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55507573 No.55507573 [Reply] [Original]

Prove him wrong.

>> No.55507581

/pol/ told me judeocapitalism is based and that's what i believe

>> No.55507603

how about we simply ban interest

>> No.55507620

His quote about Egyptians being discovered in the Grand Canyon in 1908 is more interesting.

>> No.55507633


>> No.55507637

What does he mean by liquidate stocks and labour?

>> No.55507644

If he's referring to a system that was rotten in the age he lived in, he would want to purge the entire system in today's time.
I'm under the impression that there might have been a point in time where being a part of the system was not a necessity but instead a proposition that came with benefits and detriments, today there's no choosing and so the people in charge get away with ridiculous things as they consider people incapable of even having any type of ability to manage anything that resembles a fair and just system.

>> No.55507652

>liquidate the farmers
Have fun starving to death

>> No.55507673


>> No.55507683

Here's how that will go
>Year one; the return to baseline
>The three characters; "sloth", "diligence", and "greed"
>The first year the slothful fall behind the diligent and the greedy
>The second year the slothful are employed by the greedy
>The third year the diligent cannot compete with the greedy

>> No.55507692

If only it weren't for that God damned steam.
Imagine high Victorian living but advanced another 200 years.
Houses would be solid pieces of construction. No AC means covered balconies everywhere...
The best thing that could happen to this planet is a solar flare.
If the power ever came back after that there would be no more pussy-footing around. It would be all nuclear power right away. None of this "green" faggotry.

>> No.55507753

what kind of advanced mental disability do you have to have in order to really believe that you could ever have the mental capacity required to perfectly predict the outcome of a drastic change in the way society, which is composed of humans that each have their characteristics that can't even be set in stone or defined given the fact that people are born and die constantly, meaning that every single assumption made given any point in time is exclusive to the time each person finds himself within, to be anything other than assumptions from someone that doesn't have a single clue in the world about similar affairs? If you really posessed any type of reasonable capability to define potential things that affected a large amount of people accurately, you wouldn't be saying retarded things like this and instead be rich by predicting things.

>> No.55507788
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even if true, people are inherently evil and the same system will come around again

>> No.55507794

It's commie speak for surrender all of your belongings to the state

>> No.55507811

There's nothing a communist hates more than farming. Even today, ending farm subsidies is a core belief of every liberal. They are okay with the state and federal government paying trannies to read at libraries, but the very notion of paying to keep the food supply stable is unacceptable. The food supply is the only industry that 100% must be full blown capitalism.

>> No.55507861

>people will work harder
another slave minded faggot. fuck off, im not working

>> No.55507897

what are their arguments for it?

>> No.55507913
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Those were ancient atlanteans who fled atlantis after the flooding (caused by the end of ice age and melting of north cap ice)

>> No.55507980
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Atlantis was a global civilization. There was much more to it than whatever went into the sea.

>> No.55508008

Pretty much every single liberal wants to end farming subsidies. I could probably agree with the massive amounts of corn and yos subsidies, but they want it all removed. The reason for this is that the redest parts of most states are the farming areas.

>> No.55508020

basically this
that looks like a mine of some sort

>> No.55508064
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Yes after the flooding of Atlantis the survivors spread out all over. North/South America, North Africa Egypt, Europe all the way to present day Russia and maybe even beyond (India? China??)

>> No.55508116
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The only way to get a country to agree to communism is starving about 30 million dissidents to death.

Was Hyperborea a part of Atlantis or a seperate civilization?

>> No.55508158

It takes no great intelligence to observe.
This is funadementally how the world works regardless of the seething drivel you posted that i didn't read. As can be seen by history.
I suspect you are a "moral/diligent" in this scenario. One who cannot incentivize the "apathetic/slothful" to morality unlike the "immoral/greedy" who can incentivize.
You had ten thousand years of moralizing and it failed every time. In fact, the "moral" had to resort to immorality to incentivize morality. kek.
This is not a statement of my personal opinions on the moral and immoral. Only the objective truth of the impotence of the moral against the immoral.
Something new must be tried. Not something old.

>> No.55508242

Based. Moralfags play by the "rules" and get rekt every single time. Immoralfags cheat and win. Thats just life

>> No.55510317

Imagine thinking humans will ever behave, no matter the circumstances lol.

There's always a monkey that wants all of the bananas.

>> No.55510339
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>> No.55510365 [DELETED] 

What about the immoral who who justify their immoral acts to do moral?

>> No.55510616

thats as based as you can get

>> No.55512872

he is correct
the propper way to do this though is to simply do it by implementing a high sales tax
and have that be the only tax
think about it

>> No.55513014

He was saying the gov and fed shouldn't ease in response to the beginning of great depression. Because in the late 20s you basically had the fed pump and dumping trying to keep the stock market bubble alive, the bubble that formed from easy money policy throughout the 20s after WWI. So they would hike, stocks would start to crash, then they would ease, and it was just going back and forward while speculation just grew. So eventually a lot of the fed board was like fuck this, we obviously have no clue wtf we're doing, lets just let it all burn and start from scratch.

So the fed stopped saving the stock market and just kept rates high. Modern economic dogma is that this was a terrible decision because the great depression happened afterwards. But if you zoom out the entire bubble was created by the fed and gov to begin with, so if the fed tried to respond to the great depression they would have just pumped the bubble up bigger before it collapsed even harder. He's still wrong though because they didn't get rid of the fed, so we still have these massive, cyclic, pump and dump economies.

>> No.55513028

Nope. Look to nig culture as the endgame of "you will own nothing". Endless entitlement, dependence, violent, laziness, and rot. People need a profit motive in order to shape up, have goals, do things. Nothing good has ever come from a culture of guarantees.

>> No.55513103

You sound like a literal red/blue brained retard

>> No.55513114

Liberals want to end farming to usher in Mao style massive deaths in the united states.
See Deagles 50m American population prediction by 2024.