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55401381 No.55401381 [Reply] [Original]

>live in a brick house
>own a big car
>walk around during the day

What is their job?

>> No.55401431

Vote Democrat

>> No.55401434

USA....Land of the Hobos and the Rich Jews

>> No.55401439

These guys honestly have more disposable than most wagies. I worked in a drugs program for homeless before and it was pretty demoralising that I would be working 10 hour shifts at $15 an hour and they would typically make $300 begging daily. Then of course no tax, no paying for food or clothing or housing as that was all covered for them. It all just went on coke and heroin.

>> No.55401445

>All those zombies already on the nod as stores are opening up at 8am.
Imagine having one brief second of awareness as animate matter in the trillions of life years of the universe and spending half of it chasing being in a dead catatonic state?

>> No.55401474

If wages are so crap who is giving beggars that money?

>> No.55401483


>> No.55401498

Yea I do this for one third of my life now it’s crazy.

>> No.55401502

50 years ago, that neighborhood was probably reasonably nice. A place where you could raise a family.

>> No.55401505

>Living in a brick house is aspirational to Americans

Lol, lmao.

>> No.55401509

Bleeding hearts like you that think giving the darky drinking a big gulp QT cup of vodka and holding a cardboard sign that says "muh keedz no house " is a godly deed. I used to work around these fuckers, they often organized into smaller groups. Knew police routes and shift changes, which corners brought in money, would time share, if they were given actual groceries - would sell those. Best of all they all literally used the same drug dealer, a skinny black twink named Red. I remember when Red finally went to jail, it was like Armageddon had arrived for weeks until they secured another dealer.

>> No.55401511

Its not just begging money, its drug money and prostitution money and stealing money etc.

You can make much more with these everywhere around the world than simply waging. But these people (if they can avoid longer jailtimes) will be in a much harder place when they hit 60 and they have no social security.

>> No.55401554

Americans are talking about nice places not eastern euro dumps that are 400 years old.

>> No.55402035

Top kek the 20-something wagies of today will not be getting social security either.

>> No.55402052

>be chinese
>laugh and laugh and laugh at the plight of the black and white man as their societies crumble under the weight of all the chinese rats we sent over to steal tax money and destroy the civilians peace
>it comes to china

>> No.55404379


>> No.55404487

Oh, it's like in my heckin serie.

>> No.55404497

Europeans always shit on Americans for lack of stone and brick in their buildings when plywood and drywall is all that new European construction is too

>> No.55404520

Round them up and deport them to Canada.

>> No.55404546

Give us more stories please.

>> No.55406223
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>these people have world reserve currency status.

>> No.55407799
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This balances out because literally everyone else has a CS degree making 240k starting on average. 350-400k mid career, some people get to 500-600k but that is totally normal. Its so you can be middle class and afford a home, again on average. It all balances out.

>> No.55407824

professional disability

>> No.55407855
File: 800 KB, 1610x2135, Welcome Back To The Men's Room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. Anecdotal evidence coming in
A lot would pan handle around offramps or around shopping areas that had a Target store or downtown near hospitals where nurses and soi psychiatrics would be employed. I never witnessed selling food but they all had food stamps and frequented food banks. And if someone new to the area sat at a good sign flying area for too long the regulars would get mad
>t. Temp agency worker in a giga city half a decade ago