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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55535353 No.55535353 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.55535364

wtf is the point of canada?
t. euro

>> No.55535367


>> No.55535372

idk man
MEXC kicked out leafs too

>> No.55535391

Also want to know since Kucoin is pretty much locking out Canadians in a few days

>> No.55535411

Have to do it on chain
GMX or dydx

>> No.55535415

dydx locked out Canada and the US as well, so much for being 'decentralized' and on chain

>> No.55535425

It's not allowed for a reason. Stop doing stupid shit with your money, you moron. This is why we need regulations in the first place way too many idiots.

>> No.55535433


>> No.55535439

by this logic casinos should be illegal lmao
what about letting free individuals do whatever the fuck they want with their money?

>> No.55535449

Government makes money off us so of course it's legal.

>> No.55535450


>> No.55535455

Stupid idea and doesn't work in Canada since my taxes will have to pay welfare for morons like OP that become homeless.

>> No.55535465

dunno bout futures but u can margin trade on coinmetro

>> No.55535643

The best I've found is ApeX, it's made by ByBit so the interface is pretty similar.

>> No.55535646

You're better off not trading futures.

>> No.55535652

Just buy P2P and use defi you lazy fucker.

>> No.55535761

It used to be nicer, cleaner America. Now it's some weird hellscape of EU tax rates but American debts

>> No.55535846

VPN you retard

>> No.55535987
File: 6 KB, 235x215, 33344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

off topic but anybody knows any good ai projects it seems there's a lack of newer contendants.
t. newfag