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55615749 No.55615749 [Reply] [Original]

How long is your commute /biz/?

>> No.55615761


5 minutes.

>> No.55615773

15-20 minutes

>> No.55615779


>> No.55615788

10 feet

>> No.55615792

About a half hour, so 1 hour total if you count both ways.

AC keeps breaking in my car and I'm starting to think the shop is more interested in my "subscription" than in actually fixing the thing. It's like 112 degrees in Vegas today

>> No.55616101

About 3/4 of a second. I can make it in 2/5 of a second if I really try to rush it.

>> No.55616810

2 minutes. My engine is cold to the touch by the time I get to work. Rent is $600.

>> No.55616815

Same, 20 feet if I walk to my kitchen first to make a latte

>> No.55616822


>> No.55616863

>having AC in a car
okay, woman

>didn't go to a dedicated AC shop after diagnosing the exact fault
okay, woman

>> No.55616892
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50 minutes

>> No.55616913

1 hour 30 mins

>> No.55616918

I don't work

>> No.55616929

We get it, your cock is 4 inches fully erect.

>> No.55617410

2 hours in the morning, 1.5 hours in the evening.

>> No.55617453

25 mins one way.

>> No.55617690

Jesus, how have you not killed yourself

>> No.55617712

Before I was work from home, I still made it a priority to live no further than 10 minutes from my house. Obviously that becomes unreasonable once you buy a house. But nothing is more soul crushing than commuting. At least, start stop traffic type. The same stretch of highway every day. Maybe if you live in a city you can route out your path home to include your to-do list. Never lived like that either.

>> No.55617717

*10 minutes from my office

>> No.55617733

20-30 min

>> No.55617736

No car, no job, live with parents again

t. 40, divorced and broke due to "crypto investing" mainly listening to biz

>> No.55617878

i would normally hate you work from home lazy fags but honestly the best thing that has come from working remotely was less pollution in the air.

>> No.55618814

Me too. Based

>> No.55619007

however long it takes to boot my work desktop PC

>> No.55619024

Anywhere from 20min-2hours

>> No.55619055

about 10s from bed room to living room

>> No.55619070

Like 15-20 minutes in the morning and 12 minutes back home in the evening. I can't complain.

>> No.55619086

I fly to work every day. I poop on yall from abov

>> No.55619095

I WFH but I have to bring the kids to daycare, so 15 minutes and I'm home

>> No.55619105

it was 2-3 minutes. now 0 minutes as i no longer work

>> No.55619117

30 mins +- 5 mins. I drive over a windy road through the mountains and the commuting time depends on the cars in front of me.
>$200 in gas / mo.

>> No.55619119

25 minutes

>> No.55619131

30mins each way everyday. ranch to office. 4 miles of driveway and dirt roads then asphalt.

>> No.55619139

Sales here - 2/3 days a week usually 2 hrs each way. Up to 3 hrs at the worst, occasionally less than 1.5 hrs each way. Pays decent

>> No.55620310

30 second walk across my property to my private office building.

>> No.55620359

I intentionally didn't mention that I work from home 3 times a week so I could bait a (You).

>> No.55620362

under 10 minutes i can walk there in about 20 minutes

>> No.55620545

30 minutes, 2 days / week
I hate the office

>> No.55620570

it'd be 10 minutes if I didn't pick up my coworker and friend every day on the other side of town making the trip 40 minutes

>nah bro just sweat through your clothes every day in the summer before you even get to work

>> No.55620608

about 12 mins at 70m/h

>> No.55620620

Go eat a bug burger, fag

>> No.55620689

80 minutes of mass transit hell

>> No.55620692

WFH fren here

>> No.55621032 [DELETED] 

Instantly. I dont even have to walk to the computer.
Neet gamedev. Ideas on how to do stuff? Wahlah I am working while still laying in bed. Good enough idea and I write it down

>> No.55621839

25-17 minutes. My plan is to make money now and in a few years, sell the house, get a house in the country and work some easy job with a side hussle making furniture. The woman is making good jewellery at the moment. Be nice if she gets more skilled and gets better and go full time at that.

>> No.55621848

I’m always at work. Rise and grind.

>> No.55621853

5 min if every green light
10 min if mix of red and green
15 min of all red lights

>> No.55623910
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>25 minutes by train or bus
Pretty easy assuming I don't get shot

>> No.55623948

5 second

>> No.55624042

30 minutes to 1 hour…. If you take route 42 in New Jersey you understand the pain…. Add all the 295 traffic…. Shore traffic…. I need to hurry up and make it

>> No.55624281

0 minutes. i work from home. my last job was 35 minutes each way in central NJ traffic, sucked pretty bad. the job before that was anywhere from 20-80 minutes depending on where i worked -- even worse.

i'd never do more than 30 minutes each way. life is too short to spend thousands of dollars a year on wasting an hour a day or more, risking your life for a jewish boss.

>> No.55624335

0 minutes I just reach my arms outwards and open my laptop sometime around 10 or 11am. Fucking lmao imagine commuting to an office

>> No.55625262
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>> No.55627081

why use a car then

>> No.55627869

Is that why flushing the toilet in a plane makes a whooshing sound?

>> No.55628365
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35 minutes, but there's never traffic because I live in Palos Verdes and commute to El Segundo on PCH.
>$350K tc

>> No.55628501

15 min.

>> No.55628776
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30 seconds away from my bed, 30 sec for computer to boot up

>> No.55628805
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I guess that's what you call a hard drive.

>> No.55629553

40 minutes, I get to drive past our city's sewage treatment plant. If the wind is blowing right, I get to smell everyone's shit on my way to work.

>> No.55629563

About 5 minutes

>> No.55629587

1.9 miles

>> No.55629588

Leave at 540 am it is 23 minutes. Leave at 2pm home it is about 35 minutes. If I left at 730 am it would take an hour and a half. Same if I leave after 3 pm.

>> No.55629631

20 mins

>> No.55629667

>Like half of you wfh
You're all lucky faggots, I'll remember this next time I see a "ugh my life is so hard working" thread

>> No.55629689
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WFH, I want to take my bed off the frame so just mattress on the floor so I can
>literally roll out of bed
to work

>> No.55629841

1hr to get to work and 1:30 to get back home. But I get for the commute as well. Which is cool but sucks that all that time goes to waste

>> No.55630909
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>waaah this religious book says bad things about me
the christian bible says that non-believers burn for the rest of eternity. this is worse than calling someone "cattle". kys

>> No.55630948

how are you even alive? if i were in your shoes i'd kill myself asap

>> No.55630961

>I would normally hate you for doing something good for the environment but I'll forgive you because you're doing something good for the environment
What's wrong with your brain?

>> No.55632094


>> No.55632108

I do hybrid wfh, I only leave to go see clients and get paid to go to their house or drive them to places. All of which is paid out at 52 cents a mile, usually doing over 100 miles a week. Easily covers gas.
On top of that I usually dont run into any major traffic either.

>> No.55632118

I live so close to work I could walk there in about as much time as it takes to drive but I'd have to walk through a literal bog to get there.

>> No.55632322

10 minutes with my bike. also i only work a few days per week.

>> No.55632329

hes a fat american, what do you expect him to bicycle 10 minutes? kek.

>> No.55632331

30 minutes by bicycle.

>> No.55633921

Why does everyone just accept defeat and give into boomer's demands to go back to the office?

can someone explain this?

>> No.55634397

Ok vatnick

>> No.55634422

10 minute drive, no traffic

>> No.55634434

I forgot no flags, I'm Australian, meaning, I am white and not a disgusting black NIGGER living around disgusting NIGGERS we're WHITE here and if you're FUCKING BROWNOID NIGGERINO FUCK OFF WE'RE FULL WHITE AUSTRALIA POLICY IS BACK IN EFFECT

>> No.55636372

i haven't worked in 2.5 years and getting stuck in traffic is still soul crushing to me desu

>> No.55636413

Right now 1h10min counting both ways, but it's just a summer temporary job of only 15 days.

I would kill myself if I had to do this permanently. How the fuck are people living like this?

>> No.55637949

Still commuting... to the sweet, relieving payout of death at the end of my life. Get it? The commute IS the work... ah, you don't get it.

>> No.55637984
File: 108 KB, 1200x800, GettyImages_998365818.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7 minutes by e-scooter. Faster than even driving. The superior mode of transportation.

>> No.55638122

About three seconds from my bed to my chair. Sometimes zero if I just feel like "working" in bed.

>> No.55638133

1 hour 10 minutes

>> No.55638342

_Pop_! An endo!

>> No.55638502

Used to be like 15 minutes one way and that's my absolute limit. I'm not wasting more of my precious time than that.

>> No.55638525

20min in the morning, 25-30 in the evening. Much better than my last job which was usually 35 there and 45 back.

>> No.55638779

So fucking dangerous though.
I ride a motorbike every day and I still wouldn't touch one of these things.

>> No.55639172

I travel 3 hrs a day. 5 days in office.

Fuck (You).

>> No.55639182

Aboutone armlength away is my Notebook on the table when I wake up

>> No.55639697

Do you drive or do you use public transit? If you drive then my condolences. If you use public transit, however disgusting and crowded it is, you literally can watch videos, browse 4chan, play games, and maybe even read a book during those 3 hours. Meanwhile, I have to drive since public transit takes 3 to 4 hours each way, or if you use a car for some of the distance then 2 to 3 hours each way.
Can't wait until all boomers die already so we could all wfh. Day of the pillow can't come soon enough.

>> No.55639782

45 min one way
5 days a week
Only good perk is I dont have to use my own car for the drive.. I use their vehicles and some days my first call can be closer to home or I'll finish the day closer, so I can save up to an hour doing this..Even still I plan on finding a new job Q1 2024.

>> No.55641201

60-80min, one way. about 2.5 days in office on avarage

>> No.55641320

1 hour
1 hour back
3/4 times a week
I read

>> No.55641352

About 12 minutes to work, 20 to home.

>> No.55641628

I’m commuting 1100 miles to a project site every week for the next six months

>> No.55641657

40 mins to the new location i'm going to. hopefully just for 2 years or maybe less before i go back to my original workplace.

>> No.55642099

15 minutes by bike

>> No.55642179

45 minutes. Thinking about moving positions so it's only 30 minutes. Only downside is I'd lose all my acquaintances at my current division, feels like 7 years of networking down the drain

>> No.55643333

5 minute walk. I still drive to work.

>> No.55644866

>wake up at 5
>leave at 645
>reach work at 745
>start work at 8
I have to take the company transport so im forced to be early
>leave at 5
>reach home at 550
Its fucked but 100 minutes a day 5 times a week. 433 hours a year basically, take a few away because of leave and holidays. Singapore is a hell where everyone works 8 to 5 for low wages.

>> No.55645064

Usually 5 minutes to office.

Currently doing field work so 0 minutes since I start getting paid when i get in my company car.