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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55478824 No.55478824 [Reply] [Original]

Yet they still defend this piece of shit.

>> No.55478833

Time to deploy more breadcrumbs so his mother gets her own Lambo.

>> No.55478851
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chainlink toilets are still subsidizing sirgay's increasing bmi
look at this pig, chainlink toilets have a feeder fetish hahahahaha

>> No.55479162

chainlink is a scam retard

>> No.55479185

confirmed fat russian man senõr

>> No.55479192

If you havent sold this shitcoin at this point you deserve getting out with zero at the end. The signs where so obvious, from empty promises to piss poor releases to no pressure wfh culture to non-existing marketing to pissing away money left and right.

>> No.55479230

Sergey is proud of having no VCs and “investors” with any kind of authority - but in reality he’s fallen into 0 accountability and 0 pressure environment.
Sure, investors with too much power are an issue but he’s arguably got a worse issue. The fat fuck has absolutely no pressure, no accountability, and can let token holder subsidies every inefficiency possible, along with a lambo for his father.
What major product released since y feeds in 2019? Nothing.

As it stands the token exists as a funding mechanism for sergey and whatever initiatives he deems fit for that money. Be it “bootstrapping” the network, a lambo for his father, a large HR team or whatever.
Every aspect of LINK token economics as discussed in original white paper is not even close to in fruition.

>> No.55479231
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And yet biz has no problem cucking for this obese sleazebag

>> No.55479251

geoxadem's dick is so broken he had to get adult circumcision to "fix" it

>> No.55479254
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/biz calls him out too
same with the ada fatboy
big difference is, those two aren't idolized to the point where they are spammed to the degree that this piglet subhuman is

>> No.55479279

>those two aren't idolized
I hope you know you will go to hell for lying

>> No.55479296

>trying this hard to gaslight
nice try chainlink cuckold
sirgay is a pig and you have a feeder fetish
simple as

>> No.55479304 [DELETED] 
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>> No.55479351

sergey was mining btc in server farms in 2011...
he didn't need to work again

>> No.55479382

That's a good summary.

The pig chose retail to crowdfund him because he knows that retail has no recourse when he fucks them over for half a decade and another half of a decade to come.

The pig has been on the other side of seed rounds and knows that VCs will only release additional funding when the recipient of the funding has sufficient work completed to warrant more funds granted. The pig has had a dream scenario where he can sign his own checks with zero accountability but even he has to know that this model has its limits. He's teetering on the verge of a creating a negative feedback loop where he cratered the sentiment and trust in his product by blatantly lying about key releases of key deliverables. Its to the point where he has to increase the amount of token dumps which in turn suppresses the price. Honestly, if the price dumped and stayed in the $2 range or below he would feel the pressure and know that the scam has a couple years left at most and would seriously have to consider minting a new batch of tokens.

>> No.55479411

Never confirmed, no real evidence of this. uttter speculation. no confirmation or evidence oh how many bitcoins he had, when he sold etc.

Th only verified facts we have is that he has made a lot of money from Chainlink. So unless we want to devolve into stupid whataboutism and irrational non-facts: the simple answer to work with his he's living off of token holders backs.

He got his dad a Lambo.
He bloated his HR team
Every corporate feeding event, dinner etc - all paid for with proceeds from dumping LINK. his increasing staff headcount all being fed a these dinners and events.
I remember when biz RIDICULED Req for doing the same thing (spoiling staff while token was dying and just basically not giving a fuck) yet it slowly became what Chainlink is now.

>> No.55479445
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he got early money and did the exact opposite to what you have done and tried and succeeded in DOING SOMETHING
meanwhile you sit here and seethe and waste your time and talent
you are better than this, i believe in
take your link gains, start a project, do SOMETHING
it will make this wait go a lot faster too
yes it is fucked up that the price is $6 in 2023
but you need to get over yourself and stop being so pathetic

>> No.55479449
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Nastyslob wrote this on Quora years ago, yet he is literally falling victim to the last one right now with the negative feedback loop you described, and his second point there, he has bastardised the point of it by going in the extreme opposite direction of absolutely no accountability or pressure at all.

>> No.55479454

You think you're talking to a rational human being and not a hysterical outcast.
>do something
is meaningless advice to someone who is incapable of doing anything except sit around and wait for Sergey to save them

>> No.55479462

yeah i know, it's just sad
there was a guy here the other day who posted 15 times in a thread, full of seethe and fud... he had lost 13k of his 14k stack using leverage...
fucked up

>> No.55479494
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Yeah and after all that it is still the best project in this space.
Ain't that some shit?

>> No.55479501

I already have. I gave up on LINK. held since mid 2018.
Learned to code, started doing freelance webdev. getting into blockchain development.
I almost moved countries, got married, learned a foreign language to fluency all since 2020.
I'm simply here on biz every few months to check in. i still hold 1000 link because its fucking worthless at this point.

I come to give some facts and balance to the people simping for this fat faggot.

>> No.55479514

He will be in prison long before Sergey.

>> No.55479517
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that's not nearly as bad as the pig losing 9 digits plus to celsius
with all this talk about "building something" you chainlink toilets should be expecting the pig to build something by now

>> No.55479533

you were here yesterday spamming the same crap
you tell us you are happy but are you?
coming here reminds you of the stack you lost
leave and don't come back, it will be better for you, you need time to heal and come to terms with YOUR decisions

>> No.55479537

There's really no other explaination for his actions at this point other than blind greed at any expense. Funny coming from someone who claims to be influenced by figures such as epictetus. It's hilarious to see an obese, self proclaimed stoic but that type of cognitive dissonance and hypocracy sums him up perfectly.

>> No.55479540

>He got his dad a Lambo.
>He bloated his HR team
>Every corporate feeding event, dinner etc - all paid for with proceeds from dumping LINK. his increasing staff headcount all being fed a these dinners and events.
and not one cent to vcs. yep gonna say based sir gay thank you king

>> No.55479547

but didnt celsius fall after chainlink removed their treasury?
really makes you think

>> No.55479560

Red is the worst lambo colour

>> No.55479565

>chainlink removed their treasury?
Says a mouthpiece that has a vested interest in lying about losing money to mashinsky and nuke goldstein.

>> No.55479568

>Learned to code, started doing freelance webdev
cringe. theres good work reselling storage unit stuff for profit and you dont have to deal with web3 pajeets

>> No.55479572

no that was what happened you can seeth if you want to buddy thats ok little guy let it all out

>> No.55479582

it's hilarious about the pig losing money to celsius
only a paypig toilet that has to endure increasing dumps because of it would think otherwise

>> No.55479587

i mean rory said they withdrew all the treasury then celsius literally died bro omg xD

>> No.55479593

thanks for the tip

>> No.55479594
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>> No.55479605

its fine for the pig, he kept is money safe. but for all the paypigs that lost money in that scam the pig himself shilled?

You are a cuck. you are literally saying its all fine becase sergey didnt lose money and got out in time, but you are happy to be a paypig and condone all his paypigs losing everything in what he shilled.

>> No.55479606
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>rory said
The pig got scammed by a couple of jews and a girlsdoporn whore, that's funny and all of your screeching isn't going to change that.

>> No.55479612

you vcs sound really RILED lmao
still not going to worship molech bro soz :'(

>> No.55479618

>t. lost money in Celsius, a completely opaque Jewish centralized lending protocol, and can't accept responsibility for being so fucking stupid

>> No.55479621
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He didn't get out in time. The pig was stupid enough to put a "significant" portion of his warchest on there for years and then wants you to think he got out within the last second.

>> No.55479623

>losing money on celsius is for retards
>when sirgay loses money on celsius that's fine
>it just is ok

>> No.55479629

That was me. No, im not ashamed of it. I should not have used leverage, no shit. I'm not ashamed to share that on here. I'm FAR from the only one to go through the same thing. the only difference is this cult ridicules, tries to humiliate and ostracize anyone who dares to admit anything close to it. even on an anonymous message board the cult as managed to stop people admitting things like that.
There is nothing wrong with it. it happens to people, whether smart or not, and Chainlinks dog shit performance contributes.
If i had my 14k right now? i'd have 80k or so in LINK. i'd be more tempted to sell it all to BTC.

My point is im going to make an example of myself. people should be more open about this and their experiences because its basically one good way to make the cultists fucking lose it and absolutely have no control on biz at all any more.

ie - its ok to share your experience being fucked by LINK however it happened and then both acknowledge mistakes and what went wrong with the project.

>> No.55479670

Also, i might add, despite that - i still make a profit. enough to give me confidence to quite my old job, move countries, spend 3 years semi retired and have been able to support myself long enough to become a web developer and get married in the process(although the jury is out on whether that is ever worth it).

I got screwed, made some dumb decisions, compounded by Sergeys dogshit running of the protocol and token economics - a pretty TYPICAL experience of 99% of LINK holders right now - whether they want to admit it or not.

The cult will shame anyone for something like that though, taking profit, pivoting away from LINK as a meal ticket, or realising losing money with it(but its ok to have bagheld from 180k sats down to 18k sats with the cult)

>> No.55479782

>pivoting away from LINK as a meal ticket
lmao this is like how the vcs sell unneedes tokens for years but when it came time to PAY UP they were like nah bro we're pivoting to AI
lmao molech is losing

>> No.55479793

I bagheld through a 90% sat drawdown in Oct/Nov 2017 and I'm glad I didn't throw in the towel then.

>> No.55479801

That was rapid. It happened in a 6 month time frame. Not 3 fucking years. It was also an extremely young project with no history. Don’t compare that to now idiot. We have half a decade of insight into how nastyslob runs the show now

>> No.55479816

AHAHAHAHA greed and stupidity got you and no, it doesn't happen to anyone. Just the greedy and the stupid.

>> No.55479819

99% of link holders have that experience or similar.
The 1% that dont took a lot of profit either in 2020 or 2021.

>> No.55479827

>don't compare that other time to now, idiot
what if I do tho, what are you going to do about it? Get even angrier?

>> No.55479835

Just your particular discord server rofl which isn't 99% of the OGs but definitely 99% of these seething 'fud' threads
It's not even fud it's midwits blabbering incessantly

>> No.55479852

>100% VCs pivoted to AI when the oracle bill came to their table
really makes you think

>> No.55479862

vc bros time to pay up but in the meantime here is a visual of itt lmao

>> No.55479870

almost as if those scammers are just that, scammers

>> No.55479904

that whole discord meme is stale. it was true years ago. it stopped being a thing when there stopped being any money in doing it because the price does nothing but go down for 3 years.

and yes, even 99% of OGs. even ICO buyers. most have bagheld since 2020/2021. the cult just doesnt count that for some reason.

>> No.55479933


>> No.55480498

For all the hate VC get - their primary function is to light up the fire under the ass of the founder.

A VC would actually have done wonders for this company. Now its just dead wood.

>> No.55480509

Tue closest Sergey got to a VC is schmidt and it seems he just ignores anything he guides him on that he dislikes anyway

>> No.55480518
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Fuck you Sergey. Let me tell you a joke:

>> No.55481207

>loses all his link on leverage and seethes nonstop about it

>> No.55482215
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Kek, but owing to the partnership between Peaq and Eloop, these poorfags can own a fraction of tokenized Tesla and earn revenue from it.

>> No.55482378

I'm happy for him. You should be too meanie.

>> No.55482678

99% of OGs didn't lose their stacks to some scam or leverage, just the Pink Boys discord faggots like (you)

>> No.55483235
File: 247 KB, 775x849, 1688657129764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey a bitch ass nigga on god my homeboy francisco finna tap in wit his punk ass at smartcon. Yall playin wit my bread

>> No.55483257

My dad drives a Prius.

>> No.55483793

This. Also whats wrong with buying a cool car for you father if you can afford it you ungrateful bastard? Zero family values… wonder where u from…