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55462693 No.55462693 [Reply] [Original]

20% is now an "average" tip in America? For 20% to be average it means that people are tipping so much higher than 20% it outweighs no tippers and low tippers. This is from a local restaurant I went to.

What are /biz/'s thoughts on 20% tip being "average"?. Btw I left a 10% tip. My default tip is always 20% but I was shocked at this average so I felt I needed to lower the average.

>> No.55462753

not enough, waitress's deserve at least 40% for that back breaking work. its not like they are a welder sacrificing their eyes and inhaling cancer all day, they actually do the grimey work that society could not live without.

>> No.55462770

Waitresses don't even do anything. Wow they brought me a plate of food someone else cooked and they refilled my drink once. I can do these things myself, and I would if there was an option to have no waiter and just get up and get your own food when it's done.

>> No.55462791

do you know what sarcasm is

>> No.55462805

I'm aware your post was sarcasm, but the addition of a new post in my thread gave me the opportunity to continue ranting. If I thought your post was serious I would have insulted you for supporting such an outrageous tipping culture.

>> No.55462810

do you know what counter sarcasm is

>> No.55462814

Last date I was on I tipped 15% and the girl said “guess I can’t go back to that restaurant, haha”
She tried to play it off as a joke but she was trying to tip shame me. 15% fuggin’ percent for some basic service and basic food.
Dumb bitch.
And I didn’t see her reach for her purse, by the way

>> No.55462828

my avg tip is 0%. Thet charge enough for the food, not my problem.

>> No.55462832

The tipping expectation is ridiculous. I'd rather just have the meals cost more money and employees be paid a better wage instead of tips. We can't have that though since tippers are supposed to subsidize non tippers (poors) so poors can still afford to go out to eat. That's literally all tipping is. A tax that people pay so poors can afford to eat at restaurants.

>> No.55462845

do you know what inverse integral sarcasm is?

>> No.55462993
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Tip whatever you want, tip nothing if your aren't a regular or just passing thru. I tip a shit ton because I generally eat alone and at the same place. If you are a regular at any place like that you should just tip a lot. You will get amazing service, they will remember you and bring shit to you before even asking. I often get free drinks and the price of my things cut down. Its mostly just helping them steal from the employer. Give me free drink I add the cost of that free drink to the tip. I waited tables and bartended for a decade. I know how it works. Now I wfh in IT . I understand how waiters dont want to deal with some dude that wants to eat alone and rack up maybe 20-25$ bill. Even a 50% tip on that is only 10$. When they could have just waited on the table of 4 to rack up a $100 bill to get a 15-20$ tip. Do that 5-6 times they have made $100 that shift/day. The more upscale the restaurant the less work you have to do and less bullshit mutt customers that don't worry about omg how much do I tip?!?!?!

>> No.55463032
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>Last date I was on
things that never happened. Seriously tho how did she see what tip you were giving anyways? She can read upside down and has amazing sight?

>The tipping expectation is ridiculous
what expectation other than some posts online? tipping at all is a hold over from the great depression when employers couldnt afford to pay a waiter. They would offer to wait tables for free in exchange for hopefully tips from the customers. Additionaly the submin wage for waiters has not be raised since 1996. Also why Id work as a bartender instead because they generally got paid more 5-7/hr plus tips. If you don't like tipping and the staff is gay. Then just dont fucking go. This is like listening to people bitch about Tinder. Or better yet just tip 0% and stop being a conflict avoiding beta fagget.

>> No.55463148

That bitchy comment can be excused but if she does reach for her purse while you insist on paying, she’s a thot.

Simple. As.

>> No.55463220

I can't wait until servers are replaced by robots.

>> No.55463237

Tipping itself is inflating too kek

>> No.55463438

It’s ok, my ex flipped out when I took her to fancy restaurants, had amazing service, and tipped 20-30%. There’s no winning.

>> No.55463512
File: 1.29 MB, 980x552, C6QfDpLM37UQb6.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chef cooks meal
>no tip
>waiter carries a plate
>40% gibs now

>> No.55463893

The fact that you find a guy going on a date so windy unbelievable it utterly hilarious. I get real joy knowing what a miserable lonely loser you are.
You will never touch a woman

>> No.55463911

the tl;dr is that you are paying for the chef in the price of the food. the service is your responsibility.

convoluted and retarded system. I didn't mind it when it was 15% standard and 20% for great service, but now its grown horns. none of what im saying is new, im just way over it.

>> No.55463919

if you can't tip then how about you don't go out at all? i mean if you don't really care about the service then go eat in your car.

>> No.55463969

I never give any tip to restaurant in my life. Not living in America. Tbh, I'm surprised when I eat with other people's family and they leave money behind. What is that ? Oh, tipping.

>> No.55464794

I've never tipped because I have a "they get paid" mentality, but seeing as I have a little extra money thanks to the OBAYC nfts, I even feel a little charitable, it must be only 20% right?

>> No.55465185
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just reply that she is paying the other half of a tip

>> No.55465204

The only people who hate tipping are Jews and ugly non-charismatic waitstaff

If you’re fit, handsome, and not autistic you can make way more in tips than you can making minimum wage at some retail joint. Speaking from experience as a former Denny’s server

>> No.55465210

Anti tip crowd is Literally a bunch of shitty crabs who should work in fast food rather than a sit down establishment begging to take the attractive waitresses tips away in favor of shitty Target wages because they’re too fat and miserable to convince elderly people to pay them more

>> No.55465248

>You will get amazing service
I just want my food and my drink on time. There's nothing anyone could do on top of that to make it "amazing".

>> No.55465302

>For 20% to be average it means that people are tipping so much higher than 20% it outweighs no tippers and low tippers.
That's fake news. There are different kinds of averages - eg. mean, median, and mode.
20% might be the mode, but I also wouldn't be surprised if not many people tip 20% and the restaurant wrote that it's the "average" just as a "suggestion".

>> No.55465323

If that's the case can I just go to the back and take my own food to the table?
Fuck you and fuck your overlords that have convinced you $2 an hour is acceptable

>> No.55465368

First time at a Japanese restaurant. Girl gibbering Japanese is chasing me down the street to return the tip I left on the table. How Aryan of her.

>> No.55465400

way better service culture also

>> No.55465407

tipping in America is more of a threat

>> No.55465413

i wish tipping can just fuck off already.

>> No.55465658

she probably wanted your bwc too

>> No.55465662

do you tip your welder ?

>> No.55465742

what people rarely talk about is how much fucking money waiters earn with these tips. I used to work at a restaurant in Toronto as a bus boy. Me and the cooks would get $1 over minimum wage, plus around $50 bonus from the tips every 2 weeks.
Waiters would get AT LEAST $500 in cash per shift plus their hourly wages. who the fuck are these people to bitch and complain? Is their job more difficult than the line cooks? not in a million years

>> No.55465785

This isn't calculated from any data. This is like when women say a 6'1" guy is average. Basically tip shaming is the future of service industry. My brother tips on the highest end at 18%. He hasdone this for years and it always makes me cringe a bit. 15% is more than enough.

>> No.55465809

I won’t.

>walk into grocery store
>buy supplies
>prepare food
>clean dishes while food cooks
>enjoy meal while browsing biz
>see posts complaining about high prices and required tipping

Did your family not teach any of you how to be a non-consuming decent human being?

>> No.55465833

Chef Anon here, don’t tip waitresses it’s the biggest meme in our society, in my experience they often make double what the next employee makes for absolutely no reason. Tip the people who cooked your food not the person who brought it to you if you want to tip

>> No.55466925

You're legitimately the kind of guy that doesn't leave his mother's basement. Of course you can say you do all these things, but even interacting with the pizza man fills you with indescribable dread because of how ugly and socially stunted you are. And I bet you tip him exactly the amount of money you mommy gives you for him

>> No.55467042
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Fuck wagies

>> No.55467083
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I've never tipped once in my entire life

>> No.55467103


Literally what I do lmao. I order take out, pick it up and eat at home, and for some reason I'm still expected to tip even though basically no service was provided. Go figure.

It's nice to see even normies are starting to realize how ridiculous the tipping culture has become, though. There's starting to be a major pushback.

>> No.55467242

Average means average service, not the average tip amount. Restaurants are gaslighting diners to think this is what every tips.

>> No.55468074

Dump her immediately.

>> No.55468410

your IQ is maybe 90

>> No.55468471

>butthurt waiter living in a shitbox and screeching about how I should pay you to so nothing.
Get a real job you fucking loser, otherwise sto complaining because you choose to live like a peasant.

>> No.55468740

Holy fucking based batman!

>> No.55468772

if other people want to tip in my stead because I won't do it, then by all means, they can throw their money away to wagie roasties who are going to blow it on cocaine they can snort off of Chad's dick

>> No.55468808
File: 402 KB, 936x443, mfw aids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you cant tip 27% you dont deserve to go out for dinner.

>> No.55469668

just 27%? goyim 37% is barely anything!

>> No.55470025
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 1624118913242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw im married and just had my 2nd kid

>> No.55470064

Like a few of the other anons said, this is just trying to trick you into tipping more.