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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55493124 No.55493124 [Reply] [Original]

>5 years ago: wageslaving in a factory for $18/hour on rotating shifts
>today: playing video games after half day friday at my $101k/year wfh job
for the love of god, don't fall for the college is a meme meme.

>> No.55493223

i got a meme degree but i also now have a 100k kushy wfh job
life is good

>> No.55493232

Literally how

>> No.55493248

i studied accounting and wageSLAVED for a year in big 4 niggerslave audit, then 2.5 years at a more relaxed job, then i got my current job.

>> No.55493254

What degree and which job did you land?

>> No.55493259

accounting. senior accountant at a fortune 50 company.

>> No.55493274

So it took you 4 years to get the degree, then working 3.5 years for to get the 101k/year job?

Seems like a bad deal bro. I can go to the oil patch, make $100k/year doing manual labour, invest the money saved into BTC and still be way ahead of you.

Being out of the workforce for 4 years is a high opportunity cost.

>> No.55493295

Let’s see the medical bills you rack up from being an oil cuck and throwing your back out for Mr.Exxon

>> No.55493298

except you didn't do that, and BTC is down 50% from ATH, and in another 1-2 years i'll job hop to a manager role for $130-140k/year. and at no point in time will i be harming my body or putting myself in harm's way (like when i worked in a factory).

>> No.55493299

Enjoy ur back breaking labor oil wagie. Like OP i just played SF6 for 4 hours on my wfh 6fig job

>> No.55493300

you're a moron
I mean I'm thankful morons like you exist, but still
enjoy your chronic back pain which will last the rest of your life

>> No.55493314

also your oil patch job is probably 7 on 7 off or some variant of that, meaning you're away from your gf (if you have one) meaning she's going to cheat on you. MANY, MANY such cases.

>> No.55493317

BTC is up +100% from 2022 ATL and I did work in the oil patch for a year. Yeah it sucks, but the dollars have the same colour as your officecuck dollars.

>> No.55493323


But you're fat with a terrible spine sitting at a screen. You;ll be crippled by 45 from a sedentary lifestyle.
The body is meant to be loaded up.

>> No.55493378
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>I can go to the oil patch, make $100k/year doing manual labour
ayyyyyy fucking rights. git dat bitumen! berta or texas?

>> No.55493403


yeah but you have to be an accountant and I don't

>> No.55493474

My mom has been accountant her whole life, and got her degree a few years ago. Why is she not making 6 figs. I think shes afraid to job hop. When I showed her how I job hoped 3 times in a year for 120% increase. She finally left her last job and got a new one for more. I think she still only makes maybe 70k. Shes wfh now tho, last job she had beg and plea with them for it.

>> No.55493498

afraid to job hop and seek out higher levels of responsibility in complex environments. some people get a staff accountant job at a boomer small business doing easy stuff and never make more than $50-60k/year. others wageslave in public accounting for 7 years with a CPA and then hop to a $200k/year job as a director at a publicly traded company.

>> No.55493531

>I can go to the oil patch, make $100k/year doing manual labour, invest the money saved into BTC and still be way ahead of you.
okay so why haven't you?

>> No.55493541
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But it sucks. A lot of real ignorant dumbfucks and rejects there.
It's fine in the summer but I would need to get paid at least TWICE what I was making to spend another winter up there working 12 hours at -30C.

>> No.55493997

Having a sedentary job is 10x worse for your body then physical labour. Physical labour actually makes you stronger and is exercise, you won’t get injured if you just stretch and rotate tasks every once in a while

>> No.55494047

I wouldn't trade my Bachelors degree for anything. I worked full time, studied for countless nights, and got excellent institutional honors. I paid for that education and it has benefited me tremendously.