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55402410 No.55402410 [Reply] [Original]

It’s seriously insane how there are people who did not immediately get red pilled about wages and worker rights the second they got a job.

Workers get raped by inflation while companies make record profits. Our employees do everything in their power to take our rights from us and lower our wages whenever possible.

Ever since getting my first job years ago I become hard left on absolutely everything to do with worker right and social security. It’s got even more far left since covid.

Anyone who is anti union and ‘capitalist’ - you know, against minimum wage increases and conservative - should kys.

>> No.55402418

>this post is brought to you by a south american

>> No.55402425

it's truly insane to see manual labor retards who get crushed (sometimes in a physical sense, in a work-related accident) 50+ hours a week for a barely livable wage turn around and suck big business cock with platitudes about "you should be thankful to have a job," denigrating OSHA and other safety regulations and calling people who care about job safety pussies, support the abolishment of minimum wage, etc.

>> No.55402426

Don't like the work you do? Don't do it. Want better pay? Negotiate it.
Bitching and moaning about how you are "exploited" on a fucking Burmese basket weaving forums no less makes fuck all difference. Why are commies so feminine?

>> No.55402439

>a wild shabbos goyim appears

>> No.55402444

>I'm not making enough money, it's the person who's giving me money's fault
>Government takes 30% and spends it on a $10 road patch

>> No.55402450

a coping commie tranny gives me a (you)

>> No.55402457

i guarantee that i have and make more money than you. keep sucking your boss's circumsized cock, faggot.

>> No.55402482

checked, but more recently the government spends it all and borrows from future generations 10 times removed just to import millions of shitskins and forcing diversity hires. It’s seriously insane how there are people who did not immediately get red pilled when they see the hordes coming in. But do not tell the commies...

>> No.55402500

>and the commie trannie gets triggered enough to give me another (you) while seething and shaking uncontrollably

>> No.55402517

it would be easy as piss to be more of a far left if I didn't have to also use my labor to support undesirables, but I hate supporting nogs and troons more than I hate supporting CEOs so it's an abstract feeling really. National Socialism is UNIRONICALLY the final solution

>> No.55402527

your personal identity is one that revolves around serving business jewish interests. think about it, goy.

>> No.55402541

easy with so much projecting commiefag it makes you look even more pathetic but keep the (you)s coming

>> No.55402558

You're a fucking moron who doesn't realize he's a stooge for creating the Ultimate Monopoly. Economic freedom is the way and that's simply it. There is no free lunch.

>> No.55402566

Hard left politics will never work without closed borders and less than 5% minorities. You'll never take that redpill.

>> No.55402597


>> No.55402702
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Oh now I'm a wagie with TWO bosses, great!

>> No.55402759
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>over a hundred years of socialist
>every commie society turns out to be more miserable and poorer than they were under capitalism

i'm ssure it will work out eventually, ''comrade''

>> No.55402767

>new IP same seethe
you leftycucks are hilarious, but then again nobody hates themselves more than faggots

>> No.55402802

Wait till you come out the other side when you're actually making money and have to manage people/assets.

>> No.55402836

>record profits
I see you conveniently leave out the inflation part when talking about the businesses.
That is NOMINAL profit and has been devalued by inflation as well.
If you weren't a dumbass I'd have more sympathy.

>> No.55402845

They SHOULD be thankful to have a job. Someone else CREATED that job.
90% of people would be in the gutter if a job wasn't created for them.

>> No.55402890
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My conspiracy theory is that, the reason why drugs are being made legal now is to get the everyday worker so high and out of their mind that they don’t know they’re being robbed of their life. Reminds me of the soma pills from Brave New World.

>> No.55403379
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I think there's 2 reasons people do not turn hard left after getting a job.

1. They think that by agreeing with the masters, they somehow belong to the upper echelon, despite their wages being shit and every hour of every day being dictated by their masters

2. They subconsciously understand that they are being fucked over but have nowhere to direct their anger, so they direct it at anyone that can be perceived to be "below" them, treating them like they are being treated. I think a lot of racism/obsession with trans stuff, at least on 4chan, stems from this

>> No.55403405
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the companies aren't the issue, it's the monetary system and the removal of sound money mainly.

>> No.55403422

producers don't exist without consumers.

>> No.55403431

whoops wrong chart, meant to post the real wage growth vs company profits chart since the Nixon shock, look it up.

>> No.55403438


>> No.55403446

Fuck off spic

>> No.55403483

>it's an another 1pbtid commie thread

>> No.55404809

Based thread. The only based threads are the ones critical of neoliberalism and globalism and happenings.

>> No.55404822

>complains about you not negotiating
>what is a union doing every year to adjust inflation

>> No.55404846

I’d say this is more black pilled than red pilled.

>> No.55404854

Everything is getting so goddam expensive because everyone is getting so goddam entitled about their goddam salary. Nobody wants to work unless they are getting paid like $30/hr. WTF?

>> No.55404915
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>job requires a degree and a security clearance
>19 dollars an hour

>> No.55404930

Basically yeah. It seems to be some sort of mixture of cope and stupidity. Some of them do seem to enjoy the economic cuckoldry, I wouldn't be surprised at all if they'd enjoy literally getting cucked by their boss as well lmao.

>> No.55404937
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>hey anon this job doesn't pay anything, do you want to do a 90 minute interview for it?

>> No.55404950


try starting and running a business on your own if its so profitable, retard.

>> No.55405002
File: 435 KB, 2880x1800, antiwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing ever happens because the people who are willing to protest wages and have "nothing to lose" are LITERALLY losers who have nothing to lose and are fucking worthless at working. Picture related. Not saying that being against unfair wages and bad business practices is a tranny thing, but there is a direct correlation with these totally stupid bums who get a minimum wage job and they suck at it because they don't care and they're also just not really intelligent at all, and then they're the ones who scream loudest about how they need to get paid more and work less hours. I think most honest working people subconsciously realize that behaving like that in ANY work setting will make them look like one of those mouth-breathing retards, and so they will simply live with the abuse.

>> No.55406591

I don't understand how anyone can work a retail/catering job without being genuinely unironically retarded.

>> No.55406596

Should've learnt a valuable skill you dumb fuck. If you did finance, CS, maths, accounting, law, engineering in general, dentistry and medicine anywhere the state isn't in complete control of your wages you could easily make 6 figures at the very least by the age of 25 as long as you're not in a shithole.
Instead you either chose a dumb degree, dropped out of school or didn't even get a higher education because you're a pathetic lazy piece of shit. You're a wagie either because you're too dumb or you're too much of a bum to put in the minimum effort needed to pass your classes and have a basic understanding of the role you're looking to get into.
Don't blame the economy, blame yourself unless you're genuinely are retarded and then you should just blame your parents for giving you dogshit genes.

>> No.55406616

Nope, a jew. Capitalism is communism to put it bluntly.

>> No.55406647

Do you feel better now having wrote that?

>> No.55406671

six figures a year is nothing. ask me how i know you're poor

>> No.55406672

>I think a lot of racism/obsession with trans stuff, at least on 4chan, stems from this
Tranny faggot

>> No.55406773

I hope OP realises that he shouldn't blame others for his shitty situation which is probably due to him being unable to focus for 8 hours a day.
6 figures as a zoomer is good money. Sure there's always bigger fish but that's with everything with life. I can get maybe half a mil in a few years if I go for a senior role. If I throw that excess cash into a business I could maybe get successfully and see 7+ figures but I can live on half of what I earn for the rest of my life and never worry about money unless I end up with some spendthrift bimbo or get a gambling addiction.

>> No.55406789

>senior role
fucking kek codeniggers are so delusional

>> No.55406792

Most people don't have an inside voice and can't think for themselves

>> No.55406824

Consumers don't exist without producers, chud.

>> No.55406856

I’m literally a lawyer

>> No.55406948

You cannot negotiate for a fair contract when you are held at gunpoint. The jobs industry is not conducive to fair conversation today, and has not been for some time. Most people do not like the work that they do. Most people cannot negotiate better pay. I do not mean will not, or do not want to. I mean cannot, many times despite their honest efforts. As for your point of it not meaning anything when shouted into the void, I do agree. That said, the purpose of this board is mostly to fuck around and shout into the void, so it's on-brand.

>> No.55406951

Well it pays. If you really want a high paying role you move to some financial institution for a senior role. I have some finance bro friends irl and some are slaving away 80-100 hrs a week whilst I'm wfh and doing only 20-30 hrs of work on a full time salary.
I know some people who just passed the bar and they're not making wagie money. Unless you're some public defendant larping as Saul Goodman to remain sane, you're making decent money. What field within law are you doing exactly?

>> No.55406957

>Be Walmart wagie
>Funnel 25% of my paycheck into our stocks
>The more workers get abused globally, the better my returns
>I am incentivized to increase my own wages while preventing others from costing the company money

>> No.55406986

This companies making record profit meme is retarded. They are making record "profit" because the value of the dollar dropped, their purchasing power dropped or minimally increased.
Being a wagecuck is cancer though you are right about that

>> No.55407789

worker wage increases won't solve shit because inflation will wipe it up. keeping inflation low and stable is what matters but no government will ever do that, and "people" will never see the root of the problem but instead blame muh big companies and think scams like unions that only work for its members and no one else are the answer.

>> No.55407904

it’s quite simple, it’s an incentive problem
but the people responsible for creating the incentive environment are just as lazy as the people subjected to it, so nothing changes
there is plenty of money to be sent to the bottom, but there is no incentive

>> No.55408014

Some of them think if they act like their masters they are going to get into the club.
But that's just not how the game is played.

>> No.55408031
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People are stupid.
We had land prices inflation but it wasn't included into inflation stats, so they just ate up the line that inflation was low.
As you say wage increases will be eaten up.
What we really need is to tax labor less and to tax rentiers more.
Income tax way down, land value tax way up.

>> No.55408059

I don't understand the problem here to be honest since as far as I can tell noone has much to complain about. I mean, everyone has a CS degree now a a days with TC upwards of 350-400k, most people ON AVERAGE make 240k STARTING after getting their CS degree. They make 20k a month as a typical middle class person easily able to afford an average, run of the mill, 400k house at 7% interest rates. Right now things are functioning BECAUSE of those high TCs that EVERYONE has because essentailly everyone has a CS degree (four years) from even just a state school.

>> No.55408100

>he fell for political theater
Social spending suppresses the market rate of wages, while the brrrrrr that pays for those social services pumps assets which further reduce wage demands by convincing retarded boomerniggers that they're getting rich off inflation while all that's happening is your income is falling in real terms. Welfare IS corporate welfare, that you can't realize this is what makes you a useful idiot.

>> No.55408147

>finance, CS, maths, accounting, law, engineering in general, dentistry and medicine
>not a wagie
Holy cope. The wagies you listed have to work even harder than the typical retail/whatever worker you're comparing them to. On top of that you have to go into massive debt in order to even get the degree so your starting point is already at a huge negative net worth.

>> No.55408180

Minimum wage causes inflation and destroys job opportunities by telling wagies they MAY NOT accept a job that pays below a certain amount. You communists are the most economically stupid people out there.

>> No.55408196

does going to work for the state department or something like that out of college count?

>> No.55408210

Good goy. Don't blame the FED

>> No.55408229

Ideologically speaking, I hate unions. That being said, I'm part of one, but I wouldn't hesitate to cross the picket line if a strike ever happens. I like to play both sides, like a true jew.

>> No.55408238

ur retarded i make
>muhh 6 figures
and still cant buy shit

I am unironically closer to a mccdonalds wagie than I am to ever making it

Yes the entire system is fucked. 80-90% of people will never get out of their cardboard shitbox eating cheap goyslop or earning anything /actually/ livable.

>> No.55408271
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Look at the 10,000 years of lockstep wage/productivity growth before fake money. "Gee gosh wilikers it's a mystery why wages have diverged from productivity!" He says while while pumping trillions of counterfeit dollars into supply side labor subsidizes.

>> No.55408304
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Caused by government, literally on purpose. Don't blame corporations for it.

>low wages
Also caused by government. Taxes take 15.3% of your paycheck just for FICA, then they hit you with income taxes on top of that. And then they tax the ever loving shit out of everything you purchase with sales tax. And tax your housing with property tax. Etc.

At the end of the day, you have to earn 2x as much money just to pay all the taxes. This is why you feel poor.

>minimum wage increases
Makes it illegal for low skill workers to work. If you really want to raise wages for poor workers, you would support mass deportation of illegals and the ending of legal immigration. Businesses *literally* tell the public that they want more immigration in order to keep the cost of wages down, AKA reduce the paycheck of workers.

End all immigration and wages will rise.

>> No.55408626

Ending immigration is just government protectionism, and it doesn't work anyway. Corporations will just offshore the labor for all but certain service jobs. Not having immigrants reduces crime and need for social services though.

>> No.55408637

How does the Jewish boog taste you bootlicking simp for Jewish elite faggot

>> No.55408652

we import foreigners for cheap manual labor, it has the unfortunate side effect of diluting low skill (retail) wages
tough to say if it’s worth ditching them or not, we need a massive and i mean massive housing surplus first
the natural effect of rising costs will be people realizing racism is profitable
don’t blame the government, blame the populace

>> No.55408669

shut your fucking hole and pay your taxes

>> No.55408685

>identify legitimate problem
>have the most retarded impulses in attempting to solve that problem
Why are commies like this?
Inflation is the central banks printing money, normal working class people get it later since they're further from the money printer. The rich people on top are closer to the money printer and buy assets at pre-inflation adjusted prices. You get fucked, they get rich (on paper). The central banks are our enemy anon.

>> No.55408702

>low wages
>Also caused by government
Cope. Wages would be even lower and working conditions even worse without the government ("sweatshops" etc).

Although inflation itself is caused by the government the fact that wages aren't keeping up with inflation is 100% on the corporations. The government isn't there to stop you from getting a raise the corporation simply chooses not to do it because they don't have to and that money is going to the CEO / shareholders instead.

>> No.55408708

It's called national socialism and it's a blend of left wing and right wing politics.

>> No.55408769

>inflation is 100% on the corporations
No, it's 100% the wagies who will continue working for peanuts after inflation. Labor market is a market and subject to supply and demand like any other market, you are just too uneducated (and too stupid) to understand how this works.

>> No.55408807

Unions didn't do shit for me, but raise my taxes.
I'd rather just switch jobs to find better conditions.
The worst colleagues I had, were people relying on unions to raise their salary and complain all the time.

Some regulations are needed, but all I see out of unions is supporting certain fields unrelated to mine.
Useless shitter jobs like highschool and pre-school teachers + nurses, the lowest in their fields got the most salary boosts locally.
While university teachers, surgeons, doctors and etc got jackshit, because they are few and harder to organize for unions.

>> No.55408847

China blocks your path

>> No.55408967

>inflation is 100% on the corporations
If you're implying I said that I never did. Learn to read first then come back lmao.

>it's 100% the wagies who will continue working for peanuts after inflation
And what choice do they have exactly?
>just quit
And then what?

>Labor market is a market and subject to supply and demand like any other market
Yeah, no shit. That's literally my argument you're just too fucking retarded to understand it.

>you are just too uneducated (and too stupid) to understand how this works.
The problem here is that you're too brainwashed, gullible and retarded to see how the situation actually is. Which part of what I said exactly was wrong? You have no actual argument, all you have is dumb cope.

>> No.55409082

Minimum wage increases don't benefit anyone.

You are also a dumb faggot.

>> No.55409143

unironically yes. zoomers would be getting into construction and civil development if it paid like it used to. Idk about you but I don't feel comfortable living in a society where cutting corners cuts the throats of future generations and is considered acceptable.

>> No.55409180

You're talking to a board of permanently embarrassed crypto millionaires.

>> No.55409316

So just let minimum wage completely erode from inflation?

>> No.55409330

Except the left are the people supporting immigration and multiculturalism; 2 things that destroy wages and suppress worker solidarity respectively. Funny how the "capitalists" in Orania can manage to have a completely functional and peaceful economy without needing unions and communist agitators. Because they're White, don't allow outsiders to live there, and work for each other.

>> No.55409344

You'd have more luck preaching your message if it didn't come packaged with genociding all White people desu

>> No.55409356

back to the cage, libshit, my fries won't serve themselves. you deserve the worst fate, nigger-lover

>> No.55409471

Alright, sit down.
>Holy cope. The wagies you listed have to work even harder than the typical retail/whatever worker you're comparing them to.
I have a career in one of those categories. The hardest part was the education. Ya it turns out being successful does involve doing some hard things and putting down the vidya. My hardest job was a drive-in restaurant in Ohio though. My life is MUCH easier now thanks to educating myself.
>On top of that you have to go into massive debt in order to even get the degree
Did you get this idea from actually pricing it all out or just reading internet memes?
My student debt was $27k, but I came out making $60k, then $90k after 2 years, $130k after 3 and $160k after 4. I'm on $250k/year at age 29 now. I had the debt cleaned up in about 2 years.

Now, medicine/dentistry/law definitely involve more significant debts, but there are options out there. You can even get into software with no degree. I know several teammates that have done that and make over $350k/year in their early 30s.

>> No.55409556

Or they are just pretty content with their lives and don't want to get sucked into your bizarre cult of resentment.

>> No.55409570

They don't compete but they think they should automatically be placed at the top because they are just ontologically more intelligent than everyone else by virtue of having the "correct" beliefs. How can I be flipping burgers for minimum wage? I am an enlightened leftist. I have sharpened my reason in the hallowed debate halls of reddit? I am better than $15 an hour. Why, I KNOW I'm worth at least $100 an hour. I'm ME.
It's just hipsterism. They haven't done shit, refuse to compete, are drowning in resentment, yet think they should be handed everything on a silver platter. I think this is just what happens when you don't discipline your kids and kiss their ass by telling them they are "baby einsteins" all day.

>> No.55409607

I graduated from CS in 2020 and I still don't have a job in the field. CS was an exceptionally easy bachelors

>> No.55409613

i just work illegally without a visa. glad to have a job.

>> No.55409618

Because the "hard left" doesn't stand for what you think it does. People who work turn more Natsoc, they want to have their own People, culture and history. They want an orderly prosperous community and they want their labour to be respected. The left is the anti-thesis of this, this is why people abandon the left as they get older and more work experienced. You are probably young so you just don't get it but the left is the bastion of parasites, dysgenic losers, low IQ immigrants and dumb women who obey the media.

>> No.55409686

>I graduated from CS in 2020 and I still don't have a job in the field.
Why not? Did you try to get one?
>CS was an exceptionally easy bachelors
At some schools it is. At mine it was brutal. I briefly spent time away from my top 10 university and did a state school's database course and ya...it was joke. Random public school is "talk about databases" and write a few SQL queries

At a top school, you're writing an actual RDBMS in C to interpret some SQLite statements, starting with the b-trees and going on to the DBM, code generation, query optimization, etc. We also did a SQL homework or two, but not much time was spent on being a user of databases.

I tried to transfer the state school semester database course as an equivalent of a QUARTER course and the department said no way after reading their syllabus. That is, they determined the state school actually covered less rigorous material, even with an extra 5-7 weeks to make that happen.
Everyone that went to my program pretty much went straight to work for Uber, Google, Modular AI, Pinterest, Airbnb, Samsara, Microsoft, Jane Street etc
My TA for funtional programming founded Mina Protocol.

>> No.55409989
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>Voting left to help the economy
lol. Lmao, even. At least the leftists who hate white males know what they're voting for.
Import the third world, become the third world

>> No.55410012

So you're redpilled on wages but support the importation of millions of unskilled laborers (or even worse fake degree shitindians)? Get fucked faghole.

>> No.55410022

>just negotiate it, goy
a few years ago the worker got the upper hand for the first time in decades. it wasn't even an upper hand in terms of wages, it was just inflation at play, but workers were routinely quitting terrible jobs and getting slightly better jobs.

employers responded by crying anuddah shoah to the media and then, when the time was right, responded again with layoffs and more mistreatment.

>> No.55410063


you are beyond retarded if you believe that. Communism bettered the life of almost every russian back then

>> No.55410124

Also the Fed sat through
> Goods inflation
> Housing inflation
>> Ah it's transitory
Then came wage inflation
>> Oh my fucking Jesus God no make it stop

We are at war with capital. They will always act against our interests.

>> No.55410134

most companies make very slim margins or are heavily leveraged as is.
the only organisation profiting these days is the government. they squeeze everything.

>> No.55410188

You're both right, the answer is national socialism. Left economically right socially. Essentially the opposite of what this kiked society is.

>> No.55410191


>> No.55410208
File: 399 KB, 1280x1030, median wealth per adult europe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>here's that better life you asked for senpai

>> No.55410230

they probably have a higher quality of life considering they aren't forced into 60 hour work weeks with 10 days of vacation a year, and they also have access to real food (not HFCS goyslop.)

>> No.55410241


>people in a communist system weren't working long hard hours and living miserable lives

When the Berlin Wall fell only one side rushed to the other. To that end only one side had to put up a wall and guard it you stupid faggot. Go ahead and grab a ticket to Cuba or Venezuela and live "the easy life" and please fuck off.

>> No.55410351

Reminder that the problem is not immigration, it's lamd use. Immigrants are not expensive; in fact, historically, they've lowered costs. Undocumented Mexicans living 12 people to a 1000 sq ft house, not drawing entitlements, paying taxes, and working for sub-minimum-wage is why most Texans can "afford" to shotgun strawberries and Metformin in their McMansions. But then, that is part of the masquerade; what's actually bankrupted us is the batshit policies related to assuring every white dude he can be landed gentry, commuting in a personal vehicle to office space whose rent never goes down, ever. We easted he value of our resources and labor on unsustainable practices that don't return nearly enough.

>> No.55410373


You straight up just admitted unchecked immigration lowers labor costs and bargaining power and then claimed they don't actually do anything negative, KEK

>> No.55410408

kill yourselves worthless wagecucks

>> No.55410479

They lower labor costs for jobs Americans won't do, making the goods produced from that labor cheap enough for Americans to access in our shitty economic status quo. Would love to see them earn a living wage and the average American also have their earnings rise enough to afford the more expensive produce and construction labor, of course.

You're ignoring that the lowered purchasing power caused by farmworkers pales in comparison to the capital costs of replacing rotting infrastructure in municipalities that don't generate revenue. The military-industrial complex exists because the flyover states without oil would fall into destitution immediately without federal pork. And even that's not enough, we're still in municipal debt up to our eyeballs. No wonder you can't see the truth.

>> No.55410610

Six figures is plenty unless your whole purpose
in life is to be a consumer

Very interesting
Source ?

>> No.55410811

> We're all so sick of companies short staffing themselves on purpose, thereby causing burnout - at the same time, they LOVE to save money so they under pay us
> We say, "we want higher wages, we need to keep up with inflation/cost of living!"
> Papa Jerome comes out to tell us that we need to bring wages down further to tame inflation, although he won't acknowledge that a lot of the inflation is truly caused by draconian energy policies and global fallout (supply-chain constraints) from covid
> Powell wants to bring inflation all the way down to 2% despite the conditions mentioned above - you can't count on liberals to loosen unreasonable energy regulations

Yup, we're all fucked.

>> No.55411291

>work even harder than the typical retail/whatever worker
Manual work with shitty customers is not something I'd recommend. All that for maybe 15 an hour. Meanwhile you're probably going to make 40 an hour bare minimum for the careers I listed straight out of school or even during school if you get a decent internship for the summer. Then we're talking 100+ an hour for the average guy in the field after a few years. The money you earn after a whole day sweating in an Amazon warehouse can be made in an hour sitting at home.
>and still cant buy shit
You're probably burning away your money doing dumb shit. Like a lot of people I know, you have 100k after taxes but instead of living comfortably below your means you choose to burn not only through that 100k but max out your credit cards and loans for no fucking reason. You're financing a luxurious car you can't afford to buy out right when you could be more than satisfied with a Mustang. You're renting a 3-5k a month apartment when you can get a good place in a middle class area for half the cost. You spend waaay too much trying to live like a millionaire and buy tonnes of dumb novelty items. You don't need a fucking touchscreen refrigerator but you got one anyways.
These are just bad financial decisions. And they're entirely your fault. I can cut you some slack if you live in NYC, LA or London but even then you're exaggerating how bad your financial situation is.

>> No.55411997

3. They need a Nationalist/Volkist movement that can split the hair between Economic Left/Pro Worker policy and avoiding faggotry
If a worker lives in a system of either corporate faggotry, or liter faggotry, or as now they merge together, they won't be able to think of out of context solutions and get trapped in the grind.

>> No.55412001

because higher wages just equate to higher costs nigger brain

>> No.55412016

the byproduct of a public education, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.55412031

>makes no argument against what i said
nigger brain cope

>> No.55412034

Case in point, as long as your movement tacitly supports Capitalist actions to own Chuds, and you see immigrants as better workers than your own, then your movement is never going to get anywhere than as another tool of global capital to divide and conquer.

>> No.55412052

This is why a few social democrat regimes in the EU, such as Denmark, have regained popularity in the last decade, as after some initial shock, they realized they needed to crack down on refugee size to protect their workers and out-flanked far-right parties on how far they would go to secure themselves.

>> No.55412105

its hour 4 of me loafing on the job
im not doing any work today earning $45/hr.
feels good man

>> No.55412120


Oh right, the "flyovers" that actually extract real raw resources, farm real life fucking land, and manufacture real products are living off of federal pork, while the palaces on the hill of California and New York City, utter termite colonies stacked with moneychangers and middlemen, are the REAL core of America's economy. Holy shit lmfao.

>> No.55412130
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And this is precisely what I mean. As long as the self professed """""""""socialists""""""""" and """""""""""communists"""""" are actually unironic limousine liberal retards living on the urban coasts and pretending like trannies, niggers, and REFUGEES WELCOME are selling points for the actual working class, they will remain what they are: ridiculous, contradictory idiots. As some have said, "you're not serious people." You are a pastiche of what the real commies were 100 years ago.

And honestly, that comforts me. It's why it will never happen here.

>> No.55412204
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EXACTLY. I don't understand these posts everyone has a four year CS degree and is making AT LEAST a MINIMUM TC of about 240k STARTING. You literally go 4 year CS --> 240k STARTING and then a little later you get managment roles or senior roles and you are at an AVERAGE of 350k-400k, so people getting to 550k. This literally what people are doing but then posts like this get made I don't get it. Everyone right now is on the CS train getting their average TC at 240k - which is 20k a month and more than enough to pay for houses at 7% interest rates. Average houses are less than 3k the average starting minimum for most all CS degree holders at 240k so it kind of balances out. That's a big part OP is missing.

>> No.55413356

Literally don't know where people keep saying stuff like this, I got a masters in cs and I've managed to scrape by getting an IT sysadmin role for only £25k per year. Computer science people don't get paid much. I believe I can save at max about 1k a month living with parents.

>> No.55413368

not where.

>> No.55413813

>Workers get raped by inflation
Yes, that and taxes
>while companies make record profits
No, you communist faggot, they also get raped by inflation and taxes.
What institutions are responsible for inflation? What institution is responsible for taxes.

>> No.55413837

Hey sigmund freud, the reason I didnt turn hard left is because the government rapes my paycheck and under socialism they rape it harder.
The tranny resentment stems from freaks wanting to touch my children.
Take a break from psychology. It's not your strong suit.

>> No.55413871

>He doesn't know that literally ALL computer scientists in the US get instantly hired by Google, Meta etc the moment they graduate and start making 200k+ instantly AND that's with a bachelor's, no master's needed

>> No.55413884

I don't care about that.

>> No.55413941
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I feel like a lot of people here gas light for no reason. They have the money since they have those kinds of TC but they just don't acknowledge it.

>> No.55413972

If you're working at a FAANG company then yeah sure you can get around $200k starting.

Your post is completely out of touch with the rest of the USA and frankly the rest of the world though. I was a former coder and I made at most $81k (and that's after 5 years at the company, starting at $55k). I worked in the southeast though so yeah companies can rip you off pretty badly in certain regions of the US.

>> No.55414069

It's a meme lmao. Anyone with a brain knows that only a small percentage of people can work at FAANG, most people will be making less than 100k if we're actually being realistic.

>> No.55414490

Even those levels are a great exaggeration.
The average salary for a software engineer in the US is $93k. Only a few big companies in San Francisco pay 240K starting. Probably less than 5% of CS graduates get hired by those companies.


I make $125k with 20 years of experience and a CS degree working in Minnesota. Web sites have told me this is the equivalent of making $300k in silicon valley.

>> No.55414523

>Everyone right now is on the CS train getting their average TC at 240k - which is 20k a month and more than enough to pay for houses at 7% interest rates.
I know you're just a troll but it's especially important to refute trolls. Only 59,565/4,001,000=1.5% of degrees granted in 2021 were CS degrees. That's 59,565 in one year. Enough only to fill one suburb in all of the US per year.



>> No.55415776

he could have saved you.
he tried to warn you.
but you looked away.
you asked for this.

>> No.55415781
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>> No.55415808


i work in technology, and usually only principal staff + make 200K+. i make around 230 as a consultant (not faang) with about 8 years of experience. most tech comp is from equity/options/stock grants/etc. so i'd say people making cash comp 200k+ is even lower though i would not say rare by any means. i frankly think the people really getting away with robbery are like sales execs/account managers at these companies. they get paid variable comp which on good years can be like 300-400+ when the products sell themselves. the swes have to actually do some amount of work and stay up to date with fagcode and other gay things