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55599042 No.55599042 [Reply] [Original]

Congressman Ritchie Torres from the great state of New York has just penned a letter to none other than Gary Gensler, the big boss at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). And what's this all about, you ask? Well, it's all about how the SEC should be regulating crypto in light of that groundbreaking SEC v. Ripple case. Could this be a wake-up call for clear regulations?

>> No.55599098

>Congressman Ritchie Torres from the great state of New York has just penned a letter to none other than Gary Gensler, the big boss at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). And what's this all about, you ask? Well, it's all about how the SEC should be regulating crypto in light of that groundbreaking SEC v. Ripple case. Could this be a wake-up call for clear regulations?
Finally, someone in Congress is taking notice of the importance of clear regulations for cryptocurrencies. It's about time we have some guidance from the SEC on how to navigate this rapidly evolving space

>> No.55599100

the regulations are clear.
what we need is regulatory enforcement.

>> No.55599108

nigga what

>> No.55599118
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Nigger there is literally like 3 requests to have Gensler removed and at least 8 crypto regulatory framework proposition have been presented, all of them shot down when libcucks wanted to kill everything or shot down when republicans wanted too much freedom.
The SEC literally believes there exists enough clarity for crypto regulations. The exact opposite was displayed in plain sight with the Hinman emails and bitniggers and mETH cucks STILL thought XRP would be deemed a security. They REFUSE to acknowledge BTC and ETH are still under no regulatory framework considered to NOT be securities.
>bu-but muh-
Nigger shut the fuck up you are not a commodity legally in any way. CFTC, OCC, SEC don’t make the rules, those are all opinions.

>> No.55599133

what regulations need clarification?

>> No.55599184

Gary is cringe and will fucking fall down the rabbit hole.

>> No.55599447

Is that the spic that kept calling it creepy doo currency on the TV?

>> No.55599824

You are a shill and everyone knows it's been republicans who are on the cutting edge of this.

>> No.55600216

At the end crypto is going to be regulated to an extent for a greater population to use it.

>> No.55600258

Mica already released the regulatory rules. I wasn't expecting any different from the US.
We just need to find a way to be compliant.

>> No.55600300

Will regulation reduces the hacks and the money laundering? I think so.

>> No.55600358

How can one be compliant? I believe this will be a problem for many builders and companies

>> No.55600671

The NexeraID is one that helps one bypass the challenges of compliance.

>> No.55600711

NexeraID truly is a groundbreaking solution that encompasses privacy, security and self-custody.

>> No.55600827

One of the best product of Allianceblock. Impressive product.

>> No.55601248

Ripple case is a wake-up call for clear regulations? More like a wake-up call for the SEC to get their shit together. They've been all over the place with their crypto regulation, and it's clear they don't know what they're doing. Time for some clear guidance from Congress.

>> No.55601293

Is schizophrenia spreading in India? You are talking to yourself Pajeet

>> No.55601443

Gensler has lost every reputation he got to Ripple and will finally give up when the verdict on Binance/Coinbase is pronounced... Man is a dead af rn...

>> No.55601464

The worst country with the poorest faggots living on womanhood business. Why won't they massively adopt crypto?

>> No.55601524

Womanhood business?
What does that shit mean?

>> No.55601528

> New York
Crypto has grown beyond individual or state regulations. Just need the whole world joining forces together.

>> No.55601554

I'm so happy Ripple won their case against SEC. The influence they exert on crypto won't be that much.

I really doubt they can regulate crypto.

>> No.55601563

>CFTC, OCC, SEC don’t make the rules, those are all opinions
Very foolish assertion from under bridge asshole. SEC is independent and makes their own rules, that's why Gensler is going scort free from market manipulation and biased Sec leadership.

>> No.55601582

I thought I recently saw a US presidential candidate who wants to back US dollars to bitcoin and you think crypto will be regulated? Please wake up!

>> No.55601618

Fuck Gensler for trying to withhold crypto growth and shine especially in US.

>Crypto is unstoppable and even if it is regulated there must be a way out!

>> No.55601623
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News like this would surely trigger a sell off, and Blackswan would short the hell out of it instantly with this news. Ahead of the market so when the news affects the market you are already advantageously positioned.

>> No.55601645

The SEC needs to get its act together on crypto regulation. The current situation is a mess, they are busy charging crypto companies to court without creating a regulator framework.

>> No.55601783

Yeah, Kennedy but the likeliihood of the guy winning is very slim, Americans don't fancy smart leaders.

>> No.55601896

>Americans don't fancy smart leaders.
They voted for Sleepy Joe Escobar, that tells you everything you need to know.

>> No.55602135

They're not smart. They're busy taking Binance and Coinbase to court instead of creating a regulatory framework that could even help increase revenue for the country.

I believe if the SEC chairman is changed, we might see something different. The one currently present is a mess!

>> No.55602245

Sooner or later the US will lose the world power.

The BRICS in addition to the UAE has teamed up to trade without the US Dollars. This definitely will weakened the strength of dollars and I'm certain other countries will join.

Adoption of crypto is a must if they truly want to retain world power. Regulation maybe.

The president needs to form a committee that is neutral to oversee the affairs if there must be a regulation so everyone would be covered for the safety of the masses and to limit fraudsters.

>> No.55602317


>> No.55603004

The US already lost the war they are currently focused on pushing LGBTrash agendas while China and Russia are advancing their art of warfare by leveraging on AI and simultaneously working on sabotaging the USD.

>> No.55603169

Based projects will be preparing for compliance now. I think NexeraID and PolygonID are ready for the ride.

>> No.55604271

I'm waiting for Binance and Coinbase too.. then crypto can take it's reign again. Enough of all these fuds.

>> No.55604293

Huh... How come out of the whole millions of crypto projects, only two is ready for regulations. Incredible shithole.

>> No.55604304
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>> No.55604314

Not as your shallow brain thinks, we buy the panic days. Let the sell off begin. What are you waiting for to dump your bags?

>> No.55604345

With the eruption of privacy projects, alongside compliant tools, in less than a year, this gonna be a thing of the past anon.

>> No.55604474

If only US can come up with good regulations like the UK did, then it would have been nice, but anyways it's better to stick to regulatory compliant projects instead of going for the ones that will still get shut down at the end

>> No.55604591

That's bs, and what we need isn't that but projects with self regulation tools which others can integrate into their own systems

>> No.55604791

The US isn't going to do anything anytime soon, so it's better to stick to DeFi and if you can move out from there if that's where you stay

>> No.55604848

I thought now, we would see ISO20022 coins pumping really hard, but they aren't.
Anyways I will keep buying QNT and NXRA

>> No.55605023

Seeing what the BRICS are doing, the USD is about to be declared dead very soon.
Adopting BTC is one of the ways out and that's why Blackrock and the others are joining crypto, but what I don't like about it is that they are trying to centralize everything which is against the true nature of crypto

>> No.55605275

Don't you think he is saying that just to get the votes?
Think deeply and you will see that BTC isn't yet matured enough for that.

>> No.55605399

The UK government is doing this already and we now also have projects that are working on self regulation like Allianceblock, so definitely the crypto space will keep getting better

>> No.55605526

This is a win for the crypto community generally, now it's left for Binance and Coinbase to also do the same