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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55485233 No.55485233 [Reply] [Original]


Hack totaling ~$55,000,000. Opening a short here.

>> No.55485242

what is multichain and why should I care

>> No.55485251

because they stoles tens of millions in BTC/ETH and millions in LINK

>> No.55485280

Bridges always get hacked. Never wrap your btc btw

>> No.55485402

>millions in LINK
based hacker

>> No.55485420

Ari is ruthless.

>> No.55485690

how fucking new are you to this space, jesus summerfag

>> No.55486083
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future of finance

>> No.55486090

where did all the money even come from to begin with?

>> No.55486296
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>> No.55486330 [DELETED] 
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AVAX chads win again

>> No.55486357

is it connected with their CEO having been arrested by the Chinese?

>> No.55486417

That's one way to cash out for "devs"

>> No.55486486

Is that a CCIP competitor getting destroyed?

>> No.55486504
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ccip is close

>> No.55486560
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I do worry about the harm it causes crypto overall when protocols are exploited.

Some people will see DeFi getting exploited and assume all of Crypto cannot be trusted.

But then again, you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.

>> No.55486575

Based Ari at it again
Godspeed you beautiful jew

>> No.55487211

Wrapping btc, holy fucking kek.

>> No.55487236

>sir gay is so LINK poor he has to ask ari to hack bridges to get more LINK to dump
who is buying these dumps

>> No.55487240

>30 posters left on /biz/
>half of them don't even know anything about blockchain

>> No.55487266
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>> No.55487267

Multichain is a popular cross chain bridge for moving assets from one blockchain to another.

If you didn't know that, there really isn't much reason you should care.

>> No.55487273
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Sorry bud, there can only be one protocol

>> No.55487296

The whole point is that it's supposed to be that it can't get exploited. If it gets hacked or exploited then that means it didn't live up to its promise.

CCIP is the solution. It cannot be hacked and doesn't rely on the cheap fixes that these shitty bridges use.

>> No.55487298

Newfag here..
So i shouldn't wrap my eferiums on my metamask? What is the safest stablecoin USDT or USDC?

>> No.55487305

This hack is because of the multichain team getting gulag'd in China and some corrupt agent of the state getting the "multisig" keys (probably 3 of 5 all the same guy named Chang). Or something equally ridiculous. Never trust Chinks.

>> No.55487315

well hodl on there bro some protocols might like to appear unhackable but get hacked when they need to cash out so they can blame it on these imaginary hackers that seem to be motivated into stealing worthless tokens not needed like eth link btc
also its tax time and some protocols might need to offset their tax and a hack is a perfect way to do that
if they cant blame it on some imaginary enemy what can you blame it on?

>> No.55487323

First it was Celsius selling their LINK and now this. How low are we going this time?

>> No.55487430
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He can't keep getting away with it

>> No.55487436

I don't know, but apparently their CEO has been "missing" for a month now so this is kind of spicy now. But I don't get why the CEO would have access to these funds lol

>> No.55487475

Dead meme by sunk cost left behinds

>> No.55487481

because he's the ceo bro its like how vitalik has access to the entire eth foundation treasury to do with as he pleases like when he made shib to donate to terrorists for (((covid relief))) whatever that means lol. its just how crypto works

>> No.55487486


>> No.55487502

vcs need to stop whinging like children and pay up
stop pivoting to AI and pay your oracle bill
first of the month oracle bill is due and dont you forget it
fatty gots to eat word up

>> No.55487520

>millions in LINK
oh, not bad.

>> No.55487684

>Opening a short here.
What are you shorting? No exchange has futures on MULTI

>> No.55488252

great job sergey and ari. been telling people chainlink is a scam, hope someone listened.

>> No.55489800

Been in crypto since 2015 and here since 2018 and i dont know what the hell it is

>> No.55489832
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Stables have repegged. However the funds that back then are in lala land at the moment. Everything hijacked moved to a different wallet but made no further moves. They are still sitting there. Multi investigating. Ftm has already made arrangement for another bridge. Wbtc still under peg on chain. Stables may depend again anytime. Fantom pulled out of multi with their Treasury funds when CEO disappeared. Confirmed by Michael Kong tonight and month old article interviewing Andre. If the funds are not recoverable I dont see how the stables can hold peg but the action so far is uncharacteristic of a hacker.

We are now just waiting for the multi team to fix their shit if possible.

>> No.55489847
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>on ETH Blockchain
Huh, why is it always ETH? Good thing I don't hold anything there. Seems weird it's always them, tho.

>> No.55489868

this is why defi will never work.
you can't decentralise trust when any rando can control a critical part of your infrastructure

whatever remains from crypto will end up being just as centralised as tradfi. its already been happening with eth and btc for years.

>> No.55489874
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It possible that the hijacked funds can be frozen and reissued since eth is a coin of oppression. Just confirmed that coins are still just sitting there in a wallet.

>> No.55489876
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eth is the biggest piece of shit chain there is.
imagine having to pay 90% of your wallet in gas fees to bridge in a rush.
its the worst, will never touch it.

i'm sure more people have roped from eth than luna

>> No.55489886
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Why would anyone leave any funds in multi after the CEO disappeared with admin access that he alone had? That's a bit of a red flag. Multi should have been drained immediately and other arrangements made

>> No.55489889

Who could be behind this??

>> No.55489913

Bad smart contract code is to blame, not the chain it's on. It could've been any other EVM chain but Ethereum just happens to be the biggest one with most projects and liquidity so obviously most hacks will happen there.

>> No.55490717

Every legit defi project can't just be drained. This is a more an issue with bridges where there is something off chain that the contract is relying on.

>> No.55491782

The Jews
but unironically

>> No.55491808

When will people learn to just not use bridges and stay on native Ethereum instead.

>> No.55491906

I was reading some articles on this and one of the addresses involved is this one:

You can see that they had over a million tokens of something called ICE and they sent them all to the null address. Why did they do that? They could have easily dumped them all on uniswap or something. An even better question is, why they did leave exactly 1 token in the wallet? They sent all of the tokens to the burn address and they kept exactly 1. Just... why?

>> No.55491960
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Popsicle finance token, one of the first to launch on chain. No idea why they are making these mysterious moves. It's weird. Stables have depegged again, people are accusing the foundation of trying to shore them up with liquidity from the treasury. It seems that people are fleeing the chain, transaction gas is insanely high.

>> No.55491971

ICE protocol said on twitter that they burned all the tokens they had related to multichain

>> No.55491979

Is this bullish for link?

>> No.55491985

ICEdev has always been a solid guy.

>> No.55492845
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>> No.55493174

Because it doesn't scale natively and L2s still need to be bridged to.
Even Arbitrum had a critical bug patched that apparently could have resulted in xxx,xxx ETH drained...

>> No.55493249

You don't need to use bridges to transfer funds to and from L2s like Arbitrum. There are native deposit/withdrawal methods. Sure, they could still have bugs like any piece of software, but the stakes are far lower than traditional cross-chain bridges that have to store all bridged funds indefinitely until they are bridged back.

>Even Arbitrum had a critical bug patched that apparently could have resulted in xxx,xxx ETH drained...
I can't find anything about of this magnitude, can you post a link?

>> No.55493383

nothing has repegged, all multichain bridged assets are seriously under the peg.

>> No.55493434

Look at the fucking tx, it was from georgiyxo.eth, not the hacker, its whoever that guy is freezing/burning the hacker's tokens.

>> No.55493517

It's a bit different with escape hatches and fraud proofs and whatnot. An improvement, but probably oversold a bit given how centralized the L2s seem to be so far.

I was going off memory I'd have to read it again but it was probably not as cut-and-dry as a full drain of everything. But it was 'critical' level for sure.
I remember people complaining that he only got 400 eth when six figures of eth was potentially 'at risk' or whatever.
I actually do remember Alameda bridging over six figures of eth to farm arbinyan though lol. So even if it is just something like 'snipe all despots after the exploit' technically someone could have waiting for a big tx like that and front run it and deploy their shit via flashbots or whatever.

>> No.55493794

You're right chad. It's best to not even put your money in bridges, best to use decentralized wallets far from the reach of hackers.

>> No.55493935

dani? lol

>> No.55493999

That's why having a reliable network like Peaq is key. It's all about prioritizing security, decentralization, and scalability. It's designed to provide a solid foundation for building dapps.

>> No.55494164

Nope but it is bullish for xrp

>> No.55494188

> xrp
> 2023

>> No.55494252

Go back to tiktok, zoomer.

>> No.55494269 [DELETED] 
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x720, Blackswan on Windows 10.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smart, if you know what you are doing then having a bot that automatically makes these kind of transactions for you. Blackswan is such a program. It currently runs on Linux and Windows. Phase 4 will have a user-friendly way of interacting with the bot.

>> No.55494283

I buy Bitcoin and Monero and that's it. Sorry your proof-of-shit AIDS extravaganza blockchain widget got hacked for the ten thousandth time, but I don't care.

>> No.55494317

what am i looking at

>> No.55494431

Decentralized wallets like Wasabi and Sylo where I have full custody of my assets, and can send them anonymously to any blockchain have been my best bet

>> No.55494442

Kill yourself currynigger

>> No.55494608 [DELETED] 
File: 328 KB, 733x716, Blackswan 1st mover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blackswan Bot working on Windows 10. More info at blackswan dot biz

>> No.55495208

Does ETH only exist to scam people?

>> No.55495252

But cz said the block turd is hack proof

>> No.55495313

isnt multichain owned by the fantom foundation

>> No.55496700

What's the make-it stack anon? Maybe I could add it to my Egld and Ride stash for based profits when the bulls return.

>> No.55496875

That's why we gotta embrace on-chain privacy, man. Bridges with L2 can seriously screw things over, messing up the entire damn ecosystem. They're hella detrimental, anon.

>> No.55497834
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But WILL the stables probably repeg? Was thinking of buying some after they finish dumping, probably in few days.

>> No.55498269

is it really secured? they even not secured parachain

>> No.55498643
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Not without assets on the other end backing them up.

>> No.55499669
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You better DYOR that anon. But let me tell ya, their network's got some wicked promising features that got me all hyped up. They're straight up leading the pack in the last auction with nearly a thousand contributors backing 'em up. So let's not lose hope just yet.

>> No.55499840

Been here since 2014, I've never heard of it. Probably because I'm not living in squalor and desperate for a 1000x. I only fuck with bitcoin, I only self custody.

Most of you will do the same...eventually.

>> No.55500656

No doubts anon. Blockchains like Polkadot and Kusama are already involved and I see it getting better from here.