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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 378 KB, 1644x2649, Bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55511962 No.55511962 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't people just sell now and buy back next year to easily double their stacks? Its blatantly obvious there's another leg down coming.

>> No.55512007
File: 24 KB, 512x463, ezgif-7-3842ab344dac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Benjamin Cohen

>> No.55512012


>> No.55512017

>60-30K: buy the dip!
>15-25K: cash is king!
Just started buying alts.

>> No.55512025
File: 94 KB, 1080x1299, Screenshot_20230710-184936_Chrome~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say we will get to 65% before going back down again

>> No.55512044

What alts

>> No.55512204

bcoz op is a gorillanigger

>> No.55512215

nice move, btc.d is almost 52% topping as we speak!

>> No.55512335

Saylor is keeping a floor price.

>> No.55512816
File: 339 KB, 698x993, pepe dab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are goyim cattle still listening to a ((rat)) , didn't they learn anything from bankman and ftx

>> No.55512984

It’s literally touching support though

>> No.55513023
File: 150 KB, 1152x2048, 1680190904481043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Ben is short alts I am going all in alts.

>> No.55513059

This fucking idiot can't even do TA

>> No.55513165

>pulls out some obscure chart with a single datapoint

>> No.55513245

Well this is the entire Link bull case at this point lol

I think this time he may actually be right. What if they announce the etf apps fail or something like that, or more binance fud, etc. Should be enough to send us back to low 20k btc levels one last time

>> No.55513253
File: 271 KB, 709x357, hello i'm your doctor jacob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His last name is cowen , are you guys stupid , why are you even looking at the chart or reading what he says.

>> No.55513914

but that entire move in 2019 was btc going up more than alts, not alts going down so if you play the 4 year cycle its not smart to sell here

>> No.55513998

It's completely retarded to sell here, that asshole isn't saying ALTs will drop further so sell alts, he's saying wait don't buy Alts yet as he thinks they'll be cheaper, at least be btc, in the coming months. But he's a greedy retard who sold all his eth and wants it to crash so he can buy back. He almost certainly didn't buy much btc at 16k either, he's like 65% cash still. Basically a greedy bear, I hope he gets priced out

>> No.55514957

thats what cowen is saying and he is a supreme retard for not realizing eth now as good as btc so selling eth thinking its a shitcoin is pretty stupid
i was however referring to op who is even more stupid and specifically said to sell alts here so you can buyback at half price which is pretty risky at this point

>> No.55514988

Altcoins are completely worthless so I wouldn't be surprised if they drop another huge chunk vs Bitcoin. I remember holding alts in 2019 and watching them bleed out vs Bitcoin, could happen again, or not who tf knows.

>> No.55515029

its very simple if we use math - the charts show perfectly mathematical patterns. There are actually no reasons for anything to go up or down in value other than perfectly mathematical patterns that repeat endlessly forever. Easy!

>> No.55515055

If you haven't noticed people in crypto are always trying to buy something love spending money which tells you most in crypto are new to investing. Every little pump they scream bullrun and spend money only to watch it disappear the fomo in crypto is like no other.

>> No.55515182

link holders should consider buying more to help sergey and his battalion through the winter

>> No.55515246

Can you imagine $20 link? Of course you can, that's pretty easy to imagine, & some might say easy money if you're buying in at 6

>> No.55515302

He’s not even wrong about alts, it will play out eventually, but I wish the sycophants in his comments section would point out more often how he was bullish all the way down to 30k last cycle, and bearish at 15k. Even if all you did was buy bitcoin, if you followed his advice you would probably be in the red right at this moment.

He probably scrubs his comments anyways though, also most of his money is made off his paypigs and not actually trading or investing, fucking $100 a month for him to tell you to buy the top (never forget his hypothesis that made him famous was extending cycles) and sell the bottom.

>> No.55515348

To me it doesn't matter if his calls were perfect. I cannot listen to her tranny voice for more than a few seconds.

No disrespect meant towards trannies btw

>> No.55515400
File: 64 KB, 1231x628, 3587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It even works on memecoins. Check this EPEP chart, you buy now, reach the top, sell, repeat. Before you know it you'll have more money than you will know what to do with

>> No.55515419

This is how you recognize a true trader

>> No.55515427
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he doesnt know

>> No.55515511

why do poorfags like you always criticise peoples "TA" kek
you are broke
you will always be broke
at no point is warren buffet going to die and then his soul choose to possess your body and make millions of dollars for you

>> No.55515708

The big prize for bobos is to get staking eth holders to panic sell right? Think about it, eth was worth $90 three years ago - Tons of money to be made there. To me, an alt coin reckoning is inevitable

>> No.55515821
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x720, Blackswan on Windows 10.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy Blackswan now before the phase 4 release and make an easy x10+

>> No.55516288

Correct , Ben performs worse than those football match predicting octpus/crabs

His track record is utterly pathetic and anyone following his calls got utterly fucked

>> No.55516310

BTC.D is the easiest way to be correct as a "crypto analyst". You can't be wrong. Ben knowns this and will use it to boost his cashcow monthly subscription. It's fucking hilarious how proud he is of this "prediction".

>> No.55516318

I may be a hobo but that's crappy TA

>> No.55516327

I just wanna add that his BTC Dominance predictions are in stark contrast to his Lengthening Cycles embarrassment. This is just his weasel ass way of not admitting he was flat our incorrect.

>> No.55516338

This. Literally free money shorting ETH as the ETH/ BTC valuation will crash

>> No.55516351

Yeah except people are more aware of altcoins today than they were in 2019 so the two aren't comparable.

>> No.55516868
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, who left the fridge open.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I criticize TA, because it assumes, that the market is made up of the same agents as before. In other words: this time it's different.

>> No.55516886

FOMO I guess. Market can literally defy all analyses and decide to peak in a few months(highly doubt this though) or go all the way down. Just stay neutral to avoid all that mental stress.

>> No.55516911

>eth is now comparable to bitcoin!!!
>goes to 80 bucks

>> No.55517080

What infuriates me is he pretends to acknowledge his bad calls like ETH tanking sooner than it has (which I actually agree with and it will probably drop soon enough), but utterly refuses to acknowledge lengthening cycles, and that's literally the only thing that stood him apart from every other fag crypto tuber. Its what made him famous, and he pretends it never happened, because he was so utterly wrong and anyone who listened to him saw their portfolio decimated.

If he made this sort of content back then, he'd have a fraction of the subs he has now and no paypigs. He's just living off past glory of a call he was wrong on, and an army of simps that worship him for being afraid to actually make a bold prediction now.

Never forget, cash is king at the bottom, lengthening cycles at the top.

>> No.55517121

Y'all will be caught pants down when the market sky rockets in a few months. Jeet

>> No.55517216
File: 216 KB, 1280x960, 18565506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Normie coin
>Cancer of this market

>> No.55517300

Only someone who isn't making the best use of the situation can be caught pants down. With the amount of APR I've been accruing from leveraging my stables on SpoolFi is enough to keep me going and in check from seeking from Xs that are non existent in this market situation.

>> No.55517593

>enough to keep me going
How much is enough? Some of you are even satisfied with 2%

>> No.55517684

Add a zero in front of that; that's the average yield I get across all the smart vaults I'm currently leveraging on.

>> No.55517718

.02 is pretty horrible

>> No.55517742

Benjamin Cowen @ BTC 60k
>The BTC market cycle is *NOT* over!
>DOT is a good buy up to $10
Then an 18% drop happened in one day after the double top
>Uhmm guys this reminds me of March 2020! We will be back
>Uhmmmmm guys Lengthening Cycles remember?
Then BTC literally grinds lower and lower for a full year and Ben flips bearish @ 20-25K
>Cash is KING
>If you want to buy alts take a COLD SHOWER
This retard jew is a counter trade indicator and midwit filter, WORSE than a broken clock because he gives every possible scenario then shills his useless home made metrics that Saylor ripped his asshole about.

>> No.55517772
File: 3.85 MB, 1080x1920, Tranny Hunting.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tranny detected

>> No.55518229

Digits of dumbassery. BTC.D will have another lower high and ETH will not drop much before the bull run. Then the flippening is upon us. Check em.

>> No.55518233

gm sirs

>> No.55519589

You're asshole anon. I've been in this game for a while now. Market can literally defy all analyses and just peak in a few month. I'm doing a consistent DCAing on DUA, SFM, BEN SHIB2 and XVG while waiting for their upcoming surge.

>> No.55519630

No body knows when the market will pick anon. Best is to take advantages of whats at stake. As a hustler in the bear market, you can get rewards in the Brillionfi Program With an exciting three-month journey and a massive airdrop. The printer is going full BRRR mode!

>> No.55520967

Yes, this.

>> No.55520968

>benjy cohen

>> No.55521057


>> No.55521079

>not accounting for hundredsofthousands of more alts made every year with $1000 liquidity