beyond what we have today, and offer electronic money tokens (EMTs) and asset-referenced tokens (ARTs). This means we will open EUR.c (tokenized euros that currently are issued and redeemed on our chain) to be redeemed by exchanges, merchants, other networks, and be able to custody EUR directly ourselves - a fully licensed custodian of fiat and crypto!

>It was great to see the US get some regulatory clarity as well. In case you missed the landmark decision regarding Ripple and more broadly the sale of tokens, I recommend you read the summary from Ripple's legal counsel here: https://twitter.com/s_alderoty/status/1679553612236881921

>> No.55649949
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>Twitter and "verified wallets"......as I've alluded to previously, all social networks are facing a tsunami of a bot-infested, API-scraping, anon-troll-chirping, Orwellian, digital hellscape that threatens their very existence as profitable platforms. Facebook and Instagram are attempting to solve these problems by charging credit cards. LinkedIn is building a federated system that relies on govt identity cards. Reddit reached the point of being forced to charge for API access. All this and we're in the first inning. What's the solution? Everest's AI-driven, blockchain-based identity solution that places the user at the center of privately verifying they are a live, unique human, and controlling their data. And giving those users access to a global financial platform that offers rewards to the community that transact over it is quite simply the future.

>Starting with Twitter, we are paying users $IDs to prove they are not a bot (not charging them $8/month :)), and giving them an Everwallet or connecting an existing wallet. Further, when friends and family sign up with the original user's affiliate link, they earn more $ID......and continue to earn a percentage of fees on all the aforementioned sending/receiving, buying/trading/selling/remitting. In sum, we are solving real problems that uniquely consume $ID tokens at scale. You can see details of the 10M $ID campaign to kickstart adoption here: https://wallet.everest.org/affiliate Please sign up yourselves and pass along. If you have suggestions on which social network should be next, please send ideas & analysis.

>On a qualitative note, it feels like we're "getting over the hump." Not only as Everest, but more broadly in the blockchain and crypto industry. The hours and dedication put in by the Everest engineering and product teams can't be adequately described in words. Y'all know me as the face of Everest, but it's the team, not me, that did everything above. Here's to a great rest of 2023.

>> No.55649963

There's an ancient Roman account of someone breaking into a temple at night to hump an allegedly very erotic statue of a godess. Supposedly he hummed it so much that it discolored the marble and it could not be restored.

>> No.55649965
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ops, pasted in wrong order. that's ok, i dont think most of you understand anyway
>Biometrics evolved from techie, proof of concept with eye-blinking for five seconds....to take-a-selfie, 1-2 seconds, mass market level of product. Replacing biometrics is like heart surgery on the Everest platform, as it reverberates throughout the rest of the system. Kudos to the engineering team for pulling that off seamlessly.

>We won some designs with the fiat-in/out widget, and are getting integrated to a bevy of wallets, dApps and DEXes. You can see an example if deployed to THE Foundation here: https://foundationnetwork.org/ and at Bancor: https://app.bancor.network/fiat
>To remind everyone, Everest has a few competitive advantages in this sector......1) we are more cost-effective because we also include send/receive, buy/trade/sell, remit and a few other services coming soon, 2) we pay our partners commissions for the aforementioned transactions, and 3) since we are the only player in the space with our own chain, we offer the option of nearly free/no-gas network fees. We are expanding the token offering to 200+ pairs with more attractive pricing in the very near future too. The B2B2C strategy is getting executed.

>> No.55649969

sir I make fuck with statue please
very good bum bum I kiss your body

>> No.55649984
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>> No.55649996

Kek, the original cum jar

>> No.55650173
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Noone ever refutes any of the features of Everest or its regulatory position. Fudders only screech "scam" based on the shitty price action.

>> No.55650216

nobody will read this crap lmao

>> No.55650426
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>> No.55651161
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I read it

>> No.55651302
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>> No.55652134

Glad I bought sparks instead

Wait nm it's 100% down from my entry and the bottom isn't in yet

It's ogre.

>> No.55653788

based, when I make it, I will buy antique sexy statues so I can hump them too. Maybe even build a coom temple to put them in.

>> No.55654094
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Based roman coomer

>> No.55654159

Pretty sure he also killed himself after getting caught

>> No.55654671
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if anyone wonders, the statue is of Dirce by Lorenzo Bartolini, from 1834 so it's neoclassicism.

>> No.55654695

Am I literally the only person left on this board with a bag of ID? I bought pretty cheap, lower than it is right now, so I don’t really care if it goes to zero but I don’t think it will desu. During a bull run it’s an easy 10x, possibly much more

>> No.55654711

It’s going to $10

>> No.55654754

Nice. I’m holding over 100k so I’d be really happy if $10 happened. Honestly would be pretty good with a dollar or two

>> No.55654786

She was only 17 and 10 months YOU SICK FUCK DELET THIS