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55635226 No.55635226 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto is all about

Step 1) Stressing for multiple years while you invest money into cryptocurrencies that could very well go to 0

Step 2) Wait for the next mania phase to start where a bunch of morons come in and massively bid up the prices of Cryptocurrencies

Step 3) Hope you can find a good price to sell at before the rug gets pulled from under everybody and we go back to Step 1 again to repeat the cycle

Well thats fucking gay

>> No.55635244

Yup, I havefinally given up on this. Seems fake and gay. Crypto is dead and over. There wont be another bull run.
We were test subjects for the E-dollar, E-Yuan and E-euro.

>> No.55635270

Crypto was innovation until 2019, then the mainstreamification set in without any real demand. On top crypto is a pure ponzi that needs a certain growth rate to survive, that it wont be able to reach with the switch from innovation into mainstreamification. To put it bluntly, crypto is over, and "institutions" are going to hold the bags that nobody wants or needs

>> No.55635285

No. I'll tell you what crypto is all about you terminal social mediacel.

>Crypto is all about

>Step 1) DCA for multiple years while you invest money into cryptocurrencies that are programmed to go to $1,000,000

>Step 2) Stop when the next mania phase starts where a bunch of morons come in and massively bid up the prices of Cryptocurrencies

>Step 3) Sell at the Q4 of the third yearly green candle and single-handedly pull the rug from under every degenerate gambler who can't take profit or do basic research and go back to Step 1 again to repeat the cycle

No redeems

>> No.55635308

KEK, a communist that doesn't understand the relation between supply, demand, price and utility
>There is always going to be a mania phase
>please buy my bags
>Trust me bruh its always the same
>people want worthless bags
>they buy from you for more dollar
>but first you buy from me for more dollar
crypto scammers, what a joke of a (((community)))

>> No.55635321

>a communist
no u
>>There is always going to be a mania phase
Are you telling me that this time it's different?
I guess bitcoin's going to 0 in two more weeks?
i suppose the normies are smarter than they ever were before?
I assume they won't ever fall for the same trick twice?

>> No.55635342

I am telling you that crypto is a failed project that failed largely to generate any demand or utility over the usual 15 years it takes from innovation to mainstreamification and only lived from poorly crafted narratives and 0%. And now with it being mainstreamified, the growth phase being done, without any demand or utility its going to die

>> No.55635369

>I am telling you that crypto is a failed project
I am telling you that you are wrong.
> the usual 15 years it takes from innovation to mainstreamification
Cope, you've been saying this for a decade. It took fiat a millenia to see mainstream adoption and that was with state enforcement.
>And now with it being mainstreamified
It's not yet. It will be soon and the gains will exceed those of previous two cycles.
>or utility
Has utility. You jsut don't want to admit it because you missed out on the early days.
>protip; you're still early

>> No.55635389

Keep wearing the blinders retard
No, I was mostly pro crypto until it became clear with the 2020 retard run and the (((communification))) that it has become a mass product without any innovation that followed "tested path" that are rooted in a time and environment that doesn't exist anymore.
>you missed out
Hardly, I was pro crypto since 2012, but its over
That is the most clear sign of mainstreamification one can show off

>> No.55635424

>Keep wearing the blinders retard
no u
>No, I was mostly pro crypto
Kek, quit making shit up.
>I was pro crypto since 2012
>That is the most clear sign of mainstreamification one can show off
Exactly, and it's yet to happen.
So in all you're wrong and a retarded bobo. You probably never owned crypto in your whole life and just come here to fud. Go back to r/buttcon or whatever.

>> No.55635427

And of course the mainstream is hoping to "profit" from the growth rates they expect based on past performance, but with crypto their doesn't exit a base demand and without a base demand their wont be any room for growth, together with the individual base having abandoned the tech because of the (((communification))) lack of innovation and setting in of (((mainstreamification))), the only way for crypto is down

>> No.55635443

Are you retarded. The top of the S curve marks the end of the growth rate. (((Mainstreamification))) is the dead of a "financial" product with no base demand or utility

>> No.55635444

Crypto is not over just because you got burned by buying the top and now selling the bottom bro. I know you want it to be like that but why would it be? BTC has better media now than ever even without the hype (blackrock plans and institutions, cbdc, etc).

You are correct tho that the mainstream narrative without actual usecase and adoption is a huge ponzi/bubble that had or has to burst but it will just be a birdshit in the grand scheme of things.
When real adoption begins and people flood into the store of value of BTC or the usecase of smart contract networks/digitil assets the charts we have seen so far will look like pennystocks - there is liquidity of fckn hundreds of trillions out there

>> No.55635445

better odds than wageslasving or the lottery

>> No.55635449

>And of course the mainstream is hoping to "profit" from the growth rates they expect based on past performance
You didn't even watch the video so you have no idea what you're talking about. I bet you don't even know what a nasdaq is.
>the only way for crypto is down
Two more weeks.

>> No.55635462

>no base demand
x2 since last year.
>or utility
Constant development and onboarding of institutions. Keep dreaming bobo.

>> No.55635467

Grand scheme of things is that it was hijacked by scammers and leeches and failed to become something useful, but a vehicle for scams. There is no crypto "adoption" and with (((mainstreamification))) there is no chance for innovation anymore that would be able to create any utility

>> No.55635475

Everything will be tokenized with or without your consent. All your data, all your possessions, you have no say anymore.

>> No.55635479

why should I waste my time watching mainstream advertising of a failed product
>meme words
yeah memes are another thing that was mainstreamified and lost all possibility of innovation and has gone down the hill for a good 5 years
Okay, a pump that failed to keep on. The typical crypto scammer argument
>look price in dollars went up
>please buy my useless bags
>muah development leads to demand
Communist retard

>> No.55635485

for this cycle yes, for this first phase yes but this isnt the end - its only the beginning.

>> No.55635493

no. That sounds like the idiots during the bail outs of 2020 that thought they could use the crisis for (((digitalization))) which, despite of totalitarian and the application of fascistic methodology was refused by consumers and has ended in a total loss

>> No.55635496

The normies that do use crypto DCA into Bitcoin regularly and don't pay attention to the bullshit going on in the background, or alts. It's become the world's public savings account. Don't expect a moonshot, but also don't expect another collapse. Bitcoin will stabilize, if it hasn't already.

>> No.55635509

>meme words
>makes up words like mainstreamified, mainstreamification and communification emphasizing them in triplet brackets he doesn't know the meaning of
>Okay, a pump that failed to keep on.
This is how markets behave retard. Crabbing is expected. An incessant pump is unsustainable.
>Communist retard
no u

>> No.55635517

No, this is the clear end for crypto. There is no innovation, no demand and no interest for the products. Just desperate crypto producers and "investors" that have a profit expectation, that they wont reach

>> No.55635518

>That sounds like the idiots during the bail outs of 2020
Yeah. The bankers bank is a bunch of idiots. Larry fink is retarded and you are superior, they must bend to your wisdom.

>> No.55635528

This is called invincible ignorance.
If you dislike crypto investors so much why are you trying to protect them so hard?

>> No.55635543
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>> No.55635547
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it's far simpler than that.
you buy new alts during the early bull market
then sell before the bear market, while everything is still going up

nobody has made money holding alts through a bear market

>> No.55635551

Total retard confirmed. Those terms are normal words to describe for the first the switch from innovation phase to mainstream phase, the top of the S curve and the other the other a normal word to describe when a product is used to define different (((communities))) the brackets are to show off that its something that is a sign to gtfo and short that shit to the ground because the direction of everything that goes through (((communification))) and then (((mainstreamifiation))) goes along with reduced profit margins and reduced growth rates compared to the innovation phase

btw, (((Machine Learning))) is artificially been tried to fast lane into (((communification))) and (((mainstreamification))) why it cant be expected to create any innovation and already fucked up its growth potential

>> No.55635558
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It was $25k three months ago, was it a scam then?
Who's scamming anyone? Do you not purchase $15 worth of Bitcoin and receive $15 worth?
You take any risk you take of your own volition.

>> No.55635561

>you are an ignorant
Kek, keep holding the bag sjw norma faggot

>> No.55635563
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>(((I'm from reddit)))

>> No.55635570

And this board has only (((mainstreamified))) retards, as the normal faggot use of wojaks and green texting shows that every retard on the twatters or other mainstream platform uses

great to confirm that crypto is done

>> No.55635584

>He can only talk about price in dollar of his product
very funny, you don't even realize what you say and what implications it has

>> No.55635596
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>so let me get this straight

>> No.55635597

>the brackets are to show off that its something that is a sign to gtfo
You don't know what you're talking about.
>sjw norma faggot
no u
Come up with a new FUD narrative that isn't a decade stale pasta.

>> No.55635612

the original use was of course marking jews, but as jews are generally considered something negative, using the brackets in a more general manner for unwanted devolutions, its a legit use

Fuck, you faggots are so hard (((mainstreamified))) you don't even see it. This board is dead

>> No.55635613


>> No.55635615

Blockchain is groundbreaking technology that has the potential to change the internet, finance, Healthcare, gaming, etc.

The problem is that "cryptocurrency" is not an essential part of blockchain and there are a million useless tokens out there that are attached to the technology for no reason other than to cynically make money off of people. 99% of crypto projects don't need tokens to work.

Just imagine if someone were trying to profit off of everything you do on the internet. Nobody would use it then. Fortunately, the people who built the internet built it to work, and they did it for free because they wanted to make something cool for the world. Nowadays, everyone developing anything on blockchain does it for the money and makes the technology worse by adding unnecessary tokens and fees and other bullshit into the mix.

>> No.55635629

>uses more (((mainstreamified))) (((meme)))words
This is too funny
>make money
straight from mainstream advertising scripts

>> No.55635644

>physically incapable of being Based, just cringe 24/7

>> No.55635653
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holy shit you're not wrong

>> No.55635663

those word have been mainstream since 2018 normal faggot.

>> No.55635716

>uses mainstream words to tell others what is mainstream
You have now descended to semantics because you have no legitimate argument against crypto beyond the mainstream arguments you found on r/buttcorn.
Right from the start your argument was in bad faith but we're hitting levels of fathlessness that would make an atheist blush.

>> No.55635738

>continues being cringe

>> No.55635744

How did the word semantics enter the (((mainstreamification))) recently. I swear every half wit is using the word similar to how every normal faggot was suddenly using narrative. Has it been used in some (((netflix))) show or what?

>> No.55635746

Thread theme op going insane

>> No.55635762

thinking about it, social media retardation might have reduced the time from innovation to (((mainstremification))) that would explain how growth rates and innovation in general has stalled or rather was not present since 2015

>> No.55635791

fuck that is it. That explains the reduced time in innovation and the perversion of memtics that happened. The re-discovering of memetics in its "current" form was starting around 2010 and was total mainstream by 2018, which a halving of the innovation phase and the answer to why is social media.

>> No.55635804

You solved it. You can go back now

>> No.55635814

They make it by buying altcoins in the bear and making it through to the bull market. watch what will happen now with INJ, NXRA, CTSI, and AUDIO.

>> No.55635822

>loaded question
>false premise
>ad hominem
>irrelevant conclusion
>Ecological fallacy
etc. etc.

>> No.55635828

social media discourages innovation, encourages poor copying and riskless path dependencies, centralization (((mainstreamification))) and leads to reduced growth and reduced innovation. Thanks Zuck for likely unintentionally having killed the potential of survival of the post 1990 system

>> No.55635838

why should I, calling out (((mainstreamification))) and path dependency increases the race to the bottom

>> No.55635840
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anon knows his shit

>> No.55635846

1 bitcoin was 1 bitcoin 3 months ago, see how it's retarded? you need to use something else to compare the value, and the dollar is the best choice. giant retarded faggot.

>> No.55635853

>Replies intentionally to a bot
>in an attempt to create "group support"
>on anon board
stupid normal faggot frog posters

>> No.55635861

you say as it is. btc is the same at $0.00000000001 from a technical point of view as it is at $20K, the only issue, there is no demand for this product outside of line go up

>> No.55635863

>without any real demand
I can see the sell for something like XRP with its speed and low transaction cost, but it's so entrenched with banks and card companies, even at higher costs i wonder if they can get into that market.

>> No.55635864

That's not just crypto that's all investments you retard.

>> No.55635873

no they cant. There is no rationality and no demand for bring public permissionless ledgers into it

>> No.55635905

OP is definitely retarded to think we'll be holding alts through the bear when we can literally use schizos as exit liquidity at the top and stay on the sidelines(most likely leveraging the stables for yields) while waiting for the schizos to sell and it goes all the way down and then we buy again. Kek

>> No.55635907

wrong. There are products and services that have certain base demands that go outside of muah line go up weeee. Sure for now the entire stock market, housing market and the commodities market to a degree is totally ponzified due to 10 years of 0% scamming and the failed 2020 bail out but that wont last, the correction of this irregularity is going to melt faces to the downside

>> No.55636033

Commie bros...we won

>> No.55636104

>t. Gorbachev ca 1987

>> No.55636154

Not all investments periodically go to 0.

Stable yields are shit. You're better off just holding than expose yourself to unnecessary risks.

>> No.55636167

It's 2023 retard, lmao why would we be talking about crypto if it was 1987. Wow

>> No.55636182

>There are products and services that have certain base demands that go outside of muah line go up weeee.
And they are about to be tokenized.

>> No.55636280

APRs of 15-23% which I get for leveraging USDC and DAI definitely don't sound like shit to me and these are not the pools with the highest yields. What's more? It's a yield aggregator, so risks are properly diversified. Totally worth it.

>> No.55636295

there is no demand communist. And just because the central planning committee wishes that in the next 5 years there is supposed to be demand, wont magically create it.

Stupid communists and your child like understanding of economics

>> No.55636512

So why didn't you go for the pools with higher yields instead?

>> No.55636523

>everyone I don't like is a commie
>commies are in crypto
Absolutely delusional

>> No.55636549

yes, or you can buy chudcoin.com and avoid all that

>> No.55636568
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And cocking those gains dont forget about cocking those gains chikun bro

>> No.55636617

no. I call out people as communist that have some child like understanding of economy, in my opinion resulting from the 2 decades of every retard gets a medal, no matter what worthless shit she produces, and now expects that if they produce some bullshit there must be demand and somebody is supposed to give them profits for their worthless no demand products and services, if necessary forced by a central planning committee with violence

>> No.55636639

Don't buy. More bitcoin for me

>> No.55636646

sure, go on and buy worthless digital pogs that nobody uses and you only buy in hope to find some retard to give you more dollars for your pogs

>> No.55636686

I opted for the pools that suit my risk appetite; if you can handle more risks, then go for the higher risk pools. There's a pool for everyone on there or you can just go ahead to create your own pool.

>> No.55636695

It's honestly the same as regular markets but the cycles are shorter.

>> No.55636718

>Step 1) Stressing for multiple years while you invest money into cryptocurrencies that could very well go to 0
Yes, this is true. There's no company involved, unlike stock. So it may as well goes to 0 tomorrow. If you want to invest in crypto, invest when bull market starts so you don't have any stress. Don't forget to get out after you get 10% profit.

>Step 2) Wait for the next mania phase to start where a bunch of morons come in and massively bid up the prices of Cryptocurrencies
What can you expect from ponzi scheme ?

>Step 3) Hope you can find a good price to sell at before the rug gets pulled from under everybody and we go back to Step 1 again to repeat the cycle
Yep, don't forget to take profit.

Unlike the others that keep denying everything, I'm telling the truth.

>> No.55636771


Gold is all about

Step 1) Stressing for multiple years while you invest money into shiny rocks that could very well go to 0, or derivative plays like gold miners which can also go to 0

Step 2) Wait for the next mania phase to start where a bunch of morons come in and massively bid up the prices of gold and gold miners

Step 3) Hope you can find a good price to sell at before the rug gets pulled from under everybody and we go back to Step 1 again to repeat the cycle

Well thats fucking gay

>> No.55636798

It's the same as any other market except it teaches you to be jaded ten times as fast. Crypto is unironically the best way to learn how to be patient in a market.

>> No.55636804


>> No.55636857

>just buy my no utility no demand ponzi
>and hold
>there are certainly people going to give you more dollar
>promised goy
>no buy my bags
lmfao. with every cycle the narratives became worse and this this is unironically the the way into the dirt and toward 0

>> No.55638089

It's the definition of a ponzi

>> No.55638101

I will. Why u mad?

>> No.55638180

Not anon but why should anyone care about how you lose your money.

>> No.55638276


SPY is all about

Step 1) Stressing for multiple years while you invest money into an index that could very well go to 0, or derivative plays which can also go to 0

Step 2) Wait for the next mania phase to start where a bunch of morons come in and massively bid up the market

Step 3) Hope you can find a good price to sell at before the rug gets pulled from under everybody and we go back to Step 1 again to repeat the cycle

Well thats fucking gay

>> No.55638609

Sounds like someone has been using SpoolFi. Better than keeping your funds idle.

>> No.55638944

Same bitcoin can become 3 bitcoin in less than a week don't be a retard. I'm buying Krest for rewards in Peaq token which I'm sure will do better as They're shaping the future of Economy of Things. It enables seamless communication and transaction between devices. IoTex and Waev are also in my radar.

>> No.55638952

good luck timing the top and the bottom! Ill just hold through

>> No.55638986

>there is no demand
x2 in 1 year
no u
>if necessary forced by a central planning committee with violence
Are you saying that the central planning comitte is going to force you to buy bitcoin at gunpoint?
Cope and seethe.
>this this is unironically the the way into the dirt and toward 0
two more weeks

>> No.55638994

The top and bottom are very easy to predict.
Bottom is EOY on the red yearly candle or at the start of the first yearly green candle.
Top is EOY on the third yearly green candle.

>> No.55639048

if you want to understand crypto just look at luna

it went from over $100 to 0 in 24 hours.
don't listen to what people say, look at what they do.

the only reason people touch crypto is on the hope of easy money.
btc has utility for money laundering/capital flight so it will continue to exist.

eth and other L1s are VC constructs for scamming money from third world monkeys.

>> No.55639103

It is about putting your funds in your custody and getting better rewards for it. Just by using spoolfi, I get high percentages I would not get even for saving in a bank.

>> No.55639147

You are acting like people are rational, if they were casinos wouldn't exist and crypto is just one giant 24/7 casino accessible to the entire world. There's a lot of desperate zoomers and 3rd worlders who want to gamble.

>> No.55639261

it isn't being regulated as a gambling thing but as an investment. Know that and know peace. Also, as regulations aer becoming eminent, we will enjoy secured space while preserving anonymity with ZKP identities like Polygon and NexeraIDs.

>> No.55639267

People don't have liquidity for crapto or other ponzis mongoloid. They need two jobs to have something to eat and shelter, the last they are doing is giving some retarded communist dev that expectes a medal for building something nobody asked for their cash

>> No.55639270

And that is why you desperately advertise your grift, scammer? Gtfo here

>> No.55639391

You must be fullish not to know the place of ZKP and how it will influence the space. Sounds like you are a retard piece of shit.

>> No.55639396

>>Letter to a pajeet
Everything will look like s scam to you because you failed to realize or study properly before investing.

>> No.55639433

>Keeps trying to advertise his scam for which no demand exists
>Buy my crapto bags
>They have no ultility or demand
>But I build/bought this shit and want profits
The result of 2 decades of every retard gets a medal no matter how worthless his shit is

>> No.55639622

If you think you are a business class then stop changing your address. Lol. This is a crypto thread let it stay that way, autist.

>> No.55639629

crypto is about wasting your time/money and demoralizing you with pump and dump cycles.

>> No.55639639

Crypto is....LE BAD

>> No.55639743

Crapto is over you faggot. Aren't you aware of the newest "scientific" confirmed narrative to choke this industry to dead? Keep holding maybe some ISIS or Al Qaeda cell is going to buy your bags

>> No.55640421

This anon is correct. Ask someone why they invest in crypto. It isn't because of utility, value, etc. it's to "make money". It is a textbook scheme.

Now, digital blockchain-based currency WILL be the future. But you're a fool to think that global banking institutions won't just pay some devs to make their own. I don't foresee a situation in which somethin like ETH, BTC, LINK, etc. are used by a major institution as a digital currency to replace fiat. They will just make their own.

With that, I do invest in some crypto just because it seems destined to do another 2-3 bull runs before banks get ahead of the game (crypto as you know it will likely be done by 2027).

>> No.55640661

>It's da future
>therefor gimme money now
typical communist ad fag, with the usual ALL CAPPS that makes it one hasnt to read the ad to know its bullshit

>> No.55640808

> typical communist ad fag
I'm not a commie, you pussy.

> therefor gimme money now
I will be holding my bags until the BTC top around 2025-2027

> it's da future
Of course it is. Digital currency is easy to exchange, easy to track, and easy to control (in some ways). Banks/governments will eat it up. But it won't be any existing coin, and thus all other coins will dump.

GTFO jeet.

>> No.55640963
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You're almost there OP, if you can lose the sarcasm. Every speculative asset goes through this process. Including Apple and Amazon etc in 1999. Its just human behavior, and it has never changed.

>> No.55640964

What do you hold?

>> No.55641003
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reddit is just down the hallway and to the left

>> No.55641018

I think you're in drugs anon. Crypto investing can lead to some sweet financial growth, but you gotta be smart 'n responsible and know the risks involved. Look for projects with real utilities like Peaq, Iotex, and Solana
that's DePIN related that can offer opportunities for growth and innovation in the crypto space

>> No.55641390

If you support crapto you are by definition a communist, or worse an opportunist for communism.
>Someday somebody is going to gibs me more dollar
Think for two seconds about this statement you idiot
>It is da future
Sure, in the 90s they imagined people flying with cars and paying with pogs while warehouses are fully automated. Imagine being such a retard falling for the advertising in an attempt to introduce communism by the backdoor. The absolute state of crapto baggies
>Advertises a communist ponzi scam
>Calls others pajeet
The absolute state of crapto baggies

>> No.55641777

>lmfao. with every cycle the narratives became worse and this this is unironically the the way into the dirt and toward 0

You are obviously retarded if you still think this way despite the fact that we have seen recent developments highlighting how the future of finance revolves around crypto especially when more traditional players are more inclined to come onboard.

>> No.55642604

>crypto is about wasting your time/money and demoralizing you with pump and dump cycles.
Crypto is many things bizfags
Crypto is ponzi to retards
For me, crypto is the future of finance and where the world is edging to and my ticket to early retirement. Altcoinistdao has pointed me to a few bluechips for huge gains

>> No.55642715

>when more traditional players are more inclined to come onboard.

We have seen a shit ton of them apply for Bitcoin ETFs but retards still think the Crypto industry is going to zero.

>> No.55642751
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Did this retard seriously think rerolling ID and spamming Le Commie would fool anyone?

>> No.55642838

Im holding rlc and lith mainly.

>> No.55643263

>We have seen a shit ton of them apply for Bitcoin ETFs

This isn't the only reason why i am currently bullish on the industry, regulatory compliant institutional grade DeFi products like SpoolFi also catches my attention.

>> No.55644284

not just apply. there already exist a shitton of btc etfs, spot and futures, and nobody has a demand for them