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55599513 No.55599513 [Reply] [Original]

White men caused this
Old pervy white men
Instead of hiring someone like me:
> rice university (ivy sibling)
> white 5”7 young
> graduated in 3.5yrs instead of 4
> cs meme degree
> 3 internships at t1 companies
> over 7000 applications
> still unemployed

Female dumb fuck Asian friend
> acting degree
> 22
> speaks like she has speech impediments
> learns UX UI design bootcamp for 2 months that I recommended her just for the memes
> signed with canvas for 120k/yr

I’m so done

>> No.55599601

You mean jews, not white men.

>> No.55599643

both of you are women
neither of you have ever done a minute of actual work
what's the problem?

>cd degree
imbecile, that field has been nonwhites-only since the boomers who retired were all replaced with nonwhites whom, just like the boomers who couldn't program a TV remote with step-by-step instructions yet were allegedly programming important computer shit, will pretend to work all day while collecting absurd paychecks

reminder that boomers without degrees, who were (in)competent in a single language/system/platform, got jobs paying the equivalent of what senior fullstack phd-equivalent devs now make, lmao

once they took away all resource constraints, there was no longer any reason to play pretend in that field and it's now a daycare for mildly to moderately melaninated immigrants

>> No.55599665

lemme guess, you are significantly heavier and uglier than her

>> No.55599674

Nah. It's progressively more emasculated male executives letting domineering all female HR departments run away with whatever they want to do.

>> No.55599692

>the third worlder seethes that females are more hirable
topkek, not employing you

>> No.55599712

I think he's a manlet, not a women

>> No.55599849

>graduated in 3.5yrs instead of 4
wow, impressive anon! what'd you do with that extra 6 months you saved?
>white 5”7 young
>rice university (ivy sibling)
>still unemployed
the problem is you're short & arrogant.

>> No.55599901

What if I’m not short but just arrogant ?
And I’m willing to take 50k at this point so I’m not arrogant

>> No.55599930

Nerdy manlets have been disenfranchised for awhile now. Back in the day they would work on something new like Myspace, or World of Warcraft.
My guess is that nerdy manlets can still survive as blockchain devs. Probably even thrive.

>> No.55599960

>I posted it again!!

Here's your (You) you poor beggar.

>> No.55600000

asian women are smart and hardworking though

>> No.55600132

Its not even because they want to fuck them these huge companies literally have tax incentives to hire women and minorities. Its amazing how we dont have public hangings of democrat politicians

>> No.55600160

5'7 and under are officially women according to the DSM-5 guidelines. look it up

>> No.55600226

I didn't know that, thanks

>> No.55600270

You can't call yourself a man if you work for someone else. Start a business and get contracts.

>> No.55600288


>> No.55600293

hiring manager was probably some white coomer dude

>> No.55600297

She's probably cuter than you and is willing to suck their dicks.

>> No.55600338

So every single individual should run their own company?

>> No.55600840

wasted get

>> No.55600871

>women have it easier in life
tell me something new faggot
excited to die so I can experience an alternative universe where Hitler won the war

>> No.55600885

Sounds like a good isekai

>> No.55600914
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>> No.55600964

>not doing a firm handshake looking at them in the eyes

>> No.55600996

The short answer is that you likely have terrible communication skills and give off red flags in interviews that indicate you'd either be a nightmare to work with or that you'd jump ship at the slightest inconvenience. I see it all the time in my job that we'll have the perfect candidate on paper, and they just bomb interviews because they can't properly communicate or they give off this insufferable superiority complex that would make them absolute nightmares to work with.

>> No.55601027

Care to elaborate on these mysterious "communication skills". Let me guess someone who is good looking has better communication skills than an ugly nerd?

>> No.55601032

I hired her because I want to fuck her genius, and I already have kek. Maybe if you transition or go twinkmode you can get a hiring manager to want to fuck you too and get you a job. This is unironically how the world works.

>> No.55601044

blessed get

>> No.55601048

I’m 5’8”
190 lbs
Come at me bro

>> No.55601052

I dont remember seeing a single asian woman in my engineering classes

>> No.55601061

Don't believe him it's bs. Hr rosties and. Niggers manage hiring process as its a social media account. Only the popular ones get to play. Bs.

>> No.55601201

The very fact that you can't identify basic communication skills necessary for a job interview or how to present that you're a likeable person tells me that you are exactly the kind of person we wouldn't want. The short answer is that we want someone who can fail and not lash out at the people around them in a defensive way when they do inevitably screw up and need to be corrected. Also, we want to hire people who will stick around for a while and while the idea of a "work friend group" is cringe and not real we still want people we can talk to and enjoy interacting with on a daily basis. To address your point about attractive people, no. We have to reject hundreds of conventionally attractive D1 athletes simply because they just don't have the technical acumen or communication skills necessary to walk us through an abstract concept they worked on in one of their engineering or comp sci classes. If you promise not to get defensive, I'll be more than happy to answer questions to help you land a job interview in the tech world.

>> No.55601241

Lol, I'm actually trying to be helpful here. The only real power HR idiots have is to just screen an applicant before tossing their resume up to a technical team. If you're aren't able to get through the HR phone interview, you're doing something SERIOUSLY wrong because they don't even ask technical questions. All you have to do is present a somewhat likeable charm and walk them through the most high level version of your resume and they'll toss your resume up the chain.

>> No.55601295
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bruh you can't market yourself as much as she does. Meanwihle your asian friend can, and appearances do matter (big plus as a woman). You probably look like a rice coomer compared to her. They sense she's easier to collaborate with than someone who exudes gran autismo vibes, which is retarded but that's how the world works

>> No.55601370
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>> No.55601388

OP since you’re such a retarded manlet faggot thread reposter you should get a gun and kill yourself and that disgusting zipperhead “friend” of yours

>> No.55601423

Im actually probably in the category of the "conventionally attractive D1 athletes simply because they just don't have the technical acumen or communication skills necessary to walk us through an abstract concept they worked on in one of their engineering or comp sci classes." As I usually can have a good conversation with the interviewer and I crack a couple jokes (is this retarded idk) but yea when it comes to explaining something in technical detail I honestly dont remember shit from school I usually just say I did the process and explain the steps for it. Im applying to biotech looking for scientist positions. Should I just make up scenarios that I can explain really well instead of being totally honest when interviewing?

>> No.55601448

Yes retard, why do you people need to be told this? Stop being such an imbecile. Im a 4/10 face 6’ 3 chud with long hair and I cleared my 3rd attempt at getting a job as a programmer. No mysterious “communication” skills nor any niggerish affirmative action checkbox-faggery just a honed tendency of lying.

>> No.55601460

I would never work a loser job like that I actually have sex

>> No.55601465
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>> No.55601473

Don't crack jokes unless you're actually funny and adept enough in social situations to know how to make them flow in the conversation. What kinds of scenarios are you thinking of? It honestly depends on how old you are.

>> No.55601476

Then stay poor faggot

>> No.55601525

>height mattering financially or socially


im 5'6~ and i make >150k/yr after taxes, ive lost track
plus a shit load of linkies both staked and not
plus a shit load of silver

before all this i was drowned in poon during highschool/college

>> No.55601533

have fun getting replaced by chatgpt and pajeets idiot

>> No.55601656

7000 applications and you think they're he problem not you?

>> No.55601865

Kek manlet

>> No.55601891
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>> No.55601903

Anyone in office culture is a woman lmao

>> No.55601911

Wasted and wrong.

>> No.55601923
File: 316 KB, 1080x795, You're Bretty Gud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manlet here, guess how many times a lengthlet has made a height joke around me? Zero