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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55398202 No.55398202 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55398216

Not any time soon. The only place on the European continent where food deflated in price, is Russia
The rest of the continent between 5 and up to 80% yoy increase in prices

>> No.55398224

Deflation only happens if demand drops or we find new more efficient methods to grow Food, don't count on it

>> No.55398236


>> No.55398243

When corporations stop price-gouging.

>> No.55398278

Has nothing to do with corpos, had all to do with the wish of the private sector to keep fiat currency devalued, so their stock portfolio and real estate investment don't bleed to dead

>> No.55398311

only if and when we get trump back (unironically) kekker$

>> No.55398327

Never theres too humans on this planet, and we keep importing millions of people a year.

>> No.55398339
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Anon, I...

>> No.55398343

Unironically no. Trump made the dollar a joke currency. A hard dollar brings back down food prices, relatives to dollar costs

>> No.55398345


>> No.55398350

Americans will be paying $200 for a bag of rice and beans by the end of 2026 by putting it on their credit cards.

>> No.55398352

This! Grow your own food niggers!

>> No.55398362

Where? The majority of people live in pods without gardens

>> No.55398369

You are either a Pajeet or a tranny. Real men need meat, and you can't just "grow your own" meat, you stupid Pajeet.

>> No.55398374

>Has nothing to do with corpos
Lol, that's literally all it has to do with.

>> No.55398377

you heard me

>> No.55398391

That is a not my problem kind of problem.... Next time stop giving liquidity to jews!

>> No.55398395
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They wont, this is the new normal anon.

>> No.55398396

You can keep some chickens ser!

>> No.55398405

If your problem is not my problem turns into a meme it means my father made a meme from beyond the grave.

>> No.55398414

It's no price gouging communist. Corpos wish for a weak dollar and until recently they got that weak dollar, the dollar isn't so weak currently, might become stronger.
Okay, it is your problem, unless you have a farm and live in autarky, and then you might make profits from your autarky

>> No.55398423

G-d make it stop PLEASE

>> No.55398426


>> No.55398431

enjoy your demflation and bidentured servitude then

>> No.55398457

Thanks. One time my father said "Your problem is not my problem" and I never let it go, turned into a running joke and eventually he forgot even saying it at all, tried to gaslight me that it never happened. I miss him every day, passed earlier this year. Itd be pretty ironic if a dead boomers quote about other peoples problems not being his turned into a meme.

>> No.55398461

>t. doesn't understand economies of scale

>> No.55398470

Luckily not in the USA, unlucky in Europe in one of the 80% inflation of food prices yoy countries

>> No.55398474

You have big problems bro, your father was quite ugly with you that he didnt help you, trust me, i am not your father, i would help you!

>> No.55398479

>he genuinely believes which wing of the uniparty he votes for will make a difference

>> No.55398483

Earth loves you back, try it!

>> No.55398484

when tens of millions stop being allowed to wander in so never

>> No.55398485

>He gets his news from the "news"
>Policy documents are not real

>> No.55398509

Thats why its just a joke, he said it one time when frustrated with something I was freaking out over but every other time I needed him he was there. He died of liver failure because the government poisoned him with tainted hep C blood. For 5 years the US government had technology to screen for diseases like that, but Canada simply didnt implement them because itd cost too much. Tens of thousands of people got hep C, and worse some got AIDS. Hep C causes liver failure, he died of liver failure so the Canadian government essentially killed my father to save money.
If Im awarded compensation for a lost parent, Ill donate most of it to our guys. He leaned on me in the hospital while walking to the washroom, and I wiped his ass more than once in his life. He took care of me so I took care of him to the last moment. My mother is the one whos a real piece of shit.

>> No.55398514

"Not my problem" has been a thing for ages

>> No.55398521

there's an economic collapse coming so im guessing then

>> No.55398528

a walnut sized bell pepper is $2 and you WILL pay for it.

>> No.55398538

Like half an hour ago I was mocking someone trying to fake being American to take advantage of the US market in a US business listing that hes not from America and his problem is not our problem. Im not even American, just wanted to troll him and had my fathers remarks in my mind.

>> No.55398539

Food grows in dirt.
Food literally grows on trees.

>> No.55398544

nah not talking about the uniparty, was talking bout trump in specific, mr. goalpost mover
+ remember what food and gas prices were
facts in other words

>> No.55398584

Food requires fertilizer generally which is your first cost, theres other soil amendments. Pest control is a big pain in the ass, things like powdery mildew appearing can mean you have to destroy the entire plant. If youre a large producer you have shipping costs, gas is obviously insane. Tariffs and taxes, cross border makes it worse. The grocery store has overhead, electricity, air conditioning, theft/shrink, insurance costs, obviously employee pay. It all adds up. Nobodies making much money, the system is collapsing. If you were to artificially limit prices some produces would go out of business entirely, which would shrink supply which would mean that theres supply shortages - not enough of everything for everyone. Then you go into rationing and its like a downward spiral.

>> No.55398615

Keep up bro, i am sending infinite cool boy energy, HOSANA!

>> No.55398733

>It all adds up. Nobodies making much money, the system is collapsing
>*record profits intensify*

>> No.55398800

>It's no price gouging
Lmao. Imagine being this clueless.

>> No.55398803

(((Devils advocate))), after you account for inflation they arent record profits at all I would guess.

>> No.55398832

I deflated my food prices by going on a diet. Suggest you do the same.

>> No.55398837


>> No.55398844

It isn't you stupid jew bot. You talk script. Supply is just not there. If anything it's a supply gouge

>> No.55398855

>record profits!
>in a rapidly devaluing currency

>> No.55398861


Once Elon Musk becomes president.

>> No.55398873
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>it's okay to using real inflation to cover near price gouging because... because it just IS OK?? The value of the dollar is going down so it's not THAT much extra profit really if you think about it...
What gave you this insanely cringe and wrong take?

>> No.55398883

Delayed result of shutdowns. The hidden cost is that peoples psychology changed. The reason Mcdicks sales went up is its easier to drive through for a couple mcdoubles than it is to bother going into a store, walking around, waiting in line for 20 minutes because theres not enough cashiers to pay 100$ for 30$ in food. Its pain and suffering every time you go shopping, so people just dont buy food. They walk through the aisles, go holy fuck thats bullshit Im not paying that - for 80% of the items they would normally buy. So yea demand went in the shitter as prices went up due to inflation and such, and that means a lot of people are going out of business so supply is shrinking. Has been for 'years' now.

>> No.55398886

he is African, not American
never happening

>> No.55398888

Supply is overabundant, shit-for-brains. Energy companies made record profits because the cost of oil was so low.

>> No.55398912

How about you find us both a statistic on how many US businesses went bankrupt since the start of covid because google hides the results by confusing "shut down" with temporarily closed due to local laws etc. I want the number for businesses that ceased to exist because of covid, its likely staggering. Like 20-30%.

>> No.55398918

I don't doubt some companies took advantage of the opportunity to raise prices on some items, but do you really think grocery store margins increased overnight?

>> No.55398921

Ask ChatGPT or start a new thread. Topic in this one is food prices.

>> No.55398928

Like the first year covid hit, restaurants.. I know they arent the primary distributor of food, but just from how many "over 100 years old" stakehouses and shit went under I can tell that its double digits at least in the first year alone.

>> No.55398933
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So was Obama...

>> No.55398934

in Canada all supermarkets have updated to use electronic price tags on shelves.
I assume this is because they costed having to update prices constantly vs the investment of the new tech.
not a good sign.

>> No.55398936

Youre such a leftist jew, business shutdowns are the cause of food prices. Instead of argue against it you want to pretend I didnt say anything and squelch me so others dont see it. Youre so weak, internally your brain hurts because you know the real problem is one you dont like.

>> No.55398939

This group of scammers and fraudsters is through. Enjoy the next months. Hold your bags thight, be it tech, real estate or crypto, you are going to hold for a very long time, at a lose

>> No.55398940

Europe has a surplus of wine.
Over the last few years they were happy to make us pay more for wine.
Now they have a surplus the EU is holding some off the mkt to keep prices high.
It's a one-way street.
They don't want us to pay less, this makes it easier for us to refuse to work as hard.

>> No.55398941
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>business shutdowns are the cause of food prices

>> No.55398942

>at a lose
I can smell you from here, filth.

>> No.55398950
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No argument only mockery. Yes when you artificially destroy 30% of businesses you get higher prices for lack of supply to match demand. Factories were one of the largest groups hit and thats all your food processing. Meat plants were shut down because of actual covid infections not even just harsh regulations. Farmers had to kill livestock, dump potatoes, pour milk down the drain. Youd be an economic invalid if you werent simply dishonest and arguing in bad faith. I judged your leaning based on that individual post, then I clicked your tag and scrolled up to see muh corpos muh gouging. Youre just an NPC spouting the same garbage as everyone else youve observed and now when confronted with a new argument you can only get angry.

>> No.55398951

I don't know what you smell but your awakening is going to be a rough one. Hold tight.

>> No.55398963
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Also a reduction in business competition explains a large part of any "record profits". More people going through less sources.

>> No.55398974

You are a piece of work. The direct cause of higher food prices was corporate price gouging, period. All the food companies admitted to it in their filings. The conditions that allowed these companies to price-gouge are another topic.

Yeah, it's called price gouging.

>> No.55398985
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>The direct cause of higher food prices was corporate price gouging, period.

>> No.55398990

>The direct cause of higher food prices was corporate price gouging, period. All the food companies admitted to it in their filings.
This is such a bullshit statement. Show me the source or fuck off.

>> No.55398991

It doesn't.
The cost of essentials (food, energy, shelter) go up and they increase wages at the lower end to compensate. Middle class do not see commensurate wage increases and gradually slip into lower class. The rich have enough disposable income and cash flow that they are insulated.
The only people who get fucked is the middle class, which is by design.

>> No.55398995

Ridicule is man's most potent weapon?

>> No.55399004

>they increase wages at the lower end to compensate
Wages barely increase at all, in reality they add shitloads of filler ingredients and diets gradually gravitate toward that of medieval peasantry.

>> No.55399005

Listen to any consumer staples company earnings call.

>> No.55399017

Once Americas shopping malls are repurposed after they collapse the commercial real estate market the new pods will be equipped with greenhouses and bug spawning stations

>> No.55399020

>it's everywhere bro!
>ok provide ONE example
>...just look anywhere!
Hahahahaha no fucking source, imagine my shock.

>> No.55399023

It's only a weapon among cliques. Not against those that don't give a shit about the social standing in a degenerate clique of baggies. The memes are just annoying amd have driven everyone off. Reducing access to liquidity to continue the grifts and scams

You losers never got anon space

>> No.55399027
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Hitchens's razor is an epistemological razor that serves as a general rule for rejecting certain knowledge claims. It states "what can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence." The razor was created by and named after author and journalist Christopher Hitchens (1949–2011).

>> No.55399038

They've increased a lot at the lower end, I remember when I was in high school 10 years ago I made $9 an hour and thought it was good, now people talk about $16 in the same area like it's garbage. No one else has seen their average salaries shoot up 100-120% over that same period of time.
In fact the lower end is the only places wages increase outside of bubbles like CS. Engineering salaries for example have been stagnate for decades. They want to dramatically shrink the middle class.

>> No.55399039

99% of people who have even heard of "Saul Alinsky" are rightwing retards.

>> No.55399047
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>> No.55399053

Take a deep breath, champ.

>> No.55399061
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>Take a deep breath, champ.

>> No.55399065

they don't. you just need to get a pay rise. you thought inflation really was transitory?

>> No.55399069

No argument only mockery.

>> No.55399081

It's beautiful to see how this group of retards is cannibalizing itself the same way they always do. No hope here for non of you

>> No.55399089
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>Make the enemy own up to its own book of rules

>> No.55399103
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Arguing with a communist whos angry because he doesnt consider himself a communist.

>> No.55399108

The end goal is to have only two social classes.

>> No.55399111
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Why are rightwingers so dumb?

>> No.55399113

Sanpaku eyes

>> No.55399116

Except none of that ever happened.

>> No.55399178

>when confronted with a new argument you can only get angry.
thats what the boomers taught me.

>> No.55399214

>When will food prices deflate?
lmao even

>> No.55399394

in 2026 after the kikes planned mass extinction event for the world

>> No.55399397

Literally never
The last year deflation occurred was in the 50s.
Best you can hope for is inflation to go back to 1% a year.

>> No.55399518

Trump literally signed a $2.2T covid bill and set rates to 0, causing the most hyperinflation out of any president in my lifetime. Neither team red or team blue are gonna bring the price down on anything. To do so would strengthen the dollar, which would nuke housing and legacy markets into the abyss, and no president wants to be at the helm when boomer stonks implode. Idk where this idea of hawkish orange man comes from, you voooting fags are impossible to reason with.

>> No.55400344

false! a main driver is corporate profit margins remaining the same or even increasing

prices could also deflate if corporations begin putting people before profit (spoiler, they won't)

>> No.55400346

"the private sector" i.e. "capital" is just another name for satan

>> No.55400349

based ghost-dad making ghost-dad-joke-memes

>> No.55400354

you are simply lying. you are simply saying things that aren't true so you can win an internet argument.

>> No.55400357

>Record breaking profit even adjusted for inflation is just a coincidence goy, it's because of...wages that we had to increase prices 100% in a year!

>> No.55400403
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>The last year deflation occurred was in the 50s.
I feel the situation is nearing its critical point and everything is gonna go supernova. I mean, the middle class is already basically dead. Wages, buying power, and savings have all dumped into hell, while debt, housing, CoL, and consoomer inflation hit ATHs every month now. Canada already has grocery rebates (breadlines) for fucks sake.

>> No.55400452

I've learned to cut out shit I don't need. Ie junk food

>> No.55401154

Deflation will never occur, and I am sorry your mother dropped you on your head.

The end goal is not "deflation." It is target inflation of 2% or so.

The expectation is that the value of the dollar will always go lower, just at a reasonable pace that doesn't cause the poor to revolt.

The value lost is forever lost. Prices won't go down. Just pray they don't go up faster than you can afford.

Now get back to work, wagie.

>> No.55401324

Unironically never

Corps saw what people are willing to spend, doesnt matter wherever resources were actually more expensive or get cheaper in the future, prices will not fall to the old level

>mfw no 3,5€ döner anymore
Life is suffering

>> No.55401869

>businesses that ceased to exist because of covid, its likely staggering. Like 20-30%.
>I can tell that its double digits at least in the first year alone.
>19 pbtid
>2019 bankruptcies - 772,646
>2020 bankruptcies - 764,282
damn bro ur retarded

>> No.55401933

Not happening. You will deflate first, assuming you're currently fat.

>> No.55401944

Please fucking kill yourself. You’re not funny, you’re a liar and a hypocrite. I’m fucking fuming since I never reply so good job on that. You talk about “NPC this and NPC that “gimme the data” “ur wrong I’m right” mannnn fuck off it’s the same stupid shit and you’re an NPC regurgitating that same garbage. Just because you don’t have friends and think you’re funny doesn’t mean you can come post here. Holy fuck get off my board nigger.
To contribute, it’s not going to go down for some time IMO. Maybe stabilize or go up slowly like it has been. Pay attention to oil, banks and 10 year bonds. If you see the 10y go to or above 4% get your gear lol.

>> No.55401979

Never, AND we will be in WW3 by the end of the year

>> No.55402011

Prices won't deflate, retard. Fiat is designed to never deflate, they just want slower inflation of prices, not deflation.