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55518348 No.55518348 [Reply] [Original]

What is the point of life?

>> No.55518392

technically to reproduce. the philosophical and more consciously accurate answer is that there is no objective meaning to life. whatever purpose you assign to it is what it is. everyone’s is different. no ubiquitous reason for existing.

>> No.55518401
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>> No.55518404

idk but you should play star successor on the wii, it's really good

>> No.55518406

too pee pee and poo poo

>> No.55518407
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Realistically, to ensure that your spermatozoa reaches ad many fertile vaginas as possible. The human body is literally just a giant land ship to transport cum. You are the caterpillar to your cum's butterfly. Your body is a means to an end. Your thoughts and sensation are superfluous to the extent that they dont facilitate successful transmission of your cum into vaginas.

>> No.55518426

to avoid death
few understand

>> No.55518434

Relationships. I have the first gf (with sec and emotional connection) in my life and now I'm going crazy that I can be with her for a week

>> No.55518448

to reproduce, pursue the tech tree, and conquer the universe and the dimensions, simple as, humanity must dominate reality

>> No.55518467


>the philosophical answer is there is no objective meaning to life.
You're an actual retard. Keep the word philosophy out of your mouth.

>> No.55518473

To be happy. :)

>> No.55518479

To find a meaning

>> No.55518487

There is no point all will be forgotten in time

>> No.55518492

I'd like to hear your response to OP's question, not some ad hom attack.

>> No.55518523


>> No.55518524
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I don't agree with his answer, but at least it was an honest one. You on the other hand...

>> No.55518532

sex, unironically

>> No.55518543
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tounge it. Now.

>> No.55518549

there obviously isn't any. nothing satisfies, nothing leaves a lasting effect strong enough to find solace in.

>> No.55518562


He doesn't know what the definition of philosophy is and neither do you two. Go look it up and don't fucking reply to me ever again. He's the equivalent of that retard spam poster that's always saying economics "doesn't work". Economics is a study, not a system.

>> No.55518566

spread your DNA

>> No.55518571
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To make frens and be good to frens.

>> No.55518696

What the fuck are you talking about, life is king, life is the best thing to ever exist, feel, pain, pleasure, joy, nostalgia, sunsets, unprotected sex, full moons, seas and rivers, birds and wild animals, domestic ones too of course, the food that your grandma makes with love, the tv series that you used to watch with your dad while drinking mate cocido... you truly are retarded and must definitely are ngmi

>> No.55518777

to feel

>> No.55518803

fuck bitches, get money
fuck bitches, get money
fuck bitches, get money

>> No.55518831

hello top g

>> No.55518837
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human existence is depressing sometimes, so much effort so that only one person can live like everyone should, now there are options of course, there is crypto and things like SHIBART, but can we ever live like the kings we are?

>> No.55518851

For me to cum raw in as many young, fertile women as possible. So help me.

>> No.55518859

you need to be 18 to post here

>> No.55519012
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you're supposed to want to have kids and then wageslave until your ex-wife takes all of your money and then have the drive to want to start over again, repeatedly. some people will give up before they make it.

>> No.55519016

It’s a South American not really human

>> No.55519256
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To enjoy it. I don't care about the future generation. Call me a hedonist, idgaf, but if I'm only here for around 100 years or less, I'm gonna spend my time doing things that bring me joy. And yes, shitposting here brings me joy :))

>> No.55519266

To entertain Mr. God.

>> No.55519280

To laugh at how fat and ugly Victoria Nuland is

>> No.55519311
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The journey...is the destination...

>> No.55519323

To have a good time

>> No.55519637
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How do i get to the journey

>> No.55519650




>> No.55519685
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There is none.

Do with this information what you will.

>> No.55519695
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>Philosophy is only philosophy agrees with my hair brained, apriori understanding of ontology.

Sorry to inform you, but, the onus is on the person making the claim, so, objectivist fags hold the burden of proof to prove there is an objective meaning to life. Religious point to god, but, anyone with half a brain knows god isn't real and lots of fags here will point to genetics, but, the universe doesn't give a shit if we live or die, so, it's not that either.

I've been waiting my whole life for an honest answer to this question which there is none, thus,, I hold the position there is no inherent meaning to to life && the older I get the more I feel vindicated in this position.

>> No.55519696
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>Unironically asking a bunch of autists on a mongolian basket weaving forum this question
This wont end well anon. Ask lots of different people from different walks of life this question and make up your own mind.

>> No.55519785

t. turbogaylord

>> No.55519824

I wanted to but I didn't have time

>> No.55519839

to sweat for others

>> No.55519852

im too depressed and idk
i pay big monies once a month to talk out my problems but it doesnt help and just puts me in emotional turmoil for a few hours

>> No.55519887

>hair brained
>doesn't believe in God
Pick two.

>> No.55519893

Because the psychologist can't fix your problem, only you can. The psychologist can't fix the fact that I'm sick of wageslaving and need to get out. Yes, need. For 3 years since corona hit I've just been sitting in my apartment doing mostly nothing. I didn't do anything for my personal enjoyment. The weekends are completely overshadowed by the working days. Not to mention that I've become an alcoholic and will probably sleep and drink most of my Saturdays.

>> No.55520006

Life's purposes are threefold, one particular view:
On the spiritual level it is to bring our body, mind and spirit into harmony with themselves and the One creator.
On the mental level it is to achieve Self-Mastery.
On the physical level it is to bring our body into a rational mixture of service-to-self and service-to-others and hence bring it into harmony with the physical but non-demiurgic world through intentive mindful action .

>> No.55520013

Imagine believing in anything let alone god.

>> No.55520050

Finally someone said it

>> No.55520120

>technically to reproduce.
Unless you subscribe to dogma this is not the case at all. The "biological imperative" could be applied to any common phenomenon of life, such as breathing and eating. Which were the first necessity before reproduction could take place.
But you can find meaning in reproduction.

>> No.55520126

Experience and pursuit

>> No.55520158

To provide labor and wealth for God's chosen people.

>> No.55520161

The know de whey

>> No.55520173

to accumulate wealth and pussy

>> No.55520178


>> No.55520182

Russia had ONE chance to impregnate and turn Germany into a big Slav race replacing worthless aryans. They really missed big on that one.

>> No.55520189
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To give glory to god

>> No.55520226

It's meaning through belief Jesus and repenting for your sins
Sorry. I was equally shocked as well when I found out but its a good thing don't worry

>> No.55520929

>What is the point of life?
The right question is "what is the purpose of YOUR life?"

>> No.55521190

This is either a woman or a child writing this.

>> No.55521209

>What is the point of life?
If you're born poor the point is to escape poverty
If you're born rich the point is to enjoy the ride

>> No.55521248
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To make what you want it, cant take clown world too serious my friend

>> No.55521288
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there is no point to life
but from a human perspective the point would be
reproduce and raise your children until they repeat the cycle again

>> No.55521296

if you ever wanted to know why population control and deadly vaccines are needed you just need to read this thread.
the only real objective for the braindead masses is endless reproduction and in such an exponential way that resources wont last for everyone. so when the numbers reach unsustainable levels these people will continue to reproduce until nothing is left and everyone starves/dies.

>> No.55521352

>Implying that the elites aren't also mindless consumers and if they are aren't then their offspring will succumb to dysgenics and the global Idiocracy of modern society.

>> No.55521389

In other worlds, all social stratas are effected my social decline.
All intelligence and health outcomes have been in decline since industrial revolution which weakened selection pressures.

>> No.55521406
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To struggle?

>> No.55521440
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>population control and deadly vaccines are needed
>only real objective for the braindead masses is endless reproduction
by your own logic we should also destroy every plant kill every animal and insect then scour the universe to exterminate every form of life no matter how small all the way down to the microbial level
cus you know all those forms of life have really only one objective and that is to reproduce

>> No.55521454

provide feedback for future refinements

>> No.55521513

the idiocracy has always existed, not within the elite ruling class tho which rules for thousands of years already.
obviously by every imaginable metric these people are more important than the average useless eater that you can find in threads such as these.
the industrial revolution will continue to make more people useless and obsolete and give more reasons for further depopulation measures.
the natural biomes regulate themselves, the only real problem are humans.

>> No.55521531

>t. living in hyperinflation

>> No.55521716
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>the natural biomes regulate themselves, the only real problem are humans.
kiddo you've been indoctrinated

>> No.55521741

>t. dirty nigger who borrowed $50k on a philosophy degree so they can get mad about someone using philosophy and objective in the same sentence

>> No.55521883

a woman, a soul mate
or spending money from your work on things you enjoy
this is what the bible says^ read the old testament
a woman is a blessing from God.
coolest blessing

probably also to help animals
and people

>> No.55521975

To pay the disgusting government's tax of course, and then die the hell out. One of the ways to get it easy in life is gambling in crypto. I believe investing in some index platforms such as Astradao is also a big plus

>> No.55522050

The purpose of your life is to generate GDP for mr shekelstein’s annual report

>> No.55522057
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Also grow your own food plants, animals, help your fellow man if they are worthy which most are, but not all.
>t. a struggling man who's been helped by brothers from dark depths before.

>> No.55522130
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That last picture was less than three weeks ago.

>> No.55522154
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>> No.55522161
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>> No.55522177
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Tomato coming back after being ate by deer 4x

>> No.55522243


You dumb faggots don't know how to read, or understand context, it's actually pathetic. Go reread what the original claim was you dumb fucking monkeys.

Philosophy is a study you stupid fucks, it's not an objective answer. Go read my first response >>55518562 you're the equivalent of the morons that say "economics don't work!". Economics is a fucking study, it's not a system. Just like philosophy is a study, not a system. The fact you're unable to wrap your head around this concept probably means there is no hope for you. You are unable to grasp abstract concepts and understand context. You're a representation of the NPC meme.

>> No.55522271

Calm down, lil fella. It's okay.

>> No.55522279


>I'm going to concern troll because he's right.

Ah yes, the last refuge to someone who is wrong. Troll and pretend you don't care.

>> No.55522318 [DELETED] 

hey. room temp porchmonkey. i just explained why you were mad in>>55518467
no need to type a retarded version of what i’ve already explained. i take back what i said about the degree; are you old enough to post here?

>> No.55522324 [DELETED] 


>> No.55522335

>>55522243 #
hey. room temp porchmonkey. i just explained why you were mad in>>55521741
no need to type a retarded iteration of what i’ve already explained. i take back what i said about the degree; are you old enough to post here?

>> No.55522344


>ad hominen
>made up schizo scenario
>parrots every other poster with "you must be 18 to post here"
>attempts to derail discussion because he was proven wrong

Any other attempts?

>> No.55522357


>is so triggered by his fuck ups he deletes his own posts to look better


>> No.55522359

>pretends to know about philosophy
>spends his life making up meaningless arguments to anons on the fourchins
top kek

>> No.55522402


>>spends his life making up meaningless arguments to anons on the fourchins

My life? (20 minutes of my day wasted, oh noo! My life is over!) Another schizo argument. It's funny that not a single one of you can actually respond without an ad hominem, or trolling.

The irony in your post is even funnier. But I doubt you're able to recognize it.

>> No.55522488

>ad hominem
Which describes your first post quite accurately. You still haven’t explained what the meaning of life is, you’ve just called people retards. Besides, if philosophy never comes up with an objective answer, isn’t that an answer in itself?

Look, buddy. We all know >>55521741 is right and you are coping by investing your little wagie money into the shitcoins. And by the way, just a tip. If you want people to listen to you, don’t act aggressive. If you don’t want people to listen to you, why even say anything.

Good luck in life anon, may you see better days.

>> No.55522500

To pay taxes to jewish pedophiles

>> No.55522529



The irony.

>> No.55522567
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>> No.55522599

>What is the point of life?
Simple. To have a relationship with God. He granted you life and free will in order to make the choice to enter into a relationship with him. You can of course refuse that relationship. That's the beauty of the whole thing. All you have to do is make the choice to have a relationship and he'll provide you with everything you could ever ask for. It's really that simple.

>> No.55522602

why must humanity dominate reality? Why must the universe even exist?

>> No.55522643
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I like this anon, although I like making cool shit along my way for the fun of it too, and helping my family/friends/other anons gives me joy and I think a strong body/strong mind combo is essential

>> No.55522659

Funny, I'm a mix of daoism, buddhism and hedonism...
All without really realizing it.

>> No.55522671

life is not a journey. It's a dance
I like this but why the "One" creator? Why can't there be several? What if you're just the universe experiencing itself?
why can't you enjoy the ride when you're poor? One bad accident and you missed the ride

>> No.55522682

You can my stuggle has been letting go of chasing money, as long as I can keep my bills paid and grow my food, keep a roof above my head and do some of the passions I love then truly I am rich, so many others have it even worse than myself they just don't have the time/means to realize it.

>> No.55522784


I'd be interested to see what texts you suggest in navigating the questions around the meaning of life, might help OP?

>> No.55522849

exactly. Enjoy your time in life while you can, pursue what you currently feel is meaningful, and give yourself opportunities to make your life better (i.e. taking out bs you hate, like probably wage slaving, etc)

>> No.55523004

Amen, I might be down now but I'm not ever giving up even when my mind screams do it I'll never give in.
I refuse to work for others, I'll eventually get my mind and body right and make my passions my life.

>> No.55523045

the purpose is actually hedonism while producing as little fallout as possible. if you can achieve the maximum possible pleasure for the longest time while hurting the least amount of people you are gold

>> No.55523207


There is none. It's the beauty of it. Ty God we are not soulless machines.

Darwinistic social hierachy and attention capitalism wants you to believe there is.

The most succesful people I know just live their life at the moment, it's like they don't mind the worst scenarios, bcs they can react to it no problem.

>> No.55523422

make money and bang hot asian chicks

>> No.55523437


to transcend your humanity, you do this by creating art

a lot of billionaires become megalomaniacs because they desperately can't understand the lack of fulfillment they have despite owning like everything, they can't create they can only be greedy jews

>> No.55524560

To worship God

>> No.55524678

Philosophy is a lot of things but nothing is more annoying than some loser who wants to box philosophy into his own myopic pre-constructed ideology of what philosophy is.
Philosophy is an examination of truth, ethics and ways of living. It's not something that just fits perfectly into your autistic little categories.
Furthermore that doesn't actually make what was said untrue. If philosophy was just "muh heckin study of living areno" like you learned on youtube then there wouldn't be an encyclopedia of logical fallacies going back to the greeks, kek.
See a lot of people know what to call philosophy but don't know how to actually
utilize it. It isn't a study it's a tool.

>> No.55524687

>hot asian chicks
nice oxymoron

>> No.55524828


>> No.55524873

Just be

>> No.55524905
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>> No.55524965
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As a being with heightened cognition and awareness you're allowed to give life any meaning you want. But biologically you're engineered to eat food and fuck and have as many kids as possible and die. But with the way society has been established, Your life's purpose is to be cattle and serve the elites by working yourself to death for as little pay as possible while they reap all the rewards of your hard work and live lavish lives, Society sets you up to have kids and make sure they do not break out of poverty so that they as well can serve the elites and so their kids and so on.

Personally i think there is no purpose to living in the year 2023 because humanity has peaked and now all thats left is to stagnate and die slowly under our own boredom and suffering we create ourselves because we no longer have any threat of danger.but i might be wrong, Maybe something cool might happen sometime and change my opinion.

>> No.55525013

there are many.

creation might be the ultimate point of life, if you were an omniscient and immortal god, all you would do is create, which can be everything that was or will ever be in itself.

>> No.55525159
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>Reproduce yourself
>Dying in oblivion

>> No.55525218
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>Have money
>Have travelled to many countries
>Have a $100,000 car
>Never worry about bills or monetary issues
Yet I still feel nothing. I have lost a lot of my friends over the years from being so career focused. I look back and I would trade everything I have for a good network of friends, family and having my own kid.

Money is honestly nothing. You only realise when you sat in your thousands still feeling empty that the real thing the entire time was people.

These days I just want to have a kid and live vicariously through them. But I'm autistic asf

>> No.55525225

Be happy I have nothing but monetary issues and no money.

>> No.55525249

And if you were in my position you wouldn't care about money. Swings and roundabouts man. I'd happily trade my money if I could have a strong family network.

>> No.55525260

You can make that, I don't have that either and extremely poor health, believe me things can be at lot worse, you're bored no offense but it's just truth.

>> No.55525266

I believe there's an old adage about that "Oh I'd trade the world to be in your position"
But it's just a phrase, you wouldn't at all or likely hero day one.

>> No.55525322
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Fuck bitches get money. Simple as

>> No.55525334

and ape kenny

>> No.55525336
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this is the owner of said butthole

>> No.55525339

the point is to track eth insidoooor wallets and getting lucky once
the thrill of the hunt, anon

>> No.55525353


>> No.55525426
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>> No.55525435

>you're bored no offense but it's just truth.

>you wouldn't at all
I wouldn't want to be ill or have health problems. But I'd trade having a lot of money for far less. But I would at least want to be financially comfortable