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55607086 No.55607086 [Reply] [Original]

good finances in this day and age

>> No.55607103

black kings really can't stop winning

>> No.55607118

Is this how HBAR is made?

>> No.55607121

2023 and beyond

>> No.55607143

how do white men cope with the fact that white women worship niggers?

>> No.55607154

How did they sucessfully brainwash white women into this? Gotta give them credit, it worked.

>> No.55607164

I've disassociated from two of my cousins for dating blacks.

>> No.55607167
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let me spoil you the end

>> No.55607172

Opposites attract. It’s a basic law of nature.

>> No.55607190

the moment surely wasn't the only thing ruined so far

>> No.55607191

Well to be fair white male on asian female has a even higher rate so thats how they cope. Asian males on other hand are RIP

>> No.55607219
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>> No.55607221

Natural course of things

>> No.55607226
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OP is a kike

>> No.55607228

So for thousands of years when non-white women detested black men it wasn't "natural"?

>> No.55607251

that is what makes them more drawn to blacks now because it's a sort of rebellion. forbidden fruit like the garden of eden

>> No.55607274

In jealousy world everyone encourages you to ruin your life.

>> No.55607286

No one is replying to you anon but I thank you for doing this. Niggers are an absolute nightmare and white women should be shunned if they even shake their hand>>55607164

>> No.55607294

She’s fat

>> No.55607301
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women don't care about the technicalities, they just want security and attention because they know they are weak and vulnerable.

chuds and spergs are lacking wisdom because they choose pride as their dead end/

>> No.55607303

Asian males are usually richer because tech, so they get the nigger women since they want to gold dig. Circle of life.

>> No.55607348

JIDF has been spamming these /pol/ threads for hours. And they wonder why anti-semitism is constantly on the rise...

>> No.55607695

notice how male animals tend to be dark then their female counterpart. cows, chickens, fish... etc.
honestly i would've stayed with the mother of my children and never hit her, but if she could find a simp to financially provide for my kids, id be 100% down to make him a cuck.
for me its just variety. im not 100% black but can pass as one since i am dominican. the women who tend to simp for me the most are white women and very dark skinned black women. i know some latinas simp for me but they never have the balls to initiate likely out of them being submissive.

>> No.55607714

Nobody likes niggers

>> No.55607730

Asians and latinas

My Latina gf was a virgin before meeting me and is light skinned

>> No.55607735
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She looks like she'd be a major cunt. No loss.

>> No.55607743

they don’t, they actually find niggers to be the least attractive, this is shared across all races aside from black women. black cuck internet memes don’t reflect reality. go on an escort site and see how many women won’t even fuck a nigger when paid for it. ironically the biggest market for race mixing is porn fetishists on the internet, and due to “the algorithm”, they have convinced themselves perception is reality.

>> No.55607770

Lmao the escort cope is hilarious

Escorts don’t fuck for pleasure anon they only care about money. Well known fact that blacks don’t have much money and are more prone to criminality and violence, and escorts don’t care about being canceled due to racism like a regular business, PC doesn’t apply to them. If it weren’t for PC and discrimination laws literally every regular business would ban black ppl, it’s simply the most efficient way to do business. Efficient markets my nigga

>> No.55607790

They don't only worship niggers
>worship the vaxx
>care about their reputation and social norms
>listen to dog shit music
>glued to their phones like drug addicted junkies
Have you tried talking to the average white woman? These race bait videos have zero sting when you've had a few relationships.
>~t. Chad sex haver

>> No.55607825

doesn’t change the fact they refuse to fuck niggers. women in the real world find niggers disgusting. niggers are the equivalent of bestiality porn on the internet, they are a fetish for perpetually online perverts who need increasingly more radical stimuli to get off.

>> No.55607843
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>So for thousands of years when non-white women detested black men it wasn't "natural"?
They were always into bbc.

>> No.55607852
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>> No.55607884

Coalburners have always existed... very insightful, but they're still an overwhelming minority.

>> No.55607900
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Why are you coping

>> No.55607922

Chuds will say this is fake, doesn't happen, and pull out some dating site stats lmao

>> No.55607931

oh and the usual "We didn't want her anyway hmph!" like a child who throws the controller after losing a game. Examples >>55607735 >>55607294

>> No.55607992

>oh and the usual "We didn't want her anyway hmph!" like a child who throws the controller
Lol so what reaction am I allowed to have that's organic and isn't coping?

>> No.55608007

you should get on your knees and kiss some BBC

>> No.55608012

Not really a cope when it's true kek. Being a white chad is still the top of the hierarchy. Yeah Tyrone gets some of the high tier (but still golddigging) white women if he's rich but the average nig does not do astoundingly well even though the society puts them on a pedestal. One thing for certain is that us white chads and black bulls get all the asian girl pussy we want, no cap fr.

>> No.55608016
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I don't have blacks within at least a 500km radius though

>> No.55608053

So the argument went from women always hated niggers before getting brainwashed, to coalburners have always existed, but only a few Looks like your in the bargaining stage of denial.

>> No.55608072

>One thing for certain is that us white chads and black bulls get all the asian girl pussy we want, no cap fr.
this. especially if you're in a major city. dated a korean chick a while back. was wifey material but a midwit.

>> No.55608148
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hahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHahhahahaha you just outed yourself as beta males , only pussy hungry soiboys fuck chinks

>> No.55608170

based kang

>> No.55608178
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We embrace it as survival of the fittest since we're not science hating chuds

>> No.55608459

They refuse to fuck niggers because niggers don't pay them you sheltered naive retard lmfao. This subhuman thinks escorts care about the Aryan folk and Hyperborea.

>> No.55608487

>t. poorfag larpanon
You will never breed.
Everyone ITT is an incel.