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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55559073 No.55559073 [Reply] [Original]

Has biz worked out that Toad is the next Shib. And literally is created by Shib? You all know this right? Or will you kind of pass these threads by until suddenly you realize you missed it and have mknths to regret you didn’t dyor earlier?

>> No.55559134

That's a man

>> No.55559151

No biz too retard and contrarian to make the connection and they actually enjoy being poor

>> No.55559152

that's my husband (assigned male at birth)

>> No.55559156

Then I’m gay

>> No.55559159


Probably not until it's too late..As usual lmao.

>> No.55559171
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Finally bought some so get ready for the dump, sorry lads

>> No.55559200

U r painfully early.

>> No.55559204
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/biz/ can buy our bags at the top. you have to get off on self sabotage if you still don't hold a bag of this

>> No.55559220

I want to cum inside an Asian pussy again

>> No.55559232

Look shills.
It's 2023 not 2019.
We don't need a story. Just link where to buy and say it's a shitcoin that's going to moon.

>> No.55559241
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Any possibility to get unbanned from the tg channel?
I know admins are here shilling.
I'd be a top 20 wallet if you combine the coins from all my wallets.
Not sure why I got banned in the first place.
Who can I contact to get back in?

>> No.55559245
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Also who started the Kucoin rumour?

>> No.55559320
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>> No.55559405

Saw them floating around twitter and tg. I remember the same kind of rumors/vibes before PEPE was listed on big exchanges

>> No.55559553

I left and went to comics tg. It’s way better in there anyway

>> No.55559695

toad and pepe are scams, one is organized by central exchanges.

shib wasn't listed on any central exchange for nearly 6 months...Why Pepe? Why did mr binance make a statement claiming he knows nothing about meme coins.

There was already a pepe blockchain back in 2017, why would this eth trash contract be something "special".

>> No.55559706

I have no idea what comics is, anon.
Care to explain or should I lurk more?

>> No.55559730


>> No.55559788

What's over there?

>> No.55559956

Just more chill people with actual knowledge minus the chaos

>> No.55559961

He’s the frog soup NFT creator

>> No.55559973
File: 242 KB, 965x2048, 20230715_212347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone bought 0.7777 ETH multiple times and shibarium1 joined us. Maybe it's time to kill some toads.

>> No.55560216
File: 56 KB, 640x640, 1659419303862328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koyo was made as a publicity stunt by the shib people (we are burning a gazillion shib!! look at us!) just like Shiba Predator and many more. It's all publicity shell companies made by the Shib developers to make people think their token matters.

I can't fucking wait for Arkham's intel marketplace releases so I can make some money by exposing all the shit I have knowledge of. You faggots are useless and naive.

>> No.55560224

>imagine giving two flying shits about irrelevant shitcoins

>> No.55560227
File: 190 KB, 1018x1024, 1659376211295435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual shillfag here (I'm on the Toad 4chan shill division group #2). You faggots are NEVER pleased...

>> No.55560243

oh someone else here uses the fucking synapses in their brain. cool.

this is a very hard blackpill though.

>> No.55560256
File: 206 KB, 655x960, toadfacekilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe it's time to kill some toads.

>> No.55560261
File: 54 KB, 738x1024, 94f6a2324b35ffef7599c52c1be81ffdcf24effa_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you wanna get back in retard you are already a cuck giving money to literal indians. Miss your tree house sekrit klkub that badly?
KEK mega based arkhamchad can't wait for all these jeets to be forced to work a real job in their poo infested village and finally steer clear off this board. I WANNA BELIEVE

>> No.55560434

Link devs wallets or these are mere conspiracy theories, fren

>> No.55560445


Everything is a scam by your definition then retard. Literally the only thing that matters is number gies up or not. The rest is just banter about how to make it happen.

>> No.55560470

Poor guy. I like toads. They’re cute.

>> No.55560498

>will you kind of pass
For ever SHIB there's 100,000 stupid ripoff coins that go nowhere.
Investing in SHIB = You guessed right.

>> No.55560588
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Did today desu feels good.

>t 400b bagler

>> No.55560606

damn jelly

t. no asian qt, 100b hoping to get the former

>> No.55560692

It's not a rumor

>> No.55560767

So it’s definitely happening? If so, wen?

>> No.55560791

I own some TOAD. Not made any profit on it yet, breaking even more or less. We'll see

>> No.55560815
File: 504 KB, 1080x1460, Screenshot_20230715-135124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most incoherent ESL babble I have ever had the misfortune of reading. This will probably do great when all of the Indians and jungle Asians come back to the market.

>> No.55560850

I bought my 165billion Toad stack at 0.000000004 for about $850 USD, a couple months ago. It’s all profit from here on out Toadbros WAGMI!

>> No.55560887

Can't find the thread anymore, but there were some insider chinks on weibo talking about it. That is also why all the 0.777 ETH buys yesterday

>> No.55560937

>Can't find the thread anymore
sounds fake

>> No.55560939

Please stop shilling I'm trying to accumulate

>> No.55561022

Search for frog soup on telegram. Its the toad nft channel

>> No.55561044

that's the greatest fud for any project I've ever read

>> No.55561187

Ok so scam or not?
>all crypto is a scam

You know what i mean...is this a grifter's project or are we early for the next Pepe?

>> No.55561294
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I still need to explore it the way I did with Peaq. Having real-world utility is a big plus for me. It recently won a parachain auction, which is a bullish sign. It's always better to be safe than sorry.

>> No.55561307
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Thanks, anon.
Ctrl+F-ed one of my wallets in chat.
Cool to see people referring to me as a whale lmao.
Too bad I'm probably the most clueless dude in their channel.
If they are hoping that those buys were from an insider, they'll be disappointed.

>> No.55562150
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>> No.55562159

Then why does it get listed on Kucoin?

>> No.55562168
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Still would

>> No.55562175

Green ID. I buy another 50bil

>> No.55562186

I better see this buy within five minutes.

>> No.55562307

no one ever said it was

>> No.55562387

Idk anon, both are still shitcoins. I'd rather stick to gems with utility like Fet, Agix and Peaq for future gains when the bulls return.

>> No.55562425

Come on. You know the rules and so do i...
post proof fag

>> No.55562591

So you wouldn't have bought Shib at 6mil for 6000x to 40bil because of misplaced MuH UtiLtY principles, ok. Kek.

By the way, Shibarium is about to spearhead the most utility you've ever seen in crypto. The future is decentralized.

>> No.55562625

Then why would you buy this scam instead of something that is confirmed to be part of Shibarium?

>> No.55562656

>he doesn’t know
No one tell him

>> No.55562660
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he doesn't know?

>> No.55562778

Yea it’s too hard to explain at this point. Don’t feel like hearing some midwit say “Shytoshi isn’t even in the telegram channel” or whatever bullshit at this point. I’ve been holding TOAD for over 2 months and I’m up like 5x or something

>> No.55562812

I dont even bother anymore. I used to try to show them all the clues but after awhile of everyone basically seeing it and going thats bullshit you just realize not everyone is smart enough to make it or have a chance at making it. my stack is small only around 200billion (broke again for now) but I at least followed the clues and am willing to sit in this token for months to see if I get a payout. most of these never wills think holding a token for more than 3 days is bag holding. So no I dont help these retards anymore I dont care they wont make it since you know what I know plenty of people will make it and I might even end up with a bigger comfy stack.

tl;dr I used to help but people are stupid and refuse to see what you show them. fuck these retards stay poor

>> No.55562872

Where do I buy I'm a retarded person please help

>> No.55563173


>> No.55563347
File: 4 KB, 249x131, 1688816623612256s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have not made any profit from this shit ever since I bought it. With Tesla car sharing movement which I just join I'm sure to make some bucks because Peaq and IoTEX are making it more interesting plus revenue is shared also.

>> No.55563373

Kek too early for them to boom even at that. But yes they're the things that will actually boom the cycle after the next cycle

>> No.55563398

If you need a more in-depth explanation, here it is:
Download metamask and make a wallet
Buy ethereum however you have to
Go to uniswap and connect your metamask
- if you're using mobile, use the browser inside the metamask app to go to uniswap
Swap ether for toad
-you'll have to leave some ether behind to pay for fees

Then, back in your metamask, click Import Token
Click over to Custom Token
Copy the address for Toad so it will show up in your metamask

>> No.55563431

No soup for you!!!

>> No.55563594


Anyone with 1 tril Toad will make it by September.

>> No.55563722

So did you buy? Are you the 54 billion buy?

>> No.55563742
File: 9 KB, 203x248, next.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next is the next next

>> No.55563953

What if I were to say there isn’t one cause it’s only up from here.

>> No.55563990

Can't wait to tag him

>> No.55564056

Do you guys know Shib1 is highly likely to be Ryoshi?

>> No.55564068

yea thats pretty obvious but who is ryoshi?

>> No.55564090
File: 50 KB, 1280x567, epepepep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have yet to see good proof of toad outperforming pepe or epep for that matter. To be totally true, i have far more hope in epep than i ever had in pepe. I mean the dev locked up 10 ETH for fucks sake, that's a big ass risk taken without any guarantee. EPEP bros, we are making it

>> No.55564167

The visionary that will save crypto from regulation. Huge ecosystems launching soon that he has quietly orchestrated.

>> No.55564244

Toad is going back to 3m market cap minimum and piss /biz/ off and make them call it dead before it's allowed to moon. This always happens.

>> No.55564271

>Shib1 is highly likely to be Ryoshi
Why is this significant? Is Shib1 shilling Toad?

>> No.55564326

He IS shib dumbass. And yes he is in the tg now. He was before too.

>> No.55564340

Ryoshi is the one that created Shib? What makes you think Shib1 is Ryoshi?

>> No.55564530
File: 2.80 MB, 540x378, IMG_0499.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I still 2x on this and why is it so stable? What the hell is going on? When do I lose it all? 2 more weeks?

>> No.55564544

My only worry anon are the two nigger whales that hold around 80 trillion and are dumping 3 ETH sells every chance they get. If this were any other coin I would have sold and taken my 2X already.

>> No.55564550

Fucking lol

>> No.55564554

Dedicated HODLers, fren, like the guy who got airdrop scammed out of his 4.8 trillion and proceeded to buy 5 trillion more immediately. Based retards like him are holding the floor

>> No.55564575
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But for what? Do they really believe that this is an integral part of Shibarium? I thought we were just hoping to moon and dump. I honestly don’t even know how to sell this shit on Uniswap. Do I just swap to another coin when I want out? On normbase I just click sell and they give me money.

>> No.55564588

It sure looks that way. If it were just some scam, it would have been denounced by now. That may also be why the nigger whales aren’t dumping aggressively, the allure of holding trillions of the next SHIB is staying their hands for now. As for selling, you just swap it back to ETH as long as you have enough for gas fees in your wallet. With this one, might be a smart idea to keep your gas fees in hand in case something catastrophic happens

>> No.55564590

You really believe that story? Did you check his wallet? The guy has over 48 million in ETH. He threw away that 4.8 trillion just to buy it back in .7777’s. He’s living his best life

>> No.55564599
File: 912 KB, 250x230, IMG_0196.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. I only dropped like $300 on it so I’m not really concerned. Thanks.

>> No.55564616

I don’t think he meant to throw away $50,000, kek. He posted the txn where his 4.8T was stolen in TG, then started fresh with a new wallet out of paranoia. You’re damn right though, he’s living like Donald Duck diving into piles of gold lmao

>> No.55564625

What a strange lad. Must have been born in to it. If I had that kind of money, I wouldn’t be anywhere near crypto or this board. I’d be living off of dividends and hanging out with my kids all day. Then again maybe he is and he just gets bored and likes to gamble. Who knows.

>> No.55564637

You’d be stupid not to stake 30% of your net worth in ETH

>> No.55564640

There’s probably a little guilt that comes along with that money, like if you don’t contribute to it you’re wasting the efforts of your parents and their parents. Plus, crypto done correctly can easily double your stack no matter how big it is. Beats working all day I suppose

>> No.55564729
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Uh no thanks man. I have 3 ETH that I’ve had for a while and plan on holding. Most of my money is in stocks.
Crypto is just in case thing for me. Tokens like this I don’t usually buy, but I felt like gambling a bit. The only shitcoins I ever bought were Doge and Shib. Really wish I had hopped on Pepe when that was first mentioned here, that was a pretty obvious play.
Good luck with your ETH play though. I hope you make it, brother.

>> No.55564760
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>> No.55564876

You really are the midwit of crypto. A true redditor.

>> No.55564913
File: 436 KB, 617x777, IMG_0497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude I’m a 38 year old boomer Public Works guy with 3 kids that I take to church every Sunday.
My glory days consisted of managing a Home Depot and banging 18 year old cashiers. I’ve never owned a fedora.
I’m definitely retarded, but not in the way you gleaned from my post.
What makes you so bullish on Ethereum vs BTC, XRP, ADA, LINK, or any of the other tokens that have a purpose?

>> No.55564917

I tried Reddit, I got banned a few times and gave up.

>> No.55564933

Hope TOAD will allow you to secure a future for you and your family.

>> No.55564962
File: 710 KB, 828x1338, IMG_0585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. We’re doing fine. I have a house with a pool and 3 retirement funds building. My kids go to private schools. I’m just watering my garden and shitposting. TOAD seemed like a good gamble.

>> No.55565195

Welcome back scammers

>admin has %80 of supply, ready to dump, he's the top whale and has most of the tokens.
>they claim that LP is burned, but in reality admin can get back all the money in the LP by just selling his tokens (46T)
>meme coin made by chatgpt, even images are stolen
>all top whales bought it exactly the day it came out, and they have no other coins. like magic at least 5 people decided to create an ethereum account top it up and buy this unknown token with $10k to $20k.
>jeets start generals for a low market cap shit, when it's reported and gets removed for breaking the advertising rule they immediately start a new one
>open dextools
>look for big buys
>max 3 eth
>guy also has safemoon inu (another ponzi scam of another ponzi scam)

no whale will buy your bags schizo retail. fight with each other for %10 gains before admin or insiders with 150T tokens rugs it all, after it's rugged, i'll keep opening these threads to laugh at you. KEK.

>hurr durrr 10x
10x means this is going to 50 mil, how?
>hurr durr shiba
one time event, it won't happen again
>hurr durr meme coins
it's over, like metaverse it's dead, new thing is ai

even pepe is better because they are connected, your admin is connected to my big black cock, that's all.
i don't even need to fud it schizos, open etherscan, look token tracker, top 10 whales are insiders and has no tokens outside of this scam
this token is a time bomb

when rug?

>> No.55565266

Erm I am actually a moeshit loving atheist chud...I don't own a bodypillow and I have a chin though i just wanted to see if you were like me so we could be frens haha...

>> No.55565269

I hope you're right, so that I can stack up more.

>> No.55565275

Wrah you're only 4 years younger than my parents there are so many old people on this site wtf...

>> No.55565278
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you are never getting cheapies

>> No.55565296
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kys nigger retard

>> No.55565574

Dont buy whales will sell any moment now!

>> No.55565579

The site that started 20 years ago you mean? Anyway. Welcome newfag.