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55599129 No.55599129 [Reply] [Original]

>normalfags don't invest
>normalfags don't save money
>normalfags spend all their income on social stuff and consumables
>normalfags are debt-ridden
How do they do it?

>> No.55599154

debtmaxing unironically, mostly through credit cards lmao

>> No.55599208

NPCs, they don't realize that they'll never be able to retire so they simply don't think that they're going to wage for the next 50 years of their life.

>> No.55599697

They had breakfast this morning.

>> No.55599861

They don't even appreciate cute anime girls. Terrifying, I know.

>> No.55599954

Yeah well you jerk off to anime. As if that's better. kys

>> No.55600248

they have girlfriends

>> No.55600506

Female is the ultimate Jew. I hate foids.

>> No.55600571
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saving is stupid since inflation is constantly on the rise and banks give no interest.

investing is a scam designed to steal your money.

getting debt-ridden is good because high inflation will inflate away the debt over time.

spending all your income on social stuff and consumables is smart since your social network is your networth and might as well consume because you can die at any moment so yolo enjoy life.

>> No.55600651

they are out living life while you sit here agonizing on a mongolian throatsinging board
hoarding money that you will never spend on anything but cheap dopamine and which will never get you anything close to real love

>> No.55600669

Why are you folks so obsessed with retiring?

>> No.55600705

is this a joke? you're actually defending working your entire life?

you must have been dropped on your head as a baby

>> No.55600719

What else is there to do? Why stop a stream of income juet because you want to be lazy?

>> No.55600805

Spoken like a true low-IQ npc. So you think not slaving away for some boss that doesn't give a fuck about you that life suddenly becomes meaningless? You are a pathetic worthless loser with no aspirations whatsoever.

You could chill and relax, work on hobbies, get more dedicated to religion, and travel the world. Anything is better than slaving away for a shitty job only to make ends meet.

>> No.55600810

>gets old, can't move, and starves to death because he can't work
>this is your fault you lazy retired chuds!

>> No.55600889

one thing I realized about economy is that it's not a fixed thing, it's not like we start the race within the fixed boundaries of rules and people who make the high IQ moves win in the end. if the majority of niggercattle(normie) population decided to be total retards, the economy changes and table tilts in their direction. shit ton of people take student loans they will never be able to pay back and guess what, the government settles the debt and makes the people who stood away from it pay for it.

retarded normies have low IQ and illiteracy but they are great in number, and will make you pay for their mistakes. when bubbles pop it will not be just the normies who pay for their mistake, it's the whole population. the government sides with normies, only the populist politicians with their retarded policies will be elected. in this democratic order which is communism, we are chained to the retards and losers that will keep fucking up but we will almost never be able to reap the benefits of taking the other side and being right.

>> No.55601763

loser slave

>> No.55602157

Income and debt. To be fair, cash savings are useless since you’re just losing money and investments are mostly useless since they’re illiquid and often don’t even beat inflation.

>> No.55602170

It’s not about you. You have an obligation to retire into an advisory role so that the youth can grow into their lives.

>> No.55602200

They just work more. Climbing the career ladder like an NPC

>> No.55602307

There are a couple of phenomenons going on.
>Fuck it mentality, among the lowest earners
>Status chasing, among mid earners
>Trend buyers, among higher earners
And these couple applies to all and prevents real financial mobility and flexibility.
>A misinterpretation of deserve/rewards, media shills everyone as a protagonist and protagonists are rewarded for suffering
>FUD over financial capabilities/requirements
The final one also applies to all.
>Simple overstimulation
Planning takes brainpower, brainpower that is being used elsewhere on mundane shit.
Plans also fail, overcoming failure requires more brainpower and feels bad man.
>tl;dr the majority of stimuli disincentivizes the pursuit of financial security

>> No.55602407
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>describes the fiat grift
>does not see the way
State is memeshit, ignore it and follow the path

>> No.55602497

>Normalfags don't own a single coin nor are into crypto
>They most likely don't know what Layer 0 or Marlin is
I think the ones beyond fucked are them

>> No.55602519

And like an NPC they waste their lives

>> No.55602525

You're just a pedo, kys for good

>> No.55602529
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Don't you dare bring that shit up

>> No.55602537

kek, of all the pieces of shit you could've mentioned, you picked the worse

>> No.55602545

TL;DR faggot ffs

>> No.55602553

>Layer 0
My fucking sides anon

>> No.55602658

>the government settles the debt
except they don't when it comes to student debt. are there any examples of any one who has had theirs forgiven because they couldn't pay it?

>> No.55602675
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>> No.55602718

>dude just work until you die

>> No.55602776

they dont understand because they're westerners. I had the same mentality until I met eastern Europeans.

people always worked until they died on their farms or they had kids that took over and helped take care of them. retiring is about spending the money you accumulated your whole life selfishly on yourself so your kids are left with nothing. you kill your family with this mentality. this is how boomers think.