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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55523462 No.55523462 [Reply] [Original]

I wish I didn't have to worry about my finances and start living life.

>> No.55523473

I will never have my face nestled between the buttcheeks of the woman I love

>> No.55523475

while you worry about money, chad backpackers are travelling the world with no cash and banging insta thots for free, reflect on that

>> No.55523482

Me too but that's life, my health is more of a concern than money to me

get your mind/health right then money might follow, trying to gain money while you're sick mentally/physically will result in you losing that money.

>> No.55523728

You are just a mentally ill retard with a shit mindset who is unable to have even a semblance of self awareness and think critically
Proof: your inevitable response about how you can't do that and you have xyz problem and you are a whiny faggot

>> No.55523878
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just fake it until you make it

>> No.55524067
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I wish this whole process would go faster, now that I have EPEP I am more relaxed because I know I will get somewhere, the only problem is the waiting
I need the money to live my life right now

>> No.55524098

I just graduated and got a well paying job.

Going from impoverished student to wealthy young adult is unreal it feels like I'm living another life.

Going in a store without looking at price tags, knowing that rent and expenses won't be a problem is really relaxing.

Those that say that money doesn't bring happiness are liars, it gives you the mean to reach it.

>> No.55524158

That f word is offensive to some people be careful how you use it

>> No.55524162

I wish I didn't fall for the "money isn't everything" meme

>> No.55524177

My bad faggot have a (you)

>> No.55524179

Anon don't forget such gems as ROSE KASPA and RAIL.

>> No.55524204


You lack purpose.