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55446575 No.55446575 [Reply] [Original]

Where do arbitrage opportunities exist when it comes to dating? USA is fucked and all you can get here if you are lucky is a 6/10.

>> No.55446590

MENA women would do anything to leave their shithole countries and make good housewives. You need to convert to Islam though

>> No.55446619
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>0% chance the woman in OP's pic is AI-generated. AI sex partners will soon take over the world (already are via 2D porn) . How can I profit from this?

>> No.55446622


If you're White >Asia

If you're Black >North America

If you're Latino >Europe

If you're Asian >Africa

>> No.55446627


>> No.55446651


Op, you need to short OnlyFans girls somehow.

>> No.55446662

but asia is so far, where else is easy mode for white guys?

>> No.55446675

literally just go outside and stop using tinder retard

>> No.55446686

You haven't seen a lot of women if you think that's a MENA woman

>> No.55446729

I hear there's a bit of a surplus of single Ukrainian and Russian women lately.

>> No.55446750

>all you can get is a 6/10 in usa
speak for yourself

>> No.55446760


>> No.55447011

Look at gender ratios of various nations/cities.
Avoid male weighted areas, seek female weighted areas.

>> No.55448306


That....is a man.

>> No.55448334

I'm not allowed to have sex I don't know why

>> No.55448347

you wish

>> No.55448388

South America (or so I've heard)
Go to /trv/

>> No.55448404

>goyim you need to date other races
>don't ask questions goy

>> No.55448413

That is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen

>> No.55448420

Yes. Waiting for this stupid war to end so I can go scoop up a slavic queen. There’s going to be such a massive shortage of men by the time this shit is over

>> No.55448421

I was just talking about them in general, not that she was one.

>> No.55448425

The problem is you can’t really meet them since they don’t go out in public alone. You’d basically have to travel there and start talking to the local boomers and convince them to introduce you to their young daughters

>> No.55448531

it's funny the amount of seething and anger americans have nowadays if you were to say you travel to date foreign women or get laid. Even if you don't pay for sex with a hooker and just date women, they will call you a "sex pat" and now they will say you're a "human trafficker". Most men in america know the options are terrible yet they are crucified for going to places with better women

>> No.55448606

Good. I'm finished with these people. Let them go down with the ship.

>> No.55448676

literally everywhere

>> No.55448819


>> No.55449581

slavic whores are the biggest gold diggers and they will also cuck you on the first occasion, don't recommend. also slav countries are such shitholes becaute slavs are bunch of cucks that have literal matriarchy

>> No.55449591

Where are the unvaxxed girls and how do I find them? My city reported vaxx statistics of 100%.

>> No.55449606

It's not regular americans. It's mostly glowies and some fundamentalists.
The glowies also spread FUD like this >>55449581
Because the only experience they have with other nations is through law enforcement.

>> No.55449624

rozmawiasz z polakiem (eng. you are speaking to a pole) (and it's not schizo thing)

>> No.55449628

where in europe are non golddiggers?

>> No.55449631


>> No.55449674

>a pole
The only poles i've met are golddiggers themselves.
It's almost as if anecdotal experiences cannot accurately represent a population larger than the number of people you have met in your entire life.

>> No.55449690

USA is entirely fucked in this realm. Too few decent ones. Having a nice crypto portfolio and lots of cash doesn't help either if you're looking for a wife. Supply/demand is all out of whack and even ones with decent upbringing these days are fucking strangers. Really just have to go outside the USA if you want a woman to marry. Idk where, but I know it's fucked here.

>> No.55449708

turkey interesting, any particular reason?

>> No.55449725

No reason, I just wanted (You)'s.

>> No.55449921

I would FUCK this MAN

if you know what i mean

>> No.55450160

I can confirm this. Every russian documentary or Q&A emmigrant session always named ugly women as one of the worst things about USA. Everyone was literally going back to home country to marry and go back again.

My condolences to USA, Germany and Scandinavian countries.

>> No.55450169

>and Scandinavian countries.
I think our women look fine but whatever

>> No.55450181

Go to Texas then and take your pick from the border sluts on the other side of the chainlink

>> No.55450195

i landed a 9/10 qt virgin american girl as a yuropoor, that is i was an actual poorfag neet
90% of the problems with the dating landscape in the US comes from the males
answer these questions honestly, to yourself if not to this board
>do you wear shorts regularly?
>have you ever worn a dress shirt on top of a pair of shorts?
>do you text in lowercase?
>do you discuss schoolwork with girls you're interested into?
just off the top of my head, could think of plenty more. tons of americans present themselves as ~brothers, in the sense of asexual buffoons, then act surprised when women don't want to mate with that

>> No.55450552

Your men look mighty fine, take that as a win. women however..

>> No.55450567

All good, more of our women for us. Everybody wins.

>> No.55450735

I wouldnt call it a win in any way. But everyone takes the wins they can get.

>> No.55450763
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If you're a MED BVLL

everywhere in the galaxy

>> No.55450770

Hey what's wrong with wearing shorts

>> No.55450966

why are polish women so beautiful

>> No.55450994

You look like a fag wearing shorts

>> No.55451047

You’re stupid

>> No.55451479
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Tfw no qt polish GF

>> No.55451509
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This. All I want in life.

>> No.55451533

makes you look childish, sloven, unattractive
or if you don't like that explanation, flip it around: wearing a proper pair of pants will instantly boost your attractiveness to women
this is the #1 trait i see in american men they're completely oblivious about. it downgrades you by roughly 2 points on the 10 scale and it's such an easy fix

>> No.55452894

race mixing jew post

>> No.55453005


>> No.55453025

If you're a white male it's still Asian women by far. The greatest sexual arbitrage play of this century.

>> No.55453137

I will never understand American involuntary celibates. Literally just work out, visit eastern Europe, easily catch any women that speaks English. You have no idea how thirsty women are for the chance to get a US citizenship.

>> No.55453170

>non golddiggers
have your (You)

>> No.55453730

Mena women willing to marry westerners and move abroad generally don't make excellent anything let alone housewives. You're thinking of the conservative variety who don't date and typically don't even chat with foreigners, and they usually get married young to men with similar backgrounds/ tribe who are pre-vetted by their closely nit families.
My experience is that US girls like mena men and it is probably the case that the new generation of relatively loose mena girls might consider marrying US men if they convert

>> No.55453832

>just marry a gold digger bro

>> No.55453849

>It's not regular americans. It's mostly glowies and some fundamentalists.
It’s left leaning people and liberals. Most young Americans think it’s wrong and you’re a “passport bro” for using your first world citizenship and wealth to raise your status and date foreign women

>> No.55453931

So? Just pump and dump them

>> No.55453960

whats the point then? just go fuck some hookers and be done with it

>> No.55454010

but i look mulatto, but dress and speak white.
i dont want to end up getting shanked or robbed by some slavs trying to talk to their women.
i have more luck talking to eastern european women in the US than online living in ee
i want a relationship or a harem. i cant do the pump and dump thing.

>> No.55454022

Hookers especially in America are disgusting. Why would you want to sleep with someone that has slept with 20 guys this week before you? Especially for $300+ and they’re 5/10s?

>> No.55454037

Be in a relationship but when you find any indication she’s using you for a green card then dump her
>I want a harem
Incredibly based and redpilled

>> No.55454076

same thing with the eastern europe sluts? only they will cost you much much more

>> No.55454109
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Even the conservatards hate it too, I use to be one of them until I learned of egg donors and surrogates, now I do not even think of women except once a week browsing pornhub for the perfect body to faceswap whatever hottie I saw during the week.

Marriage is a shitcoin and the reason it is not going to 0 is because they replaced it with a faggy civil union, but still call it marriage. Until I get a teenage virgin where I have authority over her and the kids, I will stick to porn, sugar babies, and egg donors. It is going to be postwall (21+) women that want to return to traditionalism.

>> No.55454219

>she’s using you for a green card then dump her
k. im more scared of knocking her up and then leaving me to be a single dad the second she gets a green card. i rather leave the kids with her, but i heard stories of russian women literally dropping everything the second they get the card.
>Incredibly based and redpilled
lol, I mean i have a harem rn, but they're mostly sub 5s since they're fat af. gonna try to upgrade since my self-confidence has boosted a lot.

>> No.55454237

Ive never had a problem getting girlfriends/dates in america, but the moment i stayed in Vienna for 2 months, I went out with a different woman every few nights practically until i found one i really liked. I had to turn down beautiful women. You become so much more popular when you're living in a country not your own (assuming youre good/decent looking) people like exotic things. Women are so fucking fat in america though it pisses me off, in california here they're all bigger than me.

>> No.55454699

>downgrades you by
just shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.55455292

She’s a goddess, whose image was sent specifically and directly to motivate you. This is not a shitpost. I work for god, he told me to tell you this (no homo)

>> No.55455332

It's ALL Americans. It's not the right it's not the left it's not shills or feds it's ALL Americans and any group you'll name are ALL Americans.

I hate them and I hope they all end up infertile or 80iq and brown.
>t. American

>> No.55455339

>delusional europoor is delusional
you landed the qt because you're of foreign allure not because you're better than american men
the women there are just as much of a mess as the men

>> No.55455366

Honestly just being blond and over six feet tall in any Texas city you'll have to beat back the short brownies with a stick. Even in the opposite end if the country I ended up with a Latina girlfriend. They seek us out.

>> No.55455396

The women are trash and we should both be burned en masse like diseased animals. I went to Qatar and had Model-Tier women with better jobs than mine trying to get at me. You probably got an Instagram and TikTok obsessed basic girl with shitty scribble tattoos who claims but has never acted on bisexuality and holds her American weight well (for now). I don't envy you.

>> No.55455415

Every woman is a gold digger. They're supposed to assess if you're going to be able to protect and handle them and the children. They know they're not supposed to be in an equal partnership and expecting that is your failure as a man. You were raised by a mentally ill single mother so you don't get things easily.

>> No.55455447

get with the times grandpa, men are the gold diggers now that wymen are strong and independent

>> No.55455482

Thanks doc

>> No.55455506

real europeans won't look twice if you have brown eyes

>> No.55455647
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>> No.55456293


>> No.55456423
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At least post attractive ones when coombaiti posting

>> No.55456430

Thats what bothers me, this fact makes Christian Bale clearly not white and yet people still meme him around here, same with Mads.

>> No.55456559

Reminds me of my ex (she was 18) and current gf (she was 23)


>> No.55456872

>female sex tourism
>trying to use examples of mentally ill women to prove a point

>> No.55456882

>hurr durr you don't speak my language properly
take a chill pill fattie. your people are the ones watching trannie porn and into cuckold fetishes, i'm merely trying to give you the answers here

>> No.55456901

Dont listen to this faggot. Enjoy getting cucked if yo go for slavic women.They are born gold diggers and little psychos. Now combine that with the effects of war , you get a schizo woman who will rope you during sleep. If you want proof read about the UK married guy who moved with ukranian woman.

>> No.55456909

>read about a single sensational news report
What country are you from?

>> No.55456919

>Marriage is a shitcoin and the reason it is not going to 0 is because they replaced it with a faggy civil union, but still call it marriage. Until I get a teenage virgin where I have authority over her and the kids
Well that's not creepy at all!

>> No.55456939

Its also from my personal experience
>single sensational news
kek. She tried to attack him with a knife

>> No.55456963

>Its also from my personal experience
Anecdotes. Mine runs counter to yours, who is correct? Rhetorical question.
>She tried to attack him with a knife
Sensational news as i said.
There is not a single country where some gold digger hasn't tried to knife their foreign husband.

>> No.55456993

>There is not a single country where some gold digger hasn't tried to knife their foreign husband.
Yeah but in this case the whole country is a gold digger. If anyone wants a trad wife just go to your local church.

>> No.55457028
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>> No.55457039

That shit might as well be AI generated. The girl lacks any pores on her entire body.

>> No.55457050

It's a divide and conquer meme. In the 50s they told baby boomers in grade school that Hitler wanted to kill all non whites and brown eyed people. It's only said because it upsets people. People with blue and green eyes don't care at all.

>> No.55457058

>Yeah but in this case the whole country is a gold digger
Statistically prove it. Otherwise, an opinion based on your personal hurt feels.

>> No.55457348
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>no pores

>> No.55457357

>Shitler claimed that 2 of the greatest composers from his country are not white
More power to them I guess

>> No.55458031

>People with blue and green eyes don't care at all.
nobody at the peak cares what's going on below them

>> No.55458286

Kys newfag

>> No.55458322

Shorts? I've had my dick sucked in shorts. They just have to be nice shorts with nice shoes. American men wear cargo shorts with faded graphic tees; that and their weight makes them look like toddlers/slobs. Don't blame the shorts.