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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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55528002 No.55528002 [Reply] [Original]

> wallet hacks (atomic, phantom)
> wallet phishing websites
> pyramid schemes (99% of tokens)
> ponzi schemes (celsius, voygaer, luna)
> ransomware
> malicious contracts
> airdrops that drain your wallet
> pump and dump (elon changing twitter logo to doge then dumping $125m of dogecoin)
> telegram pump and dump groups
> social engineering and manipulation (elon announcing buying BTC then selling it all to "test liquidity")
> cold wallets that share your date with glowies (trezor, ledger)
> liquidation engines (ftx, binance)
> scamming ecelebs on twitter
> shitcoin rugpulls
> weekly hacks that are inside jobs
> operation chokepoint
> altcoins being sued as unregistered securities (which they are)
> altcoins being delisted from normie trading apps (robinhood)
> most major banks cut off or severely limited crypto onramp/offramp
> binance being kicked out of most major markets
> crypto taxes and regulation increasing with each day
> whats left of crypto speculation/gambling being pushed more and more into the fringes where 99.9999% of projects are 24 hour lifespan rugpulls
> shitcoins can no longer do any marketing or shilling for fear of getting sued.
> btc trading as a tech index since november 21. and now its an etf will be fully owned by tradfi. you either die a hero or live long enough to become a villain.


>> No.55528003

everything in crypto is complete bullshit. including so-called "smart" projects like eth and link.

if someone ask you why the internet has value. you can give 1000 reasons. or why amazon.com is valuable, or why a combustion engine or can opener even.

every "use-case" for crypto beside scamming is some hypothetical pie in the sky nonsense that would require an overhaul of the entire global financial system and unseating of made capital.

the only thing they do is facilitate scamming, moving shitcoins around and transferring wealth from one participant to another, from one shitcoin to another in a negative sum game of musical chairs.

so dont get stuck thinking any of this shit actually does anything. it doesnt. it will make you believe hope is around the corner as you cling to worthless shitcoins from a prior cycle following news and charts and investing emotionally in a project that nobody in society knows or cares about.

as your fake networth gradually declines with the ever expanding number of shitcoins sucking liquidity from each other and eventually collapsing as ponzis. you will come to the realization that no you wont make it and they were right about crypto all along (its a scam).


>> No.55528038
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Powder explodes.
>obvious scam
Good luck at the proctologist, anon.

>> No.55528066

> pyramid schemes (100% of tokens)


>> No.55528101

its like www. bubble around 2000. internet still took over the world (mostly quality projects tho). so it doesnt make sense to say all crypto use case is bs, you just have to find the quality stuff

>> No.55528118

The one and only foremost use case for crypto was the big fat middlefinger to government and bank control. Crypto provided the first ever way to custody, store and use your money anonymously without banks or governments being able to control it.

They are obviously cracking down on it now and its becoming more and more difficult to on/off ramp crypto. I tried to buy 25$ worth of crypto with a fully KYC verrified account and it got rejected with no reasons given.

>> No.55528129

>Crypto provided the first ever way to custody, store and use your money anonymously without banks or governments being able to control it.

Yes and now 99% of crypto transactions are made KYC compliant Centralised Exchange platforms.

>> No.55528148


>> No.55528157

You could have avoided all of that by just buying BTC and keeping it offline in cold storage

>> No.55528163

>$25 rejected
I remember that thread, Banxa or something right? Did you even try more than once? Why are you only putting $25 in?
>now 99% of crypto transactions are made KYC compliant Centralised Exchange platforms.
This is the way it's going to go. It always was. But there will always be loopholes, they just get smaller to bar the low-hanging fruit.