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55518936 No.55518936 [Reply] [Original]

Do you make any money from your hobbies?

>> No.55518951

No. As of yet, I haven't made any money from jerking off onto the snails in my back yard.

>> No.55518957
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>> No.55518962

they react just like my gf

>> No.55519203

My bandcamp with exclusively pwyc content has made $50 in the last 6 years

>> No.55519211

My wagecuck job is(was) literally my hobby

>> No.55519213

Handloading ammo, but I usually just get them to buy components instead of taking payment outright.

>> No.55519219

I have no hobbies.

>> No.55519223

someone bought some EP shit I recorded for $5 literally like 1 month into me starting. haven't made anything off my hobbies since kek. im sort of planning on compiling all the photos ive been taking into a book and giving it out for free though. hopefully next bullrun if I get good returns I'll drop a good $2k on ordering 20 or so books. i feel like i owe it to all the random people ive talked to / taken portraits of

>> No.55519243

I recorded two albums with my band and made $20k from cd’s and vinyls. Each album cost $5k to make so after taxes we broke even. A lot of work but fun.

>> No.55519247

Made 5k from playing poker.
I'm no pro and I play at the lowest stakes but still managed to make an ok amount.

>> No.55519249

Band name

>> No.55519252

Not saying m8 sorry

>> No.55519263

Some street nigger sold me his rap CD for $5 in 2005, I bought it because I was scared but later I listened to it in my car and laughed at how retarded it was and since then I haven't been afraid
I wish I could remember his rap name

>> No.55519293

I turned my hobby into my business (filmmaking). For living in a 3rd world country I make the salary of many professionals.

>> No.55519298

How long have you been playing? I've been wanting to try my hand at it.

>> No.55519312

My hobbies are young sluts and drugs and alcohol. So no. My hobbies cost me a lot of money.

>> No.55519343

just renovated my bathroom and ripped out a shit ton of copper pipes $$$$$$$$$

>> No.55519348

crypto mining
i used to make more- now it doesn't make much relative to power costs. ROI on hardware isn't there atm. still do it as I have the older hardware, want to support certain projects, and I am speculative mining where I can. stuff is cheap again. CPU mining (especially) and certain GPUs are still profitable.

made me a lot prior to Eth going to proof of stake - probably around ~$20k over the years at current prices. didn't spend that much on hardware and power. learned a lot in the process. bought mostly used/broken GPUs. taught myself to fix a lot of it. ended up converting a lot of rigs into various servers/machines for various things. Now have a giant server rack in my house that I use for stuff like Plex, NAS, virtual machines, stable diffusion/etc. Was afraid to even open my computers years ago. slowly started selling off older gpu's or donating them to friends/family as I started building them desktops out of spare parts. became more of a hobby that funded itself.

>> No.55519657

I have no hobbies

>> No.55519667

I’ve made a few thousand from my music on band camp. Mostly sales from a sample pack I made about 10 years ago. People still buy it. Pretty neat tbqhfam

>> No.55519699
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oh no, you might be accused of having a normal conversion on a completely mundane thread on... on... ON LE EVIL 4CHINS! They might even learn that you brake even with your projects!

>> No.55519704

A tiny bit from my music

>> No.55519715

I started playing chess online during the pandemic and after hitting about 1400 I started teaching kids chess. I now work for an after school program once a week teaching 3-4th graders chess getting paid 65 an hour. It’s only one hour a week and it’s more like 90 mins but it’s whatever. I enjoy it but it’s really just babysitting.

Strange thing is the background check was practically nonexistent and next thing you know I’m showing up at an elementary school to teach random kids. You’d think there would be more in place to make sure I’m not some psycho but I guess not. I only had one problem kid last year but I didn’t kick him out of the class because his dad was a cocksucker and I could see his home life was rough

>> No.55520025
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>CPU mining (especially) and certain GPUs are still profitable.
Can you elaborate on this?

>> No.55520034
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I'm make YouTube videos and half a merch store. I enjoy editing footage and making basic designs to put on mugs and stuff. Pays a bit but it waxes and wanes

>> No.55520037

I make about £100-200 per week (cash) as a guitarist. I've never paid tax on any of it.

>> No.55520039

You're retarded

>> No.55520052

have you tried bitcoinrota.com ?

>> No.55520062

I used to make money as a teenager selling herbal remedies

>> No.55520077

this is why your band never broke through. You're too scared to put it into the world because then (((they))) will know you're in a Bitcoin forum

>> No.55520084

total ive probably made 100$ real money doing good in vidya combined across multiple games

>> No.55520085

I'm a different anon and you didn't even realize. You're retarded

>> No.55520638

I write a blog and write poetry. So no.

>> No.55520713

Bodybuilding and I'm a mailman so I get paid to do my cardio, so kinda.

>> No.55521753

Was doing something like this for a while. What kind of youtube videos if I may ask? I was making LoFi music back when it wasn't so popular

>> No.55522533


most newer CPUs can mine most algorithms well after power. Power is considerably less than GPU mining too, but the hardware costs are higher. Usually only have one CPU socket per motherboard, unless you have access to server grade things. Varies between ($.10-.50/day after power).

GPUs - most NVIDIA 30 series and 40 series cards are again profitable - looking at around $0.80/day at most though. it's entirely dependent on your power cost. it's not nearly as profitable as it was during Eth mining last year though. You will rarely see the ROI unless there is another bull run (eg. 2000+ days to pay off the cost of the GPU after power). If you already have the cards for gaming or what have you, you might as well do it. You won't be destroying the card - especially if you undervolt things. Worst thing you are doing is wearing out the fans which are always replaceable. By the time you wear it out, your GPU will likely be antiquated for gaming regardless. Might as well maximize its usefulness.

Have not looked into harddrive mining and things. I don't like wear and tear on harddrives for mining purposes. Would rather use them for my own cloud storage, and I don't want to risk HDD failures compromising data. Can't fix either.

Is it worth it to build a rig specifically to mine at current prices? No. You won't make a profit or recoup your cost unless you pay nothing for power. Is it worth it to speculatively mine for the future? Maybe - though you'd likely be better simply investing in the crypto you want to support. Mining can get you a head-start on some though. Is it worth it to simply learn and build? In my view, yes. High likelihood to profit later on. Can always sell the cards or find uses for the hardware later, though I've accrued a lot of shit I don't need. Makes for good presents to family members (nieces/nephews) to get them involved with computer stuff. It's experience I wish I had more growing up. I never had the parts/money though.

>> No.55522857
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>Do you make any money from your hobbies?
Yeah. My hobby is eating food. So I profit from eating each time I visit McDonald's or Starbucks with Miles card or Savor one.

>> No.55523110

do they died?

>> No.55523464
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Interesting post, thanks. Always something I wanted to get into but never had the time before now.

>> No.55523596

not really a hobby but I was cleaning out my grandfathers storage unit last week and found a bunch of equipment like pressure washers and stuff. made 700$ softwashing someones roof yesterday in like 2 hrs.

>> No.55523718
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No I used to buy special disc golf discs and extra playsets of mtg cards but frankly I get more enjoyment out of playing with specialty product than the prospect of flipping them in the future
I throw my nate sexton firebirds, I play my cards ill even dye/ alter them I dont care.

>> No.55523893

Rightly chosen gent. Recently replaced my Amex gold with Miles card due to the ROI on the latter. Not a foodie asshole like you, but a navigator.

>> No.55524289



>> No.55524842

you're terrible. the board is healing

>> No.55525047

Travel reladed stuff, the RPM is pretty good because people who travel tend to have expendable money

>> No.55525139

I made a hundred dollars on Steam before they banned my game. Gonna try again next time not to get banned. Going to go all in on games and just shit out garbage at low prices and hope the purchases add up

>> No.55525151

Something like this happened to me for teaching kids with autism how to make video games. No background check. Granted it was a remote job

>> No.55525171

I make comics and music.
>Music made me roughly 1500
>comics made me close to 6k

>> No.55525183

Shitcoins, presales, crypto

Best hobby there is, easiest money out there.

And im getting good at it too, now just aping presales is the way to go

>> No.55525189
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my hobby is fucking hookers, how can i profit from this?

>> No.55525193

WHICH presale, you fags always talk a big talk about this stuff but never share anything


>> No.55525199


>> No.55525203
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STFU scan this QR and stfu again, go do your own research loser

Porn sir......

>> No.55525208

ok how do i make money with porn ser

>> No.55525240
File: 274 KB, 800x600, 1688734057658329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually based
are you doing something similar with your shitcoins?

>> No.55525269

Wtf is this, I am boomer and dont know QR

>> No.55525282

my hobby is making money
who is this cumreceptacle

>> No.55525547

ah nice, I've thought of making travel guides of cities i visit, maybe even something like Urbex exploration guides