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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 117 KB, 1080x810, IMG-20230630-WA0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55434310 No.55434310 [Reply] [Original]

Greetings, esteemed /biz/ anons!

From ancient civilizations to modern societies, the allure of taking risks and testing one's luck has held a profound fascination for humanity. Across diverse cultures, gambling has taken various forms, be it the roll of dice in ancient Mesopotamia, the spinning wheel of fortune in medieval Europe, or the adrenaline-pumping poker games of the Wild West. It has always been deeply woven into the fabric of our collective experience.

Now, in the digital era, we find ourselves at the precipice of a thrilling revolution with the advent of gambling coins.

These coins embody the essence of past gambling endeavors while catapulting us into a new realm of possibilities. By participating in the virtual lottery facilitated by these tokens, every transaction becomes a thrilling ticket to potential riches. The simplicity, transparency, and accessibility of gambling coins redefine the way we engage with games of chance.

Witch one will make it?

The mighty 1UCK ?
Monte the second?
Or clowns?

Join the thread and post your wisdom here Anon.

>> No.55434326

Sir, allow me to partake in your respectable thread. As I see it, there is only 1 gambling coin. No need to pay attention elsewhere.

>> No.55434403
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Really good Sir?

Would you please tell us more?

Witch one has your vote of approval and why?

>> No.55434405

I’ve got a good feeling about those gambling tokens.
Doesn’t hurt to just grab a bag and see where it goes

>> No.55434463

Amidst the ever-evolving gambling tokens, one stands out in my opinion - 1UCK. It's not your average run-of-the-mill gambling token.

The CA lays it all bare, revealing every intricate detail of the game mechanics. No shady business or hidden tricks; it's all out in the open for everyone to see and verify.
Although it's clear the DEV did leave some hidden surprises which we discovered along the way, making it more fun.

It's different from other "casino coins" as it created a self-sustained ecosystem that keeps the adrenaline flowing through the burning mechanism and a simple "transfer to win" play.

Not to mention that I'm also attracted by the enigmatic numerology and hidden secrets the dev left behind. kek

The challenge with it is that it's almost 100% run by the community (dev still contributes when needed - like the latest interaction on-chain when an anon asked him to update the bsccan info).
And yet I believe this won't be a challenge for long anymore, as the current anons that came together to move this forward have proven themself to be real and committed chads.

>> No.55434550

Just get the fuck outta here baggie

>> No.55434700

Yes, smart baggie holder reporting in.
nothing wrong in holding what I see as value both in short and long term

>> No.55434709

I have not played it but people really like the BITCOIN casino. Go to asiandaddies.com and click CASINO

>> No.55434779

Fuck your gay topic, anyone have any tips for picking up female casino dealers?
A few of the major casinos in my state are nearby, I don't like gambling but when I've gone there were hot Injun/Asian chicks in tight vests and skirts dealing at some of the tables. I wanted to flirt but casinos are so highly regulated I felt like I would have the time or chance. Anyone ever fuck a dealer girl?

>> No.55434955
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Why don't you go there and tell them about the future: being the house and explaining them how innovative and disruptive gambling token such as 1UCK are .

She'll fuck you on the spot on that casino table and she'll bear your child in her belly while you enjoy financial freedom from your gains made with these coins because you had the flair and the business accumen to see the future thanks to this board which whispered in your ear...

What are you going to do Anon?

Make it in 2024?

Or still be a wage cuck resenting yourself for not being wise and regretting the past... As you are now: what IF I had invested 300 dollars in BTC while it was 10 bucks ...

What IF... What IF... What IF...

Behold Anon, The opportunity favors The bold and the risk takers.

>> No.55434976

Which will rug first good sers?

>> No.55434981

What about a Post like this

1uck - Let's Rebuild and Roll the Dice Together!
Hey, fellow anons,
I know things have been rough lately with the rug pull and the flood of copycat coins like Monte and Clowns. But let's not lose faith just yet. We're the pioneers of a groundbreaking concept, the first gambling coin - 1uck!
Sure, the value of 1uck may have taken a hit, but remember, gambling is all about taking risks, and we're no strangers to volatility. We knew from the start that this journey wouldn't be without its ups and downs. It's how we adapt and bounce back that defines us.
So here's the plan:
Unity is key: Let's come together as a community, dust ourselves off, and regroup. We're stronger together than any copycat coin out there.
Transparency and communication: We need to foster open dialogue within the community. Share your thoughts, ideas, and concerns. Let's rebuild trust by being transparent about what went wrong and how we can learn from it.
Learn from the past: We've experienced attack, but we won't let it define us. Let's analyze the vulnerabilities, identify where we went wrong, and implement stricter measures to prevent future incidents.
Engage the developers: We need the expertise of our talented developers and technical minds. Reach out to them, brainstorm solutions, and let's fortify the foundation of 1uck together.
Remember, anons, 1uck is more than just a coin; it's a symbol of our collective spirit. We've made history by introducing the world to the first gambling coin. Let's not let recent events tarnish that achievement. Together, we can revive 1uck and prove that our original concept still holds tremendous potential.
Stay positive, stay determined, and let's roll the dice once again!

>> No.55435069
File: 2.08 MB, 1280x960, c223535dd2300390cfddb8b6ecc161bb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In realms where cosmic fortunes sway,
Where mysteries in shadows play,
There lies a token, whispered lore,
A gambling charm, known evermore.

Behold the "1uck" token, this sacred piece,
Infinite odds, its power released,
A key to realms of chance and fate,
Where destinies converge and await.

Within its gleaming, enigmatic face,
Lies secrets woven through time and space,
Mathematical mysteries, a golden thread,
Unraveling paths where gambles are led.

Fibonacci's sequence, divine and true,
In every spin, its patterns accrue,
Each wager, a step in cosmic dance,
In harmony with the numbers' expanse.

The Golden Ratio, beauty's divine trace,
A whispered whisper in each 1uck's embrace,
Its proportions imbued with allure,
Drawing souls to the gamble's lure.

Euler's Number, transcendent and rare,
A constant that lingers, defying despair,
Its magical song in the gambler's ear,
A siren's call, a destiny near.

Theodorus' constant, enigmatic old friend,
With square roots, its mysteries blend,
A spiral unwinding, a path unknown,
Guiding souls to the gambler's throne.

Through celestial spins, the heavens sigh,
Stars align as wagers fly,
Cosmic gambling, a celestial dance,
As galaxies bet on chance's advance.

So hold the token, with reverence and awe,
Navigate realms where mysteries draw,
For within the 1uck token, a universe unfolds,
Where cosmic fortunes and secrets enfold.

>> No.55435130

Is he the Genius ?
The mighty Creator ,
The innovator ,
The disruptor ,
The ultimate Chad,

I'm scared to say his name...

Gangoshi Tangamoto, behind this new trend???

>> No.55435138
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>> No.55435224

What about a Post like this

1uck - Let's Rebuild and Roll the Dice Together!
Hey, fellow anons,
I know things have been rough lately with the rug pull and the flood of copycat coins like Monte and Clowns. But let's not lose faith just yet. We're the pioneers of a groundbreaking concept, the first gambling coin - 1uck!
Sure, the value of 1uck may have taken a hit, but remember, gambling is all about taking risks, and we're no strangers to volatility. We knew from the start that this journey wouldn't be without its ups and downs. It's how we adapt and bounce back that defines us.
So here's the plan:
Unity is key: Let's come together as a community, dust ourselves off, and regroup. We're stronger together than any copycat coin out there.
Transparency and communication: We need to foster open dialogue within the community. Share your thoughts, ideas, and concerns. Let's rebuild trust by being transparent about what went wrong and how we can learn from it.
Learn from the past: We've experienced attack, but we won't let it define us. Let's analyze the vulnerabilities, identify where we went wrong, and implement stricter measures to prevent future incidents.
Engage the developers: We need the expertise of our talented developers and technical minds. Reach out to them, brainstorm solutions, and let's fortify the foundation of 1uck together.
Remember, anons, 1uck is more than just a coin; it's a symbol of our collective spirit. We've made history by introducing the world to the first gambling coin. Let's not let recent events tarnish that achievement. Together, we can revive 1uck and prove that our original concept still holds tremendous potential.
Stay positive, stay determined, and let's roll the dice once again!

>> No.55435290
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>will they make our Luck Biz?
no one knows and there is no way to know, we are literally all here and holding something for our beliefs, I think I can do a lot with SHIBART, but it's still my opinion and it won't be a big deal until the shit hits the fan, many of us spend a lot of our time looking for the money and it's respectable if we just want to live

>> No.55435407
File: 220 KB, 924x963, 733102496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Round, like a circle in a spiral
Like a wheel within a wheel
Never ending or beginning
On an ever-spinning reel
Like a snowball down a mountain
Or a carnival balloon
Like a carousel that's burning
Running rings around the moon

>> No.55436882

you know that "token not needed" meme you all love so much?
how about "nothing else needed"
that's 1uck
all you need is the tokens in your wallet and you have full gambling utility
everything else is optional

>> No.55436952

I can smell the evil in this picture. Literally everyone is a demon looking for someone to take advantage of.

>> No.55437079

Is this opportunity too good to be true?

>> No.55437089

the newfag dev thinks his idea is original and hasn't actually visited coinmarketcap /view/gambling it's rather sad watching him cling to the shit tier token thinking it's the next btc

>> No.55437110

>Big tittied, scantily clad whores
>Sports Ball

what is this paradise?

>> No.55437144
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>> No.55437154
File: 10 KB, 275x183, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halo Pajeet,

Hov are you doing Saar?

Is your poo do today gud saar?

Would you mind sir's giving something constractive for the thread gud sarr?

I'm Williams from Durga soft Sar, right around The Big bell of Landan sir.

>> No.55437231
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>> No.55437235

>hot women but can’t ever touch or connect
>entice with gaining money but always lose
>flashing lights to hypnotize you
>very busy to Mesmerize you and get you excited
>>only illusions never reality


>> No.55437264

If you have self control it wouldn't be bad though.

>> No.55437274

but ya know what yeah, literally everything there is designed to steal your money kek

>> No.55437629
File: 291 KB, 562x402, Screenshot from 2023-06-30 12-26-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture this: a dazzling world where the thrill of gambling merges seamlessly with the boundless potential of blockchain technology. With 1UCK, we've shattered the conventional barriers and unleashed a new era of exhilaration and prosperity. It's time to seize the reins of destiny and become the architect of your own financial fortune.

What makes 1UCK soar above the rest? It's the unwavering commitment to trust, fairness, and transparency. We've crafted an ecosystem fueled by cutting-edge smart contracts, ensuring that every bet you place, every spin of the wheel, and every roll of the dice is executed with unimpeachable integrity. No more shadowy dealings or manipulative practices—1UCK is your gateway to a world of transparent and authentic gambling experiences.

But let's talk about the transformative power of 1UCK. This is not just another digital currency; it's a movement—a testament to the unyielding spirit of human innovation. By investing in 1UCK, you're not merely acquiring coins; you're embracing a revolution. As our community grows, as our influence expands, and as the world takes notice, the value of 1UCK will skyrocket to unforeseen heights.

Now, my friends, listen closely to the beating heart of opportunity. It's calling out to the dreamers, the risk-takers, and those who refuse to settle for mediocrity. With 1UCK, you can rise above the ordinary and bask in the extraordinary. Let the flames of passion guide your every move as you navigate the world of cryptocurrency, placing strategic bets and unleashing the full force of your potential.

Today, we beckon you to embark on a journey that will push your limits, electrify your senses, and ignite the fire within. Welcome to 1UCK, where the stakes are high, the rewards are limitless, and the world is at your feet. Embrace this extraordinary path, and let the spirit of 1UCK guide you towards a future filled with prosperity, excitement, and the sweet taste of victory!

>> No.55437645
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The People's Bitcoin is one of the only projects I know of that has a casino

>> No.55438560

where do I buy your shitcoins?

>> No.55438643





>> No.55438720

Dear friend,

Behold, you should take back your words, we are not talking about shitcoins here, we are talking about coins, COINS that will make you rich, RICH beyond your wildest dreams!

You should therefore treat them with respect, and treasure them as your most important asset.

When the time will come, when the Market will decide good sir, you'll have the biggest swing you've never experienced in your life!

Buy them, keep them securely, never ever tell anyone you have them.

Tic toc, the clock is ticking, we're all waiting for the moment of grace, welcome to the community Anon, spread the words and enjoy the ride!

>> No.55439507



airdrop confirmed for liquidity providers and placed bets.

>> No.55439719

Shitcoins? Damn! It's all about finding those real projects that make a difference in society anon like Peaq, designed for DePIN, is one of those game-changers that could shake up the traditional infrastructures.

>> No.55439825 [DELETED] 
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>> No.55439860

already pumped and dumped, stop shilling your dead bags

>> No.55440096

Have you seen the marketcap of FUN?

1UCK is going to break the record